Other Ask the Mods

Previous thread here

Like with the end of Gen 7, I thought it'd be nice to have a casual thread for the community to get to know the OU mods better. Whether it's about Pokemon in general, or if you just want to get to know the moderators better, you're free to ask almost anything.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
  • Do not ask why a Pokemon wasn't suspect tested, or why a Pokemon isn't a certain rank on the viability rankings.
  • Do not get too personal with your questions.
  • We obviously don't mind any memes, but don't let it get out of hand.
This is a relaxed fun thread, so lets have a good time. Thanks and enjoy

Most overrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Most underrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Do you play on ladder often?
Probably 40-50 games a week.
what's your most favourite pastime except pokemon ?
I love following sports, especially baseball.
If you could choose to give a buff to any one Pokémon. Which would it be and why?
Give Garchomp Dragon Dance in prior generations. Give Corviknight Toxic this generation. Just feels like the former should’ve always happened and gen8 Pkmn not having Toxic has always been off.
Most overrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Most underrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Toxapex. Scizor.
Most overrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Most underrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Overrated: Barraskewda
Underrated: Hippowdon

If you could choose to give a buff to any one Pokémon. Which would it be and why?
Give Zamazenta Body Press, and give Zarude Knock Off and Natural Cure so it's OU viable.

what's your most favourite pastime except pokemon ?
Being part of a youth organization.

Do you play on ladder often?
I like to do it to test teams, which is fairly often during tournaments.
Is LEGO Ninjago cool?
my brother was really into it back in the day so i def have some feeling for it, but i was never super into it myself.

Wasup people
how we doin today bros?
i have just woke up and im probably going to bike to a coffee shop after writing this!!

Most overrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Most underrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?

overrated: probably excadrill(?). underrated: definitely aegislash.

If you could choose to give a buff to any one Pokémon. Which would it be and why?

my favorite pokemon tend to be pretty bad, but if anything i'd really love to see delphox get magic guard. it'd be sorta interesting to see the potential of a magic guard pokemon whose only form of recovery is wish, and an innate rocks immunity on a fire-type with legit rly cool resists and utility sounds like it would be so fucking cool. plus it's obviously a major boon offensively

what's your most favourite pastime except pokemon ?

art and drawing, 100000000%.

Do you play on ladder often?

i like to do so when im testing teams and ideas! otherwise i don't really do it super often since i'm swamped with school and such.

Favorite foods? and foods you wouldnt eat even if paid?

borgir, tater tot, chicken nuggit, and ice crem. and keep me the fuck away from kale that shit is so bad

Advice for people wanting to get more involved with Smogon in gen 9?

the big thing i would recommend is: don't ever be afraid to speak your mind or just give your 2 cents in metagame or general discussion threads. in fact that's where i started and it was a great way to really get into a rhythm with posting, coming onto smogon, and learning more about different communities and parts of the site you might resonate with. mod teams love to see people contributing and posting; we're pretty much always on your side so long as you're following the forum rules!
Hello, any advice on how to get noticed for tourneys or such? seeing as you all are, quite obviously, noticed by the whole smogon community
my friend lent me a bunch of otome games. which guy would you romance first

Asking for legit advice. When in a tournament game and you get rnged, like the other guy could lose on that turn and gets lucky and the battle drags on for god knows how long or worse you end up losing, how do you not lose your shit? How do you still maintain your composure that you have to win this and not get tilted? If it's on the ladder then not tilting seems understandable because it's not like dota 2 where getting your elo higher can get you reward with playing on a professional team or something but in an actual tournament where something's at stake, just how do you do that?

Got a question that's similar to the previous one. Have you ever been in a sitaution where you wanna test a team on the ladder and then you suddenly run into like five consecutive battles against random shit that counters your team? If you have, how do you not just give up on that team?

I also got a couple questions just out of curiosity

- What is the one thing that you absolutely despise about pokemon?
- Other than pokemon, what other games do you play?
Wasup people
I'm still doing good and I hope you are too!

Most overrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
Most underrated Pokémon in the Gen 8 OU meta?
I staff the OU room so i have to go with Toxapex as the most overrated one. For underrated, I would love to say Jirachi, but my boy is bad in gen 8, so hmm Thundurus-T maybe.

If you could choose to give a buff to any one Pokémon. Which would it be and why?
:jirachi: because it's cute and that's actually a cool Tapu Lele answer, but it's hard to fit over other more popular Steel type.

what's your most favourite pastime except pokemon ?
I usually play other video games or watch stuff on youtube/twitch. I used to watch a lot of anime too, but kinda stop (does this mean I'm not a weeb anymore?)

Do you play on ladder often?
I use to ladder a lot, but now I rarely play on ladder especially during the last few months as I was a bit tired of gen 8. If you are lucky tho you'll find me on unrated randbat ladder.

Favorite foods? and foods you wouldnt eat even if paid?
As for my least favorite one, I don't know I can eat most things actually.

Advice for people wanting to get more involved with Smogon in gen 9?
What ausma said! Don't hesitate to post your thoughts on the metagame to take part on forum projects you like and to read other people posts. You often learn a lot when going over discussion thread. Also don't hesitate to build a lot and to ask for feedback on your teams using the RMT forum for instance (RMT leader subtly advertising their forum), it's great to improve at the game, and improving will help making better posts about OU, but also means you may be able to help other players on your own or to compete in higher stakes tournaments which is cool.

Hello, any advice on how to get noticed for tourneys or such? seeing as you all are, quite obviously, noticed by the whole smogon community
Ngl, I'm kind of a no name still in Smogon tournament scene because I'm mainly focused on the french one (but we'll see with gen 8). If you want others to notice your skills I would say that the best way is to try (or even tryhard) a few individual tours or small communities team tours, make more friends on the site or manage to shine through your competitive posts. It's definitively not easy since for big team tours you'll have way more people wanting to be in than the actual number of slots, so yeah try making a name with smaller or individual tournaments.

my friend lent me a bunch of otome games. which guy would you romance first

View attachment 462818
I don't know these characters but I would say the 4th.

Asking for legit advice. When in a tournament game and you get rnged, like the other guy could lose on that turn and gets lucky and the battle drags on for god knows how long or worse you end up losing, how do you not lose your shit? How do you still maintain your composure that you have to win this and not get tilted? If it's on the ladder then not tilting seems understandable because it's not like dota 2 where getting your elo higher can get you reward with playing on a professional team or something but in an actual tournament where something's at stake, just how do you do that?

Got a question that's similar to the previous one. Have you ever been in a sitaution where you wanna test a team on the ladder and then you suddenly run into like five consecutive battles against random shit that counters your team? If you have, how do you not just give up on that team?

I also got a couple questions just out of curiosity

- What is the one thing that you absolutely despise about pokemon?
- Other than pokemon, what other games do you play?
Gonna order the answers to make it easier.
1) Not tilting is hard, but I always try to adapt my gameplan to still optimize my chance of winning despite getting haxxed. My mindset is if I get haxxed and lose because of it that's ok as long as I played this the best I could. Statiscally, you won't get robbed more often then you'll rob and if you manage to keep your calm when you're getting rnged and to bring back a few game where you could have lose to haxx, you'll definitively improve your winrate.

2) It happens sometimes (even if I didn't ladder enough recently for this to happen), but if you are relatively high in ladder it should be less common or your team has flaws and you didn't think about everything in the teambuilder. Try asking yourself if what you faced was something you could have face in a serious tournament game. If it really isn't, then it's fine, you can lose a game to Inteleon on ladder and keep the team. If the answer is yes though, I would consider twerking the team a bit, especially if you kinda autolost to something.

3) Moderating the OU room on Pokemon Showdown good question hmm, I can't find something even if there's a few thing I don't like (most games stories/difficulties, dynamax in competitive mons, Calyrex Shadow bruteforcing through my Yveltal...)

4) Smash Bros (I played a lot at some point and I've been playing for a long time, but now I don't play that much unless I'm seeing friends), strategy games like Total War games, Civilization... sometimes. I also like open world RPG like the latest Assassin's Creed games of Zelda BOTW like games.
Hi mods, nice to see this thread again.

Four questions (answer whichever ones you like):
  • What kind of music are you into?
  • What is your favourite Pokemon Generation?
  • If you could visit one country or city in the world for a week, all expenses paid, where would you go?
  • Funnest Smogon memory?
Hi mods, nice to see this thread again.

Four questions (answer whichever ones you like):
  • What kind of music are you into?
  • What is your favourite Pokemon Generation?
  • If you could visit one country or city in the world for a week, all expenses paid, where would you go?
  • Funnest Smogon memory?
Hi ReadTheMango
  • Nightcores
  • Gen 4 from an ingame perspective, gen 8 for competitive
  • Japan
  • I don't remember
Thought on the new upcoming pokemon games?
which gen9 starter will you be choosing?
if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?