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Username: Wafflecopter2000 PS! Username: Wafflecopter2000 Signup Format: NatDex OU Your timezone: EST Usual Hours of Availability: Usually after 5pm EST, but wont be available until the new year Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences) :
I've been around on Showdown for a long time, but I haven't really been posting on the forums until this year. I play a lot of NDOU, and a lot of NDOU adjacent formats in discord leagues and such. I also play some ND monotype and VGC (though moving away from reg H kills my interest in that format). Primarily, I play HO, with a special spot in my heart for trick room. Hoo boy do I like trick room. I've gone from a ~1400 player to a ~1600 player over the last year or so playing these sorts of teams, but I've gotten totally stuck at ~1600. I don't really know how to explain *why* I'm at a plateau, only that I know I'm there. Are you able to use Discord?: Yep, also Wafflecopter2000 on discord
Username: Duke Sux PS! Username: Duke Sux Signup Format: BW OU Your timezone: -5 Usual Hours of Availability: Usually available most mid to late afternoons/nights on weekdays, available pretty much all-day Friday-Sunday Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started getting into BW earlier this year and want to learn more about the metagame in a more meaningful way. Play ladder fairly often (peaked rank 3) and recently just finished playing in UCL, which I feel like improved my level of play a decent bit. Ultimately, I just want to improve in a better way than just randomly spamming games as I am still quite inexperienced and prone to mistakes in my play. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (username is hypebeasthegel)
Username: takingnoteskinda PS! Username: Takingnoteskinda Signup Format: bw ou Your timezone: GMT-5 Usual Hours of Availability: most times saturday-sunday, Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Ive been playing pretty long and feel like ive stagnated to a midladder player or and feel im really inconsistent so looking for a mentor/coach to improve my game. Looking to learn everything about ss even the lower tiers but understand if that not feasible Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, username is Aejmmnu
Username: foolycl PS! Username: foolycl Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: gmt-6
Usual Hours of Availability: 3-10pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): played mons with my brother at the end of bw and played all of oras before taking an extremely long break until this year. I'm familiar with a few old gens, but not very confident in most. Would love to get deeper into BW and play a lot more tours for it in 2025.
Are you able to use Discord?: yeah foolycl
Username: Hearts' Map PS! Username: Rukia Wrist Signup Format: NatDex OU Your timezone: GMT-5 EST Usual Hours of Availability: 10am - 10pm EST. Most days except for Sundays Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been watching competitive Pokemon since I was a kid. Started when I found ThePikaWu on YouTube and I would watch him play Gen 4 and Gen 5 Wifi Battles. Got into Showdown real early when Gen 5 was still the latest generation. My peak was mid 1600s in SV OU using Rain on an old account, but without rain I usually do far worse. Typically play around high 1200s and low 1300s and have been trying to find resources for improvement because I want to enter tours. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, Discord: Mespyy
Username: realaccountami? PS! Username: realaccountami? Signup Format: ss 1v1 Your timezone: gmt+8 Usual Hours of Availability: evenings,really free through most of Jan and first few days of Feb Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been laddering SS since late 2022, transitioned to SV once the generational shifts happened. Since then, I've played in 2 world cups (in sv) and been supporting the heatrans in pl. Looking to branch out into older generations. Are you able to use Discord?: yeah, but I can't do VCs
Username: Soda_Eesti PS! Username: Soda_Eesti/PrincessShitmonner Signup Format: RBY OU Your timezone: -6 Usual Hours of Availability: 4-6 during the week all day on weekends. Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started joining tours in around december 2023 with RBY ZU's "Zoomer." Since then ive mained RBY OU joining both seasonals, playing most of the RBY OU Fight Club Tournaments ive known about, a pokemon perfect open, and played RBY in CTF8 (French Discord Tour). I have not made any spectacular placings although I have gotten a few unexpected wins. I've been getting way better recently and would like help learning the tier from someone. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. Under the same name
Username: Teh PS! Username: tehtayteh Signup Format: SV NU Your timezone: EST (GMT-5) Usual Hours of Availability: 4PM - 10PM GMT-5, will occasionally have entire days available. Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I'm very experienced in RBY metagames and I used to play CG NU back when Deoxys-Defence was still legal. I've also participated in and won multiple team tournaments (RBYPL IV, NUCL I) Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Username: naere PS! Username: naere Signup Format: ADV OU Your timezone: GMT+0 Usual Hours of Availability: pretty free on weekends and can do evenings on some weekdays Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): started playing properly about a year ago or a little more than that, mainly play LC but lately i'm interested in getting into ADV OU Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Username: Maris Bonibell PS! Username: Maris Bonibell Signup Format: SM OU Your timezone: gmt -5 Usual Hours of Availability: Saturdays and Sundays from 6 am to 11 pm, outside of any tour games planned, Friday after 3 pm Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been playing in indivs and team tournaments for RBY for about a year, with a very small amount of experience in GSC. I am looking to branch out into a generation where EVs are relevant and generally come out of it with a grasp on building and playing the tier. I have no experience in SM , and hope to significantly improve in that regard. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes , marisbonibelle
gmt-5 (edt)
afternoons and nights
have been playing competitive for almost a year now; have gone around and played every ou to figure out what i like. i want to be able to play a fairy gen competently and put up results; sm and bw are what i want to settle on and previous tutoring in bw makes me feel pretty confident in this program and my ability to learn.
discord: smallowing
PS! Username:3 blades
Signup Format: SV ou
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability: 2-11 pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I'm an ADV mainer with an year of experience, playing in tournaments such as advpl, roapl, rcop and spl. I'm trying to branch out into other generations, and SV OU sounds very appealing to me. I have played a bit in the start of the meta and have some experience doing testgames with teammates.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Username: olivia
PS! Username: olivia
Signup Format: SS OU SM OU DPP OU
Your timezone: GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: I get 3&4 full days off from work weekly and am free all day on those days
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I am a decently rated draft player who has played for about 2 years now. Last year I made the expansion to regular smogon tiers and have had a bit of a mixed bag in results. I can compete decently high on the ladder but would like to take my next steps to expanding my knowledge and becoming a stronger player.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes.
Username: SValore PS! Username: SValore Signup Format: SV NU Your timezone: PST (GMT-8) Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 3:30 pm to 9:00 pm, weekends 9 am - 6 pm (may vary) Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I joined PS back in Sep. 2023, and started out in the tours room around Jan 2024, where I learned most of my battling knowledge. My first ever competitive Smogon tournament was TLT in the tours room, where I not only was able to further apply what I've learned, but also gain more experience in general regarding competitive battling. With that, I've become more familiar with smogon's environment, and participated in several other tours such as RU Winter Seasonals, TP Winter Seasonals, OST, & ND 35 Pokes Trios. I decided to apply for NU tutoring because of how much this tier has grown on me recently, and I hope to also have the opportunity to study under a tutor to become a better player (and because I heard shen is tutoring ). Are you able to use Discord?: Yes