Apprentice Program: Round Eighty One

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Username: leanbean132006
Age: 21
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: leanbean132006
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST: Generally from 8PM-1:30AM
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a student at Syracuse University studying Information Management and Technology. I've been playing Pokemon since generation one and have just recently gotten into the competitive scene towards the end of gen 5. Currently, I'm very into breeding 5IV Pokemon and I've made it my goal to either breed for or trade one of every Pokemon so that I can own a competitively useful copy of each one. However, I feel my skills lack and am looking to get that additional boost that can push me past that 1200 range on the ladder.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yeah, sure.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Absolutely

Thanks for the opportunity.
Username: Lolkomori
Age: 18
PS Username: Lolkomori
Timezone and Availability: GMT-6, most afternoons and weekends, it depends on what I am doing.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY Ubers
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a dubs guy that wants to learn a new tier. BW ubers was fun so I might as well try out XY n_n
Tutee Talk: Yup
Username: StarmanXL
Age: 22
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: StarmanXL, AFastR33MIX, ASlowR33MIX, variations thereof
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT-5. I work part time so my schedule is a bit wonky but I'm usually hanging around IRC.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY Doubles
Tell us a little about yourself: I graduated last year with a BS in Neuroscience. I've been trying to get more and more into tabletop games as of late and get back into GMing.

I'm applying to the tutoring program because I used to be ok at doubles but now I suck ass at it. I've tried getting back into the game a few times with little success, so I figured I could use a little help.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Absolutely not.

Audiosurfer has agreed to tutor me.
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Username: PumpHead
Age: 14
Pokemon Showdown Username: PumpHead
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST, 5-12 (night owl)
What tier do you want to learn?: XY LC
Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm a writer and a UU player. I like to learn all new things all the time, including tiers and various other things irl. Delibird is a favorite pokemon of mine, and I also can balance stuff on my heads. I was in a bit of drama once or twice.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Of course.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Not really, to be honest. Dealing with timezones can be a real hassle, and I don't particularly want to deal with it.

I talked to dcae (we're buddies) and I've been bugging him all the time to tutor me. He can verify this if you ask him.
Username: RedGyarados91
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:RedGyarados91
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: M-F 7- 11 SAT- open Sun- 6-11 EST
What tier do you want to learn?:XY OU, VGC Format
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm 22 years old, live in Pittsburgh and have been interested in competitive battling for awhile now. By doing my own research and watching YouTube videos I have taught myself so far. I want to eventually get good enough to compete in the VGCS and local tournaments. I also feel that the pokemon community lacks alittle when it comes to new members so I would like to become more seasoned so I can help others and contribute to the community. Also I want to apologize I signed up for the previous tournament thinking it was the apprentice program and didn't realize it.
Why I should be considered for tutee training (under 25 posts): I know the basics of everything very well but I don't feel I have enough experience or knowledge to post specific things. I have introduced myself but that is about it. One of the reasons I am signing up is to be more post active.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Of course
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?:Yes Very
Username: Ogasian
Age: 13
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: facepalm
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: p much everyday at 10:00 pm EST
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Im 13 years old and a high-school freshman. I play a lot sports and am a pretty chill guy. I play a lot of Ubers and sometimes Little Cup. I wanna learn OU because it is the most-played tier and the format for a lot of official smogon tournies so ye.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Of course
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?:why not

I was skipped Round 80 and I think Round 78
Username: Motion
Age: 20
Pokemon Showdown: Motion
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: AEDT/GMT+11, 3pm-9pm AEDT/4am-10am GMT+11
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself:
I started playing competitively shortly after the BW initial suspect test. I avoided the horror of Skymin and Manaphy running rampage through OU. I dabbled in a bit of UU before Deoxys-D was banned, making my way into the top 200 for a day or two using a hard stall team (I think this was back on PO). In terms of OU, I never really made it to top tier, but I played around with all sorts of teams. I believe stopped playing before the release of BW2.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: No problem
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Loved tournaments back then, would love to play in this tournament.
Username: Celestial Phallus
Age: 15
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Celestial Phallus (I can't us PO due to them not releasing a mac client for gen 6, unless that came out like yesterday.
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 EST, generally after 8:30 PM on weekdays depending on homework, and then most of the day over the weekend.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Like I said before, I'm 15. I'm not really a sporty person, but I do play a lot of saxophone. I'm playing Bari Sax in a big band this year, as well as an organ ensemble.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Totally, I think that would be a good experience
Why I should be considered for tutoring (under 25 posts): Well, I browse around Smogon forums quite a lot and always kind of want to contribute a bit (especially in the RMT sections), but I'm never really too sure what to say, and I'm afraid of coming across as a complete idiot. Then again, my user picture thing probably does that for me.
Username: Snowflakes
Age: 20
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Snowflakes/Snowflakes/why?
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 EST pretty much 24/7
What tier do you want to learn?: XY Dubs
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm 20, I go to college and I like making Relados blush. Pokemon wise, I've been playing competitively since gen 4 and have never amounted to anything in those years competitive wise.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Ye
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Sure
[23:40] <Mizuhime> sign up and say i agreed to tutor :]

I was tutored back in like round 6x by TGMD if that has any effect on things.
Username: Sully5443
Age: 21
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Sully5443 (Showdown)
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 EST Normally Tuesday and Thursday 12PM and onward (and weekends, pretty much all the time)
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU or UU, if you can't spare any tutors for OU.
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a college Senior in Sports and Exercise science looking to earn a masters exercise physiology and to potentially become a PA in sports medicine. Otherwise, I enjoy playing videogames, namely pokemon (and others such as mass effect, batlefield, tomb raider, batman arkham games, and so on). I've played pokemon since red version, and I learned about comptetive play in 4th gen, played a few games (and performed horribly) in 5th gen, and have returned in 6th gen; and while I'm performing better, I can barely break 1200 on showdown and I'd like to improve my competitive play... a lot.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Sure
Less than 25 Posts: I really want to contribute more to smogon in the RMT threads, and I know that the mentor ship program could help, but I'd prefer to kill two pidgeys with one geodude and also try and get better at competitive battling while learning to build and analyze teams so that I could help others and become a valuable member of the smogonites.
I Was Skipped in the Last Round (80).
Username: Weirdishitsux
Age: 19
Pokemon Online Username: weirdishitsux / polpetta / stay_
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT +1, I can be online whenever the tutor want (also in the night)
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU (high levels of strategy inbattle and team building)
Tell us a little about yourself: I am Italian, I play competitively since july 2009 but until now I have always focused on the Italian tournaments (where I got dozens and dozens of wins) and that's why I think you don't know me. I was the master of shinycarletto (remember him? he now plays Lol). I want to be clear: I want to peak at least the Top 16 of the next Smogon Tour, I know I have the qualities to do it so I just need to improve myself in XY OU. If you want you can test me whenever you want and I will show you I'm not lying.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Yes
Pokemon Showdown:uchiwa
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -7, I'm not always able to access pokemon showdown but I can access the forums with my phone
What tier do you want to learn?:XY Little Cup, Smogon Doubles, XY Ubers, any tier really but those preferences in order
Tell us a little about yourself:I only recently started getting more active with Smogon and competitive battling recently. I really enjoy the strategy and tactics behind each tier and really would love to learn more. My favorite color is blue. If I were a gym leader I would have to pick between water or steel types. I was sorted into Slytherin on Pottermore. Bwahahahah. Uh...yeah...
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?:Yeah, although I don't really know what they are...
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?:Ohhhh yeah!!!
Why I should be tutored (fewer than 25 posts): I don't know if I should be tutored but I would like to be. If I do end up with a tutor I'm not gonna flake out on them. I would set aside time and commit. It wouldn't be hard to because I love the idea of being an apprentice. One day I'll be a jedi knight!
Username: Charsara
Age: 15
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Charsara/ThePkmnTrainer
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: I am on usually in between 2 to 6 PM (Eastern time zone) on weekdays and on weekends from around 9 am to 7 PM and then for a few more hours up until 11 PM. I do occasionally have to work on schoolwork though, but luckily a break is coming up, so I'll have plenty of time during then for practice and learning!
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Well, I've been a fan of pokemon ever since I was a little kid. I first picked up a copy of Leaf green ironically around the age of 10 after years of dreaming about what my first pokemon team would look like and I've been hooked ever since! I went on to play through all the Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Soulsilver/Heart Gold and am currently playing X and Y. It took me awhile to get into competitive, as I didn't understand it very well and had no clue about IVs, the importance of natures and similar stuff, but then one day my friend showed my Pokemon Showdown. Since them, I've been battling on and off and even though I'm not as much of a pro as the experts, I really enjoy the OU tier and am eager to learn more.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure!
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Of course, I love a little competition.
FEWER THAN 25 POSTS: I've been reading these forums a lot and I would probaley partake in them a lot more if I had more time, but usually when I go on I like to spend my time practicing my battling and attempting to work on teams. That and also to be honest I'm not too adept at using the forums yet (still haven't figured out how to check my messages!) Also, I really think that a mentor would benefit me because the things I feel I need help with are better taught this way then by simply reading articles and guides. I've already been doing that, and while it helps it hasn't improved my skills yet, so I really hope I am able to be taught by one of Smogon's experts so I can be a better player and contributing member of this site.
Username: Starmaster
Age: 14
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Starmaster or a shit ton of alts with Starmaster in them
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST (GMT -5) Every evening
What tier do you want to learn?: X/Y OU, X/Y LC
Tell us a little about yourself: I've been playing competitive pokemon for a while and have had success on the PS Ladders in Gen 5 and Gen 6. I lurked on Smogon for a long time and really got into it in December. I've established myself as a pretty decent player in OU and LC and I want to improve more (thats why I'm signing up). Other than the pokemon world, I'm really smart irl :) and play tennis.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Yes.
Username: Brostime
Age: 19
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Brostime
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT +1 Everyday after 4pm and nearly all day in the weekends.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a car mechanic student, I have a girlfriend, and I live alone in my apartment. I like to go skateboarding, go out with friends and obviously play pokemon.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yeah.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Always!

Jirachee agreed to tutor me.
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Username: Snoa
Age: 18
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Snoa (Pokemon Showdown
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -5 (Eastern US)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from noon to midnight. Some exceptions, but willing to stretch availability by a few hours and can be available earlier if needed. I CAN do Tuesdays and Thursdays too but only sometimes and only between 11pm to 3pm.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a musician, composer, nerd, and a published author. I've been playing Pokemon my whole life. My general strategy so far has been to use the Pokemon I love, straying away from the more popular Pokemon that EVERYONE knows how to counter. I have a team set up but it kinda sucks. I win maybe 50% of the time on PS but I think that's mostly because I have a lot to learn when it comes to type effectiveness and strategy. I'm picky about Pokemon I like to use and very hard-headed. For example, even though my shiny Greninja has the Adamant nature (which isn't the best nature for him I guess...) I REFUSE to not use him on my team or breed to get the right nature because he's my one and only shiny Pokemon xD
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Double yes!

UNDER 25 POSTS. Why I should be tutored:
While I don't have many posts, I do lurk a LOT and also have post/lurk on Pokemon subreddits and on nuggetbridge. So while I'm not a visually active member of Smogon, I'm still actively learning about competitive battling. Plus, I usually have a low post count on MOST websites anyways. I'm just not much of a poster I guess xD more of a reader/lurker, so it's not like I'm inactive or anything.
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Username: sugarhigh
Age: 15
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: sugarhigh
Your time zone and usual hours of availability: Gmt -5 Evenings, but usually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I'm free.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY Dubs
Tell us a little about yourself: Get high off of sugar, read manga and do track and stuff. Also a ps ladderer fgt. I've never played dubs so kinda interested in it.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: I guess...
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: sure

Laga been begging me to do this so he can be my tutor, so let him be my tutor lel
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: not made one YET
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+1
What tier do you want to learn?: OU
Tell us a little about yourself: i havent played pokemon competitive ever and with x/y i came in and i need some help with building teams
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: yeah
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: sure
UNDER 25 POSTS. Why I should be tutored: i been using the site to keep up to date with some builds but never could figure out a good team, and now i wanted to try this tutor program and that why i made a account
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Username: 1bhutch
Age: 18
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: I haven't made one yet but I could if necessary
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: East coast, after 5pm
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Former competitive tcg player, words quailfer state champion ect.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Sure
Username: Soul-dew
Age: 21
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: gosh it's been so long but I'm pretty sure it's bibinoodles (if I need to get another account for this I will!)
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST, I'm free Monday through Friday any time after 5pm, and on weekends it depends, I'm flexible though and would be willing to work with my tutor in regards to time!
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU but some interest in RU
Tell us a little about yourself: I've been away from the competitive scene for a long time...I tried to get back into it last years but failed....I'm so rusty T_T I have attended VGCs 2009, 2010, and 2011. I was one battle away from nationals in 2010 before I lost. So I have some experience but I really need help with team building.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: yep!
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: yes if possible~
Username: SirGaryOak
Age: 18
Pokemon Showdown: SirGaryOak
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM GMT +1
What tier do you want to learn?: X/Y, OU/LC
Tell us a little about yourself: I have played a lot of competitive play in the game PokeMMO(about 2000 hours + a lot of time on their forums!) which is basically the GEN3 meta(and have a lot of knowledge about that meta and the competitive play), I have also played some B2/W2, but would really love to get introduced and get to learn the X/Y OU or LC meta(both interests me a lot!)
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yup :)
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Yes
UNDER 25 POSTS. Why I should be tutored: Even though I don't post a lot(this is my first post), I would love to get to know about the X/Y meta, I love Pokemon and has played it a lot and well yea I have to start somewhere and thought this would be the place. Also I have already played a lot of B2/W2 battles on showdown with some IRL friends ;)
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Username: Memoric
Age: 14
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: memoric (sometimes the "M" shows up capitalized on PS!, dunno).
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: UTC+08:00 , 5:00 PM -9:00 PM on weekdays. Can be on anytime on weekends, usually on the whole day because I have nothing better to do.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm male, a student living in the Philippines. I've been a fan of Pokemon since I was young; my first game being Red. Only on last year's September/October have started to play some battles on PS!. My favorite aspect of the game is teambuilding, since I like to mix and match. I'm also fine battler, and can give a good game or two. The thing is, I don't really feel like I'm doing good when it comes to teambuilding, so I think I really need some help on that, and some practice on other aspects of the game as well.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Of course :D
Why should you be tutored when you have fewer than 25 posts? I feel that I should be tutored because I have the potential to make an impact on the game. Pokemon is one of my favorite things, so you can expect me to listen to what the tutors have to say. I already know much about the meta, meaning you can expect me to use what I can learn here to its fullest extent. Also, I've been doing just lurking for a while now, so maybe there's that, too (^O^).
Username: Aquakitty
Age: 19
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Cinnamini
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST I'm available on weekdays during the afternoon, say about 1 or 2pm. Wednesdays and Thursdays I have school starting from 6:30pm-9:30pm. Weekends it would depend whether I'm home or at my dad's house.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been a pokemon fan since I was five, having my own pokemon birthday party. My first pokemon game was Pokemon Red and Pokemon Yellow. I have played all the main pokemon series, every PMD game, and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. I can tell you more pokemon games I have played, but I won't go there. I started getting interested into competitive battles since B/W, but I have yet to participate in one because I found it hard to get into.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Yes, I would love to play in it if it'll help me better myself in competitive battles.
YOU MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU SHOULD BE TUTORED IF YOU HAVE FEWER THAN 25 POSTS. I am a new member, just joining yesterday. My main reason for joining Smogon is to learn how to play in competitive battles.
Username: Ausgirl
Age: 24
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Ausgirl
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: AEDT (UTC +11) I'm available most afternoons from 8pm and anytime on the weekends from 10am.
What tier do you want to learn?: OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I've been playing casually since RBY. Since learning things like RNG in gen 4 &5 I've started to become more interested in competitive battling. I understand all the basics like natures, abilities, IVs, EVs etc; I just need a little help in applying strategies for the win. I'm interested in sport, Australian politics, literature (including manga), anime and obviously video games.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure.
Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Sure.

I was skipped in round 80.
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Username: Taaj

Age: 15

Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Taaj

Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST, 10 PM EST every night, weekends, occasionally early afternoons (1-3PM)

What tier do you want to learn?: XY Doubles

Tell us a little about yourself: I've been playing Pokemon since generation 3 and competitively just recently, starting in BW2. Was an above-average Ubers player so I'm familiar with the concept of battling/team-building and have played in a few minor weekend tournaments and one team mini tour. Outside of Pokemon I am significantly involved in tennis and the general trials & tribulations of high school.

Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Certainly

Are you interested in playing for the Round 81 Tutee Tournament?: Not really an OU player, so not particularly interested.

I was recommended to the Battling 101 program by a couple well-known Ubers/Doubles players (Haruno/Blood Totem respectively) who were previously helping me team build and thought it might be beneficial to apply.
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