Another Compare (Medicham vs Gallade)

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This is interesting, because both of them are Psychic/Fighting types, and they both specialize in Attack, but who is better?

Moves they both can learn (physical).

All elemental punches
Psycho Cutter
Focus Punch
Brick Break
Rock Tomb/Rock Slide
Secret Power
Drain Punch
Giga Attack
Nature Blessing
Poison Stab
Rock Smash

Moves that just Medicham can learn (physical).

Force Exert
Hi Jump Kick
Fake Out
Palette Punch

Moves that just Gallade can learn (physical).

Leaf Blade
Blade Test
Fury Cutter
False Swipe
In Fight
Aerial Ace
Stone Edge
Scissor Cross
Shadow Strike

Support Moves both can learn.

Calm Mind
Psych Up
Bulk Up
Reflect/Light Screen
Double Team
Sleep Talk
Skill Swap

Support Moves only Medicham can learn

Baton Pass
Power Trick/Swap
Guard Swap
Mind Reader

Support Moves only Gallade can learn.

Mean Look
Destiny Bond
Confuse Ray
Trick Room
Swords Dance
Helping Hand

Special Attacks that Both pokemon can learn

Hyper Beam
Focus Bomb
Hidden Power
Dream Eater
Grass Rope

Energy Ball (only SA that Medicham can only learn)

Special Attacks that only Gallade could learn

Shock Wave
Charge Beam
Magical Leaf

OK, obviously Gallade has a slightly larger movepool than Medicham. But, Medicham has the ability Pure Power that doubles its attack. Gallade, although, has many support moves that can annoy the opponent with the high attack stat. Which one is better?

-PS - I apologize for the disorganization of the movesets before.
Medicham's Base Stats : 60 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 80 Spd / 60 SpA / 75 SpD
Gallade's Base Stats : 68 HP / 125 Atk / 65 Def / 80 Spd / 65 SpA / 115 SpD

Medicham's Ability : Pure Power (Doubles attack)
Gallade's Ability : Humble Heart (Raises speed when flinched)

You might want to include these in a comparison topic, moves alone do not make a Pokémon good or bad :)

Anyway, I personally like Gallade better, due to the fackt that it has waaay better special defense, slightly better HP and attack (After Pure Power for Medicham) , for only 10 less defense. It also has a slightly better movepool, which also helps.
Medicham's Base Stats : 60 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 80 Spd / 60 SpA / 75 SpD
Gallade's Base Stats : 68 HP / 125 Atk / 65 Def / 80 Spd / 65 SpA / 115 SpD

Medicham's Ability : Pure Power (Doubles attack)
Gallade's Ability : Humble Heart (Raises speed when flinched)

You might want to include these in a comparison topic, moves alone do not make a Pokémon good or bad :)

Anyway, I personally like Gallade better, due to the fackt that it has waaay better special defense, slightly better HP and attack (After Pure Power for Medicham) , for only 10 less defense. It also has a slightly better movepool, which also helps.

Actually, Medicham has a higher attacking stat, because Pure Power doubles the actual attacking stat, not the base stat.

This topic, IMO, was laid out very poorly, and is very hard to read. If you are going to specify which Pokemon has which move, atleast use Bold or Italics instead of listing them on the same line from left to right.

I like Gallade better because of more versitility and it's ability to actually take a hit.
Gallade wins imo, because he has more attack, even after pure power, and a much greater movepool. He can also take a special hit if he needs to, which one cannot say about medicham. They have the same speed, and Gallade just looks cooler.

EDIT: I just got reminded from the post above me, that PP increases the actual stat, and make medicham have a higher attack. dumb me.
The OP is laid out extremely poorly. Don't list all their moves in common, we can check that ourselves easily enough. Talk about what each one is capable of, that's the kind of thing we care about. You haven't done that -at all-, but I'll leave this open because someone can surely give a wonderful summary of their comparative strengths and weaknesses.

Dystrodactyl said:
Gallade wins imo, because he has more attack, even after pure power, and a much greater movepool.
No, he does not have more attack. Pure Power multiplies the attack itself, not the base attack stat.
Medicham had the problem of dying too easily, and Gallade has fixed that, at least in Special Defense, for the cost of some attack.
This is a tough one, Medicham is an excellent Reversaler and a deadly CBander. However, Gallade is cooler imo, Medicham looks like an arabian =/ (don't take offense), and his movepool is very large. I like Blade Test in Gallade for Gengars and Psycho Cutter for Weezings. Medicham is good 'cause of his Reversal and his Hi Jump Kick in comparison.

But Gallade wins this, Leaf Blade kicks ass and his base stats are better.
This is a tough one, Medicham is an excellent Reversaler and a deadly CBander. However, Gallade is cooler imo, Medicham looks like an arabian =/ (don't take offense), and his movepool is very large. I like Blade Test in Gallade for Gengars and Psycho Cutter for Weezings. Medicham is good 'cause of his Reversal and his Hi Jump Kick in comparison.

But Gallade wins this, Leaf Blade kicks ass and his base stats are better.

Why the heck would you prefer Blade Test for Gengar when Psycho Cutter is Super-Effective AND has STAB.

IMO, most of these "comparison" topics are fail, simply because they compare pokemon that tend to have two different roles or radically differenet abilities.


Gallade can be a CB'er, or it can abuse Swords Dance and be an all around more deadly physical sweeper. More importantantly, Gallade can function as a support pokemon due to its statuses.

Medicham is an even more deadly CBer, but could also concievably AS since 436 Atk >>>> 349 Atk. Medicham is also a Subversaler. Medicham really doesn't have a support movepool, so all it really needs to do is beat the crap out of foes.
I like Gallade better due to the fact that it can use Hypnosis and Will-O-Wisp. It's too bad that only Gardevoir has access to Wish.
You're right about that Psycho Cutter thing, but not about the "different roles" thing.

Medicham and Gallade are both Physical Sweepers and can be CBers. That's what we're comparing, how good they can be as sweepers. Versatility counts, too. But c'mon, we are not comparing Salamence and Dusknoir... Medi and Gallade have things in common.
Oh Pure Power doubles the actual stat? That makes so much more sense, can't imagine why I thought it doubled the base stat. Whatever, I still kinda like the male Gardy better. Gallade can actually take a couple hits, and can Will-o-Wisp to make up for its lower Defense. Its attacking stat would end up worse than Medicham's, but it's not really that bad to begin with.
here's the easy way to handle this topic:

Medicham hits a lot harder and makes for an exceptional Choice Bander.

Gallade takes special hits pretty well and has great support options, and could possibly sweep with Swords Dance.

Use whichever supports your team better.
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