Tournament AAAPL I - Week 1

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Art by Fancy1

> Information Thread<
> Roster <
> Schedule <
> Standings <
> AAA Old Gens Hub (with challenge codes) <

Scheduling should be done on Smogon Profile walls, plain and simple:​
  • If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. Feel free to call activity in this thread beforehand
  • If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a manager may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win.
TL;DR: Post on your opponent's Smogon wall, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you can't play for any reason, let your manager know so they can sub you out ASAP.​
Use these posts as a place to initiate discussion about bo1 or bo3 as well (or bo5 if you're insane like that)!

Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to the Almost Any Ability Premier League will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the OMPL host/OM mods. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception. This rule is meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament.​
All players must complete their matches by the given deadline. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to an activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S WALL); otherwise, it will be a deadgame. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMPL with) to avoid confusion and all match replays must be saved and posted in this thread.​

Substitutions & Lineups
Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and all of the hosts (Isaiah). This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.​
Managers, when you send in lineups, please send it in with the tier and Smogon username of each player fully written out for ease of transcription, following these guidelines exactly.​


:Ceruledge: vs :Charizard:
Cherry Pit Ceruledges (3) vs (3) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Concept Everything
SV: Kaif vs ojr
2AC: Taka vs Atha
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux
SM: db vs The Number Man
ORAS: crow crumbs vs PociekMociek

:Psyduck: vs :Honchkrow:
Psycho Psyducks (3) vs (3) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen

:Salamence: vs :Corviknight:
Smashing Salamences (5) vs (1) Well-Baked Corviknights
SV: pichus vs temp
SV: Hera vs pannu
2AC: BugGoBrrrrrr vs RoFnA
SS: abriel vs Don Vascus
SM: Kinetic1000 vs shiloh
ORAS: Cao Jie vs MZ

10:00 PM (GMT -4) on August 20th, 2023

Cherry Pit Ceruledges (0) vs (0) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Ivar57
SV: Kaif vs ojr
2AC: Taka vs Atha
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux
SM: db vs The Number Man
ORAS: crow crumbs vs PociekMociek

Psycho Psyducks (0) vs (0) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen

Smashing Salamences (0) vs (0) Well-Baked Corviknights
SV: pichus vs temp
SV: Hera vs pannu
2AC: BugGoBrrrrrr vs RoFnA
SS: abriel vs Don Vascus
SM: Kinetic1000 vs shiloh
ORAS: Cao Jie vs MZ
Last edited:
90 second predicts WOOOOOO AAAPL WOOOOOO

Cherry Pit Ceruledges (1) vs (5) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Ivar57
SV: Kaif vs ojr
2AC: Taka vs Atha
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux
SM: db vs The Number Man
ORAS: crow crumbs vs PociekMociek

Psycho Psyducks (3) vs (3) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen

Smashing Salamences (2) vs (4) Well-Baked Corviknights
SV: pichus vs temp
SV: Hera vs pannu
2AC: BugGoBrrrrrr vs RoFnA
SS: abriel vs Don Vascus
SM: Kinetic1000 vs shiloh
ORAS: Cao Jie vs MZ
Cherry Pit Ceruledges (2) vs (4) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Ivar57
SV: Kaif vs ojr
2AC: Taka vs Atha
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux
SM: db vs The Number Man
ORAS: crow crumb vs PociekMociek: bring smt that loses to ph manaphy ty

Psycho Psyducks (3) vs (3) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire: never seen scar actually play aaa so idk there skill
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen

Smashing Salamences
(6) vs (0) Well-Baked Corviknights
SV: pichus vs temp
SV: Hera vs pannu
2AC: BugGoBrrrrrr vs RoFnA
SS: abriel vs Don Vascus
SM: Kinetic1000 vs shiloh
ORAS: Cao Jie vs MZ

Some of these are definitely biased so take that as u will
10 minute predicts

Cherry Pit Ceruledges (2) vs (4) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Ivar57
SV: Kaif vs ojr
2AC: Taka vs Atha
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux
SM: db vs The Number Man: great mu i can see going either way, im relatively confident in my tnm predict but it's going to be a great fight
ORAS: crow crumbs vs PociekMociek (someone lose to pheal manaphy)

Psycho Psyducks (3) vs (3) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire:
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum: i really can't call this one. crows obviously have greybaum playing, with both lordbox and career as fantastic league-defining builders. psyducks have a worse draft overall, but they have numbers along with some amazing cooks that can make something great for TTTech who is a fantastic player in his own right. i'm leaning towards Greybaum right now
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy: QT is broken but so is Andy, another one i can see going both ways. not as much to say about this one, it's going to be a great match
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen
Cherry Pit Ceruledges (3) vs (3) Charming Charizzards
SV: Potatochan vs Ivar57 - Ivar is obviously more experienced, and he's in a good team that would probably motivate him to build and play, but I could see Potatochan getting the upset W1 and put Ivar in 0-1 already
SV: Kaif vs ojr - both pretty strong players in-game with low experience in AAA, ojr started to learn the meta a bit but I feel like he might lack experience for his first true AAA game
2AC: Taka vs Atha - don't let me down. Also, Atha in a format so building-reliant is probably one of the hardest opponents
SS: zioziotrip vs PandaDoux - probably one of the HL of the week between the winner of the last SS AAA Seasonal and one of the strongest SS AAA players. Panda has obviously played more and he got strong support too but his style might be a bit predictable and with a good prep zio can take the win here
SM: db vs The Number Man - TNM is just better ngl
ORAS: crow crumbs vs PociekMociek - I don't know the opponent and Placu has played ORAS AAA, so I would favor him.

Psycho Psyducks (2) vs (4) Head Honchkrows
SV: Dragonillis vs Scarfire - I don't know Scarfire but Psyducks got relatively low support and I can't say Dragonillis' teams are the teams I like the most. On the other hand, Scarfire got 2 excellent builders as managers, and even hayedenn if needed, and I expect them to be good in-game. If they're able to learn the meta quickly, they can definitely beat Dragonillis
SV: Tranquility vs Sylvi - I don't really know Tranquility's level in game, but I'd rate Sylvi above and once again, they would lack team supports in other teams but LordBox + Career support is too valuable here
2AC: TTTech vs Greybaum - I think Greybaum is a better player (outside of BH) and he got excellent support for 2AC, more needed than ever.
SS: Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ vs hayedenn - first and last win of the season for hayedenn, but if they don't choke they are better than Maybca, and their teams are more solid too
SM: Quantum Tesseract vs Andyboy - probably THE HL of the week is Andyboy is as cracked in old gens AAA as I've been told. Not an expert of SM, and I don't know the level of the two players in the tier, so I'll put a coin on QT but this could def go either ways
ORAS: Ainzcrad vs Lasen - apparently Ainzcrad is cracked in ORAS and atha wanted him for that. Lasen isn't bad though, and the meta is so broken that anything could happen

Smashing Salamences (3) vs (3) Well-Baked Corviknights
SV: pichus vs temp - pichus is just better + has played the tier
SV: Hera vs pannu - a bit surprised to see Hera play in SV as I think he's better in SS ? but he's a fine AAA player and if he doesn't meme with some Table Stall, I think he's above pannu who's also a bit out of form atm (u suck babe)
2AC: BugGoBrrrrrr vs RoFnA - not the most exciting pairing in 2AC as I don't feel they're both excellent builders and both teams don't have cracked builders either, but I hope they surprise us ! I think RoFnA is slightly above in game, but a good prep of Bug could lead them to victory
SS: abriel vs Don Vascus - Don Vascus is a relatively good AAA player but he doesn't play Tours often so I'm happy to see them here, however abriel is probably a better player (although he had to luck me in SS OM Tour..), interesting pairing
SM: Kinetic1000 vs shiloh - hm yeah, sounds like a sacrifice, sorry Kinetic lol
ORAS: Cao Jie vs MZ - same, as long as MZ doesn't bring a shitty team (could just bring a sample tbh)
won gg

In the whimsical land of Animville, a peaceful village nestled between rolling hills and lush meadows, two distinct social classes coexisted: the hardworking proletariat animals and the opulent bourgeoisie creatures, meow~!
The grand bakery, owned by the wealthy and ostentatious Well-Baked Corviknight, stood at the heart of Animville, meow~! Well-Baked Corviknight was a haughty and arrogant creature who believed in the supremacy of the bourgeoisie, meow~! He used his bakery to flaunt his riches, offering extravagant pastries to his fellow bourgeoisie animals while turning away the proletariat with disdain, meow~!
Among the proletariat animals was a determined and resourceful pig named Peppa Pig, meow~! Despite her humble background, Peppa Pig had a fiery spirit and an unwavering belief in equality and justice, meow~! She worked tirelessly as a farmer to support her family, all the while harboring dreams of a fairer Animville, meow~!
One day, a wave of frustration swept through Animville as the divide between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie grew ever wider, meow~! Peppa Pig had had enough, meow~! Inspired by her dreams of equality, she embarked on a journey to challenge the bourgeoisie's dominance, starting with the infamous Well-Baked Corviknight, meow~!
Peppa Pig's journey wasn't easy, but her perseverance carried her forward, meow~! She honed her skills, learning from fellow animals, gathering allies among the proletariat, and becoming a symbol of hope for those who longed for change, meow~! Along the way, Peppa Pig learned the art of baking, turning her natural talent into a potent weapon for her cause, meow~!
With her newfound skills and a group of loyal friends, Peppa Pig devised a plan to confront Well-Baked Corviknight, meow~! She organized a baking competition, where the true worth of a pastry would be determined by taste and quality, rather than ostentation, meow~! Rumors of the event spread like wildfire, igniting hope in the hearts of the proletariat and unsettling the bourgeoisie, meow~!
The day of the competition arrived, and Animville's central square was abuzz with anticipation, meow~! Tables laden with pastries stood ready for judgment, meow~! As the panel of judges, comprising a mix of bourgeoisie and proletariat animals, tasted the offerings, it became clear that Peppa Pig's creations were a class of their own, meow~!
The bourgeoisie pastries, though visually extravagant, lacked flavor and soul, while Peppa Pig's simple yet hearty treats resonated deeply with the judges, meow~! The atmosphere shifted, and the tide of change was palpable, meow~! Even Well-Baked Corviknight's confidence started to waver as the proletariat pastries gained favor, meow~!
In the end, Peppa Pig emerged victorious, not just in the competition, but in challenging the bourgeoisie's ideology, meow~! The judges' decision symbolized a turning point in Animville's history, a step towards a more equitable future, meow~! The defeat humbled Well-Baked Corviknight, who recognized the importance of unity and fairness, meow~!
As time passed, Animville transformed into a place where the proletariat and bourgeoisie began to bridge the gap, meow~! The grand bakery, once a symbol of inequality, transformed into a communal space where animals from all walks of life could gather, share stories, and enjoy pastries that truly represented the spirit of Animville, meow~!
Peppa Pig's triumph over the bourgeoisie Well-Baked Corviknight became a legend, passed down through generations as a reminder that determination, unity, and the pursuit of justice can overthrow even the most entrenched social hierarchies, meow~! And thus, Animville became a place where all animals, regardless of their backgrounds, could live together in harmony, meow~!

shoutouts to the omfl winpost hayedenn made that inspired me to ask chatgpt for one
won gg

In the whimsical land of Animville, a peaceful village nestled between rolling hills and lush meadows, two distinct social classes coexisted: the hardworking proletariat animals and the opulent bourgeoisie creatures, meow~!
The grand bakery, owned by the wealthy and ostentatious Well-Baked Corviknight, stood at the heart of Animville, meow~! Well-Baked Corviknight was a haughty and arrogant creature who believed in the supremacy of the bourgeoisie, meow~! He used his bakery to flaunt his riches, offering extravagant pastries to his fellow bourgeoisie animals while turning away the proletariat with disdain, meow~!
Among the proletariat animals was a determined and resourceful pig named Peppa Pig, meow~! Despite her humble background, Peppa Pig had a fiery spirit and an unwavering belief in equality and justice, meow~! She worked tirelessly as a farmer to support her family, all the while harboring dreams of a fairer Animville, meow~!
One day, a wave of frustration swept through Animville as the divide between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie grew ever wider, meow~! Peppa Pig had had enough, meow~! Inspired by her dreams of equality, she embarked on a journey to challenge the bourgeoisie's dominance, starting with the infamous Well-Baked Corviknight, meow~!
Peppa Pig's journey wasn't easy, but her perseverance carried her forward, meow~! She honed her skills, learning from fellow animals, gathering allies among the proletariat, and becoming a symbol of hope for those who longed for change, meow~! Along the way, Peppa Pig learned the art of baking, turning her natural talent into a potent weapon for her cause, meow~!
With her newfound skills and a group of loyal friends, Peppa Pig devised a plan to confront Well-Baked Corviknight, meow~! She organized a baking competition, where the true worth of a pastry would be determined by taste and quality, rather than ostentation, meow~! Rumors of the event spread like wildfire, igniting hope in the hearts of the proletariat and unsettling the bourgeoisie, meow~!
The day of the competition arrived, and Animville's central square was abuzz with anticipation, meow~! Tables laden with pastries stood ready for judgment, meow~! As the panel of judges, comprising a mix of bourgeoisie and proletariat animals, tasted the offerings, it became clear that Peppa Pig's creations were a class of their own, meow~!
The bourgeoisie pastries, though visually extravagant, lacked flavor and soul, while Peppa Pig's simple yet hearty treats resonated deeply with the judges, meow~! The atmosphere shifted, and the tide of change was palpable, meow~! Even Well-Baked Corviknight's confidence started to waver as the proletariat pastries gained favor, meow~!
In the end, Peppa Pig emerged victorious, not just in the competition, but in challenging the bourgeoisie's ideology, meow~! The judges' decision symbolized a turning point in Animville's history, a step towards a more equitable future, meow~! The defeat humbled Well-Baked Corviknight, who recognized the importance of unity and fairness, meow~!
As time passed, Animville transformed into a place where the proletariat and bourgeoisie began to bridge the gap, meow~! The grand bakery, once a symbol of inequality, transformed into a communal space where animals from all walks of life could gather, share stories, and enjoy pastries that truly represented the spirit of Animville, meow~!
Peppa Pig's triumph over the bourgeoisie Well-Baked Corviknight became a legend, passed down through generations as a reminder that determination, unity, and the pursuit of justice can overthrow even the most entrenched social hierarchies, meow~! And thus, Animville became a place where all animals, regardless of their backgrounds, could live together in harmony, meow~!

shoutouts to the omfl winpost hayedenn made that inspired me to ask chatgpt for one
the win wasnt worth having to read this
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