Tournament 1v1 PL VIII - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

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Art by Gaboswampert

The tiers for 1v1PL VII are
- SV 1v1 Bo7
- SV 1v1
- SV 1v1
- SS 1v1 Bo7
- SS 1v1
- SM 1v1
- ORAS 1v1
- BW 1v1

The teams for 1v1PL VIII are:
:heatran: Hellfire Heatrans - RTM + Nick
:rayquaza-mega: Metro Boomin' Megarays - DEG + DezShizzels
:dragapult: Drive-By Dragapults - bern + SwordIsBored
:barraskewda: Big Baller Barraskewdas - crow crumbs + Nuxl
:hoopa-unbound: Hyperspace Horrors - Felucia + lost heros
:rhyperior: RPS Rhyperiors - Elo Bandit + Murm
:thwackey: Trigger-Happy Thwackeys - DripLegend + RADU
:pancham: Playful Panchams - Kaif + LittEleven

Player signups and retentions will close 24 hours before the auction (in about 2 weeks, time TBD)
PS! Username: ShadowAlpha7
Timezone: GMT-4
Tiers played (Not Binding): Great at gens 1-5
Tiers not played (Binding): newest
Significant time missed: 9-5 weekdays
PS! Username: Jkpkmngaming
Timezone: EST (can't find the number for some reason)
Tiers played (Not Binding):
- SV 1v1
Tiers not played (Binding):
- SV 1v1 Bo7
- SS 1v1 Bo7
- SS 1v1
- SM 1v1
- ORAS 1v1
- BW 1v1
Significant time missed: dont think so
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