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  • AG ssnl, when are you free? I'm GMT -7, generally afternoons or evenings work best. Would be easiest to play Sunday-Tuesday or next weekend, let me know what works.
    You need to be more specific with your availability then. What times exactly work for you? In terms of my timezone, my Saturday evening between 4 PM - 9 PM or my Sunday between 9 AM - 1 PM would be the easiest. I can make other times work but please let me know specifically when. Your Saturday morning is probably too short notice for it to work though.

    Your saturday evening will probably be the best, i'll be on sometime between 7am - 9am (my time) which should equate to around 4pm - 6pm your time.
    Sounds good, see you then.
    bh ssnl gmt -4
    the second half of this week is very busy for me because I have papers and midterms. Monday afternoon / evening and Tuesday evening are best for me, I might be able to slip some stuff in later in the week but it’s a very small chance, no promises.
    ah rip, didn't realize it was that late for you. Can we try a little earlier like 10am my time? If not, would 6PM my time work?
    6pm your time is probs the best
    kk, 99% chance i'll be there at 6:00pm my time (23ish hours from this post)
    if i'm not there by 6:30pm my time just take win
    uu majors, im gmt+2 available on weekends evenings my time
    lol i work entire weekday pretty much so even if its next week ill be available only friday saturday sunday
    Hm... so when do u want to play on the weekend? Im weekends im roughly available from 2pm onwards your time if u have any (unlikely), weekends I can play in the mornings... can we do that?
    on weekends i can play my evenings because ive got stuff to do before so around like 19:00 until 24:00 is when i can play
    Hey man we got paired for UU Majors, I see from some other posts here that you’re GMT+8, I’m GMT+1 so weekend looks like the only option, how does 8pm your time on Sunday sound?
    I'll right the exact saturday time a bit later
    See you Saturday 5pm
    Hey man I can still play at the time we agreed, but I’ll need you to be on for 5 exactly, or before if you can help it as I have to be somewhere by 6 your time. If you can’t be there for 5 then please pick a time Sunday that’s reasonable for me (10am-9pm GMT+1) and we’ll play then.
    Hello again when do you wanna fight for Balanced Hackmons seasonal? I'm GMT-4
    Gmt+8, uhhhh what are your available times this time?
    Okay, we played G1, I sadly couldn't find u this morning though. So when do u want to play g2 and g3?
    Either somewhere around the weekend or Thursday at around the same time we played G1
    Hey friend, we're playing for AG SSNL. I'm EST and free tomorrow from 7PM onward as well as Wednesday from 7PM and Friday from 6PM. Busy on Saturday, can potentially do Sunday though. Let me know which of these times works best. Lets have some great matches.
    GMT+8, first of all... whawt is your PS! username uwu. Second of all, gmt+8, some of the times u mentioned are very difficult for me... rn, do u have any more times available during your morning?
    13 Reasons Why
    13RW Alt, mornings are usually not possible because of classes. I have classes every day from 10-6 PM. Saturday, I have an exam review session that's basically going to be the whole day. Sunday I should be free for the majority of the day though.
    When would you like to play for BSS masters? I'm gmt-4 can play any day other than wednesday-friday
    Hi, when do you have time for BSS Masters? I'm GMT+2 and prefer evenings to play. Alternatively on the weekend. I'm also Biber on the BSS discord channel
    Yo, UU Open Round 3, I'm Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10) available Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoon. When can you play?
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