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  • Users: jc_rcw
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  1. Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

    I don't think the detonator itself warrants more pyro use in comp, I'd much rather have the mobility/damage of the other classes over the gimmick airblasts or occasional kill from pyros popping out of shithouse in blands.
  2. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Vlad is cheap as fuck and you should feel bad. :3
  3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC / CS / CoP Discussion

    Stalker series definitely has some of my favorite video games ever, the atmosphere they create is incredible and no other game ever comes close. I also love the uniqueness of the AI, especially in CoP, where the AI interacts with one another even if you're not present at the location. There are...
  4. Left 4 Dead 2

    I was initially against L4D2 (joined the boycott and all that), but realized how l4d was gonna die and if I wanted to keep playing I'd have to buy it. I don't regret it though, the game is amazing, and has a different vibe to it. I'm having a lot of fun with survival and scavenge for some...
  5. Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer Discussion

    Dohoho competitive shooter with no dedicated servers. I really hope you guys didn't buy it for pc :(
  6. Wyoming Tournament Round 4 (Loser's Round!)

    "message me when you're on" isn't really the answer I was hoping for so I never replied :(.
  7. Team Fortress 2 - The Official Discussion Thread 8 sanviches, bitch. (no hats ;_;)
  8. Cave Story

    My favorite game ever :D Also I played the underside on the earlier betas and was loads of fun, I agree with stoo, you guys will enjoy it too. I don't agree that it is better than cave story however. :( oh yeah
  9. Wyoming Tournament Round 3! (Get your battles done)

    holy fuck I forgot o_o I'll try to get this done fuck sorry.
  10. Tasse du Wyoming autour de 2!

    That rotom is gonna give me nightmares, nothing could hit it ;_; won 2-1 gg man :D
  11. Team Fortress 2 - The Official Discussion Thread

    Ahahaha I'm friends with linuxlover we play a lot together but I didn't know he was working on that mod :o it looks great, specially the moving buildings. Reminds me of a certain someone in their boxes.
  12. The Wyoming Tournament Round 1! (So I lied)

    I won 2-0, the first battle was pretty damn awesome and was really close. Good game Gangstapenguin.
  13. Team Fortress 2 - The Official Discussion Thread

    those types of pyros make you proud but I never run into them, it's always the ones that come around corners flamming away when I'm cloaked and far away from them but still get hit by the flames.
  14. Team Fortress 2 - The Official Discussion Thread

    God pipeline is fucking horrible I try to play it but most of the time I end up leaving the server when the map shows up. I don't know what's wrong with it but it just annoys me and bores me pretty fast. Also I need some hats >:( and jarate chop is impossible to pull off srsly.
  15. Dragonball Z Mafia: SIGN UPS

    revy told me to join help.
  16. Left 4 Dead (50% off this weekend on Steam!)

    Fuck. I was all happy about the 20 dollar deal but it seems it only lasted like 5 minutes at 3 am est :/ I guess I got unlucky.
  17. Left 4 Dead (50% off this weekend on Steam!)

    lol normal, the game is not enjoyable in normal, try playing expert for a challenge. In my opinion expert is the only mode the game should be played in because the other modes are just way too easy :/
  18. Your Top 10 Favourite Video Games of All Time

    Chrono trigger cave story pokemon gsc half-life team fortress 2 stalker shadow of chernobyl with oblivion lost super mario world I don't remember what else :), although dead space was pretty fucking good. Honorable mentions include EVO, Commander Keen, soul blazer, zelda series, and MAGEMAN series.