Arya's Swamp (Logo & Sprites Gallery)


is a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Hi everyone, and welcome to my thread. I will be posting the logos I've been working on with a little description on them, and also other stuff. I hope you like them. :D



This was created for the Hispanic Grand Slam (2021).

Futbolito World Championship Logo!! (2020)


Multi Random Battle Tournament in Español (2021 & 2022)

Mexico logo for something I still don't know but I was requested to do so (2022)


SS Masters in Español. I'm not super fond of this one but well it exists. I had to do it quite running :C (2022)


Secret Santa Event Logo (2021)
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Hello! I'm gonna show you some more of my recent logos & sprites!
XCC logo.
One of my latest comissions
a totodile cosplayed as Master Yi from league of legends with a Guinsoo.
A request made by Dorron, professor Layton
sprite sevt5.png
A recolor and restyle made as a request by Sevt
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I love all of your stuff and I’m genuinely astonished! I do want to know, however, do people just ask you to make them some logo art? Please respond!
( btw i like the mexico one nice work )
Hello! Thank you so much for your reply!!! And also thanks for asking.

Yes! People usually come and say "hello, could you please make me a logo for X?? and I do it as fast as I can hahaha.
Happy December!
As an update for commissions:
To have it written somewhere, all the Sprite commissions (except recolors) will cost 10€.
Recolors are free.

Logos will be free! But if you feel generous you can always tip me something too.

I will be posting here, with the permission of the requesters, the ones I've been working on.

(Comissioned by Lalaya)
Do you have a deadline? I'm currently working on a sprite, but if you don't mind waiting I can do it!
Preferably if you can get it done by march 28th if it takes longer that's fine. Also I forgot to add but I need the silvally to be the shiny form I just edited it so you don't forget