2012 USA Election Thread: Obama projected winner

Who are you going to vote for in the 2012 Election?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 221 54.8%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 44 10.9%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 37 9.2%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 85 21.1%
  • Vermin Supreme

    Votes: 11 2.7%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 5 1.2%

  • Total voters
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At this point if Romney won the election, it would be an fucking miracle (well disaster from how you (I) look at it). Romney pretty much outright called 47% of Americans lazy pieces of shit and refuses to even have a civil discourse with them. In Romney's own words "It comes down to that last 5% that decide the vote." I don't know about you, but if I was un-decided someone like that hates almost half of America doesn't seem like a good candidate.

If by some snowball's chance in hell Romney does win, nothing is going to ever get done because an unwavering 47% of Americas will never listen to him at all. You can't do anything with only 53% of the population, even if the president is on your side if the other 47% will never compromise, which he has pretty much set up as a campaign at this point.

Less people were pleased with Obama as time went on, so for a while Romney looked like he might have had a chance...until this (and the past week in general). Putting nails in his own coffin, essentially.
Now we know why he almost never speaks his own opinion.........
Liked to skim the forum to see what's goin' on in my old stomping grounds once in a while. Decided to go out with a bang once and for all...

Our unemployment rate is at 19% and our debt is $16,000,000,000,000 and climbing. Our government won't pass a dang budget they're so irresponsible. To put it in terms you'll understand, shit is happening in the middle east and our ambassador and some other americans got brutally massacred because of it. Our government is covering up the whole dang story up and won't acknowledge their most egregious errors that got those americans killed. Energy costs keep staying at stupid high levels (At least here in Michigan... Dunno about the rest).



Does it matter if a small group of organised extremists attacked an embassy because of some video that was posted two months ago (as the story was told) or if a small group of organised extremists attacked an embassy because of some event that happened 11 years ago (which may or may not be more accurate)?

Both are superficial reasons with a host of underlying causes. Lets deal with the causes rather than why the terrorists say they did it.

No it doesn't. It shouldn't matter. All that should matter is that the Administration botched this up so bad that the Libyan Ambassador himself saw it coming a mile away. The only thing different from this BS and Watergate is that people died and there aren't any calls for the president's head because of this utter failure to protect OUR AMBASSADOR and cover their knowledge of the issue up.
Our unemployment rate is at 19% and our debt is $16,000,000,000,000 and climbing. Our government won't pass a dang budget they're so irresponsible. To put it in terms you'll understand, shit is happening in the middle east and our ambassador and some other americans got brutally massacred because of it. Our government is covering up the whole dang story up and won't acknowledge their most egregious errors that got those americans killed. Energy costs keep staying at stupid high levels (At least here in Michigan... Dunno about the rest).
and whose fault do you think that is j-man? don't ya think the fact the republicans and their puppets control the house and senate contribute to that? how about bush? you can't blame obama for the bill he got charged with and you can't support romney with that shit either when it's his party that's the largest cause of it.

seriously dont even start that shit when Obama's had a positive job creation rate since he took office and he saved the two largest factors of our economy (automotive and banks/stock market) simply because if he didn't, GG America. did i mention im not an obama supporter?

oh and on the subject of the middle east: zionists stick together, nuke together, and die together. you have a president that's trying to at the very least delay world war 3 when romney is the one who's gonna start it.

consider yourself lucky, bro.

edit: ironically this is my 666th post LOL!
Our unemployment rate is at 19% and our debt is $16,000,000,000,000 and climbing. Our government won't pass a dang budget they're so irresponsible. To put it in terms you'll understand, shit is happening in the middle east and our ambassador and some other americans got brutally massacred because of it. Our government is covering up the whole dang story up and won't acknowledge their most egregious errors that got those americans killed. Energy costs keep staying at stupid high levels (At least here in Michigan... Dunno about the rest).

I assume you're smart enough to include the Republican controlled house in the 'Government' blanket you're using here, the same house that refuses to raise taxes despite them being extremely low (which is why no budget is being passed) -- even Reagan and Bush Snr raised taxes when the Debt was spiralling over GDP.

No it doesn't. It shouldn't matter. All that should matter is that the Administration botched this up so bad that the Libyan Ambassador himself saw it coming a mile away. The only thing different from this BS and Watergate is that people died and there aren't any calls for the president's head because of this utter failure to protect OUR AMBASSADOR and cover their knowledge of the issue up.

The utter failure to protect the Ambassador, as you put it, is on the State Department officials who are responsible for this kind of thing; but it's well known that US agencies work together poorly at best -- you just need to look at the post 9/11 review of the CIA to establish that.

The government isn't covering up anything, if they wanted to cover it up they'd have to actually do something to cover the events up; the only thing not being mentioned is the massive counter protests against the Islamist militias responsible for this sort of thing in Libya.
Less people were pleased with Obama as time went on, so for a while Romney looked like he might have had a chance...until this (and the past week in general). Putting nails in his own coffin, essentially.
Now we know why he almost never speaks his own opinion.........

At least he's honest ;/. But yeah, it's pretty funny that he actually said that aloud.

To be honest, I don't think I'd vote because I'm pretty confident that both primary candidates will probably screw up if they're elected and none of the third party candidates appeal to me all that much either.
and whose fault do you think that is j-man? don't ya think the fact the republicans and their puppets control the house and senate contribute to that? how about bush? you can't blame obama for the bill he got charged with and you can't support romney with that shit either when it's his party that's the largest cause of it.

seriously dont even start that shit when Obama's had a positive job creation rate since he took office and he saved the two largest factors of our economy (automotive and banks/stock market) simply because if he didn't, GG America. did i mention im not an obama supporter?

oh and on the subject of the middle east: zionists stick together, nuke together, and die together. you have a president that's trying to at the very least delay world war 3 when romney is the one who's gonna start it.

consider yourself lucky, bro.

edit: ironically this is my 666th post LOL!


positive job creation rate? Obama entered office with (official, aka Class III [j-man was using class 6]) unemployment in the 7% range. three months later it rose above 8% and has not sunk below since. i would call that a negative job creation rate.

republicans control the house and senate? check your facts. republicans do own the house currently, but the senate is majority Democrat (51 to 47, two independent).

We may not be able to blame Obama for the bill he started with - 10.6 trillion dollars in debt surely is a large number - but we can blame him for the difference. Obama increased the national debt by 5.4 trillion dollars. that is not small change.

your claims on the middle east are so unfounded that i refuse to even respond
positive job creation rate? Obama entered office with (official, aka Class III [j-man was using class 6]) unemployment in the 7% range. three months later it rose above 8% and has not sunk below since. i would call that a negative job creation rate.

Ignoring for a moment, the fact that the government is not responsible for creating jobs in a free market (and even government policies have very limited impact).

Jobs have been created during Obama's term, jobs were lost during Bush's combined terms.

We may not be able to blame Obama for the bill he started with - 10.6 trillion dollars in debt surely is a large number - but we can blame him for the difference. Obama increased the national debt by 5.4 trillion dollars. that is not small change.

Obama should've gone on offence when he first took office: raised taxes, slashed subsidies, pulled out of the wars.. but people weren't willing to back those movements for various reasons. The numbers are also a bit misleading; most of that money is going to Bush policy hangovers and most of the revenue not there is due to the Bush tax cuts.

Now you may ask why I bring up Bush, it's for a simple reason, Romney's policies are exactly the same -- cut taxes and somehow revenue is going to magically increase.
Less people were pleased with Obama as time went on, so for a while Romney looked like he might have had a chance...until this (and the past week in general). Putting nails in his own coffin, essentially.
Now we know why he almost never speaks his own opinion.........

If Mitt Romney does not screw up in the debate on Wednesday and goes on the offensive while getting under Obama's skin, this election will be blown wide open again.
Unless you are in the income bracket of 100 000- 200 000, are mormon/conservative christian, have an irrational fear of the colour blue and/or are a business or corporation, I'm legitimately curious on why you would support Romney; it seems one of his main platform is running for corporations and the rich, based on his tax breaks for them. I stopped following the election coverage in America after the Canadian ones ended about a year and half ago, and I'm curious on how such a platform has rallied so much support.

Also whoever is making the tragic death of an ambassador an election issue should really stop it it's annoying to watch from across the border.
If Mitt Romney does not screw up in the debate on Wednesday and goes on the offensive while getting under Obama's skin, this election will be blown wide open again.

Unlikely; there is an extremely low percentage of undecided voters left and most of them are barely-informed and somewhat unlikely to even watch the debates.

http://www.electoral-vote.com/ -- a good source for polling information incidentally.

The only way the GOP is likely to win this is if their voter "identification" legislation (read: voter suppression on the urban poor) isn't struck down in courts, which a lot of it is.
Voter supression what the jesus are you high or something

We fucking NEED voter ID laws, to ensure fair elections. To give just one instance, 160,000 voters in Milwaukee who were registered to vote in 2008 did not turn up in the 2010 census. Now unless there was some sort of mass exodus, i'm 98% sure that this is a case of massive-scale voter fraud, which surely would have been caught by ID law.

Another instance is when approximately 400 felons illegally voted in the state of Minnesota. 400 may not sound like much, but Al Franken won the election by a mere ~300 votes. Another example of potentially game-changing voter fraud.

Now what I don't get is when people say that voter ID laws somehow discriminate against the poor, or are racist. 99% of these simply want some form of picture ID. Who the hell doesn't have one of those? Now pardon my lack of research but i find it hard to believe that the government would not issue photo IDs to claimanats of Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicaid, etc. don't even get me started on the fools who call them racist. Do black people not appear on digital film or something?
We fucking NEED voter ID laws, to ensure fair elections. To give just one instance, 160,000 voters in Milwaukee who were registered to vote in 2008 did not turn up in the 2010 census. Now unless there was some sort of mass exodus, i'm 98% sure that this is a case of massive-scale voter fraud, which surely would have been caught by ID law.

No, you fucking *don't* need voter ID laws, the degree of fraud is absurdly low -- most fraud is by felons voting (why felons don't get to vote after serving their time is also puzzling), and that would be solved by actually keeping voter registries up to date and remove people if they're convicted; but that might require too much logic for the idiots who came up with this shit to handle.

Another instance is when approximately 400 felons illegally voted in the state of Minnesota. 400 may not sound like much, but Al Franken won the election by a mere ~300 votes. Another example of potentially game-changing voter fraud.

Again solved by my first response. Requiring a photo ID wouldn't even prevent this anyway - nothing stops an ex-con getting a drivers license.

Now what I don't get is when people say that voter ID laws somehow discriminate against the poor, or are racist. 99% of these simply want some form of picture ID. Who the hell doesn't have one of those? Now pardon my lack of research but i find it hard to believe that the government would not issue photo IDs to claimanats of Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicaid, etc. don't even get me started on the fools who call them racist. Do black people not appear on digital film or something?

They discriminate heavily against the *urban* poor as I said, the typical form of ID is a drivers license which many people in poor urban areas do not have (not true for poor country folks). You can claim pretty much all that other stuff without a photo -- typically a utility bill, social security number and birth certificate will get you through all of those hoops.

There's a reason the only states pushing these laws are Republican controlled: Republican black vote is near 0%, Republican Latino vote is close to it.
At least he's honest ;/. But yeah, it's pretty funny that he actually said that aloud.

To be honest, I don't think I'd vote because I'm pretty confident that both primary candidates will probably screw up if they're elected and none of the third party candidates appeal to me all that much either.

That doesn't matter, you should vote, otherwise your wasting one of your greatest rights as an American citizen. People who don't vote are a part of the problem.

Also, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about how bad the president is, no matter who gets elected. After all, you didn't even bother to choose.

That doesn't matter, you should vote, otherwise your wasting one of your greatest rights as an American citizen. People who don't vote are a part of the problem.

Also, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about how bad the president is, no matter who gets elected. After all, you didn't even bother to choose.


this philosophy is 100% poppycock. If you're not interested in politics then good sir i applaud and thank you for not voting, because the informed citizen is the only thing that can keep this country from sinking into the depths of hell.
I wanted to pay close attention to the debates like a good informed voter, but I can't deal with Romney's personality.

He keeps interrupting the moderator/Obama, talking over them, ignoring the current topic so he can get the last point, etc. My personal favorite was when he started complaining that Obama got the first word, so he should get the last.

Other than that, Romney's speeches seems to be far more effective at swaying uninformed voters. A lot of what he said seemed to be completely opposite of what he's previously said, already been proven false, or whatever, while remaining effective at saying what the people want. Probably just my internet-informed bias speaking though.
I love how Mitt Romney's voice sounds like Gary Busey.

I'm still waiting for a candidate, Republican or Democrat, to tell me the truth - that they're going to spend 4 years in office trying to put some plans in motion but change is not going to happen immediately like most candidates promise. The fact that every election these people get up and make all these lofty promises for what they're going to fix has just driven me further and further into apathy, because anyone with half a brain knows that most of that stuff isn't going to happen. I know it's bad politics to be honest, but I'm sure the American people would at least respect and appreciate it.
Other than that, Romney's speeches seems to be far more effective at swaying uninformed voters. A lot of what he said seemed to be completely opposite of what he's previously said, already been proven false, or whatever, while remaining effective at saying what the people want. Probably just my internet-informed bias speaking though.

All/most politicians do this(take advantage of uninformed voters) so i can't fault him for that. Though i think Ryan is way worse. He just says whatever his base wants to hear and completely ignores facts.

I'm just watching this because Obama makes Romney look silly.
I love how Mitt Romney's voice sounds like Gary Busey.

I'm still waiting for a candidate, Republican or Democrat, to tell me the truth - that they're going to spend 4 years in office trying to put some plans in motion but change is not going to happen immediately like most candidates promise. The fact that every election these people get up and make all these lofty promises for what they're going to fix has just driven me further and further into apathy, because anyone with half a brain knows that most of that stuff isn't going to happen. I know it's bad politics to be honest, but I'm sure the American people would at least respect and appreciate it.

obama basically did do this in his speech at the DNC where he said he was sure he would fail many times over and that he had failed often in the past; but yeah candidates can't really say anything to this effect because people want confident solutions. ( i think romney has taken that a little too far though.)
I think we should be worried that neither of the two candidates seems to have a grasp of what two minutes is. Romney is being a little too obvious about saying what undecided voters want to hear (I appreciate the mention of the coal industry as a Kentuckian, but it's clearly aimed at Virginia), and Obama's proved to me once again that his speaking off of a teleprompter is decidedly unimpressive (he became frustrated pretty early and noticeably tensed up midway through the economics discussion).
That debate was a joke.

Romney avoided questions, rambled, and I'm fairly certain some of his numbers won't hold up to scrutiny.

Obama rambled while looking like he didn't want to be there, and some of his numbers probably won't hold up to scrutiny either.

Romney probably won on body language, but the fact that people give a damn about how they present rather than their positions on the actual issues is a pretty damning sign for the intelligence of those people.
Let's be real the debate will have little to no influence on the election.

Though I may be underestimating america's propensity to superficially judge people.
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