QC Approved: Nails, Fried Rhys, Oglemi
GP Approved: Omicron, New World Order
<p>This monster just screams awesome. Archeops was one of the most anticipated Pokemon prior to the release of Pokemon Black and White, both due its amazing conceptual design, and its ridiculous 140 / 112 / 110 offensive stat spread. Even more hype was received upon revelation of its incredibly varied movepool, which granted it an impressive set of both physical and special attacks. Furthermore, Archeops is capable of wielding one of the most destructive moves in the game: a Choice Band boosted Head Smash coming off of Archeops's 140 base Attack stat.</p>
<p>With these offenses, Archeops was expected to be a terrorizing force, until its ability was revealed. Defeatist is one of the worst abilities Archeops could receive, halving both of its attacking stats when it loses half of its health. While some Pokemon would be able to function reasonably despite this loss, Archeops is hindered heavily by both its mediocre defenses and its weakness to Stealth Rock, which severely limits its ability to switch in and out of play. Despite these crippling faults, Archeops is still an incredibly threatening Pokemon that can scout, sweep or break walls; only a few Pokemon are capable of withstanding its onslaught.</p>
name: Acrobatics
move1: Acrobatics
move2: Head Smash / Stone Edge
move3: Hidden Power Ice
move4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
nature: Jolly
item: Flying Gem / Rock Gem
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>One of the most powerful offensive forces in RU, this Archeops set is extremely deadly if used correctly. The primary focus here is to break through walls with the sheer power of Flying Gem-boosted Acrobatics and Head Smash, and sweep through a weakened opposing team late-game. Acrobatics is Archeops' primary offensive option, hitting 110 Base Power after the Flying Gem is used, and is a hugely threatening STAB move without any drawbacks. Alternatively, one can utilize a Rock Gem in concordance with Head Smash, which will OHKO anything in the tier that does not resist Head Smash. Of course, the potential recoil, which will almost surely activate Defeatist, is a major drawback. However, when used in conjunction with Acrobatics, there is very little that can safely take a hit. Head Smash also provides Archeops with a suitably powerful move if Defeatist is activated. Hidden Power Ice is chosen specifically to 2HKO Gligar, who could otherwise take Archeops' attacks reasonably well, and pose a threat in return. Earthquake is the preferred final move as it offers coverage against otherwise problematic Pokemon, such as Steelix and Qwilfish.</p>
<p>Archeops's preferred nature on this set is Jolly, in order to outspeed base 109 Speed Pokemon and lower, notably Durant, who could otherwise outspeed and OHKO with Iron Head. An Adamant nature can be used if power is preferred over speed, gaining the guaranteed OHKO on Bouffalant with an unboosted Acrobatics. The EVs are both incredibly obvious and incredibly necessary; Archeops should never invest in defenses at all, and full Attack and Speed investment give it the greatest offensive output. Archeops loves Rapid Spin support to remove Stealth Rock, the fastest way to trigger Defeatist. Wynaut can remove troublesome Pokemon for Archeops or ease its ability to switch in. Spikes support is also critical, as it negates the need for Archeops to run an Adamant nature and also wears down Archeops's checks and counters. Healing Wish support is huge, as teams can almost never handle a second wave of Archeops at the late game stages.</p>
name: Choice
move1: U-turn
move2: Head Smash / Stone Edge
move3: Acrobatics / Hidden Power Ice / Stone Edge
move4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Archeops can use Choice items quite effectively, either to enhance its natural sweeping ability or functioning as a brilliant revenge killer. Utilising a Choice item allows Archeops to run U-turn, which allows Archeops to deal damage while scouting for checks and counters. It also leaves Archeops less vulnerable to opposing attacks. While both Head Smash and Stone Edge are viable and very dangerous, the choice between them comes down to what role you want Archeops to play. If it is to to sweep late game, Stone Edge is likely the better choice, while if Archeops is to revenge kill, Head Smash may be of greater use, gaining more OHKOs in the process. Acrobatics is the best choice as Archeops's secondary STAB. Despite its paltry 55 base power, if Archeops loses its Choice item somehow, it gains an excellent STAB option in the process. If the lack of immediate power is unappealing, Hidden Power Ice is an option to severely damage Gligar switch-ins. Using both Head Smash and Stone Edge on the same set is also a reasonable option, with on being used in place of Acrobatics in the third slot. Earthquake is Archeops's most viable coverage option, hitting Electric- and Poison-types for super effective damage.</p>
<p>Adamant is the preferred nature when used in conjunction with a Choice Scarf, while Jolly is better used with a Choice Band in order to maximize Archeops's speed. Particularly on a Choice set, there is no reason to run anything other than maximum Attack and Speed. Rapid Spin support is absolutely necessary with this set, as its primary move will be U-turn, resulting in frequent switches. Choice Archeops is particularly useful for weakening walls for a teammate to sweep.Thus, Krookodile and Aggron make good partners as both appreciate the accumulated damage on physical walls. Krookodile in particular as it can then sweep more easily with Moxie.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Archeops sports a fairly varied movepool, albeit one with few viable options. Quick Attack can be used on a Choice Band set to finish off Pokemon with boosted speed such as Lilligant. Crunch is also useful on a Choice set for its ability to hit Psychic- and Ghost-types super effectively. Rock Slide is an option over of Stone Edge due to its better accuracy; the power drop is quite noticeable, however. Dragon Claw provides a nearly unresisted attacking option that hits Dragon-typed Pokemon super effectively. Hone Claws is an interesting move, as it boosts Archeops's offensive power as well as the accuracy of Stone Edge. Unfortunately finding a set up opportunity is extremely difficult. Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse and AncientPower could possibly constitute a special attacking set, perhaps utilizing Choice Specs, but the lack of a viable STAB option severely limits this sets potential. Knock Off is an interesting niche option to screw over opposing walls by removing Leftovers or Eviolite. Finally, Archeops should never use a Life Orb. Archeops has enough power that it will almost never miss the power boost and the recoil from Life Orb will activate Defeatist more quickly. Life Orb also neuters the usefulness of Acrobatics.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Archeops sports a fairly varied movepool, albeit one with few viable options. Quick Attack can be used on a Choice Band set to finish off Pokemon with boosted speed such as Lilligant. Crunch is also useful on a Choice set for its ability to hit Psychic- and Ghost-types super effectively. Rock Slide is an option over of Stone Edge due to its better accuracy; the power drop is quite noticeable, however. Dragon Claw provides a nearly unresisted attacking option that hits Dragon-typed Pokemon super effectively. Hone Claws is an interesting move, as it boosts Archeops's offensive power as well as the accuracy of Stone Edge. Unfortunately finding a set up opportunity is extremely difficult. Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse and AncientPower could possibly constitute a special attacking set, perhaps utilizing Choice Specs, but the lack of a viable STAB option severely limits this sets potential. Knock Off is an interesting niche option to ruin opposing walls by removing Leftovers or Eviolite. Finally, Archeops should never use a Life Orb. Archeops has enough power that it will almost never miss the power boost and the recoil from Life Orb will activate Defeatist more quickly. Life Orb also neuters the usefulness of Acrobatics.</p>
GP Approved: Omicron, New World Order

<p>This monster just screams awesome. Archeops was one of the most anticipated Pokemon prior to the release of Pokemon Black and White, both due its amazing conceptual design, and its ridiculous 140 / 112 / 110 offensive stat spread. Even more hype was received upon revelation of its incredibly varied movepool, which granted it an impressive set of both physical and special attacks. Furthermore, Archeops is capable of wielding one of the most destructive moves in the game: a Choice Band boosted Head Smash coming off of Archeops's 140 base Attack stat.</p>
<p>With these offenses, Archeops was expected to be a terrorizing force, until its ability was revealed. Defeatist is one of the worst abilities Archeops could receive, halving both of its attacking stats when it loses half of its health. While some Pokemon would be able to function reasonably despite this loss, Archeops is hindered heavily by both its mediocre defenses and its weakness to Stealth Rock, which severely limits its ability to switch in and out of play. Despite these crippling faults, Archeops is still an incredibly threatening Pokemon that can scout, sweep or break walls; only a few Pokemon are capable of withstanding its onslaught.</p>
name: Acrobatics
move1: Acrobatics
move2: Head Smash / Stone Edge
move3: Hidden Power Ice
move4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
nature: Jolly
item: Flying Gem / Rock Gem
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>One of the most powerful offensive forces in RU, this Archeops set is extremely deadly if used correctly. The primary focus here is to break through walls with the sheer power of Flying Gem-boosted Acrobatics and Head Smash, and sweep through a weakened opposing team late-game. Acrobatics is Archeops' primary offensive option, hitting 110 Base Power after the Flying Gem is used, and is a hugely threatening STAB move without any drawbacks. Alternatively, one can utilize a Rock Gem in concordance with Head Smash, which will OHKO anything in the tier that does not resist Head Smash. Of course, the potential recoil, which will almost surely activate Defeatist, is a major drawback. However, when used in conjunction with Acrobatics, there is very little that can safely take a hit. Head Smash also provides Archeops with a suitably powerful move if Defeatist is activated. Hidden Power Ice is chosen specifically to 2HKO Gligar, who could otherwise take Archeops' attacks reasonably well, and pose a threat in return. Earthquake is the preferred final move as it offers coverage against otherwise problematic Pokemon, such as Steelix and Qwilfish.</p>
<p>Archeops's preferred nature on this set is Jolly, in order to outspeed base 109 Speed Pokemon and lower, notably Durant, who could otherwise outspeed and OHKO with Iron Head. An Adamant nature can be used if power is preferred over speed, gaining the guaranteed OHKO on Bouffalant with an unboosted Acrobatics. The EVs are both incredibly obvious and incredibly necessary; Archeops should never invest in defenses at all, and full Attack and Speed investment give it the greatest offensive output. Archeops loves Rapid Spin support to remove Stealth Rock, the fastest way to trigger Defeatist. Wynaut can remove troublesome Pokemon for Archeops or ease its ability to switch in. Spikes support is also critical, as it negates the need for Archeops to run an Adamant nature and also wears down Archeops's checks and counters. Healing Wish support is huge, as teams can almost never handle a second wave of Archeops at the late game stages.</p>
name: Choice
move1: U-turn
move2: Head Smash / Stone Edge
move3: Acrobatics / Hidden Power Ice / Stone Edge
move4: Earthquake
ability: Defeatist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Band
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Archeops can use Choice items quite effectively, either to enhance its natural sweeping ability or functioning as a brilliant revenge killer. Utilising a Choice item allows Archeops to run U-turn, which allows Archeops to deal damage while scouting for checks and counters. It also leaves Archeops less vulnerable to opposing attacks. While both Head Smash and Stone Edge are viable and very dangerous, the choice between them comes down to what role you want Archeops to play. If it is to to sweep late game, Stone Edge is likely the better choice, while if Archeops is to revenge kill, Head Smash may be of greater use, gaining more OHKOs in the process. Acrobatics is the best choice as Archeops's secondary STAB. Despite its paltry 55 base power, if Archeops loses its Choice item somehow, it gains an excellent STAB option in the process. If the lack of immediate power is unappealing, Hidden Power Ice is an option to severely damage Gligar switch-ins. Using both Head Smash and Stone Edge on the same set is also a reasonable option, with on being used in place of Acrobatics in the third slot. Earthquake is Archeops's most viable coverage option, hitting Electric- and Poison-types for super effective damage.</p>
<p>Adamant is the preferred nature when used in conjunction with a Choice Scarf, while Jolly is better used with a Choice Band in order to maximize Archeops's speed. Particularly on a Choice set, there is no reason to run anything other than maximum Attack and Speed. Rapid Spin support is absolutely necessary with this set, as its primary move will be U-turn, resulting in frequent switches. Choice Archeops is particularly useful for weakening walls for a teammate to sweep.Thus, Krookodile and Aggron make good partners as both appreciate the accumulated damage on physical walls. Krookodile in particular as it can then sweep more easily with Moxie.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Archeops sports a fairly varied movepool, albeit one with few viable options. Quick Attack can be used on a Choice Band set to finish off Pokemon with boosted speed such as Lilligant. Crunch is also useful on a Choice set for its ability to hit Psychic- and Ghost-types super effectively. Rock Slide is an option over of Stone Edge due to its better accuracy; the power drop is quite noticeable, however. Dragon Claw provides a nearly unresisted attacking option that hits Dragon-typed Pokemon super effectively. Hone Claws is an interesting move, as it boosts Archeops's offensive power as well as the accuracy of Stone Edge. Unfortunately finding a set up opportunity is extremely difficult. Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse and AncientPower could possibly constitute a special attacking set, perhaps utilizing Choice Specs, but the lack of a viable STAB option severely limits this sets potential. Knock Off is an interesting niche option to screw over opposing walls by removing Leftovers or Eviolite. Finally, Archeops should never use a Life Orb. Archeops has enough power that it will almost never miss the power boost and the recoil from Life Orb will activate Defeatist more quickly. Life Orb also neuters the usefulness of Acrobatics.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Archeops sports a fairly varied movepool, albeit one with few viable options. Quick Attack can be used on a Choice Band set to finish off Pokemon with boosted speed such as Lilligant. Crunch is also useful on a Choice set for its ability to hit Psychic- and Ghost-types super effectively. Rock Slide is an option over of Stone Edge due to its better accuracy; the power drop is quite noticeable, however. Dragon Claw provides a nearly unresisted attacking option that hits Dragon-typed Pokemon super effectively. Hone Claws is an interesting move, as it boosts Archeops's offensive power as well as the accuracy of Stone Edge. Unfortunately finding a set up opportunity is extremely difficult. Focus Blast, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse and AncientPower could possibly constitute a special attacking set, perhaps utilizing Choice Specs, but the lack of a viable STAB option severely limits this sets potential. Knock Off is an interesting niche option to ruin opposing walls by removing Leftovers or Eviolite. Finally, Archeops should never use a Life Orb. Archeops has enough power that it will almost never miss the power boost and the recoil from Life Orb will activate Defeatist more quickly. Life Orb also neuters the usefulness of Acrobatics.</p>