Apprentice Program: Round Seventy Nine

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Success is the best revenge.
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Welcome to round 79 of Battling 101. If you are seeking a tutor, you're in the right place. Fill out the information below to be assigned a tutor.
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:
What tier do you want to learn?:
Tell us a little about yourself:
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?:

To clear up any confusion, here is an example of what an application would look like:

Username: Kevin Garrett
Age: 20
Shoddy Username: Kevin Garrett
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: 4:00 p.m. – 2 a.m. GMT -5
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 UU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am the reason luvdiscs were implemented on Smogon. Aside from that, I deleted all of my posts because they were all terrible. I really want to learn how to play Pokemon the right way because I have struggled with it for so long and put in a lot of time to get better, but can't improve at all.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Definitely.
YOU MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU SHOULD BE TUTORED IF YOU HAVE FEWER THAN 25 POSTS. Additionally, you must be able to use Pokémon Online, Pokémon Showdown, or at least Shoddy Battle (if you only wish to learn DPP OU).

Important: Don't forget about the new Tutee Talk forum, including what we expect of you guys if you are chosen as tutees!

One more thing: If you were skipped in the round before this one, make a note somewhere in your sign-up post that this was the case. It makes it easier for us when we do the pairings.
Username: Delari
Age: 21
Pokemon Online Username: Delari
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST (GMT-5)
  • Mon - 9AM to 2PM; 9PM Until
  • Tues - 12PM to 2PM; 9PM Until
  • Wed - 9AM to 2MP; 6PM Until
  • Thurs - 12PM to 2PM; 9PM Until
  • Fri - 11AM to 5PM
  • Sat - Typically Unavailable
  • Sun - 3PM Until
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2/XY OU/UU/RU
Tell us a little about yourself: I don’t remember how old I was when I picked up my first Pokemon game, but I still remember sitting on the steps of my front porch playing for hours with all the neighborhood kids and the constant happiness it provided. That feeling has yet to go away, and I think I will always adore Pokemon. I have played at least one game in every generation, though admittedly did not actually complete DP nor BW2, and have also dabbled with other versions of the game (Stadium, Mystery Dungeon, etc.). Up until now, I played the game purely for leisure and working through the storyline, but now I want to tap into the whole other realm of the game!
But aside from Pokemon, I am currently a student in graduate school for my masters in accountancy and hope to attend law school next fall! Due to my lack of a job right now, I actually have plenty of free time!
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Happily!!
Why me?: As you can see, I have way less than 25 points (none, in fact, aside from this one xD). Quite honestly, I was perusing the site and forum (I lurk on a regular basis, though haven’t quite had the courage to join) and decided to give the program a try, and it happened to be starting today. I guess I got pretty lucky! Despite my previously mentioned adoration for Pokemon, I have never gotten into competitive battling, but as I’ve played through XY, I have had a such an urge to actually get involved in this area. Although I know the mechanics of the game and I know my pokemon, I quite literally am a completely blank canvas when it comes to competitive battling. Again, I know I am brand new to this community, but like Smogon’s “Introduction to Competitive Pokemon” says, I think it would be a phenomenal way for me to get involved around here and finally have some useful input in the forums!

Disclaimer: I specified three different tiers above since frankly, I am not sure where is the best place to start! Willing to learn anything the tutors here think would be the best kick start for competitive battling! :D
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Username: Zangetsu9876
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Zangetsu9876
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: PST 6pm onward
What tier do you want to learn?: XY Pokebank OU/Ubers
Tell us a little about yourself: I use to play DPP OU heavily and I wanna get back into competitive mons. I've been playing around on Showdown and have not done very well in this strange new Meta. I just wanna get some tutoring so I can at least play better.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Of course

YOU MUST PROVIDE A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU SHOULD BE TUTORED IF YOU HAVE FEWER THAN 25 POSTS: The reason for my low post count is because I really dont have much to add to the current meta as I know very little and my batting skills are pretty rusty.

I had a Tutor in Round 77 but they never responded to me, so I was essentially skipped
Username: Ides_of_March


PS/PO/SB Username: Ides of March

Hours and availability: GMT-5 EST/8am-10pm Everyday

Tiers to learn: BW2 OU or whatever the best recommended starting point is to learn the mechanics of the game.

About me: My name is Bryan, I work nights as a CNA and study physics at CCAC in Pittsburgh. I've competed in everything from martial arts to super smash bros, and with a renewed passion for pokemon wish to leave my mark as a fierce competitor on this game as well. I have the mindset of someone who sets out to learn how to be the best at something, even just niche, in competition, and I'm pretty damn good at it.

Will I be willing to do a tutee talk thread on my tutor?: Certainly
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Username:Metal Sonic
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Metal Sonic
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+8 (everyday: preferably EST or my own timezone)
What tier do you want to learn?: ADV OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I want to learn ADV OU to become a better player at old tiers. Been tutored previously by M Dragon and it went great, but now he's in Uni now so he's not available. I am fine to meet a new tutor.

Its the Holidays now so I can wake up in the morning to meet my tutors so yes EST can work
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yep
Username: Gen0
Age: Old. 28
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Geno or Gen0, probably. I've been trying to stick to WiFi so I've not yet used any battle sims, but I will be happy to sign up anywhere needed for mentoring. I have a basic idea of what the sites offer and how they work.
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: Central (GMT-6), Tues-Thurs 4pm - 6am, Fri-Mon 11:30pm - 5am
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a long time Pokemon player, but up until XY I was entirely casual. I've started to teach myself some of the basics of competitive battling and am really enjoying it. I'd like to get a tutor to help me get the push to go from a new learner to someone whose actually able to go in and at least hold their own while I get creamed. ^.^; I've been gaming all my life, and tend to favor RPGs and strategy games, and was a long time M:tG player, so a lot of the concepts feel a bit familiar.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Absolutely
I have fewer than 25 posts! Why pick me?: I've been lurking and soaking up information and don't know enough to feel like I'd contribute anything, so my post count is dismal. That being said, I'm a mature person, an information sponge, and willing to dedicate myself to breeding, training, and learning the meta. I've already taught myself how to do the breeding and training, and bred and trained a (probably awful) team. I just need some guidance and first hand experience.

Plus, I'm pretty awesome. And, I have a beard. Generally, people can't say no to the beard.
Username: Goldenratt
Age: 18
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Goldenratt2
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST (GMT -5) usually 8PM to 1AM. I have work and school during the day.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 (XY) OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing Pokemon since Gen II. I am an Education major and I play bass in an alt-rock band.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure!
Why I should be considered with less than 25 posts: I first was interested in competitive Pokemon during Gen IV (account created 2009) but was never very good. I had always wanted to get a tutor, but didn't have the attention span to remember a few weeks later to sign up. Now that I'm older the level of complexity in high level Pokemon really intrigues me. X and Y are excellent games and really sparked my interest. As of now I have begun contributing. I have an analysis of Salamence for X and Y in-game tiers, a set for Special Aegislash I've been running and a core I tried. I understand the bare basics of Pokemon but I lack confidence in my teambuilding and playing.

Edit: OU is still my preferred tier, but if I am skipped for that due to the large number of applicants I would be happy learn UU or RU as well as a backup, as many aspects of teambuilding and prediction will hopefully carry over. Again, I'd still rather OU.
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Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username

Your timezone and usual hours of availability
:GMT -6
Monday-Friday: 5 P.M-11 P.M.
Saturday: 12 P.M-11 P.M.
Sunday: Typically unavailable.

What tier do you want to learn?
: BW2/XY(if available)- UU

Tell us a little about yourself
: My name is Chris. I'm a high school student, soon to embark on to college through a local Running Start program. I'm in a principal player in my local orchestra. I've played the Pokemon games since I have had my little game boy color with Crystal version. I have been a pretty casual player, trading a bit, battling a friend here and there. I've always came a bit short in terms of battling due to my inexperience with the game. I'm hoping to advance my skills in Pokemon.

Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?

Why tutor me?:
Well, the main reason I'd like to be tutored is because I have little experience with battling competitively, and I think it's time that I step up and begin a new experience with the game.
Username: LionKingMax / Shahnaz
Age: 25 (Shhh)
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Shahnaz / The Shah
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: eastern time, hours vary greatly depending on my schedule (I work a lot) but I can provide time everyday
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU (Not pokebank right now since it's atrocious) and I guess UU is unavailable right now.
Tell us a little about yourself: What's up, I'm Max, a retarded guy that likes to play a ton of games, and now that XY is out, I'm coming back to the competitive scene after taking a break 6-8 months ago from BW2 UU. I like to theorize a lot and try a ton of stuff and I'm a mathematician at heart, I'll calc all the shit.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yeah of course, I love to talk behind peoples backs and ruin their rep :)

I've never been picked in the tutoring program, even though I applied quite a few times and once I even got rejected because you had no BW2 UU tutors lol.
Username: Koruam
Age: 26 (in 2 weeks 27)
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Pokemon Online: Koruam
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: Timezone: GMT +1 (Amsterdam), time available depends on my work schedule, but every 3 to 4 days I am 1-3 days off, When I do work I work from 6 AM to 3 PM or 2PM to 11PM, depending on the block I am in.)
What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am Wesley, soon to be 27 years old and I am a Barista at Starbucks on Amsterdam airport. I have played every pokemon game from Blue to X and it was always as a casual, untill I played X, I wanted to know more and quickly become interested in competitive play.
My passions, beside Pokemon are ancient Roman history and World of Warcraft, which I at the moment hardly play due to X.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes
Why tutor me?: I haven't got a clue where to start, now with the new generation released, information drips in and I want to be part of the new wave of competitors, now that there is a fresh start for all.
Username: underdog05
age: 26
pokemon online: underdog05
timezone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
hours of availability: most weekdays 10am - 6pm
What tier do you want to learn?: I am really trying this for XY, but will do BW2 if that is not ready yet
about me: I have been playing pokemon for years, since Red and Blue. I have always loved the game
but only just recently trying competitive play. I have tried to teach my self many of the skills involved
with doing the online play but have not done well. I've pretty much lost all my battles so for. I have decent
pokemon knowledge but i have trouble with setting up teams and predicting moves. I may be new to Smogon forums
and competitive play, but I am very interested in learning.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Definitely
So I may not have any other posts, but I've always loved pokemon. With X and Y out, online competition has become that much easier and better. I would like to get the chance to learn what I am doing without having to lose a million times and your help would be appreciated.
Username: Cajias
Age: 23
Pokemon Showdown Username: Cajias
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST (UTC-05:00) Every day from around 4 PM until 2 AM - except on Thursdays I am busy until 9 PM.
What tier do you want to learn?: 5th and 6th Gen OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a pretty friendly person who is good at taking criticism and driven to be better at all that I do. I am attending a state university to get my degree in environmental science and I'll be graduating in a month with my bachelor's! Pokemon is one of the few things aside from science that bring out my competitive side, and I love to learn. Other than playing Pokemon I enjoy lots of single player games with good plots and dark atmosphere (Bioshock series, Infamous, Amnesia etc) as well as some casual stuff like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing and MMOs (currently playing SWTOR)!
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: I would gladly participate.
Why me?: I have tried my hand at competitive battling, and I'm not very good at it. I'm not horrible, but I'm not great either. I have done a lot of reading and lurking, but I really need some individualized feedback and tutoring. I want someone to practice with who can point out my short-comings since I am only able to recognize them to a point with my lack of experience. I like to think that I am a very good student, and thus I would make a good tutee. I am not the type of person who cannot take the truth. I'm not afraid to own up to my mistakes. I am here to get better and learn. I am lacking some important core concepts and I learn best from other people.

Also, I am more than willing to sign up for any services or simulators that I need to participate with.
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Username: Deathrender
Age: 19
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: To be honest. I've never used these, so I'll have to make accounts if I get into the mentorship.
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: 5-10 EST I work 8-4 AST which is an hour ahead of EST. I'm only unavailable on Sundays because I have Board Game night with a big group of friends at my place.
What tier do you want to learn?: XY/BW2 OU/UU
I'm also looking to get brought up to speed with these gens. I skipped B/W 1 and 2.
Tell us a little about yourself: Lifelong gamer. Been playing Pokemon since I could walk. Been playing small competetive games with local friends but haven't stepped into the meta of actual competition style. I didn't even know about Smogon until after B/W came out and I stopped playing. Gave my DS to my nephew and couldn't afford a new one. Just picked up Y and a 3DS off a big paycheque and am getting back into comp while everyone's still getting adjusted to the new changes with X and Y.

I also enjoy long walks on the beach, discussing zombie apocalypse survival plans, and defeating the idea that there are no stupid questions!

Now the reason I'm under 25 posts. I'm just getting back into things. Like I said. I gave away my DS and had no idea there were online Pokemon battle simulators apart from horribly constructed knock-offs. I want something to do post-story on Y. Why not take my addiction to Pookiemuns a little farther? I have a reason to be on here now, so I see this as a perfect opportunity to start back up strong. I'm very experienced in everything from DPP to Gen 1. I just need an update from B/W and learning the comp basics to get my foot in the door for the release on XY comp.

Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors? Absolutely! I don't see why not.

Why tutor me?
I've known Pokemon my entire life. My next big step is learning to play competetively. I've got an open mind, I like learning from the experience of others and by applying it in practical scenarios. I've grasped a few elements of how comp works, but I need to be guided on the rest of how to function effectively and become more comfortable with in-depth game mechanics. I'm an open-minded learner, but I question the information I'm given to have a better idea of exactly what's being taught.
I play to win, I can handle myself in a mature fashion, and I respect experience regardless of who its coming from.
Username: Gourang

Age: 16

Pokemon Showdown Username: Gourang

Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT + 5:30 2:00-7:00(usually)

What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU, BW Ubers

I have less than 25 posts: I just joined in recently and am trying to participate in the forums

Tell us a little about yourself: I am a very good player and win alot but my fights are up with dumb people and when I play against a good player, I lose almost very easily with just killing one of their pokemon. I don't have any other hobbies than pokemon but I do enjoy playing all Nintendo games.

Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Sure

Why Tutor me?: I am very friendly and learn easily so you won't have problems with me and I know all the things of pokemon like IVs, EVs, Breeding Moves,etc so no need to explain that
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Age: 24
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:Pokemon Showdown username : akb123
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:GMT+0, I am available from 6pm onwards Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday and all day Saturday,Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
What tier do you want to learn?:BW OU
Tell us a little about yourself /Why tutor me?
I have been an avid gamer for about 22 years and enjoy most genres of video games. I particularly love the idea of building something from scratch and having it succeed which is why i want to learn as much about competitive Pokemon as possible.Specific areas I would like to learn include: team building, individual set building and general strategies (basically I want to start from scratch although I do have a limited knowledge of some of these things). I have played every Gen of Pokemon casually and dabbled with competitive battles in the past.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes :)
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Age: 21 (I can't believe it myself either)
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: shoppingcart
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: CST Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:00 pm - 5 p.m. Tuesday, 10:00 am-1:00p.m.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW OU/XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Damn, it's gonna be tough to top the 13 (at the time as I write this) fine gentlemen before me. For starters I'm a person who gets very enthusiastic when I start doing something I'm interested in. I'm not a total scrub when it comes to competitive play as I've played Yugi for a while before this, that said doesn't mean I was very good haha! I've played all the main series games and I've done some competitive play during Dppt but I got my ass handed to me so I turned my focus to Yugi. Now yugi sucks, the wifi system has been vastly improved, and I've been wanting to learn OU for a while so add those ingredients together and you have one idiot posting on a tutoring thread. Aside from my dark past, I have various interested that I'm interested in and I like doing things that I do.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Okay I literally took a minute to think of a way to sarcastically answer this question, but I've got nothing. However I'd be willing to do the tutee talk.

Why Tutor me?: I see this thread is a beacon to those of 25 posts or less (me included as I literally signed up to just post this. #no life), so back to the question why me? Because I'm a really a magical genie that will grant you three wishes if you tutor me. If not fear the wrath of a 1000 Bidoofs. Why don't I use these powers to make myself good at this game? Good question, here's another: why do you still believe I'm a magical genie? OK enough trolling. Well I can't give you any good reason why you should tutor me, I'd greatly appreciate it but that's about it. I have no gift to give you, no reward, nothing. I just want to get to know this game better than what I've read, as talking someone who has experience generally is better that just reading about it (then again we will just be reading messages back and for so you got me there on technicalities). It's a new format so we'll both be learning things as we go and who knows you could learn something from me!
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Username: Zessu
Age: 22
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Zessu
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm GMT -3
What tier do you want to learn?: OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Im new not only here in the Smogon community, but also in the competitive Pokémon. To be honest I only played Pokémon in emulators and ROMs, but with the release of Pokémon XY I couldnt stop my will of getting this game, so I bought a 3DS and started to read every information I found in the internet about the competitive side of the game. I found Smogon and just like that I started to see how great is the game I thought before it was just to make me waste time on PC. I learn lots of things, beated the game and created my first team for Rating Battle in Pokémon XY, single ones, 3x3, and I love it. When I readed all informations in Smogon about the Move sets and strategies of each Pokémon I liked, I figure out I would love to use Cinccino, because I always loved this Pokémon, shes so cute and reading her page, even she being RU, I saw it she is really strong too. She can be anyway. But Im too new to be able to just make a team that I want and start to battle thinking I could be at top just like that, thats why I would love to have a Tutor teaching me everything he could. I promisse I will try really hard to make sure I can be a really good apprentice. Anyway, my english is kinda bad, but I assure you I can understand anything you could say to me, thats not a problem at all. So please, let me join this program and get a nice tutor to teach me how to be a better Trainer =]
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes!
Username: Naglfar
Age: 20 (get a job nerd)
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Naglfar
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT +10, most likely 12pm - 6pm
What tier do you want to learn?: XY LC (pokebank OU if that isn't an option)
Tell us a little about yourself: I've been playing pokemon since yellow, but my earliest memory of it was when I tried out some kid's blue version and shat myself at the wild battle transition (I was like five okay?). since then I discovered smogon and netbattle kiiinda late in gen three, and I've always had competitive pokemon in the back of my mind but never got down to business all this time. now that we have a new generation and I'm not a dumb kid anymore I think it's time to make the leap and learn some metagames while they're fresh. I also made an account here last year for some reason and then never used it until recently.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: yeeeeah
But guy you don't have 25 posts: welp, I don't learn too well just by reading because that's boring, so I haven't participated on the forums all that much. one on one conversation on the other hand is probably the best way to get me engaged in anything, so I think I won't be a waste of a pick! mind that I haven't actually played little cup before though, so expect me to know nothing. meanwhile I'll be dabbling in pokebank ou and battle spot special on my own and trying to find some success there.

Age: 21

Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown: PokeTrainerKurt

Your timezone and usual hours of availability: UTC/GMT +10:30 hours, Currently a full-time University student, but from November I will have 6 months holidays! I am willing to stay up all ends of the night if chosen, because it's my university holidays. :)

What tier do you want to learn?: BW2/XY OU/UU/RU (Preferably OU, but I really want to learn it all, I'm not one who goes half way and thinks "job done!". I want to know all I can! :)

Tell us a little about yourself: I am a university student from Australia studying film and animation. I have been a fan of Pokemon since Gen 1, playing most of the games released. My interested in the games dried up a bit throughout my teens, but now in my early 20s, I am right back into it. I have a great knowledge of Gen 1 through 4, average knowledge of the rest. I have the basic idea of competitive battling down but beyond that I feel I have hit a knowledge wall. I took interest in competitive battling about 2 years ago, and have followed some of the tournaments and youtube channels and watched my fair share of battles. I think with the right direction and a tutor arming me with a well rounded knowledge pool, I will be able to build upon that and become a strong competitive battler.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes!
I am pretty new to the whole idea of competitive pokemon battling, like i said just from videos and forums I have learned the basics, but I am passionate about learning all that I can and am an extremely good learner. I pick up new concepts and ideas up very quick and respond well to criticism. I have been lurking amongst many different pokemon forums for a while now but believe now is the right time for me to take this to the next level! I really believe with the aid of a tutor I can take my ability to learn, my passion for competition, my love for pokemon and my basic knowledge of the game and turn that into a really skill and hopefully reach a level I never knew possible! I have played a bit of Showdown, just experimenting with teams I have found on different forums and youtube videos, and the same with pokemon online, but I really want to step it up to a new level!

I have a real interest in the tactics behind building certain teams and why they are good against some and bad against others. I really want to learn how and why I should add a certain pokemon to my team and know the ins and outs of each pokemon and their strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to things like this I usually obsess over it until I have it down to an art form and believe because of that I can become quite a successful battler. I believe given the opportunity I can become not only a great competitive battler, but also a very useful member of the smogon forums. I am extremely good at talking to new people and really want to get to know more people that have this same interest! I think of myself as a piece of clay at the moment. I have information about pokemon that is holding me together, but I am currently just a blob of clay, but with the write person moulding me, I can become something great!

Regardless of whether or not I am chosen for the tutoring programme, I think this will inspire me to become more proactive on the smogon forums and hopefully one day lead to a great wealth of knowledge of the game, you could even say… I hope to one day become a pokemon master… :)
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Username: Mickosis
Age: 20
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: Mickosis
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT+8, morning around about 9 AM - 1 PM
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU/ XY OU?
Tell us a little about yourself: I have been playing Pokemon Online for a while, just using experimental teams or the "copy-paste" teams, I want to learn more about it by learning with the pros, like building an effective team with a purpose or goal not just by throwing current metagame Pokes here and there. I can say that I can win almost 50% of the time, but I really want to know a little bit more in-depth.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Yes.
Reason for low post count: The same reason alot of newbies don't post or comment at all when reading articles in the threads - we really have no idea what's going on, I posted a thread in RMT last week but I deleted it because I think it sucked.
Age:16,about to be 17 on the 15th of this month
Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:AMphyLIght,Draggi
Your timezone and usual hours of availability:GMT -4 3-5 or 6-7:30.
What tier do you want to learn?:XY LC((First choice),XY Ubers (second)/BW2 Ubers/LC
Tell us a little about yourself:I did the program for NU and RU last gen, and got amazing results. I did get some good tutors in the past and they really made a great team builder. Also, I am a fast learner,so it takes little time to make ame good at something. I am also a somewhat active user, who wants to start posting more in the forums lately. Been a major Pokemon fanboy since gen 1 :) Hope this was good xD
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?:Yeah :)
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Username: default NNC
Age: 14
Pokemon Showdown: NNC
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT -7, usually 11am-11pm on weekdays.
What tier do you want to learn?: B2W2/XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: Had an obsession with pokemon since I was little, and began hoarding the cards at the age of what, seven? First experience with the actual games was with Emerald, after which I got FireRed, but that was it. Eventually I found Showdown, and taught myself nearly everything I know now about competitive battling, through bulbapedia and smogon articles, and actual experience.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: If I have time, then definately.
Under 25 posts!: My skills are decent already, but nowhere near good. I need someone who knows the ins and outs of it all, so I can actually improve instead of stagnating at this level, since no one has actually taught me about competitive battling before. Teambuilding especially is somewhat of an issue for me, as I can make decent teams, but they are never completely solid.
Username: xleftranx

Age: 22

Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:xleftranx

Your timezone and usual hours of availability:GMT.

Depending on which week, I normally have different schedules, but most of them are self-made schedules so kinda flexible, most of them. Generally, 8PM-11PM will be great time unless it is weekend when the time is really flexible on my side on saturday and sunday.

What tier do you want to learn?:BW2 OU or UU.

Tell us a little about yourself:I have playing pokemon since I was little and continued to play every single set of the games until BW( I decided to stop playing as I know it is addicting when I start so I cant concentrate on my studies lol), but now when XY came out, I saw the trailer, really cant hold back and end up buying the game. Now I am letting myself some balance of entertainment including pokemon movies, games, tcgs, animes and studies (that feels better to believe), so here I am again.

Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?:Yeah sure.

Why I should be tutored:

Hhm, I guess it is because I have been wanting to do competitive battling both in games and tcgs, but because I never had friends who knew about them in my country and thus no organized play and no chance for me to do it at that time, I did not do any of it until I found out about pokemon online, smogon, etc few years ago. Now that I found out about them, I really want to participate, either by battling, or ultimately contribute to others, coz it is fun just being involved with pokemon games, whatever it is. But im never really good at it, I always tried to read and gain knowledges but then I end up getting confused with too much choices and i am thinking only about those few certain pokemons( in the same tier) hence it becomes monotone. So I hope I can improve the my battling and increase my enjoyment by joining this and then will brace myself and do some battling here since I am now in Uk where there is organized play, hurray!

Pokemon Showdown:Cryptobiosis
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT, 18:00 to 24:00 at least, but usually sooner.
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2/XY OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a Portuguese Celular and Molecular Biology student. I have played pokemon ever since the first generation came out, and I have keep playing ever since. With the release of Pokemon X and Y, and its awesome online features, my interest in competitive play grew, and I've been using pokemon showdown to learn and test strategies I read here in smogon.
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: I will.
Why me?: As I feel that I do not know nearly enough to be able to voice opinions on the smogon forums, I have refrained from posting until I learn enough to be able to contribute to the community. To a possible tutor, what I have to say is that I am very motivated in learning and bettering myself as a competitive battler, that I know the basics like IV's, EV's, Natures, and that I can build a semi-decent team, with which I can win 8 out of 10 of the battles on my rating in showdown. What I managed to learn was due to reading here on smogon, testing teams, figuring out my weak points and improving. I am very open to constructive criticism, and I will often have questions regarding team compositions and strategies. I am here to learn, and I hope I can do so now with the help of the much more experienced :)
Username: PumpHead
Age: 14
Pokemon Showdown Username: PumpHead
Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST, 6-12 PM
What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU/ X/Y OU
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a writer who has worked on lore for various roleplays and Minecraft servers, and I got into the Pokemon competitive scene three months ago. I've played a lot with other metagames, but my OU is a bit rusty. I'd like to find a tutor for it so I can be better at the most popular metagame!
Will you be willing to do tutee talk threads on your tutors?: Of course.
Why I should be tutored?:
I think that bringing someone into the game is it's own reward, and I would be doing the same for someone like me. It's not like I just joined the scene, I just need to learn the OU tier to stray out of my comfort zone (which is Ubers and UU). I may have joined the forums yesterday, but I guarantee you can ask some of the regulars of the UU room who I am, and they'll know. I doubt I would be tutored for this reason, but I'll give it a shot. Plus, I'd like someone I could turn to for various questions.
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