thanks to Pissog for the banner
Signups | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Semifinals | Finals
Information about the LC Classic, including playoff qualification and Circuit points, can be found here.
Resources for ADV LC can be found here.
- Standard ADV LC
- Single Elimination
- All rounds will be first to two wins; you may switch teams in between games.
- Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round.
- You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules.
- VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
- In order to encourage development of the Little Cup oldgen metagames and higher quality games overall, replays will be mandatory. If neither player posts replays, the match will be coinflipped.
SOMALIA vs reggg
Kaboom vs Heysup
Taka vs Squeeby
SN Cafe Vanilla vs feen
MOHAMEDALL vs PolloAriosto
Bag of Trixx vs glowbrogang
Corckscrew vs Kingler
Stecolomaxx vs Magician
Lialiabeast vs R E Z
SpoiledBerries vs carlosrhv
naere vs Trout In Space
kythr vs Magicalarcher57
Quinn vs MadMaxo
GoDunsparce.Nic vs bodi
Zelph vs Éric
PigWarrior19 vs Colin
Shing vs yellowfin
Kipkluif vs Sato07
BlackKnight_Gawain vs RoyalReloaded
Celdanami vs rarre
genisu vs des121
Nashrock vs Hubriz
Tanorasa vs fitzy72
CMDoge vs Alder ST
STarsAma vs StardustDragon123
Elfuseon vs aurora
gali vs Zcarlett
teamo vs Arcanine1929
Bored713 vs Trade
seroo vs tarotparrot
zeroouttathere vs zben
Substitutes: (rip)
grape tylenol
The deadline to enter as a substitute is Wednesday, April 17th at 10:00 PM GMT-4.
The deadline to complete matches for this round is Sunday, April 21st at 10:00 PM GMT-4.
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