So the other day in #genvuu we were briefly talking about short batton passing, and batton pass 2 attacks sets. Of course Mew came up, and someone mentioned they thought Zapdos had batton pass. That sounded right, so I looked it up and got a weird result. In the DPP analysis, batton pass is listed under moves and has an entire set. The move disappears off the list in BW, and Zapdos does not come up on the batton pass page. So can anyone tell me why this is, or is it a mistake or what? Thanks.
I know this is an old post but I thought I would explain what's going on. The learnsets on Smogon do not include event moves, which includes XD purification. In addition, the only moves listed in each generation are those that can be learned in that generation. To see an example, look up the gen 5 Stealth Rock page. You'll see a lot of missing Pokemon!
For having tested this playstyle, i can confirm that Stall isn't the way to go in UU. Mons like Mew or Virizion which are remarkable stall breakers makes it really hard to deal with it. But things might change since Chansey is probably gonna go back to UU next month.
I don't think Chansey is going to be enough to make stall viable in UU. Umbreon and Snorlax are similar Pokemon, albeit much less bulky, and they don't seem to be making stall particularly dominant. With the addition of Eviolite since Gen 4, Chansey will be nuts, but stall's problem was never that we didn't have enough special walls.