<__insert clever RMT title here__>

Here's my team. I'm going to outline the team below and then talk about how I was planning on using and what I'm worried about but don't know how to fix.

Physical Sweeper:


Garchomp @ Life Orb
Jolly | Sand Veil
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Fire Fang
~ Swords Dance

Standard Garchomp. Originally I was going to use Stone Edge over Fire Fang but I changed my mind.

Special Sweeper:


Lucario @ Choice Specs
Modest | Inner Focus
4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
~ Aura Sphere
~ Shadow Ball
~ HP Ice
~ Vacuum Wave

Lucario is my favorite pokemon and thus I feel compelled to use it on my team. Fighting-Ghost give it complete type-coverage, HP Ice to kill dragons, and Vacuum Wave to pick off weakened opponents.

Mixed Sweeper:


Infernape @ Expert Belt
Naive | Blaze
24 Atk/252 Sp.Atk/232 Spd
~ Close Combat
~ Flamethrower
~ Grass Knot
~ Nasty Plot

Close Combat one-shots that fat egg and then Infernape can sweep with Nasty Plot. Big deal. Wanna fight about it?

Physical Wall:


Weezing @ Black Sludge
Bold | Levitate
252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp.Atk
~ Fire Blast
~ Thunderbolt
~ Pain Split
~ Will-O-Wisp

I decided to screw Sludge Bomb because Poison as an offensive type offers almost no type coverage. Fire Blast is for Breloom and Heracross, and Thunderbolt is for (do I even need to say this) Gyarados. Conveniently, Weezing also resists Fighting and is immune to Ground, both troublesome types for Lucario.

EDIT: I may actually use Gliscor instead. (Impish, with EQ, AA, Knock Off, and Roost)

Special Wall:


Bronzong @ Leftovers (or if I use Milotic, Lum Berry)
Sassy | Levitate
252 HP/56 Def/200 Sp.Def
~ Hypnosis
~ Gyro Ball
~ Explosion
~ Stealth Rock

I needed a special wall that resisted Psychic and could sleep and set up Stealth Rock. Who else but Bronzong? This would likely be my starter (to set up Stealth Rock or to put someone to sleep). Conveniently, Bronzong resists Ground, Psychic, Flying and can take Surfs from Bulky Waters, all of those major problems for Infernape. It also resists Ice and Dragon, problems for Garchomp.

This is where I get stuck. I will go with either of the two options below but I can't decide which. It's either...



Milotic @ Leftovers
Bold | Marvel Scale
120 HP/252 Def/132 Sp.Atk
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Hypnosis
~ Recover

Can sleep, take hits, OHKO Standard Garchomp, and has access to a one-turn recovery move.




Weavile @ Choice Band
Jolly | Pressure
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Night Slash
~ Pursuit
~ Ice Punch
~ Brick Break

This is protection against Azelf, Starmie, Sceptile, Alakazam, and other Weavile.



I tried to cover my weaknesses well here (still having some trouble though protecting against fast psychics). Garchomp's major weakness is Ice, which is resisted by 4 of my other team members. Fire, which hurts Bronzong, Lucario (and Weavile, if I go that way) is resisted by Infernape, Garchomp, and Milotic (if I go that way). Psychic is resisted by Bronzong and Weavile if I use it.

The idea of this team would be to start with Bronzong to try to set up Stealth Rock or to put one of Garchomp's (or Infernape's) counters to sleep. I would then try to switch to my sweeper of choice (not a pun) and from there play it by ear, switching to appropriate counters/walls when necessary.

Problems I'm Aware of but Don't Know How to Fix:
1. I have no Wish support or Rapid Spin support. At least one of these would be nice.
2. If I use Milotic, and don't have a Weavile of my own, I have a big weakness to Azelf, Starmie, and Alakazam. (Psychic problem)
3. If I use Weavile, and don't have a Milotic, then my team is overall more fragile, having four sweepers and only two defensive pokemon.

Tell me what you think.
Seeing as no one has commented, you must all think my team is perfect. My team is not perfect, so could I please get some feedback/suggestions?
Here's my team. I'm going to outline the team below and then talk about how I was planning on using and what I'm worried about but don't know how to fix.

Physical Sweeper:


Garchomp @ Life Orb
Jolly | Sand Veil
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Stone Edge
~ Swords Dance

Standard Garchomp except that I'm using Stone Edge over Fire Fang. I'd rather have the added type coverage than the ability to hit Skarmory and Bronzong.
I suggest Fire Blast over Stone Edge, Covers more with the other 2 moves!
Special Sweeper:


Lucario @ Choice Specs
Modest | Inner Focus
4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
~ Aura Sphere
~ Shadow Ball
~ HP Ice
~ Vacuum Wave

Lucario is my favorite pokemon and thus I feel compelled to use it on my team. Fighting-Ghost give it complete type-coverage, HP Ice to kill dragons, and Vacuum Wave to pick off weakened opponents.
Looks good, maybe Psychic over Shadow Ball becouse Poison coverage, which you else shouldn't have!
Mixed Sweeper:


Infernape @ Expert Belt
Naive | Blaze
24 Atk/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
~ Close Combat
~ Flamethrower
~ Grass Knot
~ Nasty Plot

Close Combat one-shots that fat egg and then Infernape can sweep with Nasty Plot. Big deal. Wanna fight about it?
No comment.
Physical Wall:


Weezing @ Black Sludge
Bold | Levitate
252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp.Atk
~ Fire Blast
~ Thunderbolt
~ Pain Split
~ Will-O-Wisp

I decided to screw Sludge Bomb because Poison as an offensive type offers almost no type coverage. Fire Blast is for Breloom and Heracross, and Thunderbolt is for (do I even need to say this) Gyarados. Conveniently, Weezing also resists Fighting and is immune to Ground, both troublesome types for Lucario.
Flamethrower over Fire Blast, MUCH better accuraty, which is usefull for a weezing
Special Wall:


Bronzong @ Leftovers (or if I use Milotic, Lum Berry)
Sassy | Levitate
252 HP/56 Def/200 Sp.Def
~ Hypnosis
~ Gyro Ball
~ Earthquake
~ Stealth Rock

I needed a special wall that resisted Psychic and could sleep and set up Stealth Rock. Who else but Bronzong? This would likely be my starter (to set up Stealth Rock or to put someone to sleep). Conveniently, Bronzong resists Ground, Psychic, Flying and can take Surfs from Bulky Waters, all of those major problems for Infernape. It also resists Ice and Dragon, problems for Garchomp.
Skormory could easilly set up against this Bronzong, but it looks okay

This is where I get stuck. I will go with either of the two options below but I can't decide which. It's either...



Milotic @ Leftovers
Bold | Marvel Scale
120 HP/252 Def/132 Sp.Atk
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Hypnosis
~ Recover

Can sleep, take hits, OHKO Standard Garchomp, and has access to a one-turn recovery move.
Good moveset



Weavile @ Choice Band
Jolly | Pressure
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Night Slash
~ Pursuit
~ Ice Punch
~ Brick Break

This is protection against Azelf, Starmie, Sceptile, Alakazam, and other Weavile.
Looks good


I tried to cover my weaknesses well here (still having some trouble though protecting against fast psychics). Garchomp's major weakness is Ice, which is resisted by 4 of my other team members. Fire, which hurts Bronzong, Lucario (and Weavile, if I go that way) is resisted by Infernape, Garchomp, and Milotic (if I go that way). Psychic is resisted by Bronzong and Weavile if I use it.

The idea of this team would be to start with Bronzong to try to set up Stealth Rock or to put one of Garchomp's (or Infernape's) counters to sleep. I would then try to switch to my sweeper of choice (not a pun) and from there play it by ear, switching to appropriate counters/walls when necessary.

Tell me what you think.
I think you should take Milotic over Weavile, since your team is already strong enough offensive, and you need a bulky water IMO!

Anyway, no one reply's becouse the team is really good!!!! Congragulations
I suggest Fire Blast over Stone Edge [on Garchomp], Covers more with the other 2 moves!

It's true, Fire Blast does 2HKO a Skarmory, but so does a Swords Danced Life Orbed Fire Fang, which proves more useful against other pokemon.

Looks good, maybe Psychic over Shadow Ball [on Lucario] becouse Poison coverage, which you else shouldn't have!

I'm not too worried about poison types because I can Earthquake them. As for Weezing (if someone else has it) I can always just beat it down with Choice Specs Shadow Ball from Lucario or a Nasty Plotted Flamethrower from Infernape.

Flamethrower over Fire Blast, MUCH better accuracy, which is useful for a weezing

Unfortunately, Fire Blast is required to 2HKO Heracross; Flamethrower can only 3HKO.

Skarmory could easily set up against this Bronzong, but it looks okay

How does Skarmory "set up", exactly? Swords Dance? Even if someone ran a SD set on Skarm, it's not nearly fast enough to kill anything. Lucario or Infernape could bring it down easily.

I think you should take Milotic over Weavile, since your team is already strong enough offensive, and you need a bulky water IMO!

I agree, a bulky water would be nice, but (just to play devil's advocate) if I use Milotic, what's to stop a Specs Alakazam, a Nasty Plot Azelf, or a Specs Starmie from sweeping me?

Anyway, thanks for your input. Much appreciated!
It's true, Fire Blast does 2HKO a Skarmory, but so does a Swords Danced Life Orbed Fire Fang, which proves more useful against other pokemon.
It's true, but i prefered FB...
I'm not too worried about poison types because I can Earthquake them. As for Weezing (if someone else has it) I can always just beat it down with Choice Specs Shadow Ball from Lucario or a Nasty Plotted Flamethrower from Infernape.
Yup, also your choise, since it has Choise Specs, you won;'t have to much trouble with switching, just a suggestion
Unfortunately, Fire Blast is required to 2HKO Heracross; Flamethrower can only 3HKO.
Only herecross, but If fireblast misses 1, your also 3HKO him... And Flamethrower is just better accuraty=better IMO, but thats just me ;)
How does Skarmory "set up", exactly? Swords Dance? Even if someone ran a SD set on Skarm, it's not nearly fast enough to kill anything. Lucario or Infernape could bring it down easily.
I meant Spikes down...
I agree, a bulky water would be nice, but (just to play devil's advocate) if I use Milotic, what's to stop a Specs Alakazam, a Nasty Plot Azelf, or a Specs Starmie from sweeping me?
Well, Milotic is Bulky enough to survive something, Lucario could handle them with Shadow Ball, and Infernape is strong enough to OHKO those guys too. It's your choise, but i suggest Milotic.
Anyway, thanks for your input. Much appreciated!
It was not a problem,
Milotic is Bulky enough to survive something, Lucario could handle them with Shadow Ball, and Infernape is strong enough to OHKO those guys too. It's your choise, but i suggest Milotic.

Problem is all of those are faster than Infernape and Lucario and will OHKO with Psychic (or Flamethrower in Azelf's case). Milotic will be 2HKOed by all of them (Psychic, Grass Knot, and Thunderbolt, respectively) and cannot OHKO in return (and if Sleep Clause is already activated or if Hypnosis misses...)
...did you mean to put 232 into Infernape's Sp.Atk? I was looking at it and saw that it's IV's totaled up to 528, and thought 'that's not right.' (I've got the same Infernape, lol)

I'd personally pick the Milotic over Weavile for the coverage. You've already got a good physical sweeper in Garchomp and a mixed sweeper in Infernape. Another special style pokemon would be better for your team as far as I can see; I've experienced similar problems with my own team recently and have a couple mixed pokemon on it now.

Looks good though; well done.
actually I meant 232 for speed (thanks for catching that). that gives it enough to still outrun max speed base 105 pokemon and outrun adamant dugtrio.
Here's my team. I'm going to outline the team below and then talk about how I was planning on using and what I'm worried about but don't know how to fix.

Physical Sweeper:


Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Jolly | Sand Veil
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Earthquake
~ Outrage
~ Fire Fang/Stone Edge
~ Swords Dance

Standard Garchomp. Originally I was going to use Stone Edge over Fire Fang but I changed my mind.

Don't lead with Garchomp...Its much more threatening late game when it's counters are gone. Therefore, I suggest Outrage over Dragon Claw late game. Go Fire fang to take care of steels, helped out by the boost of SD. Yache is there to take Ice beam's/Shard's late game and to prevent a stop of a sweep.

Special Sweeper:


Lucario @ Choice Specs
Modest | Inner Focus
4 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Spd
~ Aura Sphere
~ Shadow Ball
~ HP Ice
~ Vacuum Wave

Lucario is my favorite pokemon and thus I feel compelled to use it on my team. Fighting-Ghost give it complete type-coverage, HP Ice to kill dragons, and Vacuum Wave to pick off weakened opponents.


Mixed Sweeper:


Infernape @ Expert Belt
Naive | Blaze
24 Atk/252 Sp.Atk/232 Spd
~ Close Combat
~ Flamethrower
~ Grass Knot
~ Nasty Plot

Close Combat one-shots that fat egg and then Infernape can sweep with Nasty Plot. Big deal. Wanna fight about it?

I would switch the Speed and Sp.Att EV's. Rest looks fine.

Physical Wall:


Weezing @ Black Sludge
Bold | Levitate
252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp.Atk
~ Fire Blast
~ Thunderbolt
~ Pain Split
~ Will-O-Wisp

I decided to screw Sludge Bomb because Poison as an offensive type offers almost no type coverage. Fire Blast is for Breloom and Heracross, and Thunderbolt is for (do I even need to say this) Gyarados. Conveniently, Weezing also resists Fighting and is immune to Ground, both troublesome types for Lucario.

Fine. Think about Gliscor in this slot. It pads up the fighting weakness relatively well, and gets the instant recovery of roost.

Special Wall:


Bronzong @ Leftovers (or if I use Milotic, Lum Berry)
Relaxed | Levitate
252 HP / 152 Atk / 8 Def / 96 SpD
~ Hypnosis
~ Gyro Ball
~ Explosion
~ Stealth Rock

I needed a special wall that resisted Psychic and could sleep and set up Stealth Rock. Who else but Bronzong? This would likely be my starter (to set up Stealth Rock or to put someone to sleep). Conveniently, Bronzong resists Ground, Psychic, Flying and can take Surfs from Bulky Waters, all of those major problems for Infernape. It also resists Ice and Dragon, problems for Garchomp.

Ok. I suggest leading with Bronzong. Gets Stealth rock up quickly, and can sleep incoming sweepers. Sort of a mix'd wall that fits well as a lead. Explosion as a last resort for Gyarados, who you could have problems with if it DD's. You lose one on one to Magnezone anyway, and Heatran as well.

This is where I get stuck. I will go with either of the two options below but I can't decide which. It's either...



Milotic @ Leftovers
Bold | Marvel Scale
120 HP/252 Def/132 Sp.Atk
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Hypnosis
~ Recover

Can sleep, take hits, OHKO Standard Garchomp, and has access to a one-turn recovery move.




Weavile @ Choice Band
Jolly | Pressure
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
~ Night Slash
~ Pursuit
~ Ice Punch
~ Brick Break

This is protection against Azelf, Starmie, Sceptile, Alakazam, and other Weavile.

You need something to take out the special sweepers that threaten your team, such as Alakazam and Gengar. I suggest going with Pursuit Weavile to easily take them out.

If you really unsure of simply revenge killing special sweepers, can always add Blissey to take care of the problem in the last slot. Status is a major pain for this team, so Blissey might be useful as a Natural Curer.
@ bball

1. I wasn't going to use Garchomp as a starter. The reason I had life orb on it was because many of garchomp's counters (if you could call them that) are designed to take 2 hits of un-life-orbed earthquakes, whereas they die with life orb. I'll take into consideration outrage though.

2. Infernape does better with 232 speed because like it can still outrun +speed base 105s as well as adamant dugtrio.

3. I agree that Gliscor would be nice. I may decide to use him instead.

4. I was planning on leading with this. I had Bronzong as sassy with emphasis on special defense because I was lacking a special wall. I had earthquake for magnezone, which I can kill one-on-one with my prior EV-spread. 0 EVs in Bronzong's Attack and Magnezone with 252 HP/4 Def EVs takes approx 60%-80% from Earthquake. On the other hand, Modest Magnezone with 252 Sp.Atk only does approx 35%-40% to Sassy Bronzong with 252 HP/200 Sp.Def.

5. I do think I'm going to go with Weavile over Milotic, because I don't want to get swept by the named Psychic sweepers. I just wish I could have one more tanky pokemone :/
@ bball

1. I wasn't going to use Garchomp as a starter. The reason I had life orb on it was because many of garchomp's counters (if you could call them that) are designed to take 2 hits of un-life-orbed earthquakes, whereas they die with life orb. I'll take into consideration outrage though.

The problem I see with Life orb is the fact that you barely have any defense as is, and Yache could potentially save you from getting swept by say, Starmie?

2. Infernape does better with 232 speed because like it can still outrun +speed base 105s as well as adamant dugtrio.

Not many people run adamant Dugtrio, and I like the max speed for random Choice Scarfers that might think they can outrun you. Your call though.

3. I agree that Gliscor would be nice. I may decide to use him instead.

4. I was planning on leading with this. I had Bronzong as sassy with emphasis on special defense because I was lacking a special wall. I had earthquake for magnezone, which I can kill one-on-one with my prior EV-spread. 0 EVs in Bronzong's Attack and Magnezone with 252 HP/4 Def EVs takes approx 60%-80% from Earthquake. On the other hand, Modest Magnezone with 252 Sp.Atk only does approx 35%-40% to Sassy Bronzong with 252 HP/200 Sp.Def.

You can't kill it one on one. Hit it with EQ, it will Magnet rise, and then you are stuck. Just because Thunderbolt is a 3HKO with your spread doesn't mean you win. Magnet Pull and Magnet Rise ruin Bronzong. The only reason you should consider Earthquake is for Heatran,.

5. I do think I'm going to go with Weavile over Milotic, because I don't want to get swept by the named Psychic sweepers. I just wish I could have one more tanky pokemone :/

Yea Weavile might be better as a Revenge Killer. Just remember though that some of those special sweepers are scarfed.
(For Garchomp) If I use Weavile, I'm not as worried about getting swept by something like Starmie.

(For Bronzong) You're right. I'll replace EQ for Explosion, but I'm still going to go sassy because I need more of a special wall.
(For Garchomp) If I use Weavile, I'm not as worried about getting swept by something like Starmie.

Well, my point was that you can't switch something as frail as Weavile into Starmie or other special sweepers repeatedly. It will require some keen prediction on your part to bring in a pursuiter.