An Overwhelming Force/Team America

Alright, this is wheres the introduction goes. This is a standard offensive team. To be honest, my main gripe with this team is the fact that it is so unoriginal, every Pokemon used so much, but because they're all so successful l. Another thing I don't like is that as I was going through the RMT Archive, I noticed that this team is dangerously similar to pana's old offensive team. The main difference being one Pokemon and some EV spreads. I guess I'm really not surprised though; most of the Pokes on this team are the staples of offensive play and are all tried and true successful.

This team was made after repeatedly losing with my balanced team and I wanted a way to brutally punish stall.

The RMT is for any slight improvements that will help me win more reliably. I have a pretty good percentage with this team.

Pokemon I have trouble with: Vaporeon, for one. Agiligross is a huge problem. Blissey is usually very problematic late game. Sub-Champ is annoying because of Dynamic Punch spam.

And finally, on to the team... (I have no idea how to make the pictures smaller, I've tried time and time again)


In Depth:

The Lead


Stupidity the Metagross @ Life Orb
Clear Body
Adamant, 224 HP, 252 Atk, 32 Spe

Bullet Punch
Stealth Rock
Meteor Mash

Now, you're probably asking yourself, why Life Orb? The answer to that is that I never really found a use for a berry. I play this guy very offensively, and Life Orb helps kill a lot of common switch ins to him. Skarmory, Forretress, and Rotom all love to switch into him. Skarmory and Forretress are both taken down by a Meteor Mash + Explosion (which also interrupts their set up) and Rotom can't take more than a couple Mashes, but usually I switch on him. Stealth Rock, Explosion, and Bullet Punch are all obvious. An offensive team can't really function unless SR is up or Explosion takes out a major threat. Bullet Punch is a STAB priority move, whats not to love? His EV spread is pretty standard, but with more EVs in speed to outrun other lead Metagross. I was running 16 speed EVs, but I was still getting outrun by some Metagross, so I added a couple more and I'll check back later to see if it improved at all.

Common leads and how I deal with them. Green is no problem at all, orange depends.

Azelf: Meteor Mash first. If they set up SR on the turn I mashed, I Bullet Punch. If they set up Reflect, I set up Stealth Rock and keep Mashing until I find out what they're bringing in next.
Aerodactyl: Easy Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch kill.
Infernape: Switch to Latias, set up Stealth Rock later and save Explosion.
Jirachi: Set up Stealth Rock first. If they use Trick, I switch to Gyarados and Dragon Dance to see what they bring in. If they Thunder Wave, I Explode. If they Stealth Rock, I Meteor Mash.
Heatran: Switch to Gyara or Latias. I know having a berry would let me stay in for Stealth Rock, but Metagross is still going to be 2hko'd regardless here and I don't see a point in wasting him so quickly.
Tyranitar: Meteor Mash and see what happens.
Swampert: If they have Protect, it's annoying, but usually I end up trying to predict the Protect and Explode after setting up SR.
Smeargle and Roserade: These guys are annoying. Roserade usually tries to set up Toxic Spikes which are no problem as my entire team is immune, so I usually just Bullet Punch, take the sleep, and spam Meteor Mash while waiting to wake up. Smeargle I try to do the same, but the Spikes are much more dangerous.

The Highly Underrated and Rarely Used...


Hypocrisy the Scizor @ Choice Band
Adamant, 240 HP, 252 Atk, 16 Spe

Bullet Punch

Funnily enough, the EVs on this guy are the same as for Metagross. Once again, I took some health out for more Speed because I care about a faster Bullet Punch or Superpower against another Scizor than a slower U-Turn. I'm weird like that. My weapon of choice is U-Turn for the scouting purposes. Scizor acts as my Latias, Gengar, and Starmie counter, trapping them all with Pursuit. He also acts as a revenge killer for Mence, Scarf Flygon, and anything else that Bullet Punch can deal with. A great Pokemon as you all know and deserves being the most overused Poke of them all. A staple of every team I make.

Revenge Killer/Dragon Slayer


Sadism the Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Flash Fire
Naive, 252 SPA, 252 Spe, 4 Atk

Fire Blast
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Choice Scarf Heatran. Surprisingly enough, I probably use Dragon Pulse more than Fire Blast on this guy. People LOVE to send their Dragons in to resist Fire attacks and it always ends up in a clean 2hko if I predict right. Fire Blast is obvious STAB. I take power over accuracy. This guy mostly works as a revenge killer and a counter to Jirachi, Jolteon, Lucario, and a few other threats. Draws out things that like to be killing by Scizor and Latias like Infernape, Gyarados, Latias, and Starmie. Explosion creates a nice opening in the other team and can dent or kill some very annoying Pokes like Zapdos and Vaporeon.

Physical Powerhouse


Nihilism the Gyarados @ Leftovers
Jolly, 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

A lot of threats are checked by more than one Pokemon on this team and Gyarados provides a lot of that double checking. Scizor, Infernape, Heatran, non T-Punch Metagross, and a number of others don't get through him without a lot of support. Jolly nature to outspeed base 130s after a DDance (mainly Jolteon, but there's probably a few others it helps against). Waterfall is for STAB, Stone Edge for coverage. I'm not sure whether to go with Bounce or Taunt for a 4th slot. Bounce has helped with paralyze abuse, but Taunt gives me a free DDance or 2 against Pokemon like Swampert and Skarmory. This guy is the physically offensive backbone of the team and he works great. I used to use a bulky set, but I found the speed and power to be too lacking so I changed to offensive.

Not Legendary Enough


Mercy the Latias @ Life Orb
Modest, 252 SPA, 252 Spe, 4 Def

Draco Meteor

This is one of my favorite Pokemon in the standard metagame. STAB Draco Meteor is unforgiving, as it one shots most Rotom and Swampert after some residiual damage has been done. I debated between Timid and Modest for a long time and I still am, but after reading panamaxis's RMT in the archive, I went with Modest so I can take care of Tyranitar better. Sometimes, however, I forget I'm not a +speed nature anymore and try to beat another Latias or Salamence, only to give them a free kill. Prediction is amazing for this guy, and any one of his attacks, predicted right, can 2 shot most switch ins. Draco Meteor hits anything hard without prediction and is the main attack. Surf and T-Bolt are good coverage and Recover is great for longevity. This guy helps clear the way for Gyarados and Scizor by helping rid of Rotom, Gyarados, and physically defensive Zapdos. Overall, a great addition to the team.

And Who Could Forget?


Punishment the Salamence @ Life Orb
Naive, 252 SPA, 252 Spe, 4 Atk

Fire Blast
Draco Meteor

What offensive team would be complete without a Mixmence? Nothing is safe from this guy's rampage. He takes out AT LEAST one Pokemon per game. Draco Meteor and Outrage MURDER anything that doesn't resist it and Earthquake and Fire Blast do the same to those that do. The name is Punishment for a reason, and that's because he punishes whatever switches into him, barring Vaporeon. I don't know why, but that damned water dog seems to be able to wall me indefinately late game. Naive nature for more speed, as you can tell by now, I'm afraid of losing speed battles. I prefer Earthquake over Brick Break, as I really don't see what Brick Break is hitting harder other than Tyranitar and Blissey. Other than that, just like the rest of my team, he's pretty standard.

There's the team. Now let's wrap up this RMT with...

The Threat List:

Scizor: Gyarados and Heatran keep it in check.
Lucario: Same as above. Salamence and Latias can help before it gets a Dance in.
Agiligross: This guy is a problem. Gyarados does a good job if he doesn't have Thunder Punch, but if he does, I'm in a world of hurt.
Heatran: Latias pretty much walls him and kills with Surf.
Scarf Heatran: Have to dodge dragon/ice attacks, but I kill it with Latias or Salamence.
Salamence: Scizor revenge kills once it starts getting low. Heatran can 2hko if it switches into it. My own Salamence helps.
Latias: Scizor traps it with Pursuit or kills with Bullet Punch. I usually lose half my life or maybe a bit more, but it's worth it.
Starmie: Same as Latias.
Infernape: Latias or Gyarados.
Gengar: Scizor kills with BP or Pursuit.
Alakhazam: Scizor.
Scarfrotom: Worn down by U-Turn and SR, Latias or Heatran can take a hit then KO it.
CB/Scarf Tyranitar: Worn down by a combination of everything, Scizor or Salamence usually get the kill.
Tyraniboah: Same as above, just have to prepare differently defensively.
Empoleon: Easy kill if Latias is in before it uses Agility, if not, Latias has to be about full health and kill it after taking an Ice Beam.
CM Jirachi: Heatran before it gets too many CMs in.
Scarfrachi: Heatran.
Gyarados: Latias usually kills it with TB after taking a hit.
Honchkrow: This thing is unpredictable and annoying. I usually kill it but lose a Pokemon in the process. Bullet Punch finishes it off, but I can't get Heat Waved. It's annoying.
Abomasnow: Scizor, Heatran, or a Draco Meteor.
Breloom: Sacrifice something to sleep, Taunt it or scare it off with Gyarados's Bounce. It depends on what I'm running. Latias, Salamence, and Heatran can all revenge kill pretty easily.
Sub-Machamp: It doesn't like Draco Meteor's, but Dynamic Punch spam is annoying.
Machamp: Same as above, but easier to kill.
Jolteon: Heatran, Gyarados after a DD kills those who think they can outrun it. Scizor can finish it off if it gets low.

: Usually a U-Turn then into a Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, or Explosion.
Blissey: T-Wave versions are VERY annoying. Worn down and KO'd by Mence or Scizor.
Skarmory: Usually Exploded on by Metagross.
Forretress: Same as above or one of my dragons takes it down.
Swampert: Draco Meteor, U-Turn, Explosion. It doesn't like any of them.
Defensive Rotom: Same as above, minus the Explosion.
Physically Defensive Zapdos: Draco Meteor kills it.
Specially Defensive Zapdos: Huge problem. My offensive attackers can't switch in and my special attackers can't kill it.
Celebi: Scizor, Salamence.
Stallrein: Scizor, Latias.
Vaporeon: Another huge problem. Usually Latias T-Bolts, but if Latias is dead, I'm in huge trouble.
Curselax: Worn down by a mix of everything or Gyarados sets up on it. Haven't had a problem with it.

So yeah... Some help with those in red or some advice for better ways to take down those in orange would be great. Thanks.

Really nice team and I love the MixMence. People these days just dont use that sort of speedy MixMence as standard but I believe it's awesome XD
One thing though...even though MixNite is not a common threat, it seems like it can do some damage to your team. If it uses prediction, a MixNite can OHKO your scizor (Fire blast or flamethrower), heatran (EQ), gyarados (thunderbolt), Salamence (Draco meteor or OR). Obviously you will also use prediction to kill it but yeah. Overall, nice :D
Hey Class, nice team. Use to run one like this pretty similar, 'cept Latias wasn't OU at the time. Anyways. Right off the bat, I see a few mistakes and some that you fixed thinking it may be better.

Gyarados does not need EQ, at all. Waterfall STAB and Stone Edge should fend off everything (or mostly everything) that stands in Gyarados' way. Taunt does help against things like Skarmory and Swampert and other random Phazers, even Suicune. Taunt shuts down what basically tried to shut Gyarados down. Some Swamperts carry Stone Edge, or at times also HP Electric, so do some Suicune.

Only real issue I'd see as a big threat to Gyarados, would be Swampert. But if you have 1 or 2 DD's under his non-existent belt, then it should do fine with STAB Waterfall to it. Too tired to do damage calcs for it atm, but I'm sure you or another person who does damage calcs fast can come up with a quick chart of them.

Good luck with the team and future success.

~ Aether Nexus
Hey Class, nice team. Use to run one like this pretty similar, 'cept Latias wasn't OU at the time. Anyways. Right off the bat, I see a few mistakes and some that you fixed thinking it may be better.

Gyarados does not need EQ, at all. Waterfall STAB and Stone Edge should fend off everything (or mostly everything) that stands in Gyarados' way. Taunt does help against things like Skarmory and Swampert and other random Phazers, even Suicune. Taunt shuts down what basically tried to shut Gyarados down. Some Swamperts carry Stone Edge, or at times also HP Electric, so do some Suicune.

Only real issue I'd see as a big threat to Gyarados, would be Swampert. But if you have 1 or 2 DD's under his non-existent belt, then it should do fine with STAB Waterfall to it. Too tired to do damage calcs for it atm, but I'm sure you or another person who does damage calcs fast can come up with a quick chart of them.

Good luck with the team and future success.

~ Aether Nexus

I changed it to EQ because of Empoleon and Metagross.. Those 2 were giving me problems. If you ever come back to this, or someone else who knows, is there another way for me to take care of them reliably?
Obviously you'd lose the revenge killing but I think heatran is much better then metagross at leading. He doesn't really need the 4th attack since his FB/EP already has good coverage. Wear as metagross needs to sacrafice a lot to be a strong lead.

also team america isn't team america unless you run tombstalker (I actually like that deck in legacy).
Heh, I use a team pretty similar to this. Just movesets and a couple similar pokemons.

You seem to dismiss Gyarados as a major threat. I don't think Latias is handling Gyarados at all. +1 LO Stone Edge has a 58.97% chance of OHKO with Stealth Rocks up. And Gyarados gets time to set up on Scizor or Heatran easily. For this reason, I suggest Hidden Power Electric over Dragon Pulse on your Heatran. Your Heatran outspeeds the aforementioned Gyarados even after a Dragon Dance and can deal a ton of damage back. I recommend this because you shouldn't have too much trouble with Dragons considering you have Gyarados + Scizor + Metagross + Latias. None of the OU dragons are as threatening as DDLO Gyarados is. It also gives heatran something to hit Vaporeon hard with.

Next, if you're very concerned about Vaporeon, you could always make Scizor more special defensive. But I don't see it as too big of a problem since the Standard Wish Support set runs Wish/Protect/Surf/(move). The move can either hit Gyarados or Salamence meaning you can take advantage of it's inability to hit one or the other.

Yes, AgiliGross does sweep you for the most part and does get time to set up, but it's not too common. You could give your own Metagross Earthquake as it can set up on your Metagross otherwise, but it's going out of way for a threat. Chances are that Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch will help you more in beating down Azelf leads.

Anyways, other than that, this team is quite solid. Good luck with it.
just taking a quick look, i noticed that you have a HUGE specs-jolt weakness. A t-bolt will sweep your resestance-less team. I would recommend a flygon, and you will still keep your dragon and steel theme (and gyra). i would replace gyra for a scarfgon
just taking a quick look, i noticed that you have a HUGE specs-jolt weakness. A t-bolt will sweep your resestance-less team. I would recommend a flygon, and you will still keep your dragon and steel theme (and gyra). i would replace gyra for a scarfgon
Specsjolt dies to a +1 Gyarados/Salamence, is revenge killed by Heatran, and can be walled by Latias, although I think Latias would have a better chance if you put Dragon Pulse >> Draco Meteor and Calm Mind >> Surf. With +1 defenses, most special attackers can't scratch it, and it does quite a bit of damage, also sets up on Vaporeon, Zapdos, and several other of your threats. Not only that, but it gives you a better alternative to Swampert (setting up on him with Calm Mind) than exploding Metagross.

Some of the stronger special attackers (LO or Specs Starmie comes to mind) can cause some serious damage to your team without Latias being able to wall it effectively, and a Specs Ice Beam 2HKOs without a CM boost.

I'd also consider EQ >> SR on Metagross. The coverage it provides outweighs the effect of SR, as stuff that's weak to it (Mence and Gyara mainly) really isn't a threat to your team. I run a similar team to this one (with a few obvious differences) and I find it works excellently without SR.
Heh, I use a team pretty similar to this. Just movesets and a couple similar pokemons.

You seem to dismiss Gyarados as a major threat. I don't think Latias is handling Gyarados at all. +1 LO Stone Edge has a 58.97% chance of OHKO with Stealth Rocks up. And Gyarados gets time to set up on Scizor or Heatran easily. For this reason, I suggest Hidden Power Electric over Dragon Pulse on your Heatran. Your Heatran outspeeds the aforementioned Gyarados even after a Dragon Dance and can deal a ton of damage back. I recommend this because you shouldn't have too much trouble with Dragons considering you have Gyarados + Scizor + Metagross + Latias. None of the OU dragons are as threatening as DDLO Gyarados is. It also gives heatran something to hit Vaporeon hard with.

Next, if you're very concerned about Vaporeon, you could always make Scizor more special defensive. But I don't see it as too big of a problem since the Standard Wish Support set runs Wish/Protect/Surf/(move). The move can either hit Gyarados or Salamence meaning you can take advantage of it's inability to hit one or the other.

Yes, AgiliGross does sweep you for the most part and does get time to set up, but it's not too common. You could give your own Metagross Earthquake as it can set up on your Metagross otherwise, but it's going out of way for a threat. Chances are that Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch will help you more in beating down Azelf leads.

Anyways, other than that, this team is quite solid. Good luck with it.

I'll try the HP: Electric because it sounds like it will help, but I'd rather not lose Scizor's attack. I guess my team was a little redundant in countering the dragons, but you're right in the fact that Gyarados sometimes gets out of hand. Thanks.