An Ubers team that's in need of serious help!

I've been playing Ubers for a couple of weeks and I'd say it's fairly interesting trying to guess which pokes are on what team, what set their running, and how to strategize the battle plan to take them down. It's pretty cool to see that the Ubers metagame is more interesting than the other tiers because their are only so many Ubers pokemon out there. Anyway on to the reason your here....


Ninjask@Focus Sash
EVs: 176 HP/252 Atk/80 Spe

~Bug Bite
~Baton Pass
~Swords Dance

Purpose on team:

Ninjasks purpose on the team is to act as a lead, while battling I noticed a lot of Deoxys leads (mostly Deoxys-e), what they would usually do when they saw Ninjask would be to Taunt and I anticipating this would X-Scissor which would be just shy of KO'ing them, or would activate their Focus Sash. Then I'd take them out the next turn after receiving a Speed Boost, after they switch in the next pokemon I'd Baton Pass to one of my other pokes who'd enjoy the +2 Atk/+1 Spe boost mainly Giratina (horrible choice right?)

Synergy with team:

As stated previously Ninjask acts as the lead for the team but also acts as the Baton Passer for the team, mainly passing boosts to those that would utilize the boost the most. Ninjask offers a ground immunity for Dialga which is somewhat important but I hardly ever switch to Ninjask when a groudons on the field because the opponent could possibly predict this and use Fire Punch which would still force Dialga out if I decided to stay in.


Dialga@Expert Belt
EVs: 120 HP/136 Atk/252 SpA

~Brick Break
~Draco Meteor
~Earth Power

Purpose on team:

Dialgas purpose on this team is to offer his mixed attacking capabilities which I'd say he does extremely well. Brick Break will take care of other dialgas, Draco Meteor offers a powerful STAB dragon move but the downside to it is it deprives Dialga of 2 stages of Special attack power. Earth Power can also be used for opposing Dialgas and Thunder for a powerful tactic against Kyogre and thanks to Kyogres' ability it allows Dialga for a 100% fullproof move to take Kyogre down, and the paralysis chance is also helpful even though it's only 30% but, every little bit helps.

Synergy with team:

Dialgas' steel/dragon typing offers many important resistances for the team, 1/2 Normal,Water,Electric(helps Kyogre),Flying,Psychic,Bug(Weavile),Rock,Ghost(Giratina),Dark(also Giratina),Steel. Bug resistance only really helps Weavile but I mean come on, how many bug pokemon are you going to be seeing in Ubers, besides the common forretress. Another great addition that Dialga brings to the team is his variety in movesets, he can be mixed, pure physical, pure special, support, either way he's a great asset to the team.


Kyogre@Choice Specs
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

~Water Spout
~Ice Beam

Purpose on the team:

Kyogres purpose on the team is to offer powerful attacks and some bulkiness but not much. Kyogres' Water Spout with Choice Specs,STAB, and Rain factored in is probably the most powerful attack in Ubers. Not many pokemon want to be on the other end of Water Spout when Kyogre unleashes it. 100% accurate Thunder offers a great counter to the many opposing Kyogres out there. Ice Beam for the common uber dragons, Lati@s, Rayquaza, Garchomp and the repetitive theme of water in Surf offers Kyogre a STAB move that doesn't lose its' power based on health.

Synergy with team:

Kyogre, like stated before, offers a great attacking force to the entire team with his powerful STAB Specs water moves. Kyogre also offers more team type coverage with Ice Beam and Thunder. Other than those reasons that's the only reason that Kyogre is on this team.


EVs: 252 HP/204 Spe/52 Def

~Ice Beam

Purpose on team:

Lugia, the great defensive bird of Ubers, and that's what his main purpose on the team is to add some bulk to the overall team. Reflect helps boost the teams' defenses for five turns which the team enjoys having, I'm thinking about having the item switched to either Lum Berry to protect Lugia from the status that goes around in Ubers, mainly burn (Will-o-wisp=Mewtwo), and poison (Toxic=Groudon/opposing Lugia) or maybe Light Clay to allow Reflect to last a bit longer. Toxic on Lugia because of his overall longevity as a pokemon thanks to its' great base defenses and HP. Roost helps Lugia with its longevity and also removing its flying typing to help in the weaknesses department a little bit. Another thing I'm thinking about adding to Lugia is Light Screen to aid the team even more in helping with the teams' bulkiness.

Synergy with team:

Lugia offers great bulkiness, stalling capabilities, and support for the entire team. Also offering a ground immunity for Dialga, who is more reliable than Ninjask at this. Roost could cause problems but not very many only taking away Lugias' flying typing for one turn.


Giratina@Choice Band
EVs: 8 HP/252 Atk/248 Def

~Dragon Claw
~Shadow Claw

Purpose on team:

Giratinas' purpose on the team is pretty obvious, to be a physical sweeper and a bulky one at that. Dragon Claw for opposing dragons as well as STAB, Earthquake for some type coverage,Shadow Claw for an even more powerful STAB move, and Thunder to deal with opposing Kyogres....wait doesn't someone else on my team deal with Kyogre? You'd be correct in answering yes to this question: Kyogre and Dialga. I'm thinking of replacing Thunder with a different move but I'm not sure what, maybe Will-o-wisp but then I'd have to change the item as I don't want to be locked into just one move, and have to switch out. That's another problem with some pokemon on this team; their choice items, sure they offer more power but they also force switches most of the time.

Synergy with team:

Giratina, like Dialga offers many resistances thanks to its' Ghost/Dragon typing. Giratina also adds a physical sweeper to the team increasing the teams' overall effective performance in the sweeping department. That's about all that Giratina offers to the team, sweeping abilities and resistances. Possible changing to Giratina-O might be the better option as Giratina is slow even with a +1 Spe boost from Ninjask.


Weavile@Choice Band
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP

~Night Slash
~Brick Break
~Ice Shard

Purpose on team:

Weavile is meant to be some more physical sweeping for the team and it does its' job well. Which is to destroy everything that it's supposed to which happens to be dragons-Ice Shard, steel types-Dialga,and pokes that are weak to Night Slash and Pursuit-Mewtwo,Giratina. One problem with Weavile is that he's too frail to stay around for long with his weak base defenses. Possible changing probably will be required to something that's a little bit more bulky but can also take things down with ease, Garchomp?

Synergy with team:

Weavile offers another significant boost to the overall team sweeping capabilities. Weavile doesn't really offer too much to the team besides his frailness which is a bad thing and his sweeping abilities which is a good thing.

Problems with team:

-Weavile: Changing of Weavile is a necessity because Weavile has done pretty much nothing besides weaken the opposing pokemon being just shy of a KO.
-Choice Items: The choice items are a problem because they lock you into one move and the opponent usually knowing this switches to something that forces you to make a switch.

-Overall bulkiness with team: The overall bulkiness with this team is a problem because many of the opponents' pokemon can break down this teams' defenses which then usually leads to the downfall and ends up with me losing.

-Overall speed of team: If you raters haven't figured it out by now most of my pokemon are rather slow, in particular Giratina. A modification of this team is required to help with its speed issues which then would probably help me to gain the upperhand in battles. Maybe an addition of a crippler would help to paralyze the opponent which would then solve most of my teams' speed issues.

Other than those problems that's about it for this team so rate away!
I am very inexperienced with Ubers, but if the pass to Giratina is the main goal, I would change CB to either Life Orb or Leftovers. This allows him to change his attacks frequently, which is good as Giratina has great offensive STABs for Uber play.

Also nothing enjoys a SpecsOgre Water Spout, and Kyogre is #1 in usage so I would patch that up. Maybe change Dialga to Latias to patch up that weakness.

Latias @ Soul Dew
112 HP/204 Sp. A/192 Speed
Calm Mind
Dragon Pulse
Grass Knot

This means you can still damage Groundon and TTar while checking Kyogre.

Weavile could easily become Scizor. He still offers the revenging you need while giving strategic switches and a needed Dragon resist. I suggest CB Scizor to efficiently trap and give strategic switches with U Turn. Forgive me for not posting the set as I cannot remember the ev's, but I think Scizor is a worthwhile investment.
ok well ninjask's objective is to pass some speed to a physical sweeper. Giratina just does not have the attacking power. I suggest replacing it with either groudon or rayquaza, both who have monster attack stats, personally Id go with ray because he has priority moves, is much more unpredictable, stronger STABs, and immunity to EQ and resistant to fight, meaning choice pokes are just set up fodder. Run one of these. You can make the spreads bulkier because ninjask is passing speed but I dont feel like thinking of spreads, just make sure that at +2 it outspeeds scarfchomp(499)

Air Lock
252 atk 216 spe 36 hp 8 spD
-Dragon Dance

Flamethrower goes over e-speed because ninjask is passing it speed and now skarmory and forretress cant stop you. Just be careful before outraging

or this set

Rayquaza@Life Orb
Air Lock
112 hp 252 atk 144 spe
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw

Ok, now normally running outrage on SD ray is just stupid because revenge killing is easy but ninjask is gonna pass speed so revenge killing isnt an easy route to take. Dragon Claw goes on so you dont have to be locked into outrage but you have STAB. Earthquake OHKOs dialge and without having to be locked into outrage but flamethrower kills skarm and forry. Now normally extremespeed is why SDray is so amazing but theres a couple of reasons why you dont need it
1. SDray needs SR for extremespeed to OHKO palkia,darkrai,ect. You dont have any entry hazards
2.ninjask is passing speed so extremespeed isnt as necesarry
3. you have a chance to have a succesful SDray with outrage, this OHKOs everything in ubers if you run flamethrower if Im correct

Also specsogre is problematic for this team, either run palkia or latias like Friar said, I recommend entry hazards too because even palkia cant take repeated specs water spouts, entry hazards gradually makes kyogres danger non existant, put something with SR and/or spikes over weaviles spot because weavile is just rayquaza insurance and that is my next suggestion

This team is absolutely crushed by DDray and SDray, weavile only delays SDray as it can switch out to a counter to weavile and it can stop DDray. The problem is weavile may have typing that is good in ubers but they are weaker attacks and predictions beats it easily, also walls like lugia and giratina are 3hkod by ice punch anyways. To patch up the rayquaza weaknees without having any set up fodder(which is pretty much gg because of the attacking level in ubers) I suggest changing mixed dialga for scarf dialga 56 hp 252 spA 204 speed timid draco meteor, outrage, thunder, dragon pulse/aura sphere. This outspeeds adamant +1 spe rayquaza and takes next to nothing from +2 extremespeed and destroys it with dragon pulse. Lugia can stop jolly +1 atk +1 spw rayquaza and they are almost nonexistant anyways

Now weavile has a free spot so a spiker can go there for SpecsOgre. Try support DeoD, with all the entry hazards it lays down kyogres water spouts will be manageable.

Hope I helped