2013 Winter Friendly

Current rating is 1876 after 66 battles, I'm going to see if I can get up to 1900, but I keep getting paired with shitty players in the 1200-1300 range.
AfroThunderRule said:
Man, just got some dude with 1977 points DCing on me. Hell even the 1450 crowd are staring to DC on me. ;-;

I know, I'm getting 1800s disconnecting on me. Do you get dqed if you get too many d/cs on you?
I know, I'm getting 1800s disconnecting on me. Do you get dqed if you get too many d/cs on you?
According to this article


Yep, if people D/C on you more than against the average person you will be disqualified. :(

(Disconnections) / (Wins + Losses + Disconnections) = Disconnection Rate
For players with a Rating of 1600 or higher:
Excluded from the Rankings if their Disconnection Rate is at least 10 points higher than the overall average across all players.
For players with a Rating of 1599 or lower:
Excluded from the Rankings if their Disconnection Rate is at least 20 points higher than the overall average across all players.
Getting tired of everyone disconnecting on me, so I'll call it good with a 1883 rating at 62 wins, 5 losses, and a lot of disconnects. I really should've done some battles on day two, to get my rating up higher, but whatever.
So to try and combat the seriously large amount of rage quits, i started keeping the names of people who dc'd on me. i finally ran into him and decided to dc on him, only to find out if you do dc, you cant play online for an hour. so if you've been worried about people getting a higher rating after the ragequit because you completely stomped their uberless team, dont be, cause if they rage quit once, they will rage quit again.
Dammit the tournament ended :( I wanted to reach 2000. All well there is always next tournament. My final rating is 1976 with 213 matches.
This so much, I laughed a lot but it's true. Asides from the ranking some really good battles where lost (I love recording my battles)
I hope Nintendo puts a REAL ban in the future

Really annoying battle

Anyway everyone who enjoyed this competition, would you love to train further in rotation with me?
It's so much fun and I don't think we'll get this kind of competition again
Btw Palkia rocks so much and Stall Lugia <3

That battle was with me . . . next time I see that Lugia I'm gonna nuke it from orbit! O_O

I was just trying to get a few more battles before the competition ended and someone decides to have a stall war . . . :p
Well I ended up with 1687, 24-3-9. Was in the middle of a great battle with somebody trying Stalltwo with Screen support.

My team, briefly, was:
Scarf Kyurem-W, the cleaner who swept half the time and got a kill every time.
Twave Groudon, who rocked for Sun support (Brave) and was a nice physical tank.
Sash Shedinja took Dragon and Ice moves, burned everybody, and loved no SR.
Lum Zekrom, the all-purpose physical attacker who took on Ho-oh and Kyogre. Wish I used more HP EVs though.
Rock Gem Aggron, who I had to be extremely careful with but it was fun Head Smashing Arceus and Focus Punching Darkrai.
LO Deoxys-A was deadly when he hit unresisted, and priority was rare for me, but i actually didn't use him much.
Final rating's at 1815 after 38 battles (and about 12 others ending in a disconnection of some kind).

My team (Specs Darkrai, kyogre w/ iron ball, OTR Bronzong, SD Ghost Arceus, sub+white herb Kyurem-W, and level 1 TR Smeargle) did pretty dang well in practice.
1927 points

I wonder how decent is that? Will that get me in the top 100?

Also I should have played at least once or twice yesterday, imma kick myself if something like 5 points separates me from top 100 or something ;-;
Overall this was a fun tournament in spite of my involved with more than 10% disconnects again. Here were all the recorded matches I was involved with as I had at least one uber from each generation and yet there were a few obvious mistakes I made but for the most part they held their ground.


I had a rating of around 1760+ after 42 matches. Some of the disconnects were obviously disappointing as once again both get penalized if one or the other disconnects which I shall once again stress how unfair this is for those that abide by the rules and do their diligence. If you know you're not going to win, at least forfeit and allow your opponent to move on.
It's fine to disconnect on disconnectors. It probably won't negatively affect your disconnection rate, because they would have disconnected. In fact, it might even be preferable to take the disconnect and try for a different battle rather than putting effort into a match where your only choice is to lose.

Tourny was fun, I used an all uber team of Groudon, Ho-oh, Kyurem-W, Zekrom, Mewtwo and Arceus. If I did it again, I'd swap Groudon out for Thundurus, Ho-oh too, and focus less on defensive evs and more on speed.
It's ok to disconnect on disconnectors? Well if you disconnect wouldn't that make you a disconnector too?

I think I'll just stick to what I do best, duking it out till the end. I'd never consider disconnecting, even on a known disconnector.
It's fine to disconnect on disconnectors. It probably won't negatively affect your disconnection rate, because they would have disconnected. In fact, it might even be preferable to take the disconnect and try for a different battle rather than putting effort into a match where your only choice is to lose.

Tourny was fun, I used an all uber team of Groudon, Ho-oh, Kyurem-W, Zekrom, Mewtwo and Arceus. If I did it again, I'd swap Groudon out for Thundurus, Ho-oh too, and focus less on defensive evs and more on speed.

It was a fun tourny. I have no experience in ubers or rotation battles so it felt great to try something new. I wish they announce soon what the battle format will be for the next tourney so I can start thinking of what pokemon I will use for it.
It's ok to disconnect on disconnectors? Well if you disconnect wouldn't that make you a disconnector too?

I think I'll just stick to what I do best, duking it out till the end. I'd never consider disconnecting, even on a known disconnector.

I like how you never dc on anyone even on disconnectors. Thats great practice for an actual live event where disconnections are not permitted. But since this isn't a live event I think people who want to be on top of the tourneys leaderboards must use disconnections to stay on top. Ofcourse there is a limit to how many times you could disconnect because you don't want to get excluded from leaderboards. As soon as the tournaments results come in tell me what place you got. I am confident I will be in the top 50 because of my rating.
Had a grand total of two battles this tourney, because college FTW!

We all know 1st place is mine! D;

(Btw, Magic Room + CS Tail Glow Manaphy = So much win against the very few players I've faced this tourney.)