Approved Add ability to load sample sets from smogon for Natdex AG


I'm free, so unexpectedly
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In the first of these pictures, I have put a Ferrothorn in the builder in an OU team, and sets are recommended for it. In the second, I’ve put a Ferrothorn in the builder in a national dex AG team, but no sets appear, even though there’s a Ferrothorn analysis on Smogon for it (I know this for a fact because I wrote the analysis). I‘d greatly appreciate it if the ability to autoload sets were expanded to Natdex AG, since it appears that almost all the other tiers (Including Natdex OU) have this feature as well. Thanks!
My sets package already supports gen8nationaldex and gen8nationaldexag, though gen8nationaldexag only contains usage stats based sets right now (which the Pokemon Showdown client chooses to ignore) as Smogon does not use the correct format identifier for National Dex AG. The correct fix is for Smogon's dex to use the correct format identifier but I doubt that will happen, so if someone wants to add mapping logic to the sets importer to workaround Smogon's idiosyncrasies I'd merge it.