Averagemons - See new thread

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Wait, everyone is talking about Chatot, but why not Swellow?
Swellow @ Life Orb / Choice Specs
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Naive Nature
- Boomburst
- Air Slash
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- U-turn
It is literally the better version of Chatot, it has everything Chatot has, but with a more powerful Flying STAB. It also has U-Turn and Boomburst, but with Scrappy. I can see no reason to use Chatot over Swellow unless you want to attempt to try a Nasty Plot Set, but I'm liking Swellow more at the moment!
Although Chatter is much more useful for Chatot than Air Slash is for Swellow. Swellow has Scrappy so there is no reason to use Air Slash. It doesn't grant needed coverage, it just is a bit more powerful against a few more things that you could just use Boomburst on. It would make more use of Defog, Roost, or even Work Up.
Why is shedinja banned? Its HP is not based on its HP stat.

And why is Spinda banned? Rapid spin + Superpower + Baton pass would be awesome here.

Spinda is not banned, I don't know where you got that impression; that moveset is illegal though. And the way Shedinja is implemented in Pokemon Showdown means that changing its HP stat would change its HP.
Just pointing out that species clause can effectively be bypassed by running two mons in the same evolutionary family, i.e, Linoone and Zigzagoon on the same team. Thus, I would like to propose that Species Clause be extended to a "Relative Clause", in which you cannot have two Pokemon on the same team from the same evolutionary family. Of course, this does prevent you from running evolutionary relatives that play differently from each other, like Surskit and Masquerain, and Riolu and Lucario, but it's worth it imo
That's a good point, actually. Perhaps having the clause not apply for eeveelutions, but that's starting to get a bit complex
Now that i think about it, wouldn't this clause apply to every branch evolutions as well? Slowbro/king, gardevior/gallade, the hitmons, froslass/glalie...talk about complex.
Just pointing out that species clause can effectively be bypassed by running two mons in the same evolutionary family, i.e, Linoone and Zigzagoon on the same team. Thus, I would like to propose that Species Clause be extended to a "Relative Clause", in which you cannot have two Pokemon on the same team from the same evolutionary family. Of course, this does prevent you from running evolutionary relatives that play differently from each other, like Surskit and Masquerain, and Riolu and Lucario, but it's worth it imo
I don't see that that's a particularly big concern, it's not like anyone can stack a whole team with a heap of OP species clones, max is a few double-ups. Two Linoone sounds to me like a liability. Two of anything, a lot of the time. Wouldn't it be better to deal with this case by case, and ban any double ups that prove centralising or cheap, rather than adopting such an overarching, hard-to-enforce-due-to-the-nature-of-this-meta policy?

I'm just trying to team-build for this meta on Showdown. Speaking as a beginner, it looks fantastic. I'm quite keen to try Poison Heal Shroomish, as a Sub-seeder without Breloom's 4x Flying weakness or any fear of status.
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The thing about shroomish is that it's incapable of using low sweep, which has a large amount of utility on Breloom. Lowsweep allows breloom to outspeed a lot of pokemon it otherwise could not set up on, which is very useful. This makes breloom a lot more dangerous as a standalone pokemon, but if you are having issues with things such as chatot, shroomish could quite possibly be a better choice for your team.
The thing that's really breaking my heart is Dedenne still isn't that viable. His abilities and shallow movepool really suck, despite his unique typing. Anyone had him work for them?
The thing that's really breaking my heart is Dedenne still isn't that viable. His abilities and shallow movepool really suck, despite his unique typing. Anyone had him work for them?

I think you could probably use Nuzzle and Volt Switch with an assault vest, although that works better with regenerator. I would rather use Minun with Volt Absorb to switch into electric attacks for some form of recovery.
I think you could probably use Nuzzle and Volt Switch with an assault vest, although that works better with regenerator. I would rather use Minun with Volt Absorb to switch into electric attacks for some form of recovery.
I tried a very gimmicky Sub-Liechi set for a bit. Great for Play Rough hits, but didn't synergize with Wild Charge at all for obvious reasons. Cheek Pouch gave a tiny HP boost (or should have, is it working on the simulator, I never saw notification it was), and then I'd see if I could nick some Lefties with Thief without being phazed out. It even sort of worked, but... ...you know... ...the set is what it looks like: a bit shit. Not to mention when everything is so bulky and level it's harder to really get away with those sorts of high risk offensive strategies without meeting a strong resist or a phazer.
Perish trap murkrow is actually awesome. It gets rid of threats that the rest of your team can't deal with and can do it over and over thanks to roost. You must put sub on it as well.

Belly drum unburden slurpuff @ sitrus is pretty fricking good, being like the only physical attacker to beat sableye, which is pretty much the king of averagemons.

I got to 2nd place on the ladder earlier, probably like 3rd or 4th now with a 24-2 ratio. With a new tier everyone always seems to have no idea what they're doing lol it's so easy to get massive ratings and good w/l ratios on new tiers. Shows how many players can't make teams of their own without lots of needed inspiration from popular trends.
Yea, a lot of things are seen a lot (Sableye). So I'm not running it. In fact, I'm running Whimsicott JUST to stop them. And then there's Talonflame. I am using none of these anymore. I think my current team is something like
Arbok/Mr. Mime/Alomomola/I think Audino/Whimsicott/I think Rockceus. Rockceus is the only common one I've really seen. Most are my sets. Need an unaware mon, though, so there's that now... Hmm. Not Clefable (and btw Adamant Arbok takes down standard Clefable, Unaware or not).
This is my first post in any thread, so excuse my bad writting skills.
Averagemons is mostly about bulky set up, one of the mons who as given me most sucess is Xerneas, after a geomancy it outspeed basicly everything that is not called priority users. Being weak to only one priority move makes it really hard to take down, seeing how comum Haryama or Scizor is.
I personaly use this set:
Xerneas @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Moonblast
- Geomancy
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Rock]
Geomancy and Moonblast are obvious, Focus miss is coverage and Hp rock is for Specialy Defensive Ho-oh, coupled with a good share off walls to take care of other mons and you have a killing machine.
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