"An apple a day keeps the art block at bay."
i'm a big fan of process stages so you may see some posts that go sketch -> ink -> flats -> final render just for giggles.
there's a small archive of older pieces sitting at the bottom of this. i'll probably retire it after the thread is robust enough with new things to stand on its own. for now, enjoy a look at some of my experimental 'how do i draw in my style and still make this look like a pokemon?' doodles.
(all of these are quite out of date but i need at least 3 arts to start the thread and these ones don't bring shame to my family name)

(yes, i still keep neopets. i told you i was old.)

PERSONAL ART REQUESTS: fire away but my free time is a lil limited
- you're free to ask for small, personal things only. please PM me.
- i define 'small personal things' as a simple request for your own use/collection. EX: 'a scorbunny in a [color/pattern] bandana'
- i make no promises that i'll be able to do it in a timely (1-2 days) manner. i am an old lady and i work long hours so most of the week i don't have a lot of time with my tablet!
- might change someday but for now i don't have the time & don't plan to open them.
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