Apprentice Program - Round Thirty Four

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Assigned to jrrrrrrr

Shoddy Battle nick: serenity2
Age: 18
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Within 5-10, not on all the time though
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level: Haven't been shoddying much, used to NB.
A little about myself: Usually on IRC than Shoddy, hoping to understand the DPPt metagame more.
Assigned to Brawley

Shoddy Battle nick: msdfabio
Age: 19
Time zone: Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):
Sunday - Thursday: 2:30pm-11pm
Friday and Saturday: 1pm-1am
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes.
Experience level: I know some basics on competitive battling such as the roles of Pokemon. However, I need some improvement on team building and synergy because most of my teams have been 6 Pokemon randomly thrown together. I also want to learn more about the new threats of Platinum since I took a break from battling for at least six months.
A little about myself: I've been playing Pokemon games since the days of R/B/Y. I stopped playing them after I was through with Sapphire but I got back into Pokemon when I heard Wi-fi was going to be available. This is when I started getting into "competitive battling". I spent most of my battles on Wi-fi although I did play on Shoddy when it was still brand new.
Assigned to Havak

Shoddy Battle nick: thekingofhamsters
Age: 16
Time zone: Eastern(-5:00, I think)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 4 p.m. to 10 p.m on weekdays, and 12 p.m. - 12 a.m. on the weekends( I know, I'm a night owl.)
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes.
Experience level: This is like, my second week playing. I lose a lot, but when I get lady luck working for me, I take advantage of it(I've gotten some successful scizor sweeps. I've got plenty of the basics sound. I simply want to be good at team-building and competitive battling.
A little about myself: I'm a night owl! I'm into anime and alternative rock. I am a procrastinator. I like pokemon, and I really want to get good at it. I would prefer somebody who will not get distracted while tutoring me. :D I like food, btw.
Assigned to JabbaTheGriffin

Shoddy Battle nick: mintyfresh2
Age: 15
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Weekdays 4-10pm Weekends on and off all day
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level: I know a lot about competitive battling, I just want to go from decent battler to great.
A little about myself: Since I have joined Smogon in June, I have learned my weight in information about the metagame and plan to refine my skills even more. I am constantly looking for strategy that will put me ahead of the competition. I enjoy playing sports when Im not on smogon or doing school work, I am decently intellegent and I'm pretty sociable. I'd love to participate in the tutoring program
Assigned to zerowing

Shoddy Battle nick: Mr.T, Vance
Age: 13
Time zone: GMT -5
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Mondays-Thursday: 4-8pm, Friday + Sunday I'm on all day (except on Friday, but I stay up all night :p)
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level: Moderate, I know the basics and can make teams better now.
A little about myself: I've been in this tournament and apprencite program many times before, but never made it past round 1 (last match I got haxed to death ;_;) Hoping this time I'll do better.
Assigned to Olie

Shoddy Battle nick:captinbiff
Time zone:Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):9:00-10:00
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no?yes
Experience level:decent
A little about myself:I started playing competitive for about 6 months now and I can't build many good teams and my prdiction needs a little work. I really want to learn!
Assigned to Aeroblacktyl

Shoddy Battle nick: possession999
Age: 13
Time zone: Eastern
Regular Online Hours: 5-9 p.m.
Experience level: I'm not that good competitively battling. My last team failed pretty bad. I have a little knowledge on the metagame but not much. I just need help getting started. I would really like to be a part of this because I've been trying to become good for a while.
A little about myself: Well, I live in Indiana and in the 8th grade. Also, I play tennis and run track.
EDIT:Yes, I want to participate in the tournament


sup geodudes
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Assigned to Stathakis

Shoddy Battle nick:Macle
Age: 16
Time zone: Central
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 6-9
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? no
Experience level: I'm pretty average battler. I'm ok at prediction. My teams never turn out to be a great team.
A little about myself: I play basketball for my school. I enjoy watching tv and movies.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
Assigned to SoT

Shoddy Battle nick: TheFourthChaser
Age: 14
Time zone: Pacific(GMT -8)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): This sounds weird in Eastern time but, 10PM-12PM weekdays and 5PM-3AM weekends.
Do you want to play in the tournament: Well I was in the last one but if Blue Kirby allows me to, yes
Experience level*: I've already been tutorted and I feel that I can still be better than I am now, but I've become much better than before I was tutorted.
A little about myself: I'm a freshman in High School and besides Pokemon I play Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and alot of major Nintendo games(like Mario, LoZ, and Smash Bros.). I also plan on getting a 360 soon.

I request my previous tutor, SoT. He and I already know the schedules and he knows what I need to work on still so he's the tutor I want.
Assigned to Articanus

Shoddy Battle nick: dannyteam
Age: 17
Time zone: GMT -5 (East Coast United States)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 8:00-9:00 P.M. on weekdays and the times on the weekend are random (After I finish my homework).
Do you want to play in the tournament: Yes
Experience level: I've been playing OU since Diamond/Pearl's release but I'm having a little trouble getting a rating of 1400 on Shoddy Battle.
A little about myself: Pokemon takes a backseat to school but I want to improve my rank and do well in tournaments. Besides Pokemon I'm open to trying a lot of things, I enjoy all kinds of music, I like to exercise, play sports, draw and do other kinds of art.
Assigned to TAY

Shoddy Battle nick: 9tailed Phoenix
Age: 16
Time zone: -5
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):I don't know about eastern but, I have school, so never before 3:00 pm on weekdays. but other than that, probably anytime.
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes
Experience level: started playing competative about a month ago, so very little. I learn fast though, and i've been doing OK on Shoddy so far.
A little about myself: I play pokemon. do you need to know anything else?
Assigned to MS

Shoddy Battle nick: Donovan
Age: 15
Time zone: Mountain Time, which is basically PST +1
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 4-8 PM
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes
Experience level: Average great at strategizing like 2 Poke combo but horrible at team building.
A little about myself:
I am a sophmore in High School, im pretty smart.
Assigned to .Baris.

Shoddy Battle nick: SuperSimon
Age: 15- 16 in less then a month
Time zone: Eatern
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 3-5:30 pm
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes
Experience level: Im decent, Ive beaton some top players but mainly because of luck.
A little about myself:
Ive been competitive battling for about a year now. I like to think of my self as halfway decent but I dont know. I came from the Game Winners Forums, and am considered one of the top battlers there which is not saying much.
Assigned to Sapientia

Shoddy Battle nick: Hocotate
Age: 16
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (with Canadian daylight savings, dunno if it's different in Americaland)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Around 7-10 o'clock pm on weekdays, around 1:00 pm on weekends (but not always).
Do you want to play in the tournament: Sure.
Experience level: I've played since maybe mid-June, but I'm still not all that good. I have a tendency to make teams that get swept by something, change it immediately, and then get swept by something else. Somehow I got the last spot on the Suspect leaderboards after a few matches. Oh, and I've been beaten by a Luvdisc.
A little about myself: Canadian immigrant. I'm doing well in school despite wasting all of my time playing games (not even doing homework at this point), but I expect that to change. I've only played Diamond and Pearl, but I have maybe 200 hours logged on Brawl. Olimar is top-tier, guys.
Assigned to Judgement

Shoddy Battle nick: link6491
Age: 17
Time zone: GMT -5 (Boston)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 7 to 10 weekdays, variable weekends
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes
Experience level: Better at team building (i hope.) Was assigned a tutor last year, but I put down the wrong time zone. Learned quite a bit on my own though, so I am a decidedly average battler.
A little about myself: Senior in High School. Pretty much done with college apps and such, so will be available most nights. Participate in Theater (doing Amadeus right now) and study Classical Greek (Odyssey in original text/ New Testament)
Assigned to darkie

Shoddy Battle nick: Merchant
Age: 15
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 3-5, 7-10
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level: About average
A little about myself: Just a not so typical Chinese boy with time on his hands and a desire to learn something new. I've been playing around Shoddy for a while, so I wanted to get better.
Assigned to maddog

Age: 21
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):
Weekdays : 4 PM- 6 PM; 8 PM -11 PM
Weekends : 2 PM- 6PM; 8 PM - 11 PM
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Yes
Experience level: I understand most of the concepts in the abstract, but have trouble applying them; especially team building
A little about myself: I've been playing since RBY and have been looking into tips and hints in strategy guides and web sites like this for nearly as long. I tend to be horrible at prediction.
Shoddy Battle nick: SuperFlanker
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 2-11 weekdays (usually) All day on weekends (usually)
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes
Experience level: I'd considor myself decent, Understand most concepts somewhat. But I'd like to get a hell of alot better.
A little about myself: Been playin pokes since RBY and Have been breeding and EVing since diamond. Favorite pokemon is Feraligatr. Own an actual copy of platinum as well.
I can't believe I probably missed it again, ahhh
Shoddy Battle nick: junebug
Age: 18
Time zone: EST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Kinda varies, not always in the middle of the day (11-4ish)on weekdays, weekends vary too probably best in the day or late at night (12am+), but i'm pretty flexible
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? yes if I can =/
Experience level*:A little about myself: I'm a college freshman at UMich. I am somewhat knowledgeable of the metagame and play shoddy once in awhile. I feel like I need to sharpen my prediction skills a little but more importantly I don't feel like I have great team building skills, I find it hard to pull off good strategies I guess.
Shoddy Battle nick: darth meanie
Age: 17
Time zone: PST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays practically all day, MWF less so, afternoon is free though. Sundays I'm usually going to church/finishing homework
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? Honkin' Yes
Experience level: I know a thing or two, I had a pretty good team going back in DP when Wobbuffet and Deoxys were OU, but I've fallen out of the loop and really have trouble with current threats and lead games. Team building has been decent but I usually leave at least one gaping weakness, and while I can put synergy on paper somewhat, I can't enact it in battle.
A little about myself: College freshman, procrastinates way to much, really doesn't need something else on his table but wants to put it on there anyways.
Shoddy Battle nick: Xenon

Age: 17

Time zone: IST (Indian Standard Time) (GMT +05:30) (EST +10:30)

Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Nothing Specific, but flexible.

Do you want to play in the tournament: Why not?

Experience level*: A few years on NetBattle and a year on ShoddyBattle. I don't have many problems in predicting and general knowledge about the metagame, but i really suck at team building, which is where i need a lot of help.


formerly Alakapimp
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Shoddy Battle nick: - FinalPwnage
Age: - 14
Time zone: - Central standerd
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): - ahh eastern well from like 6-10 every weekday and way more on weekends
Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? - of course yes
Experience level: - a little ladderd to 1400 once but then my hardrive got wiped and i didn't bother to remake my team
A little about myself: - a play pretty often and would love to get better
Shoddy Battle nick: Kharozz
Age: 13
Time zone: PST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 11:00-12:30 Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (I hope that's right)
Do you want to play in the tournament: Preferably yes to test my skills, but doesn't matter
Experience level: I guess so and so. Maybe a bit more experienced than the average. I can sort of predict a bit and I know what are walls and sweepers and stuff like that.
A little about myself: I love to have fun doing stuff! I'm very excited for this!


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Shoddy Battle nick: Chris
Age: 16
Time zone: CST
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): 7 PM - 2 AM
Do you want to play in the tournament: Preferably yes.
Experience level: I'm very knowledgable, but my battling skills appear to be shot.
A little about myself: I'm a Smogonite scooterist with style. I'm mainly doing this because I have a lot of problems translating technical know-how into Shoddy laddering; despite intense studying I've only managed 1550, which apparently is pretty average (not CRE, I got it for Suspect Test Chomp)
Not sure if there's space left, but here goes....

Shoddy Battle nick: Archer
Age: 16
Time zone: +10 (NSW, Australia)
Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!): Not sure what this would translate to, but 6-9pm (GMT +10) most days except Wednesday.
Do you want to play in the tournament: No
Experience level: Experience - High, Skill - Moderate
A little about myself: Ok, well I've been into Competitive for a while, although I've only taken it seriously this year. I only play OU at the moment and generally don't make novelty teams. Exams and assignments for the year are over (as of Wednesday), so I should get more time on the net. I'm currently building a stall team.
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