The Damned
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  • I've now fixed all the spreadsheet errors, thank you for finding them. I do want to note that the Magnemite and Mareep lines aren't listed as gaining Electroweb as they already learned it (I likely just put them in the distrib post cuz I do that when the move's original distrib is very limited). All the other errors were accurate though, so thanks for helping me fix those up
    (Put this here just to not ping the thread for this but still wanted to let you know)
    heya, just gonna point out that sylv already learns mfire in SS, so no need to add it as a new move
    also tbh ur umb mega is better even tho i like both.
    Sup, don't know what your discord is but just wanted to reiterate that for enigma subs you are not allowed to change abilities that are found on other mons. Say for example: You could change corrosion since its not in gen 6, but could not change stuff like magma armor on a mega cam since non mega mons get the ability and the mod is just buffing mega mons for now. Hope this clarifies it!
    Hey, we’re paired for the CAP 30 Playtest; when do you want to play? I’m free on Weds and Thurs at most times, but if you can’t do those days, I can also do Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (although I prefer not to b/c I have finals on those days). My timezone’s GMT-5
    The Damned
    The Damned
    Yeah, sorry about that direct PM. As I said there, I wasn't on at all yesterday, and then I overslept today after the usual terrible insomnia. Still behind on the project I need to finish, but that will be done by today, so Friday at 1 P.M. my time works for me if it works for you. Thanks.
    Yep, that time works for me! See you tomorrow
    The Damned
    The Damned
    Okay. Going to be on PS starting at 12:50 P.M.--03:50 P.M. your time--under ThatTheDamned.
    For M4A, the plan for my Incin's ability (cam up with it several days ago) was- well, yours but boosting Dark moves. Since you posted first, just wanted to check if you'd be okay with me using this ability.
    psssst tropius is secretly amazing in hoenn gaiden dont tell anyone
    (literally hadn't seen this, its true though)
    If you want to edit your submission for M4A, please just edit your post instead of making a new one.
    Heya, I'm the vote-counter in MfA and just wanted to make sure you knew that you need to let me know when you update your post! I add votes as they come in, and often miss it when people edit their previous posts. Thanks! ^-^
    Hi! I am your opponent for round 3 of CAP.
    What time works best for you?
    The Damned
    The Damned
    It happens. I should be able to be on for more of today even though I ended up having more trouble getting to sleep than usual, so I'm dragging myself out of bed now when I meant to at least try to be up when it was around noon your time. Anyway, I'll be in the UU room whenever you want to demolish me. Cheers.
    The Damned
    The Damned
    I also just realized I still have never asked you PS name given I just assumed it was "Orig Stall Guy", but given that you've gotten two byes by due to non-activity, that seems a bit foolish to presume. Oh well. I'm sure I'll know well enough. If I don't respond immediately when you get on PS, then just assume I'm away from keyboard for a couple of minutes unless I put something else here.
    Orig Stall Guy
    Orig Stall Guy
    I am so sorry. I will be online soon.
    Parents have been eating up all my time this weekend.
    Actually PS name is "Stall Guy"
    Hi, I'm your opponent for Round 2 of the CAP28 Playtest tournament. I'm GMT -7 and I'm available Friday from 7-9 PM and Saturday from 3-9 PM.
    hey, when play for UU alpha thing, - 5 can play from late afternoon Friday and all weekend
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