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Where can I buy a Japanese copy of Pokemon D/P? Google isnt working for me for some reason o_O
probably ebay cause you probably want the one with the e4 glitch but im pretty sure they patched all the newer ones in japan so ebay mite have some used non patched ones but hey you probably already new that since everyone knows about ebay

edit: found one japenese diamond on ebay
Question: I'm planning a BL and below team (i.e, no standards/ubers) and I was wondering: what's a good Pokemon that can rapid spin, take some hits, and possibly stealth rock? Basically, a utility Pokemon for that tier.

Question: I'm planning a BL and below team (i.e, no standards/ubers) and I was wondering: what's a good Pokemon that can rapid spin, take some hits, and possibly stealth rock? Basically, a utility Pokemon for that tier.

do sandslash that would be cool has 110 def only 10 less then donphan and 75hp 25 less then donphan and learns rapid spin and stealth rock and is faster then donphan and has 100 att
probably ebay cause you probably want the one with the e4 glitch but im pretty sure they patched all the newer ones in japan so ebay mite have some used non patched ones but hey you probably already new that since everyone knows about ebay

edit: found one japenese diamond on ebay

I searched there, I didnt find any.

And, actually, no, its because I like seeing Japanese character names rather than English ones. Just personal perference. =3
Can Ditto transform and still get the effect of Metal Powder?
Metal Powder
Raises Ditto's Def and SpDef by 50%.
Raises Ditto's Defense and Special Defense by 50%. The boosts are lost when Ditto uses Transform.
taking out of research thread if you have a question you can check there has lots of info and your welcome nikki beach
I heard Pal Parked Pokemon can change their ability when they evolve. Is this true? If so, could I do this:
1. Get a Shroomish to level 45 in Emerald (for Spore).
2. Migrate it to Pearl
3. Catch it and evolve it to see if it gets Poison Heal
4. Soft reset and catch it again if it doesn't.

I accidentally made a thread about this earlier and got a yes, but I wanted to confirm it with more people. Thanks.

Also, on the subject of Breloom, is Jolly or Adamant better. I can't decide.
Takes to long, and is really boring. Why not just do it in D/P?

And yes, that does work, but it's a waste of time.

Adamant, ftw, Breloom's Speed sucks anyways, so I prefer to power it up.
I heard Pal Parked Pokemon can change their ability when they evolve. Is this true? If so, could I do this:
1. Get a Shroomish to level 45 in Emerald (for Spore).
2. Migrate it to Pearl
3. Catch it and evolve it to see if it gets Poison Heal
4. Soft reset and catch it again if it doesn't.

I accidentally made a thread about this earlier and got a yes, but I wanted to confirm it with more people. Thanks.

Also, on the subject of Breloom, is Jolly or Adamant better. I can't decide.
its a yes and i like jolly
What is a good Blissey counter that has the chance of taking it down in one or two hits? I read the analysis counters but I want something that can resist thunderwave so it can do more than just counter Blissey seeing as thunder wave can be crippling. I was thinking maybe an Outraging Garchomp, but alot of Blisseys I have seen carry ice beam so I would definately have to OH/2HKO. Your advice?
What is a good Blissey counter that has the chance of taking it down in one or two hits? I read the analysis counters but I want something that can resist thunderwave so it can do more than just counter Blissey seeing as thunder wave can be crippling. I was thinking maybe an Outraging Garchomp, but alot of Blisseys I have seen carry ice beam so I would definately have to OH/2HKO. Your advice?

Electivire (Motor Drive), Heracross (Guts), Hariyama (Guts, High HP).
What is a good Blissey counter that has the chance of taking it down in one or two hits? I read the analysis counters but I want something that can resist thunderwave so it can do more than just counter Blissey seeing as thunder wave can be crippling. I was thinking maybe an Outraging Garchomp, but alot of Blisseys I have seen carry ice beam so I would definately have to OH/2HKO. Your advice?
i like dugtrio but ice beam kills it so maybe mamoswine could work since its ice and ground
Thanks. Mamoswine could be a great Blissey Counter. I'd have to test it out though because of my inexperience with Mamoswine.

I don't like Heracross or Hariyama, because even though they have Guts, they become hard to use later in the game because of their slow speed. I don't like Electivire because in my experience it doesn't hit Blissey hard enough.
Here's a question

Why is wobb an uber, and Blissey isn't?

Bliss deff has higher bas stats. It doesn't make sense
Here's a question

Why is wobb an uber, and Blissey isn't?

Bliss deff has higher bas stats. It doesn't make sense
cause wobb makes it so you cant switch out and can use encore to make you do the same move so if you do attack like earthquake he can keep countering it back

so this is what would happen
bob sends out wobbufet
tony sends out garchomp

garchomp used earthquake
wobbufet used encore

garchomp used earthquake
wobbufet used encore

or this could happen
garchomp used swords dance
wobbufet used encore

wobbufet is switched out for weavile
garchomp used swords dance

you could switch out or keep garchomp in either way your screwed because weavile will swords dance and if you dont swich will use ice punch next turn but when wobbufet was out you couldent switch out cause of his ability so his ability and move set combined with good stats
iirc Wobb is uber because of its insanely high HP. Because of its high HP it can take the hits you throw at it and does double the damage done to it back to you (your pokemon, w/e). Blissey has very low Def and Attacking stats. Although it can absorb special attacks it usually has a hard time doing damage back.
i dunno
wobb def's are so low

It seems redict that blisseys hp is so high, and it can do a constant 100 hp every turn, not to mention the huge sp def

i thought the thing that made somethign an uber was its total base stats alone

also, can some one find me a good shoddy download?
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