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for paradox mons it would be cool if we could find them by the "base" pokemon, so aliases such as "donphanpast" for Great Tusk and "donphanfuture" for Iron Treads
Mira -> miraidon
Kora -> koraidon
pop bomb -> population bomb
drive -> quark drive
pao -> chein pao
tusk -> great tusk
threads -> iron threads
for future pokemon, maybe typing the word after iron like hands for iron hands or jugulis for iron jugulis
Clod ->clodsire
Belli -> bellibolt (currently shows tauros bc alias for 'bull')
And unironically, chomper -> garchomp (whom here i would go); yes it still shows up but it would be nice to not see the "No Pokémon, item, move, ability was found"
wildbolt --> wildbolt storm, bleakwind --> bleakwind storm, sandsear --> sandsear storm (maybe ok to skip bc its close to pansear), springtide --> springtide storm
Currently, the only way to dt Basculin-White-Striped is by typing the entire name. Since Basculin-Blue is short for Basculin-Blue-Striped, it would make sense if Basculin-White were short for Basculin-White-Striped.