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  • Hate to break it to you, but Smogon isn't exactly a democracy. You broke one of the rules here or any of the forum-specific rules, and I have to infract you. Besides, the freedom of the press issue is irrelevant when I didn't even modify/delete your post.
    The rule you broke was mentioned in the infraction message. A message board is not a chatroom - nobody wants to read messages with chat abbreviations like "u" instead of "you", etc.
    Sounds firmiliar... ok... but UUWarior asked first so he's going to do it... thanks for offering, I'll make sure that I ask you next, or sometime in the near future.
    hey there im back and im ready to trade i wont back until at least 5 pm my time tommorow i think thats 7 your time right? so yeah ill be busy tommorow but ill try to breed the day after that the week is band camp for me and that takes a lot of the day but i might be able to make some pokes overnight.
    Wow thanks and enjoy the Gligar, you probably wont when you get hit with that Icebeam in SandStorm :/
    Nah it's cool I mean he literally named himself Rocket Boss Giovanni so you shouldn't worry about confusion. I'm online
    Jolly and you dont have to return the Gligar since I can clone myslef. I'll be online shortly. It is kind of disrespectful but I guess we should wait on the boss to return and hear his word on it
    Well most of those members are already Team Rocket members so I wouldnt worry about it too much, and it's not like he's trying to challenge us (I think). But still it's not a problem
    Well I do have one actually except it has Hyper Cutter instead of SandVeil :(. Idk if you need a Hypercutter Gligar on a SandStorm team
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