Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 16

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no I'm using smogon BL list in the dex, i want to quickly see these pokemons typing.

If im correct there are 15/50 pokemon coming from BL that take 25%+ from SR. and 8/50 that can use the move SR. and 5/50 that 2x resist SR and no 4x resist
flash fire doesn't
i don't know what you mean by sunny day boost

I think he means if, say, Heatran had a Flash Fire boost and used Fire Blast during Sunny Day, would the attack be boosted by both Flash Fire and Sunny Day (which does boost the power of fire-type attacks)?
I have a breeding question (egg hatching question). The breeding guide says that the step counter is reset every 256 steps. When this occurs, the game checks if there are eggs on your team. If the egg counter is not 0, it gets decreased by 2. If the egg counter is 0 or less, the egg hatches. If you are carrying more than one egg, all egg counters are checked starting from the topmost one.
If that egg's egg counter is not zero, it is decreased accordingly (by 2 if you have a Magma Armor/Flame Body Pokémon, or by 1 otherwise), and the next egg is checked. If it is zero, then that egg hatches, and the other eggs’ counters are not checked or decreased. This means that you cannot hatch two or more eggs simultaneously, but you need to wait at least 256 steps (255 in DP) between a hatching egg and another.
Here is the question: if I place the newest eggs with the highest egg counters at the top of the party (30,30,30,2,0), will they be reduced before the low counters hatch (preventing some of the extra steps usually required when hatching multiple eggs). The breeding guide doesn't mention this, but I am hoping that the above egg counters would become (28,28,28,0, hatch). Placing the low counters at the top would result in (hatch, 2, 30, 30, 30). If the first case holds true, it would save some time. I am hoping to avoid testing this myself because I don't know much about egg counters and I find it difficult to pay close attention while breeding. Thanks.
The point of this thread is to ask questions (simple ones) and to get answers. Telling people to "google it" or "look around" isn't giving them the help that they came to this thread to get.

you're right of course, but it was just a huge facepalm moment.

i'll refrain from being facetious henceforth. =X
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