don't really agree with swapping cune and pert. cune is far more dangerous because it has no true counter and is extremely versatile; offensive cmroar, subcm, hp elec, crocune, stalkroar, subroarcm, etc. are all viable varients and each have individual counters which make it so deadly; scouting is crucial, and even then it may still fuck you if you conceal your moves well. pert is a better pivot due to the rock resist; however, being spikes bait (hydro still doesn't 2hko forre and u know it misses a shitton) is a major con along with the fact that pert is far more susceptible to toxic status unless resttalk but then it's even more spikesbait!!! pert also loses to hp grass meta and it doesn't have to boom :( of course, pert is far better against physical offense teams where it thrives by checking ttar aero mence and co much better, but i don't think that justifies the swap with cune.
i'd personally swap meta and dug on the list. duggy is so deadly and can typically trap one pokemon on almost every adv team, even stall (celebi), and some stalls even rely on adamant duggy for the crocune check lol. BUT, dug is, as stated previously, ridiculously inconsistent and at times it's sorta a do nothing mon besides switching into a resttalk roar zapdos's tbolt and forcing it to switch by threatening the rock slide or like being faster than gar. meta is a super consistent pokemon. vs almost any team it can net a kill with boom unless you stupidly boom into a gar, and it combines being an awesome physical attacker check with having a lot of offensive prowess. if u get duggy'd, u either killed a mon already or were outplayed and should have played differently. it's probably my favorite mon to use just because it has a lot of utility in the myriad of shit it checks (snorlax, aero, ttar, mence, gar, bliss, jira, regice, some celebi, etc) while being hard to stop completely: skarm can fall to a mixed set or repeated band mashes if u get an atk boost, zapdos hates band too, swampert can be hp grass'd, etc. of course, u can't run all those moves simultaneously, but the fact that u can avoid certain mons from walling you depending on ur team is great.
if u train ur meta like
Golden Sun u will win lots of games too. his magic meta ftw