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  • darn my bad, ill try to catch you sunday since i am busy until then is anytime sunday okay for you ?
    hello did you get to sort things out? tell me if youll be ready to trade some time today or tommorrow
    i was looking at your trade thread :P and thanks heres a list of the pokes i want.
    uu warriors..
    Poochyena* (♂)
    4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Spe
    Thunderbolt | Focus Blast | Psychic | Hidden Power
    mr mime*
    4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Spe
    Psychic | Focus Blast | Thunderbolt | Hidden Power
    tangela calm*
    4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Spe
    Overheat | Fire Blast | Dragon Pulse | Hidden Power
    hey i was about to contact meph for eppie's give away and noticed your posted about downloading those pokes from that previous giveaway. I was wondering if after i could get those pokes from you. I am fine with trading 1 for 1 a fully redi for full redi, oh and i dont need all of them just like seven particular ones :P anyways get back to me if your intrested.
    You're the PokeBeach Veteran burnpsy, aren't you? I'm sorry but my stock of Kabuto has ran out. Please ask the distributors for a copy.
    Ok, but you might want to skip SRing for Altaria since I believe it learns heal bell through HG/SS move tutors.
    Well if you are still planning to do those XD playthroughs, let me know. I would be interested if you get some good results.
    If you have any updates, then feel free to post about it in your trade topic. That's part of the rules.
    Yea, no problem. I hope it goes well for the team.

    Nice talking/typing to you.
    Yea, I think Swampert could be replaced for Gyrados. Since you mention it's usually fodder, might as well make use of the slot right? Celebi and Breeloom will have a lot harder time switching in on your team as a whole. The only problem is your going to run into a few problems as far as an electric weakness. Until testing says otherwise, I am guessing Shaymin will have to be your Jolteon check (along with Scarftran).
    Ah, I see.
    You know that shiny Magnezone I have in my thread? Well I've gone ahead and made it redistributable, so I'll give that one to you. Just link to my thread and keep its nickname :)
    And alright, I'll give you some other redistributables, any that you particularly need?
    And yep, tomorrow is fine
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