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All Official B101 Pairing Records

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Assigned to Éric

Username: glowbrogang
PS! Username: glowbrogang
Signup Format: SV LC
Your timezone: gmt -4
Usual Hours of Availability: sometime after 3
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Starting 2 years ago, though I was a casual so didn't play too much competetively, I then had lackluster experiences in LC tours. Next, I joined LPL (smaller teamtour) and did decently with a 2-2 record. Then, I joined LCSL and beat Baloor into losing to Bovine Ghoti. Now I am looking to expand my horizons and learn from the greatest. (also undefeated vs hacker so thats nice)
Are you able to use Discord?: yes (glowbrogang)
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Assigned to Frixel

Username: trelloant
PS! Username: trelloant
Signup Format: SV DOU / ORAS DOU
Your timezone: us est gmt-4
Usual Hours of Availability: 6pm+ mon-fri open weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have played mons on and off for the last 7 years and got back into it about 3 weeks ago. I've mainly played DOU and have plateau'd at 1500 on the ladder every gen since 7. I've never been able to make it with my own teams, example I used the kyruem veil team this gen, and want to learn how to build real competitive teams. I feel like I understand the basics of mons but not the nitty gritty. Played in a few tournaments over the years but never did anything special(except hax miltankman out of competitve mons) and want to change this. Need some help breaking through my ceiling to get some smogon street cred.

update: i have been improving but i am still a ways away.

Are you able to use Discord?: yes
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Assigned to peap

PS! Username: Slash Death
Signup Format: Gen 9 Natdex OU
Your timezone: PDT(GMT-7)
Usual Hours of Availability: on weekdays 7 pm through 10 pm, on weekends, 3 pm through 12 am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Ever since gen 9 released, I wanted to start getting really good at the game and have been improving however I feel like I'm now stuck at a brick wall. I find myself only being very good at climbing ladder but never get far in national dex smogon tournaments/seasonals and it feels demotivating. I'm hoping that I can improve more on my plays, learn more about playstyles, and start getting far in natdex tours
Are you able to use Discord?: Slash Death(slashdeath)
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Assigned to Éric

Username: matherumaderu
PS! Username: matheru
Signup Format: SV LC
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability: I am available in the afternoon, -3 GMT, on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I am only available in the evening, and Saturdays depend on the day; I am available.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitive Pokémon at the beginning of the year. I had been playing Smogon's random battles for a while and some matches in higher ladders, but I've also participated in a few tournaments. However, I haven't performed well in them. I'm noticing my mistakes and experimenting with different strategies to correct them.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes, matherumaderu
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Assigned to dawn to the dusk

你的Smogon ID:Darker123456
想报名学习的分级:gen5 ou gen6 ou
通常空闲的时间:下午大部分时间 或者 晚上10点左右
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Assigned to valuez

你的Smogon ID:VinGC雨舞
想报名学习的分级:gen7 ou
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Assigned to Stories

Username: PowerOfMemes
PS! Username: PowerOfMemes
Signup Format: SS NU (preferably. If not, SV NU works too.
Your timezone: GMT-6
Usual Hours of Availability: 3-6 PM weekdays (due to summer, most of the time I'll be free now), anytime on weekends depending
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started with silly strategies in NatDex but fell in love with SS NU. I played the for the rest of the gen. Now, I try to be better and have had moments of which I’m proud of, but I feel as if I could get a stronger grasp on the tier with some help.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Clyde

Username: GustavoR
PS! Username: gr1997
Signup Format: SV RU
Your timezone: GMT -4
Usual Hours of Availability: Afternoons after work (clock out at 5:30 PM my timezone) and weekends all day. Will let know with anticipation if I can't make it one day.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started to play seriously around Gen 7, but between college and now work I barely play anymore. Since I wanna get back into mons and one of my favs seems to be pretty good in RU (big bad Blastoise) I'd love to learn the tier and Shell Smash with the turtle. Plus, this tier also has a lot of mons I really enjoy and used in the past (albeit in OMs like STABmons and Mix and Mega) like Ape, Mence and Gengar:]
Are you able to use Discord?: Yessir. gr1997#5796
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Assigned to leng loi

Username: recti
PS! Username: recti
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone:-4 for now, changes with dst
Usual Hours of Availability:4pm-6pm on weekdays and 8am-1pm and after a short break 2pm-6pm on weekends/days off
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I played 1v1 and did 1v1 World Cup and stuff, I think that format doesn't quite suit me so I want to learn OU. I'm a decent mons player overall and would like to improve and main OU.
Are you able to use Discord?: yep rectilinear_proportion
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Assigned to Lily

Username: polt
PS! Username: p0lt
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: -7
Usual Hours of Availability: 12pm-6pm weekdays, anytime on weekend
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've always been an AG main but I decided to switch to OU since I don't enjoy SV AG. I've played in quite a few AG tours (AGPL IV/V, AG Snake II/III) and I'd like to get into some OU tours. I mainly want to work on my teambuilding as I think the builder is where I struggle the most.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes: polt99
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Assigned to Hiko

Returned: 08/28/2024

Username: EeveeWillEatYou
PS! Username: EeveeWillEatYou
Your timezone: CET (gmt+1)
Usual Hours of Availability: 3-6pm my time for weekdays, depends on the day, large variation during weekends. Overall pretty flexible as long as we schedule.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I played showdown for a while on and off since mid gen 8, mainly focusing on OU. In general like playing bulkier wittle down playstyles, so Semi-Stall to Bulky Offence, but i have also played quite a lot of offence In general i have always felt like my improvment as been quite poor in both playing and teambuilding and gone i have felt like im missing something. I think some proper coaching would help that greatly and allow me to really improve my overall skills. I am very eager to learn, and happy to VC, but wont always be able to because of room conditions. My all time peak is 1600, which i got by using a semi stall team and getting quite a lot of training from the stallcord, and i dont think i could replicate that with another team. :hydrapple:
Are you able to use Discord?: EeveeWillEatYou
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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Assigned to Kustavan

Username: Monai
PS! Username: Monai
Signup Format: SM
Your timezone: GTM -4
Usual Hours of Availability:
5 to 10pm, whenever weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been on smogon quite a while now, and started towards tail end of sm ou. At the time I had an ok grasp of the tier but its become something entirely new and I want to relearn it. I have plenty of competitive experience so could probably get into the more advanced stuff of the tier quickly.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Bella

Username: corvere
PS! Username: corvere
Signup Format: sv pu
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability: 9pm onwards weekdays; always free weekend
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I tried to learn PU for the puwc and I liked the tier a lot. I want to give it a try again. I've been playing mons consistently since 2020 and I want to get better on a lot of tiers across-the-board.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
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Assigned to dawn to the dusk for BW OU

Signup Format:BW OU
Your Timezone:GMT+8
Usually Hours of Availability:早上十点到晚上十点
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive:打过g56789和9nd,除了9以外都上过k6,彩笔一个技术有待打磨
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Assigned to RoyalReloaded

Username: BugCatcherBoat
PS! Username: bugcatcherboat
Signup Format: SV Monotype
Your timezone: EST (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: Nights 8pm-5a
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've only competed in RBY tiers, mostly OU and NU. I have a lot of matches doing RBY random ladders as well. I am generally familiar with all RBY tiers and a little bit of GSC OU. I am pretty familiar with the first five gens of pokemon from casual play and I'm willing to learn about the newer gens as well.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, Bellhousebob
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Assigned to Bella

Username: RyuSnow
PS! Username: RyuSnow
Signup Format: SV PU
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability: any time of the weekend
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): my first contact with smogon was on a Brazilian teamtour (ptpl) I only played one PU game because I was on the bench after a bad score in ru, I won the game, and I loved the tier, I started playing more and qualified for the pult playoffs, however I lost in the first round.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes.
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Assigned to phosphor

Username: Zcarlett
PS! Username: Zcarlett
Signup Format: GSC OU, ADV OU
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: Anytime after 5pm GMT-4 on Weekdays, free all day weekends w prior warning.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Over the past year or two, I have played ADV OU and GSC OU both on ladder and in tournaments fairly extensively, if on and off. I played in Mushi League in Season 12, 13, and 15. I have played in both for other tournaments like the Global Championships. As of late, I feel like I have plateaued in terms of my ability to play these 2 tiers in particular. I also have played a lot of other tiers, namely LC and its old gen counterparts.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, disc is Zcarlett
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Assigned to Monai for BW OU

Username: JesusGameplays2
PS! Username: JesusGP
Signup Format: DPP OU, BW OU
Your timezone: -4
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays after 4:00pm and weekends after 12:00pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing seriously 1 year ago, I play mainly RU and LC, I've played ladder tours, ru,nu,lc open, uubers kick off, otherwise I've played room tournaments, randbat tours, and play ladder
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, jesusgameplays2
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

Username: LuBiStar2
PS! Username: LuBiStar20
Signup Format: SVDOU
Your timezone: -7 GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: ~3pm to 9pm weekdays, 1pm to 9pm weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I’ve been playing competitive DOU since november 2022 (which is about when I joined the official server.) I’ve played in multiple tournaments, including OSDT, Doubles Seasonal, and more! I have played Oldgens DOU and National Dex Doubles if that’s relevant. I have 2,000 games in Gen9 Doubles Overused alone, but I definitely know I have more to learn :3
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes!
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

Username: Genesis77
PS! Username: Genesis77
Signup Format: SVDOU
Your timezone:
Usual Hours of Availability: 6-10pm wednesday and friday, mostly available weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing pokemon more than casually for 3 years as of this May (mostly in discord draft tours), and played in my first smogon tournament less than a year ago, and was met with some early success. I've become increasingly unhappy with my development as a player as of late. I have problems that I'm aware of but have struggled to address, mostly beingclicking buttons too quickly, and not recognising key turns. I'm also aware I don't have a lot of tournament specific skills like scouting and building good teams more than once a month. I'm signing up because I feel like having a direct connection with a more experienced player would be contextually appropriate with the problems I'm experiencing.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. I'm on both the smogon and smogon doubles discord servers
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assigned to FlamPoke

Username: Akai
PS! Username: Akai
Signup Format: SV RU
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability: during noon around 6 pm to 9pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started few years ago but I want to practice the teambuilding aspect of competitive pokémon. I played a lot of UBERS back in SM but I never played my team, always sample teams. So I want to get the process and logic behind it to fully understand it
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, my DS tag is Akai0294
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Assigned to Tuthur

Username: Wes8888
PS! Username: Wes8888
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: GMT -5
Usual Hours of Availability: 9 am - 6 pm on weekends, not available on school days but my next week is my last week then 9 am - 6 pm every day. I can try for other times, whatever is most convenient for you.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing in 2021, I mostly played SS LC until I discovered OMs. My main tier was SS GG, I wrote several analyses over it's lifespan, and I also competed in OMFL III with about a 50/50 winrate. However recently got bored and took an eight month break, so I'm a little rusty but I wanna learn a new tier and NU looked fun. I've been playing NU for a few weeks now, so I have some basic metagame knowledge.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, my discord is eve5377
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Assigned to Tuthur

Username: Robert Russ
PS! Username: Robert Russ/pex worker
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: -4 GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays past 4pm and anytime on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've played pretty irregularly for about 5 or 6 years only just getting more into it at the start of covid. Mostly play a ton of draft in a circle with friends but got more into laddering towards the end of SWSH and now in SV. Pretty consistently hover just outside of T500 in any tier I decide to grind out and peaked at 1486 in NU and am currently in Round 3 of the open. Mostly looking on how to push farther past that peak
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (@squallnh)
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Assigned to roxie

Username: Dunes
PS! Username: Birkenstock
Signup Format: SV Mono
Your timezone: EDT/EST
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays: After 9pm, Weekends: 1 to 5pm, After 9pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have extensively played monotype since Gen 7, but after the dex split, I gravitated more towards NDM Mono due to a more healthy meta. In NDM Mono, I have played in 2 NDMPLs (being on the winning team previous to this year's), placed 4th in this cycle's Stellar Cup, and have played in other tournaments in NDM Mono as well (also peaked NDM Mono once). I'm really just looking to get to know the meta of SV Mono building and playstyle wise so that I can perform well in a more mainstream and 'viable' tier.
Are you able to use Discord? Yes
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Assigned to waffle2O2O

Username: seta0052
PS! Username: seta0052
Signup Format: SV DOU
Your timezone: GMT -10
Usual Hours of Availability: Update 7/4 - I got a new job and will be back to Mon-Fri, but depending on my hours, I'd be available at either 6 or 7 pm at earliest on the weekdays 9am to 11pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, 7pm to 11pm any other day (subject to change as I'm looking to change jobs)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Back in August 2023, I stumbled upon a NatDex DOU tournament in a Hololive fan server that was announced the day I joined the server. With about a month to prepare, I spent a lot of time on the ladder leading up to it, which I was able to peak at #15 on the ladder with 1577 ELO and about 80% GXE. That all happened before I made an account as seta0052 on Smogon/PS, so I was under a different name at the time. As for the tournament itself, I won undefeated, but at the same time...it was pretty obvious who practiced the most and I felt like I didn't have much competition there.


I've also played regular DOU and was able to get to 1500-1600s with my main account and some different alts. One of the main things I noticed with my play is I would tend to make more reactive decisions to the point where they'd end up costing me games and in a way, that discouraged me from touching the ladder as much as I used to. Additionally, I'm not very experienced with building teams and playing in tournaments overall. I'm good at reverse engineering teams, but I'd like to be able to build some really cool teams that work well. Ultimately, I'd like to be a more consistent player with a tight grasp on the fundamentals. Fun fact: watching JP Nationals this past weekend was what influenced me to sign up!

Are you able to use Discord?: Yup - seta_souji
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