a genius team

This team was originally dw ubers but no one rates there huhhh. Anyway this team is alright, peaked 32. Not gonna post team building section because the amount of team member ive tried is insane. Heres the team.


(M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Grass Knot
- Taunt
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave

One of my favourite leads in ubers (the other being skarmory). Anyway this guy is pretty cool he can comfortably 2hko standard groudon with grass knot. (i get ohko'd but i have sash). Groudon normally uses stealth rock or rock polish first turn so either way he dies and im left with 1 hp or have rocks on my field which isnt that bad. If the opposing lead is darkrai, ill check variation in rank whether to use taunt of twave (noobs will use void first turn while more advanced players use dark pulse for the 2hko). Finally volt switch is for lead forretress after a taunt or just to leave after after a twave and keep momentum. Twave is for all other leads. I try to keep him alive to spread para throughout the game and aid my cannons.

Possible changes:



@ Splash Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- ExtremeSpeed

This guy is pretty cool. After I've figured out their items, or have a fair few paralysed, this guy comes in to sweep (usually one choiced zekrom or kyogre and thundurus). He gets dialga a lot better than water arceus used to which is a huge plus, while also hitting zekrom, reshi, ferro, lugia, rayquaza and ho-oh harder. This guy also works a lot better than water arceus under the sun and with the removal of water arceus, i no longer need rain at all lol, so i don't have to worry about weather as much (sand can still be annoying) i think rain may hamper this team now lol.

Possible changes:

Recover or sub over extremespeed


@ Choice Specs
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Flamethrower

This guy doesnt require much strategy. He is the teams all important electric resist and can take shots aimed at kyogre. Specs meteor will blow massive holes in their team. Dragon pulse is for those annoying subbers. Aura sphere for random crap and flamethrower for predicted steels. This guy used to be specs deoxys a (756 spa along with an 140 bp move and STAB was insanely fun to throw around) but he wasnt bulky enough and no electric resist with 2 weaknesses was not good.

Possible changes:

Ice beam over aura sphere. Support set with phasing as arceus really likes to come in after i have use a meteor and swords dance.


@ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
- Surf
- Substitute

I used this set because no other seemed to fit (tried cro-ogre, specs ogre, scarf ogre, cm ogre). Kyogre is kyogre so he forces a lot of switches, so sub is invalubale. Ice beam is for groudon when sun is up, thunder is for opposing kyogre. Surf is just STAB and hurts coming off his great spa stat under rain. This guy can take care of opposing kyogre particularly well especially with sub up. They use thunder my sub breaks i use thunder chances are they get para and they die. In the unlikely event they dont get para, im pretty sure i survive a thunder from scarf ogre if i was at full health before i subbed, but specs ogre will kill me.

Possible changes:

Scarf ogre, should i replace magikarp with kabutops.


@ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Body Slam
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock

He's not particularly bulky but he resists dragon which is very useful and also helps spread para. Jirachi is a haxlord, no other way to put it. Stealth rock is handy and u turn does quite a bit to mewtwo and darkrai (should they be para). Body slam has a 60% chance to para (it never does :\ but i always get the flinches :D) and iron head in conjunction for the paraflinch combo.

Possible changes:

Ubers specially defensive support set with wish


(M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Hardy Nature
- Bounce
- Flail
- Splash
- Tackle

My late game sweeper. I kill the opponent almost every time, as long as they have 1hp and are paralysed. Bounce is for shedninja, splash is to pp stall.

Possible changes:

Defense evs.

*u can choose to rate my last guy or not cause he's dw exclusive and as i said earlier nobody even goes to dw ubers :\


(M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball

This guy is pretty legendary when he works, which is against any team with blissey, chansey, forretress (hardly any carry volt switch which doesn't really make sense to me) and ferrothorn. Standard atk patterns for the ones stated above are: blissey and chansey stealth rock or toxic first depending on the pokemon i have. If I taunt with thundurus first turn, he will use seismic toss so i volt switch to chandy. He will set up rocks on dialga so ill switch to chandy, he will toxic kyogre, so i will sub first and then switch next turn (they will use seismic toss). Next he will toxic on chandy cause thats the only thing they can do so i sub because im faster. I then proceed to set up 6 calm minds while he can do nothing except set up sr if he has not already done it. Outside rain, he can 3hko chansey and 2hko blissey (not sure wat ev spread they had but this generally happens so im assuming standard set), inside rain i can pp stall both or kill blissey if i can crit once. Ferrothorn will 2hko a sub with power whip so depending on luck i can get a certain amount of cms up (generally 3-4). Forretress will either explode on thundurus after a taunt or use gyro ball, in both cases chandy can take it. I think chandy's sub is 3hko by gyro ball. Should they use volt switch ill switch depending on wat the pokemon is.

Possible changes:

Defense evs to handle ferro better.

Previous team mates:

mixed giratina o, giratina, specs deoxys a, specsmin s, ground arceus (he was actually quite good cant remember y i switched back to water arceus), grass arceus, cm ogre, croogre, scarf ogre, specs ogre, serperior, scizor, specs palkia, blissey boxer palkia, sub claw zekrom, specs reshiram, hurricane volcarona, lugia, skarmory, scarf mewtwo (my fav revenger but he didnt fit), kabutops, kingdra, latios, sub disable gengar (mostly for bulky arceus).


Any unconventional sets are a pain to take care of, especially since i've memorised the atk patterns of most monsters with only 1 normal set (palkia can be a pain, but thundurus handles him quite well, and dialga can survive a spacial rend and then ko with meteor). As strange as this sounds noobs can be hard to take down at times due to total unpredictability of their atks sometimes taking out my key sweepers, but noobs are noobs and its not hard to figure them out after a while.

Banded chomp can also do quite a lot to this team.

Breloom is also an annoyance.

Arceus does a bit to this team especially if he can get a swords off.

Possible replacements for magikarp:

sub claw zekrom, kabutops, specs palkia, magnezone (works like chandy in wifi, not sure how well this will go), mixed giratina o, support giratina o, latios, ground arceus (to replace water arceus).

I'm all done so rate my team and advise on a suitable replacement for chandelure (i wanna try win the wifi ubers badge anyway so i may as well try something new)

Final note: my previous inability to stop ferrothorn has bred a certain hatred for him so the chance that i will be using him is very slim. If u look closely u can see most member of my team will annoy him in some way.
i actually thought this was a decent team until I saw magikarp

i always thought tympole was a better flail-abuser

Serious rate: Groudon > this team
groudon is 2hko by both kyogre and thundurus

and besides tympole wats a good replacement?


made some huge changes (water to ground)

i will also put up some battle logs or videos later