UU Avalugg

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I have several gelatinous friends
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
name: Physical Wall
move 1: Body Press
move 2: Avalanche
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Recover
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Avalugg's titanic physical bulk and access to Recover make it one of the most reliable Haxorus answers for stall teams. Additionally, Avalugg's heavy weight reduces the damage it takes from Heavy Slam and Heat Crash, allowing it to comfortably wall Copperajah, which otherwise poses a serious threat to stall teams with its fantastic power and coverage. Body Press hits hard thanks to Avalugg's massive Defense stat, making opposing wallbreakers think twice about switching in. Avalanche deals heavy damage to foes that hit Avalugg first, importantly OHKOing Haxorus. Earthquake can be used instead of Avalanche to hit Chandelure and Doublade on the switch, but Noivern and Roserade will be able to switch in much more freely. With the Sturdy ability, Avalugg can take any one hit while at full HP, potentially serving as a last-ditch check to a threatening sweeper. Heavy-Duty Boots prevents Stealth Rock from wearing down Avalugg and breaking Sturdy.

Avalugg has awful Special Defense and is threatened by most special attackers, such as Gardevoir, Toxtricity, Celebi, and especially Chandelure, which can use its resistance to Avalanche and immunity to Body Press and Rapid Spin to easily switch in on Avalugg. Specially defensive teammates like Umbreon, Rhyperior, Assault Vest Reuniclus, and Bronzong can help cover Avalugg's weakness to special attacks. Umbreon can also use Heal Bell to cure Avalugg of Toxic or other status, while Rhyperior and Reuniclus can check Taunt Noivern, which can break through stall teammates such as Umbreon and Haze Milotic. Rhyperior also checks Choice Specs Toxtricity and prevents it from using Volt Switch freely. Bronzong takes on Grass- and Psychic-type special attackers such as Celebi, Roserade, and Gardevoir, as well as Toxtricity. Despite its enormous physical bulk, Avalugg cannot stand up to powerful Fighting-types such as Pangoro, Machamp, and Sirfetch'd. Fighting-type checks such as Noivern and defensive Galarian Weezing make good partners for this reason, with Galarian Weezing's Neutralizing Gas ability being particularly useful against Flame Orb Guts Machamp. Both can also use Defog to remove entry hazards should the opponent have a Ghost-type such as Doublade or Chandelure that spinblocks Avalugg. Bulky Water-types like Milotic and Quagsire can help Avalugg by dealing with Darmanitan and Doublade as well as switching into Knock Off users like Escavalier and Incineroar so that Avalugg can keep its Heavy-Duty Boots.

- Written by: [[warzoid, 234298]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Twilight, 344575]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited:
name: Physical Wall
move 1: Avalanche
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic / Body Press body press is definitely necessary on Avalugg, huge part of making it not absurdly passive and allowing it to beat copperajah, not giving stuff like Machamp/Panda constant free switches is important too.
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Avalugg's titanic physical bulk and access to Recover make it one of the most reliable Haxorus answers for stall teams. Also mention that it deals with Copperajah, which is a big part of why youd use it on stall at all with Rajah getting more popular lately. Avalanche deals heavy damage to foes that hit Avalugg, importantly OHKOing Haxorus. Rapid Spin lets Avalugg support its team by removing Stealth Rock and other entry hazards from its side of the field. Toxic allows Avalugg to punish Water- or Fire-types that switch in on it, although Body Press can be used instead for its immediate power and ability to hit Steel-types. Rewrite this bit to represent Body Press being only slash now. With the Sturdy ability, Avalugg can live any one hit while at full HP, potentially serving as a last-ditch check to a threatening sweeper. Heavy-Duty Boots prevents Stealth Rock from wearing down Avalugg and breaking Sturdy. The EVs enable Avalugg to be as physically bulky as possible, with the Defense EVs also powering up Body Press.

Mention Earthquake as an alternative over Avalanche that allows it to prevent Doublade/Chandelure freely switching in.

Avalugg has awful Special Defense talk about some of the Pokemon that can easily abuse this, like Gardevoir, Chandelure, Toxtricity, Celebi, give special reference to Chandelure for its ability to switch in very freely and needs to be supported with specially defensive teammates such as Umbreon, Gigalith, Rhyperior (Gigalith overlaps quite a bit with Umbreon on stall, sandstorm doesn't help stuff like fat weezing, and having a solid Toxtricity answer that stops it just constantly Volting is really important) and Assault Vest Reuniclus. Mention Umbreon's heal bell support, and Rhyp/Reuni checking Noiv. Despite its enormous physical bulk, Avalugg cannot stand up to powerful Fighting-types such as Pangoro, Machamp, and Sirfetch'd, so Fighting-type checks such as Noivern, defensive Galarian Weezing, (i would probably clarify that weezing would be neutralising gas on stall here normally for Champ) and Celebi make good partners. mention the former two's ability to provide additional Defog support, which is especially helpful in matchups vs spinblockers like doub/chandy. Bulky Water-types like Milotic and Quagsire can help Avalugg by dealing with Darmanitan and Doublade.

Talk about Steel-types like Bronzong, since they can help Avalugg with Grasses/Psychics and Toxtricity.

Tag me when you've implemented this, i'd like another look through.
name: Physical Wall
move 1: Body Press
move 2: Avalanche
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Recover
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Avalugg's titanic physical bulk and access to Recover make it one of the most reliable Haxorus answers for stall teams. Additionally, Avalugg's heavy weight reduces the damage it takes from Heavy Slam and Heat Crash, allowing it to comfortably wall Copperajah add some comment along the lines of "which otherwise poses a large threat to stall teams due to its fantastic power and coverage", so as to explain why it dealing with a not super common mon is actually important enough to be mentioned here. Body Press hits hard thanks to Avalugg's high Defense stat and is super effective against Copperajah. don't frame this specifically around rajah, but just generally talk about how it prevents avalugg being overly passive due to its respectable damage output Avalanche deals heavy damage to foes that hit Avalugg, importantly OHKOing Haxorus, although Earthquake can be used instead to hit Chandelure and Doublade on the switch. also mention as downsides to running eq how avalanche prevents Roserade trying to hard switch into you , since it can just switch into eq + body press and freely spike, and similarly prevents noivern trying to come into you. Rapid Spin lets Avalugg support its team by removing Stealth Rock and other entry hazards from its side of the field. this is just fluff really With the Sturdy ability, Avalugg can live any one hit while at full HP, potentially serving as a last-ditch check to a threatening sweeper. Heavy-Duty Boots prevents Stealth Rock from wearing down Avalugg and breaking Sturdy. The EVs enable Avalugg to be as physically bulky as possible, with the Defense EVs also powering up Body Press. fluff, no need to explain max max EV spreads. can slide the mention of maximum defense investment in your body press mention to talk about it powering up if you want to mention that.

Avalugg has awful Special Defense and is threatened by most special attackers, such as Gardevoir, Toxtricity, Celebi, and especially Chandelure, which can use its resistance to Avalanche and immunity to Body Press and Rapid Spin to easily switch in on Avalugg. Specially defensive teammates like Umbreon, Rhyperior, Assault Vest Reuniclus, and Bronzong can help cover Avalugg's weakness to special attacks. Umbreon can also use Heal Bell to cure Avalugg of Toxic or other status, while Rhyperior and Reuniclus can check Noivern, give specific mention to Taunt Noivern, which can otherwise break through teammates like Umbreon and Haze Milotic fairly easily one of the most common special attackers in the tier. Make a comment on how Rhyperior can check Specs Toxtricity, which avalugg lets in fairly freely and would otherwise be very threatening with Volt Switch. Bronzong takes on Grass- and Psychic-type special attackers such as Celebi, Roserade, and Gardevoir, as well as Toxtricity. Despite its enormous physical bulk, Avalugg cannot stand up to powerful Fighting-types such as Pangoro, Machamp, and Sirfetch'd. Fighting-type checks such as Noivern and defensive Galarian Weezing make good partners for Avalugg, with Galarian Weezing's Neutralizing Gas ability being particularly useful against Flame Orb Guts Machamp. Both can use Defog to remove hazards should the opponent have a Ghost-type such as Doublade or Chandelure that spinblocks Avalugg. Bulky Water-types like Milotic and Quagsire can help Avalugg by dealing with Darmanitan and Doublade. note how they can also help with mons like Escavalier and SD Incineroar, letting Avalugg keep its boots.

- Written by: [[warzoid, 234298]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

QC 1/2.

remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
name: Physical Wall
move 1: Body Press
move 2: Avalanche
move 3: Rapid Spin
move 4: Recover
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Avalugg's titanic physical bulk and access to Recover make it one of the most reliable Haxorus answers for stall teams. Additionally, Avalugg's heavy weight reduces the damage it takes from Heavy Slam and Heat Crash, allowing it to comfortably wall Copperajah, which otherwise poses a serious threat to stall teams with its fantastic power and coverage. Body Press hits hard thanks to Avalugg's massive Defense stat, making opposing wallbreakers think twice about switching in. Avalanche deals heavy damage to foes that hit Avalugg first, importantly OHKOing Haxorus. Earthquake can be used instead of Avalanche to hit Chandelure and Doublade on the switch, but Noivern and Roserade will be able to switch in much more freely. With the Sturdy ability, Avalugg can live take any one hit while at full HP, potentially serving as a last-ditch check to a threatening sweeper. Heavy-Duty Boots prevents Stealth Rock from wearing down Avalugg and breaking Sturdy.

Avalugg has awful Special Defense and is threatened by most special attackers, such as Gardevoir, Toxtricity, Celebi, and especially Chandelure, which can use its resistance to Avalanche and immunity to Body Press and Rapid Spin to easily switch in on Avalugg. Specially defensive teammates like Umbreon, Rhyperior, Assault Vest Reuniclus, and Bronzong can help cover Avalugg's weakness to special attacks. Umbreon can also use Heal Bell to cure Avalugg of Toxic or other status, while Rhyperior and Reuniclus can check Taunt Noivern, which can break through stall teammates such as Umbreon and Haze Milotic. Rhyperior also checks Choice Specs Toxtricity and prevents it from using Volt Switch freely. Bronzong takes on Grass- and Psychic-type special attackers such as Celebi, Roserade, and Gardevoir, as well as Toxtricity. Despite its enormous physical bulk, Avalugg cannot stand up to powerful Fighting-types such as Pangoro, Machamp, and Sirfetch'd. Fighting-type checks such as Noivern and defensive Galarian Weezing make good partners for Avalugg this reason, with Galarian Weezing's Neutralizing Gas ability being particularly useful against Flame Orb Guts Machamp. Both can also use Defog to remove entry hazards should the opponent have a Ghost-type such as Doublade or Chandelure that spinblocks Avalugg. Bulky Water-types like Milotic and Quagsire can help Avalugg by dealing with Darmanitan and Doublade as well as switching into Knock Off users like Escavalier and Incineroar so that Avalugg can keep its Heavy-Duty Boots.

- Written by: [[warzoid, 234298]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Twilight, 344575]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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