Battle Arcade Challenge: Gale Wing Srock


"Bring it on, King H."

"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I like rain."
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M)


"Smokin' Hot" ~ "But I don't."
Smokin' Hot | Pyroak (F) # Rock Head

Not Switching

Clefable: Icy Wind -> Focus Blast (Pyroak)*/** -> Icy Wind**
*If Pyroak is under the effects of a p/e move AND Clefable is not taunted, use Stealth Rock
**If Pyroak is KOed, use Moonblast (Krilowatt)
Mollux: Sludge Bomb (Pyroak)* -> Acid Spray -> Sludge Bomb (Pyroak)**/***
*If Pyroak is under the effects of a p/e move AND Mollux is not taunted, use Light Screen
**If Pyroak is Poisoned, use Venoshock (Pyroak)
***If Pyroak is KOed, target Krilowatt​

"Darn, that Roar was scary!"

"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I don't like that snail."
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M)
Hydro Pump(Clefable) ~ Whirlpool(Clefable) ~ Hydro Pump(Clefable)


"Smokin' Hot" ~ "Me neither!"
Smokin' Hot | Pyroak (F) # Rock Head

Endure ~ Wood Hammer(Clefable) ~ Earth Power(Mollux)
IF you are under the effects of poison when you would act, THEN use Rest that action and use Sleep Talk(Iron Tail, Wood Hammer, Double-Edge, Flash Cannon) (Clefable) on the following action instead.
Fuck. Welp, looks like it's targeting one of your mons at random, then.


Round-a 3! FIGHT!
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Smokin
HP: 113 | HP: 45
EN: 81 | EN: 50
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121 | 4/4/3/3/52
Magic Guard | Rock Head
No ailments | No ailments
+17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Clefable | Mollux
HP: 75 | HP: 100
EN: 52 | EN: 100
Stats: 3/3/4/3/52 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76
Magic Guard | Dry Skin
No ailments | No ailments
-10 evasion | No changes
No other | No other

Rain (2 rounds)
Order: Krilowatt, Mollux, Speed Tie (Pyroak, Clefable)

Mollux was hurt by Stealth Rock! (-15 HP)
-Mollux: -15 HP

Action 1 (Priority: Pyroak, Krilowatt, Mollux, Clefable)
Smokin' used Endure!
Smokin' braced herself!
Bubba used Hydro Pump! (Target: Clefable)
-Crit chance: 2274 = NOPE.
-Damage: 11 + 3 + 3 + 4.5 - 6 = 15.5 damage
Mollux used Sludge Bomb! (Target: Pyroak)
-Crit chance: 5264 = NOPE.
-Damage: (9 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 1.5 = 22.5 damage!
-Effect chance (Poison <= 3000): 7828 = NOPE.
Clefable used Icy Wind!
Icy Wind, Krilowatt:
-Hit chance (Hit <= 9500): 8881 = NOPE.
-Crit chance: 369 = EEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
-Damage: ((6 * .75) + 3 + 6 - 3) * .67 = 7.04 damage
Bubba's speed fell! (-1 Spe, 1 round)
Icy Wind, Pyroak:
-Crit chance: 1830 = NOPE.
-Damage: (6 * .75) + 6 - 4.5 = 6 damage
Smokin's speed fell! (-1 Spe, 1 round)
Mollux was healed by the rain! (+2 HP)
-Krilowatt: -7.04 HP, -7 EN
-Pyroak: -28.5(!) HP, -15 EN
-Clefable: -15.5 HP, -5 EN
-Mollux: +2 HP, -6 EN

Action 2
Mollux used Fuck what do you mean Acid Spray doesn't target both?
-Target chance (1 = Krilowatt; 2 = Pyroak): 1 = Krilowatt
-Crit chance: 2872 = NOPE.
-Damage: 4 + 3 + 7.5 - 3 = 11.5 damage
Bubba's Special Defense tanked! (-2 SpD, decays end of round)
Bubba used Whirlpool! (Target: Clefable)
-Crit chance: 8499 = NOPE.
-Damage: 4 + 3 + 3 + 4.5 - 4.5 = 10 damage
Clefable was trapped in the Vortex! (4 actions)
Clefable used Focus Blast! (Target: Pyroak)
-Hit chance (Hit <= 8000): 756 = Hit
-Crit chance: 1491 = NOPE.
-Damage: 12 + 6 - 4.5 = 13.5 damage
-Effect chance (-1 SpD <= 1000): 6312 = NOPE.
Smokin' used Wood Hammer!
-Crit chance: 1728 = NOPE.
-Damage: 13 + 3 + 6 - 4.5 = 17.5 damage
-Energy cost: 7 + (5 / 2) - 1 = 8.5 EN
Mollux was healed by the rain! (+2 HP)
-Krilowatt: -11.5 HP, -4 EN
-Pyroak: -13.5 HP, -8.5 EN
-Clefable: -27.5(!) HP, -8 EN
-Mollux: +2 HP, -4 EN

Action 3
Mollux used Sludge Bomb! (Target: Pyroak)
-Crit chance: 5319 = NOPE.
-Damage: (9 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 1.5 = 22.5 damage!
-Effect chance (Poison <= 3000): 4574 = NOPE.
Bubba used Hydro Pump! (Target: Clefable)
-Crit chance: 6336 = NOPE.
-Damage: 11 + 3 + 3 + 4.5 - 6 = 15.5 damage
Clefable used Icy Wind!
Icy Wind, Krilowatt:
-Hit chance (Hit <= 9500): 4036 = NOPE.
-Crit chance: 3918 = NOPE.
-Damage: (((6 * .75) + 6 - 3) * .67) + 4 = 9.03 damage
Bubba's speed fell! (-1 Spe, 1 round)
Icy Wind, Pyroak:
-Crit chance: 9613 = NOPE.
-Damage: (6 * .75) + 6 - 4.5 = 6 damage
Smokin's speed fell! (-1 Spe, 1 round)
Smokin' used Earth Power! (Target: Mollux)
-Crit chance: 5233 = NOPE.
-Damage: (9 + 4.5 - 6) * 2.25 = 16.88 damage
-Effect chance (-1 SpD <= 1000): 9662 = NOPE.
Mollux was healed by the rain! (+2 HP)
-Krilowatt: -9.03 HP, -7 EN
-Pyroak: -2 HP, -7 EN
-Clefable: -15.5 HP, -5 EN
-Mollux: -14.88 HP, -6 EN

Final Numbers:
-Krilowatt: -28 (27.57) HP, -18 EN
-Pyroak: -44 HP, -31 (30.5) EN
-Clefable: -59 (58.5) HP, -18 EN
-Mollux: -26 (25.88) HP, -16 EN
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Smokin
HP: 85 | HP: 1
EN: 63 | EN: 19
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121(34) | 4/4/3/3/52(14)
Magic Guard | Rock Head
No ailments | No ailments
-1 SpD (1 round), -2 Spe (decays end of next round), +17 Accuracy | -2 Spe (decays end of next round), -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Clefable | Mollux
HP: 16 | HP: 74
EN: 34 | EN: 84
Stats: 3/3/4/3/52 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76
Magic Guard | Dry Skin
Whirlpool (2 actions) | No ailments
-10 evasion | No changes
No other | No other

Rain (1 round)
Gale Wing Srock:

HP: 50
EN: 51
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110
No ailments
+14 accuracy
No other

King Hippo:

HP: 10
EN: 41
Stats: 3/3/4/4/60
Swift Swim
Paralysis (5%)
-10 evasion
No other

"Ooo... This is going to be a close one."

"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I am so slow!"
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M)
Stays in!


"Smokin' Hot" ~ "Me neither!"
Smokin' Hot | Pyroak (F) # Rock Head

Switching Out


"Rajny! Rajny" ~ "Let me in! Let me in!"
Rajny | Gallade (M) #Steadfast
Switching In

Would you like to Counter Switch?

"Why do you laugh so loudly? It scares me and my friends!"

"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I am so slow!"
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M)
Electroweb(Both Opp) ~ Earth Power(Mollux) ~ Earth Power(Mollux)

IF Gallade's second substitution triggers, THEN use Scald(Clefable) that action instead.
IF Mollux uses Heal Pulse(Clefable), THEN use Follow Me that action instead. [Not Consecutively]

IF Clefable is KO'd, AND Mollux does not have Dry Skin Ability when you would target her, THEN use Hydro Pump(Mollux) on the first instance, Muddy Water(Mollux) on the second instance and Hydro Pump (Mollux) on the third instance, pushing actions back each time.


"Rajny! Rajny" ~ "I don't like Fairies!"
Rajny | Gallade (M) #Steadfast
Poison Jab(Clefable) ~ Encore(Clefable) ~ Zen Headbutt(Mollux)

IF Clefable is under the effects of P/E move, AND Mollux has Dry Skin Ability, THEN use Skill Swap(Nothing <-> Dry Skin)[Mollux] that action instead.
IF Clefable uses Endure, AND your first substitution did not trigger that action THEN use Skill Swap(Nothing <-> Magic Guard) [Clefable] that action instead. [Only Once]

IF Clefable is KO'd, AND Mollux has Dry Skin Ability, THEN use Skill Swap(Nothing <-> Dry Skin)[Mollux] that action instead and use Zen Headbutt(Mollux) on all remaining instances.
Pretty sure you gotta swap out Steadfast, seeing as it's one ability per mon in this fight.
Clefable: Protect -> Endure -> Focus Punch (Krilowatt)
Mollux: Stealth Rock -> Sludge Bomb (Krilowatt) -> Helping Hand (Clefable)*

*If Krilowatt is poisoned, use Venoshock (Krilowatt)


Round-a 4! FIGHT!
Gale Wing Srock:
Stealth Rock

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 85 | HP: 100
EN: 63 | EN: 100
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121(34) | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast
No ailments | No ailments
-1 SpD (1 round), -2 Spe (decays end of next round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Clefable | Mollux
HP: 16 | HP: 74
EN: 34 | EN: 84
Stats: 3/3/4/3/52 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76
Magic Guard | Dry Skin
Whirlpool (2 actions) | No ailments
-10 evasion | No changes
No other | No other

Rain (1 round)
Order: Mollux, Gallade, Clefable, Krilowatt

Action 1 (Priority: Clefable, Mollux, Gallade, Krilowatt)
Clefable used Protect!
Clefable protected herself!
Mollux used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones surrounded Gale!
Rajny used Skill Swap! (Target: Mollux)
Rajny swapped Steadfast for Dry Skin!
Bubba used Electroweb!
Electroweb, Clefable:
-Damage (for energy cost): (6 * .75) + 3 + 4.5 - 4.5 = 7.5 damage
-Energy cost (Protect): 7 + (7.5 / 2.5) = 10 EN
Electroweb, Mollux:
-Crit chance: 3419 = NOPE.
-Damage: (6 * .75) + 3 + 4.5 - 6 = 6 damage
Mollux's speed fell! (-1 Spe, 1 action)
-Krilowatt: -4 EN
-Gallade: -6 EN
-Clefable: -10 EN
-Mollux: -6 HP, -12 EN

Action 2 (Priority: Clefable, Gallade, Mollux, Krilowatt)
Clefable used Endure!
Clefable braced herself!
Rajny used Skill Swap! (Target: Clefable)
Rajny swapped Dry Skin for Magic Guard!
Mollux used Sludge Bomb! (Target: Krilowatt)
-Crit chance: 5214 = NOPE.
-Damage: 9 + 3 + 7.5 - 3 + 2 = 18.5 damage
-Effect chance (Poison <= 3000): 2812 = EEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
Bubba was poisoned!
Bubba used Scald! (Target: Clefable)
-Damage (For healing): 8 + 3 + 3 + 4.5 - 4.5 = 14 damage
-HP restored: 14 / 4 = 3.5 HP
Clefable was healed by the rain! (+2 HP)
-Krilowatt: -18.5 HP, -5 EN
-Gallade: -10 EN
-Clefable: +5.5 HP, -15 EN
-Mollux: -6 EN

Action 3 (Priority: Clefable, Gallade, Mollux, Krilowatt, Gallade)
Clefable is tightening her focus!
Rajny used Zen Headbutt! (Target: Mollux)
-Hit chance (Hit <= 9000): 8424 = Hit
-Crit chance: 6900 = NOPE.
-Damage: (8 + 3 + 7.5 - 6) * 1.5 = 18.75 damage
-Effect chance (Flinch <= 2000): 7215 = NOPE.
Mollux used Venoshock! (Target: Krilowatt)
-Crit chance: 9582 = NOPE.
-Damage: 13 + 3 + 7.5 - 3 + 2 = 22.5 damage!
Bubba used Earth Power! (Target: Mollux)
-Crit chance: 2734 = NOPE.
-Damage: (9 + 4.5 - 6) * 2.25 = 16.88 damage
-Effect chance (-1 SpD <= 1000): 9188 = NOPE.
Clefable used Focus Punch! (Target: Krilowatt)
-Crit chance: 5370 = NOPE.
-Damage: 15 + 4.5 - 4.5 = 15 damage
Clefable was healed by the rain! (+2 HP)
The rain stopped...
-Krilowatt: -37.5(Ouch!) HP, -7 EN
-Gallade: -5 EN
-Clefable: +2 HP, -8 EN
-Mollux: -35.63(Ouch!) HP, -7 EN

Final Numbers:
-Krilowatt: -56 HP, -16 EN
-Gallade: -21 EN
-Clefable: +8 (7.5) HP, -33 EN
-Mollux: -42 (41.63) HP, -25 EN
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 29 | HP: 100
EN: 47 | EN: 79
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121(69) | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast (Magic Guard)
Poison | No ailments
-1 Spe (1 round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Clefable | Mollux
HP: 24 | HP: 32
EN: 1 | EN: 59
Stats: 3/3/4/3/52 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76
Magic Guard (Dry Skin) | Dry Skin (Steadfast)
No ailments | No ailments
-10 evasion | -1 Spe (1 round)
No other | No other

Gale Wing Srock:

Joey | Smokin' Hot
HP: 50 | HP: 1
EN: 51 | EN: 19
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110 | Stats: 4/4/3/3/52
Guts | Rock Head
No ailments | No ailments
+14 accuracy | -10 evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:

HP: 10
EN: 41
Stats: 3/3/4/4/60
Swift Swim
Paralysis (5%)
-10 evasion
No other

King Hippo switches Clefable out for Rhyperior. Will you counterswitch?
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*Lad, Mollux is at -1 spd for one more round.


"Oh! Well Played King!"
"We wouldn't be scared away just yet."

"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I need Rest"
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M) # Magic Guard


"Rajny! Rajny" ~ "Bring it on!"
Rajny | Gallade (M) # Magic Guard

Not Switching!
Rhyperior: Drill Run (Krilowatt) -> Crunch (Krilowatt) -> Dragon Tail (Gallade)
*If Krilowatt is under the effects of a p/e move, target Gallade
**If Krilowatt has a substitute up, use Fury Attack (Krilowatt)
***If Krilowatt is KOed, target Gallade all remaining actions
Mollux: Gastro Acid*/** -> Venoshock (Krilowatt)* -> Sludge Bomb (Gallade)
*If Krilowatt is under the effects of a p/e move, use Will-o-Wisp (Gallade) and push actions down
**If Krilowatt has a substitute up, use Venoshock (Krilowatt) and push actions down
***If Krilowatt is KOed, target Gallade all remaining actions​
"Ah, in a bit of a pickle. But we can dive through, what say guys?"
"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "I still need Rest"
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M) # Magic Guard
Dive(Rhyperior) ~ Muddy Water(Both) ~ Rest

"Rajny! Rajny" ~ "Attack!"
Rajny | Gallade (M) # Magic Guard

Earthquake(All) ~ Grass Knot(Rhyperior) ~ Leaf Blade(Rhyperior)

IF Mollux is not KO'd when you would act on action 3, THEN use Mud-Slap(Mollux) that action instead.

Round-a 5! FIGHT!
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 29 | HP: 100
EN: 47 | EN: 79
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121(69) | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast (Magic Guard)
Poison | No ailments
-1 Spe (1 round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Rhyperior | Mollux
HP: 110 | HP: 32
EN: 100 | EN: 59
Stats: 5/5/1/3/40 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76(43)
Lightningrod | Dry Skin (Steadfast)
No ailments | No ailments
No changes | -1 Spe (1 round)
No other | No other

Order: Speed Tie (Krilowatt, Gallade), Mollux, Rhyperior

Rhyperior was hurt by Stealth Rock! (-6 HP)
-Rhyperior: -6 HP

Action 1
Rajny used Earthquake!
Earthquake, Rhyperior:
-Crit chance: 5555 = Goddammit, stop laughing in Thai
-Damage: ((10 * .75) + 7.5 - 7.5) * 1.5 = 11.25 damage
Earthquake, Mollux:
-Crit chance: 7892 = NOPE.
-Damage: ((10 * .75) + 7.5 - 6) * 1.5 = 20.25 damage!
Bubba dove underwater!
Mollux used Gas-NO.
Rhyperior used Drill R-NO.
Bubba used Dive! (Target: Rhyperior)
-Crit chance: 1902 = NOPE.
-Damage: (8 + 3 + 4.5 - 7.5) * 2.25 = 18 damage
-Krilowatt: -9 EN
-Gallade: -7 EN
-Rhyperior: -29.25(!) HP, -5 EN
-Mollux: -20.25(!) HP, -5 EN

Action 2
Bubba used Muddy Water!
Muddy Water, Rhyperior:
-Crit chance: 1731 = NOPE.
-Damage: ((9 * .75) + 3 + 4.5 - 4.5) * 2.25 = 21.94 damage!
-Effect chance (-1 Acc <= 3000): 1294 = EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
Rhyperior's accuracy fell! (-1 Acc, 1 round)
Muddy Water, Mollux:
-Crit chance: 4856 = NOPE.
-Damage: ((9 * .75) + 3 + 4.5 - 6) * 1.5 = 12.38 damage
Mollux fainted!
Rajny used Grass Knot! (Terget: Rhyperior)
-Crit chance: 6945 = NOPE.
-Damage: (13 + 6 - 4.5) * 2.25 = 32.63 Damage!!
Rhyperior used Crunch! (Target: Krilowatt)
-Hit chance (Hit <= 7500): 869 = Hit
-Crit chance: 9945 = NOPE.
-Damage: 8 + 7.5 - 4.5 = 11 damage
-Effect chance (-1 Def <= 2000): 268 = EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
Bubba's defense fell! (-1 Def, 1 round)
-Krilowatt: -11 HP, -6 EN
-Gallade: -7.5 EN
-Rhyperior: -54.57(Holy shit!) HP, -6 EN
-Mollux: -11.75 HP

Action 3
Rajny used Leaf Blade! (Target: Rhyperior)
-Crit chance (Crit <= 1250): 8036 = NOPE.
-Damage: (9 + 7.5 - 7.5) * 2.25 = 20.25 damage
Rhyperior fainted!
Bubba used Rest!
Bubba went to sleep! (3 actions)
Bubba recovered 12 HP!
-Krilowatt: +12 HP, -15 EN
-Gallade: -7 EN
-Rhyperior: -20.18(!) HP

Final Numbers:
-Krilowatt: +1 HP, -30 EN
-Gallade: -22 (21.5) EN
-Rhyperior: -110 HP, -11 EN
-Mollux: -32 HP, -5 EN
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 30 | HP: 100
EN: 17 | EN: 79
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121 | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast (Magic Guard)
Rest (3 actions) | No ailments
-1 Def (1 round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Rhyperior | Mollux
EN: 89 | EN: 54
Stats: 5/5/1/3/40 | Stats: 1/4/5/4/76(43)
Lightningrod | Dry Skin (Steadfast)
Faint | Faint
No changes | No changes
No other | No other

Gale Wing Srock:

Joey | Smokin' Hot
HP: 50 | HP: 1
EN: 51 | EN: 19
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110 | Stats: 4/4/3/3/52
Guts | Rock Head
No ailments | No ailments
+14 accuracy | -10 evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:

Ludicolo | Clefable
HP: 10 | HP: 24
EN: 41 | EN: 1
Stats: 3/3/4/4/60 | Stats: 3/3/4/3/52
Swift Swim | Magic guard
Paralysis (5%) | No ailments
-10 evasion | -10 evasion
No other | No other
Ludicolo and Clefable will be sent out automatically. Put 'em away, Gale!​
*Thanks for an Awesome battle Lad!

"It was an honor battling against you King Hippo, we hope to see you soon."
"Bubba Bubba Blue." ~ "Zzz... Finally some Rest."
Bubba Shrimp Co | Krilowatt (M) # Magic Guard
Sleep Talk(Scald, Muddy Water, Thunderbolt, Facade)(Clefable) ~ Whirlpool(Clefable) ~ Chill

IF Clefable is under the effects of P/E, THEN use Chill that action instead and push actions back.
IF Clefable uses Dodge, AND your first substitution did not trigger the prior action, THEN use Sleep Talk(Electroweb, Muddy Water, Discharge, Surf)(Clefable)

IF Clefable is KO'd when you would act, THEN Redirect to other opp.

"Raj Rajny ^_^ " ~ "The Game Changer ^_^ "
Rajny | Gallade (M) # Magic Guard

Poison Jab(Clefable) ~ Encore(Clefable) ~ Chill

IF Clefable is under the effects of P/E, THEN use Chill that action instead.
IF Clefable uses Dodge, AND your first substitution did not trigger the prior action, THEN use Chill that action instead and push actions back.

IF Clefable is KO'd when you would act, THEN use Poison Jab(Ludicolo) that action instead.
Ludicolo: Chill -> Chill -> Chill
Clefable: Chill -> Dazzling Gleam -> Chill


Round-a 6! FIGHT!
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 30 | HP: 100
EN: 17 | EN: 79
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121 | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast (Magic Guard)
Rest (3 actions) | No ailments
-1 Def (1 round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Ludicolo | Clefable
HP: 10 | HP: 24
EN: 41 | EN: 1
Stats: 3/3/4/4/60(15) | Stats: 3/3/4/3/52
Swift Swim | Magic guard
Paralysis (5%) | No ailments
-10 evasion | -10 evasion
No other | No other

Order: Krilowatt, Gallade, Clefable, Ludicolo

Ludicolo was hurt by Stealth Rock! (-12 HP)
Ludicolo fainted!
-Ludicolo: -10 HP

Action 1
Bubba used Sleep Talk!
-Move chance (1 = Scald; 2 = Muddy Water; 3 = Thunderbolt; 4 = Facade): 2 = Muddy Water
Bubba used Muddy Water! (Target: Clefable)
-Crit chance: 1841 = NOPE.
-Damage: 9 + 3 + 4.5 - 4.5 = 12 damage
-Energy cost: 3 + 7 = 10 EN
-Effect chance (-1 Acc <= 3000): 2541 = EEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
Clefable's accuracy fell! (-1 Acc, 1 round)
Rajny used Poison Jab! (Target: Clefable)
-Crit chance: 115 = EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYUP.
-Damage: (8 + 3 + 7.5 - 4.5) * 1.5 = 21 damage!
-Effect chance (Poison <= 3000): 7841 = NOPE.
-Krilowatt: +12 HP, -10 EN
-Gallade: -6 EN
-Clefable: -24 HP

Final Numbers:
-Krilowatt: +12 HP, -10 EN
-Gallade: -6 EN
-Ludicolo: -10 HP
-Clefable: -24 HP
Gale Wing Srock:

Bubba | Rajny
HP: 42 | HP: 100
EN: 7 | EN: 73
Stats: 3/3/3/2/121 | 5/3/4/4/69
Magic Guard | Steadfast (Magic Guard)
Rest (2 actions) | No ailments
-1 Def (1 round), +17 Accuracy | -10 Evasion
No other | No other

King Hippo:
Stealth Rock

Ludicolo | Clefable
EN: 41 | EN: 1
Stats: 3/3/4/4/60 | Stats: 3/3/4/3/52
Swift Swim | Magic guard
Faint | Faint
-10 evasion | -10 evasion
No other | No other

Gale Wing Srock:

Joey | Smokin' Hot
HP: 50 | HP: 1
EN: 51 | EN: 19
Stats: 5/3/2/3/110 | Stats: 4/4/3/3/52
Guts | Rock Head
No ailments | No ailments
+14 accuracy | -10 evasion
No other | No other
Gale Wing Srock used Focus Punch! (Target: King Hippo)


Gale Wing Srock:
+11 (1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 5) CC
+4 KOC to split amongst your pokemon
Krilowatt: +12 MC and 5 KOC
Pyroak: +12 MC and 3 KOC
Gallade: +3 MC and 2 KOC
Colossoil: +3 MC
+1 Minor Circuit Belt
-1 Bicycle

The Wanderer:
+35 (6 + 6 + 6 + 15 + 2) UC

Doc Louis:
+1 Bicycle

Thank you for playing! You can rechallenge the arcade immediately.
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Gale Wing Srock is challenging the Battle Arcade with the following Pokemon:


Taggie | Fidgit (F)

Fidgit loves to fly around and is always willing to travel. She is the most entertaining travel partner any trainer can have and she always wants everyone around her to stay happy, chirpy and saucy.​

Sassy (+1 SpD, Speed ÷ 1.15, -10% Evasion)​


Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic status. Absorb Toxic Spikes on switch-in unless Flying-typed or using the ability Levitate. -- Accuracy when using Toxic, Poison Gas, or Poison Powder, hitting even during Dig, Fly, etc. Ignore Fog's accuracy reduction. Store Command. Store Command: For the next six (6) actions, this Pokemon's moves will have their poison / toxic effect chance double. Command Type: Type Exclusive | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.​

Persistent / Vital Spirit / Prankster

Persistent - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.

Vital Spirit () - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - Yes) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage and energy/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker, it will wake up the next action. If a Pokemon with Vital Spirit also has Insomnia, its Defense and Special Defense each is increased by one (1) Rank permanently, and its BRT is increased by two (2) ranks.

Prankster (✓) (UnLocked Hidden Ability) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks a +1 increase in priority level.​

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4 (+)
Spe: 91 (-)
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4

Base Rank Total: 20​

EC: 6 | 6
AC: 5 | 5
MC: 0
KOC: 0​


Level Up ( 25 / 27 )
Gust (7,2) | Tailwind (0,9) | Encore (0,10) | Rapid Spin (4,6) | Clear Smog (8,3) | Knock Off (10,7) | Copycat (0,2+m) | Razor Wind (8,5) | Whirlwind (0,7) | Heal Block(0,10) | Sludge Bomb(12,6) | Air Slash(11,5) | Toxic Spikes(0,6) | Helping Hand | Circle Throw | Wide Guard | Rototiller | Earthpower(9,7) | Me First (m*1.5, m*1.25) | Gravity(0,10) | Body Slam(9,6) |
Egg ( 12 / 14 )
Follow Me (0,9) | Disable (0,7) | Heal Pulse (0,14) | Wish(0,13) | Metronome(0,7+m) | Mimic(0,5) | Stealth Rock(-3<<12<<+3,12) | Spikes (12/18/24,8) | Acid Spray(7,4) | Venom Drench (0,7) | Quick Guard (0,6) | Sand Tomb (4,5) |
Prev Gens (Tutor / TM / HM) ( 11 / 16 )
Endure(0,15) | Skill Swap(0,7/s) | Icy Wind(6,5) | Telekinesis(0,7) | Ally Switch(0,5) | Drill Run(11,5) | Snatch(4+m) | Mud-Slap(4,4+ad) | Gastro Acid(0,5) | Ominous Wind(6,4) | Natural Gift(10,7) |
Gen 6 TM/HM ( 30/ 52 )
Torment (0,10) | Sludge Wave (13,6) | Taunt (0,10) | Substitute (0,12) | Protect(0,7+d/2.5) | Shadow Ball (8,6) | Double Team(0,4*c) | Reflect (0,10) | Earthquake (13,7) | Rock Slide (8,6) | Dig (11,9) | Smack Down (5,4) | Light Screen(0,10) | Rest(0,15) | Sleep Talk(0,3+m) | Poison Jab(11,5) | Venoshock(7/13,7) | Toxic(0,7) | U-turn(7,5) | After You(6) | Stone Edge(10,8) | Safeguard(0,10) | Trick Room(0,10) | Sandstorm(9) | Acrobatics(11/6,6) | Hidden Power(Water)(6,4) | Hyper Beam(15,10) | Giga Impact(15,10) |​

Face/Off | Kitsunoh (M)

Face/Off was found by Fletchner in a Mysterious Encounter, during a shoot in the pokestar studios. The Director John Woo and Co-Stars John Travolta and Nicolas cage were frightened by this creature who had come into the studio and asked Fletchner to get rid of him. Fletchner comforted the scared Nohface and named him after the movie series.​

Jolly (+15% Speed, +19% Accuracy, -1 SpA)​


Ghost STAB; immune to the effects of full trapping moves and the Arena Trap, Magnet Pull, and Shadow Tag abilities. Ghost types can switch out while affected by a partial trapping move, but they will be damaged every action by their effect.

Steel STAB; immune to Sandstorm damage, immune to Poison/Toxic status, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, making them susceptible to Poison-type attacks and Poison/Toxic Status.​

Frisk / Limber / Cursed Body

Frisk (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No)
The Pokemon has intimate knowledge of the opponent's held item and ignores any item-based increases or decreases in damage, BAP and STAB from the opponent's item. This will not block the increase in BAP moves like Acrobatics and Knock Off that incur when an item is or isn't held. Item-Based increase in ranks (Such as from Rare Candy) are not negated by Frisk. The Pokemon will not be affected by Fling or Natural Gift.

Limber (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - Yes)
This Pokemon's body is well trained and immune to paralysis. If the Pokemon with this Ability is Electric-type, this Pokemon's Speed cannot be lowered by any method, including self-inflicted reductions.

Cursed Body (✓) (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No)
When this Pokemon is struck by an opponent's attack, there is a 30% chance that the attack will be disabled for six (6) actions. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body. A Pokemon with an attack disabled by Cursed Body cannot have another one disabled by Disable, and vice versa.​

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 127 (+)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19​

EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
KOC: 0​

[Attacks] (30/84)

Level Up (19/21)
Scratch(4,3) | Iron Defense (0,6) | Lick(7,2) | Odor Sleuth(0,6) | Faint Attack(6,4) | Shadow Sneak(7,3) | Curse(0,26) | Metal Burst(D*1.25, 5 + D/3) | Fake Out(4,4) | Revenge(6/12,8) | Perish Song(0,15) | Tail Whip (4) | Copycat(2+m) | Imprison(8) | Metal Claw(8,3) | Iron Head(11,5) | Revenge (12,8) | Shadowstrike(11,5) | Hex(10/16,7) |

Egg (5/8)
Flail(20,13) | Foul Play(10,7) | Meteor Mash(12,6) | Phantom Force(12,11) | Psycho Shift(0,7)

Tutor/Prev Gen TM/HM(3/8)
Magic Coat(0,10) | Pain Split(+H | -D, 6+D) | Endure(0,15) |

Substitute(0,12) | Taunt(0,10) | Torment(0,10) | Protect(0,7+D/2.5) | Dig(8,10) | Will-o-wisp(0,7) | Gyro Ball(5+Spdiff/10[Max 15],6) | Trick Room(0,10) | Snatch(4+m) | Knock Off(10,7) | Endeavor([T HP - U HP / 2], 6+D/1.5) | Icy Wind(6,5) | Payback(10,7) | Facade(14/7,8/5) | Retaliate(14,8) | Rain Dance(0,10) | Super Fang(HP/5, D/2 +3) | Super Power (12,8) | Thunder Punch(8,6) | Roar(7) | Earthquake(10,7) | U-Turn(7,5) | Rest(+12 | -18, 15) | Sleep Talk(3+m) | Role Play(0,7) | Trick(0,7) | Toxic(7) | Double Team(4*c) |

Joey | Colossoil (M)

Joey is a very jolly pokemon in nature, he teases, taunts and plays pranks on his friends and is always surrounded by laughter. He also has a knack of finding out anything from anyone as he digs people and pokemon easily for information; not for anything else, but to tease them for their most embarrassing moments.​

Jolly (+15% Speed, +14% Accuracy, -1 SpA)​

Dark / Ground
Dark STAB; ignores Attract and Confusion status entirely when using Dark-type damaging and non-damaging attacks.

Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Rebound / Guts / Pressure

Rebound - (Trigger, MoldBreaker affects - No) The Pokemon is able to bounce one layer of an entry hazard back from their side of the field to the other side with their immense strength and intuition. Command: Activate Rebound (target hazard layer) - 5 En - Removes a layer of hazards from the user's side of the field. Places a layer of the same type on the opponent's field. In battles with more than two teams, the user must target a team to Rebound to.

Guts (✓) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.

Pressure (UnLocked HA) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) This Pokemon's presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.​

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2 (-)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110 (+)
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 10

Total: 22​

EC: 6 | 6
AC: 5 | 5
MC: 0
KOC: 0​

[Attacks] [64/92] [6 CC]

Level Up ( 19 / 21 )
Bite(9,3) | Body Slam(11,9) | Bubble Beam(7,4) | Leer(0,4) | Rapid Spin(4,6) | Tackle(8,6) | Dig(11,9) | Muddy Water(9,6) | Bounce(11,13) | Peck(4,3) | Drill Run(11,5) | Horn Attack(7,5) | Rototiller(+1 Atk +1 SpA, 8) | Crunch(11,5) | Megahorn(12,8) | Horn Drill(25,16) | Pursuit(7,4) | Magnitude(18,5) | Stockpile(0,8) |
Egg ( 14 / 15 )
Double-Edge(17,10) | Fake Out(4,4) | Foul Play(13,6) | Mud Shot(9,3) | Water Spout(15,8) | Encore(0,10) | Sucker Punch(11,5) | Sand Tomb(7,4) | Fire Fang(7,5) | Thunder Fang(7,5) | Mud Bomb(10,4) | Fissure(28,13) | Flail(20,13) |
Tutor ( 7 / 8 )
Iron Tail(10,7) | Snatch(3+m) | Aqua Tail(9,7) | Super Power(12,8) | Dive(8,10) | Knock Off(13,6) | Ancient Power(6,4) |
Prev Gen TM/HM ( 1 / 2 )
TM/HM ( 36 / 45 )
Earthquake(13,6) | Dark Pulse(11,5) | Sludge Bomb(9,7) | Taunt(0,9) | Quash(0,4) | Rock Slide(8,6) | Protect(0,7+d/2.5) | Substitute(0,12) | Sleep Talk(3+m) | Payback(10,6) | Dragon Tail(6,5) | Poison Jab(8,6) | Brick Break(8,6) | Smack Down(5,4) | U-Turn(7,5) | Giga Impact(19,13) | Bulldoze(9,4) | Facade(14,8) | Thief(9,3) | Stone Edge(10,7) | Rain Dance(0,10) | Rest(+12,15) | Retaliate(14,8) | Double Team(4*C) | Rock Tomb(6,4) | Snarl(9,4) | Roar(9,6) | Hidden Power(6,4)[Ice] | Rock Smash(4,3) | Embargo(0,4) | Sandstorm(0,9) | Toxic(0,7) | Sunny Day(0,10) | Confide(0,5) | Earth Power(12,6) | Sludge Wave(10,7) |
Angelina | Togekiss (F)

Angelina is the cutie pie, who everyone adores. She is glamorous and fashionable; always likes to dress up well and loves attention. But she is Modest when you praise her efforts, or if you compliment her on her hard work.​

Modest (+SpA | -Atk)​


Fairy STAB: -1 EN on non-Fairy typed Nature, Sound, and Scent moves (Stacks with second STAB where applicable). (Nature Power, Natural Gift; Sound Moves; Aromatherapy, Odor Sleuth, Sweet Scent)

Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks and the Arena Trap Ability except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Will always hit foes with Dig (except other Flying types) and Dive. Cannot be hit by Dive unless the attacking Pokemon has a size class greater than four (4). Unaffected by Spikes or Toxic Spikes. when switching in. Able to hit Pokemon in the evasive stage of Bounce, Fly or Sky Drop with single target moves that hit Pokemon on the field regardless of position.
Serene Grace / Hustle / Super Luck

Serene Grace (✓) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) This Pokemon has a blessing which doubles the success chance of its attack's secondary effects. (eg paralysis from Thunderbolt)

Hustle - (Toggle, MoldBreaker affects - No) No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon puts immense force and speed into its physical attacks, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by three (3), but the haste used lowers their accuracy to 80% of normal.

Super Luck (Unlocked) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No) This Pokemon's natural skill increases its critical hit levels one stage above other Pokemon, making its normal moves inflict critical hits 12.5% of the time and its high critical hit moves inflict critical hits 50% of the time.​

Hp: 100
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6 (+)
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20​

EC: 9 | 9
AC: 5 | 5
MC: 0
KOC: 0​


Level Up ( 19 / 21 )
Magical Leaf (6,4) | Charm(0,5) | Growl(0,4) | Metronome(0,7+m) | Sweet Kiss(0,4) | Yawn(0,7) | Encore(0,10) | Ancient Power(6,4) | Follow Me(0,9) | Bestow(0,4) | Wish(0,13) | Safeguard(0,10) | Baton Pass(0,10) | Fairy Wind | After You(6) | Sky Attack(17,9) | Extreme Speed(8,6) | Aura Sphere(8,6) | Air Slash(11,5)
Egg ( 6 / 12 )
Future Sight(12,8) | Morning Sun(0,15) | Psycho Shift(0,7) | Mirror Move(0,2+m) | Foresight(0,6) | Nasty Plot(0,7)

Event/ Prev Gen TM/HM ( 17 / 30 )
Zap Cannon (12,9) | Shock Wave(6,4) | Endure(0,15) | Telekinesis (0,7) | Water Pulse(6,4) | Captivate | Head butt(7,5) | Body Slam(7+UW, 5 + UW) | Counter (P*1.5,6+p/2) | Seismic Toss (7+tw, 6) | Mimic(0,5) | Soft Boiled (0,11) | Defog(9) | Helping Hand(2x, 4+BAP/2) | Air Cutter(9,3) | Ominous Wind(6,4) | Swift(6,4) | Mud Slap(4,4+c) |
TM/HM/Current Gen Tutor ( 31 / 57 )
Reflect(0,10) | Light Screen(0,10) | Solar Beam(12,8) | Fire Blast(11,8) | Dazzling Gleam(11,5) | Shadow Ball(8,6) | Substitute (0,12) | Toxic(0,7) | Psyshock(8,6) | Double Team (0,4*c) | Protect (0,7+d) | Sleep Talk(0,3+m) | Flash(0,4) | Hidden Power [Ground](6,4) | Thunder Wave(0,7) | Dream Eater(10,12) | Facade(7/14,5/8) | Grass Knot(6+WC,4+WC/2) | Rest (0,15) | Rain Dance (0,10) | Psychic(6+tw, 5+tw/2) | Flamethrower(9,7) | Sunny Day(0,10) | Hyper Voice | Magic Coat(0,10) | Trick(0,7) | Endeavor(avg, 6+avg/1.5) | Heal Bell (0,9) | Fly(9,10) | Hyper Beam(15,10) | Heat Wave(10,7) | Brick Break(8,6) | Tailwind(9) | Roost(11) |​

Battle #5

Sis and Bro Brad and Angelina would like to battle!

RNG roll (for Pokemon) 78, 46

Lumineon (Female)
Type: Water
Nature: Modest (+1 SpA, -1 Atk)

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2 (-)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 91
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2

Abilities: Swift Swim

Water Gun
Rain Dance
Water Pulse
Aqua Ring
Silver Wind

Hidden Power Electric
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam

Aurora Beam
Signal Beam
Beautifly (Male)
Type: Bug/ Flying
Stats: Modest (+1 SpA, -1 Atk)

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2 (-)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

Abilities: Swarm

String Shot
Poison Sting
Bug Bite
Stun Spore
Morning Sun
Air Cutter
Mega Drain
Silver Wind
Giga Drain
Bug Buzz
Quiver Dance

Hyper Beam
Shadow Ball

"We've been training with each other for so long!"
"There's no way you can win!"

18 24 4 5
7 7 19 23
17 19 12 5
18 9 1 4
Opponent-affecting events
1: Opponent’s Pokemon are poisoned for the battle.
2: Opponent’s Pokemon are burned for the battle.
3: Opponent’s Pokemon are paralyzed(15%) at the start of the battle.
4: Opponent’s Pokemon are put to sleep(1 action) at the start of the battle
5: Opponent’s Pokemon each receive a berry(chosen by the ref from a pool based on streak length) for the battle.
6: Opponent’s Pokemon each receive an item(chosen by the ref from a pool based on streak length) for the battle.
7: Opponent’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Safeguard(4 rounds).
8: Opponent’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Mist(2 rounds).

Challenger-affecting events
9: Challenger’s Pokemon are poisoned for the duration of the battle.
10: Challenger’s Pokemon are burned for the duration of the battle.
11: Challenger’s Pokemon are paralyzed(15%) at the start of the battle.
12: Challenger’s Pokemon are put to sleep(1 action) at the start of the battle.
13: Challenger’s Pokemon each receive a berry(challenger picks from a pool based on streak length) for the rest of the challenge.
14: Challenger’s Pokemon each receive an item(challenger picks from a pool based on streak length) for the rest of the challenge.
15: Challenger’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Safeguard(4 rounds)
16: Challenger’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Mist(2 rounds).

Global events
17: Drought is applied to the battle.
18: Drizzle is applied to the battle.
19: Sandstream is applied to the battle.
20: Snow Warning is applied to the battle.

Miscellaneous events
21: The roulette is sped up for the rest of the challenge(N is doubled).
22: The roulette is slowed down for the rest of the challenge(N is halved)
23: No Event
24: Challenger wins 1 free CC, then battles normally
Please choose four consecutive events
RNG roll (for event) 3/4 = 1
Opponent’s Pokemon are poisoned for the battle.


"Don't ask..."
"Our parents are... weird like that."
Lumineon: Scald (Kitsunoh) -> Scald (Fidgit) -> Scald (Kitsunoh)
If Scald is disabled when you would use it, change that action to Ice Beam (Fidgit) and the following action to Whirlpool (Kitsunoh)
If targeted with Torment, change that action to Whirlpool (Fidigt)

Beautifly: Psychic (Fidgit) -> Shadow Ball (Kitsunoh) -> Psychic (Fidgit)
If Fidgit is under the effects of a P/E move when you would attack A1 or A3, change that action to Shadow Ball (Kitsunoh) and push back actions and subs
If Kitsunoh is under the effects of a P/E move when you would attack A2, change that action to Psychic (Fidgit) and push back actions and subs

Taggie | Fidgit (F)
Venoshock (Lumineon) ~ Sludge Wave (All) ~ Venoshock (Lumineon)


Face/Off | Kitsunoh (M)
Phantom Force (Lumineon) ~ Thunder Punch (Lumineon) ~ Phantom Force (Lumineon)
Pre-Round stats:

HP: 100
EN: 100
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 100
EN: 100
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: 100
EN: 100
Poisoned (2 DPA)

HP: 90
EN: 100
Poisoned (2 DPA)

Kit -> Fidgit = Lumineon -> Beautifly
Action 1
Face/Off disappeared! (11 EN)

Scald -> Face/Off (5 EN)

Venoshock -> Lumineon (7 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 6447 = no crit
(13+3+(3-3)1.5) = 16 DMG

Psychic -> Taggie (7 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 693 = no crit
RNG roll (to lower SpD) 1543 = no lower
(10+(5-4)1.5)(1.5) = 17.25 DMG

Phantom Force -> Lumineon
RNG roll (to crit) 6027 = no crit
(9+3+(4-3)1.5) = 13.5 DMG

Poison -> Lumineon (2 DMG)
Poison -> Beuatifly (2 DMG)

Action 2
Thunder Punch -> Lumineon (6 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 2123 = no crit
RNG roll (to para) 7691 = no para
(8+(4-3)1.5)(1.5) = 14.25 DMG

Sludge Wave -> All (6 EN)
It doesn't affect Face/Off...
Lumineon: RNG roll (to crit) 4021 = no crit
(7.5+3+(3-3)1.5) = 10.5 DMG
Beautifly: RNG roll (to crit) 5357 = no crit
(7.5+3+(3-2)1.5) = 12 DMG

Scald -> Face/Off (9 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 9468 = no crit
RNG roll (to burn) 6638 = no burn
(8+3+(4-3)1.5) = 12.5 DMG

Shadow Ball -> Face/Off (6 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 1619 = no crit
RNG roll (to lower spD) 5255 = no lower
(8+(4-3)1.5)(1.5) = 14.25 DMG

Poison -> Lumineon (2 DMG)
Poison -> Beuatifly (2 DMG)

Action 3
Face/Off disappeared! (11 EN)

Scald -> Face/Off (13 EN)

Venoshock -> Lumineon (7 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 7732 = no crit
(13+3+(3-3)1.5) = 16 DMG

Psychic -> Taggie (7 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 7396 = no crit
RNG roll (to lower SpD) 4466 = no lower
(10+(5-4)1.5)(1.5) = 17.25 DMG

Phantom Force -> Lumineon
RNG roll (to crit) 6905 = no crit
(9+3+(4-3)1.5) = 13.5 DMG

Poison -> Lumineon (2 DMG)
Poison -> Beuatifly (2 DMG)

Post-Round stats:

HP: 65
EN: 80
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 73
EN: 72
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: 10
EN: 73
Poisoned (2 DPA)

HP: 72
EN: 80
Poisoned (2 DPA)


Last edited:

Taggie | Fidgit (F)
Sludge Wave (All) ~ Stone Edge (Beautifly) ~ Rock Slide (Beautifly)

IF Lumineon is under the effects of Protective move, THEN use Stone Edge (Beautifly) and push actions back.
IF Beautifly uses Tailwind, THEN use Snatch that action instead and push actions back.

IF Lumineon is KO'd when you would act, use Stone Edge(Beautifly) on the first and third instance and Rock Slide (Beautifly) on the second instance.

Face/Off | Kitsunoh (M)
Thunder Punch (Lumineon) ~ Iron Head (Beautifly) ~ Iron Head (Beautifly)

IF Lumineon is under the effects of Protective move AND Beautifly uses Electroweb that action, THEN Phantom Force (Beautifly) that action instead and push actions back.
IF Lumineon is under the effects of Protective / Evasive move, THEN use Thunder Punch (Beautifly) that action instead and push actions back.

IF Lumineon is KO'd when you would act, use Iron Head (Beautifly) that action instead.

"Brad, watch your language!"
Lumineon: Surf x3
Beautifly: Psychic (Fidgit) x3

Pre-Round stats:

HP: 65
EN: 80
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 73
EN: 72
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: 10
EN: 73
Poisoned (2 DPA)

HP: 72
EN: 80
Poisoned (2 DPA)

Action 1
Thunder Punch -> Lumineon (6 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 7998 = no crit
RNG roll (to para) 4151 = no para
(8+(4-3)1.5)(1.5) = 14.25 DMG
Lumineon fainted!

Stone Edge -> Beautifly (7 EN)
RNG roll (to hit) 6009 = hit
RNG roll (to crit) 2854 = no crit
(10+(3-2)1.5)(2.25) = 25.875 DMG

Psychic -> Taggie (11 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 3009 = no crit
RNG roll (to lower SpD) 6673 = no lower
(10+(5-4)1.5)(1.5) = 17.25 DMG

Poison -> Beautifly (2 dMG)

Action 2
Iron Head -> Beautifly (5 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 5942 = no crit
RNG roll (to flinch) 1866 = flinch
(8+3+(4-2)1.5) = 14 DMG

Rock Slide -> Beautifly (6 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 70 = crit
(8+3+(3-2)1.5)(2.25) = 28.125 DMG

Beautifly flinched!

Poison -> Beautifly (2 DMG)
Beautifly fainted!

Post-Round stats:

HP: 48
EN: 67
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 73
EN: 61
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: -4

HP: 0


"Damn it!"
"Damn it!"

Battle #2

Ace Trainer Carl would like to battle!

RNG roll (for Pokemon) 85, 105
Liepard (Male)
Type: Dark
Nature: Adamant (+1 Atk, -1 SpA)

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2 (-)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 106
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

Abilities: Prankster

Sand Attack
Fury Swipes
Fake Out
Hone Claws
Night Slash
Nasty Plot
Sucker Punch
Play Rough

Shadow Claw
Thunder Wave

Feint Attack
Foul Play
Fletchinder (Male)
Type: Fire/ Flying
Nature: Adamant (+1 Atk, -1 SpA)

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 84
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

Abilities: Gale Wings

Quick Attack
Razor Wind
Natural Gift
Flame Charge
Me First
Steel Wing

Double Team
Fire Blast
Aerial Ace

Quick Guard
"Time to wipe the floor with you!"

7 8 12 12
13 22 17 1
4 6 5 7
24 7 10 22

Opponent-affecting events
1: Opponent’s Pokemon are poisoned for the battle.
2: Opponent’s Pokemon are burned for the battle.
3: Opponent’s Pokemon are paralyzed(15%) at the start of the battle.
4: Opponent’s Pokemon are put to sleep(1 action) at the start of the battle
5: Opponent’s Pokemon each receive a berry(chosen by the ref from a pool based on streak length) for the battle.
6: Opponent’s Pokemon each receive an item(chosen by the ref from a pool based on streak length) for the battle.
7: Opponent’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Safeguard(4 rounds).
8: Opponent’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Mist(2 rounds).

Challenger-affecting events
9: Challenger’s Pokemon are poisoned for the duration of the battle.
10: Challenger’s Pokemon are burned for the duration of the battle.
11: Challenger’s Pokemon are paralyzed(15%) at the start of the battle.
12: Challenger’s Pokemon are put to sleep(1 action) at the start of the battle.
13: Challenger’s Pokemon each receive a berry(challenger picks from a pool based on streak length) for the rest of the challenge.
14: Challenger’s Pokemon each receive an item(challenger picks from a pool based on streak length) for the rest of the challenge.
15: Challenger’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Safeguard(4 rounds)
16: Challenger’s Pokemon become cloaked by a Mist(2 rounds).

Global events
17: Drought is applied to the battle.
18: Drizzle is applied to the battle.
19: Sandstream is applied to the battle.
20: Snow Warning is applied to the battle.

Miscellaneous events
21: The roulette is sped up for the rest of the challenge(N is doubled).
22: The roulette is slowed down for the rest of the challenge(N is halved)
23: No Event
24: Challenger wins 1 free CC, then battles normally
Please choose four consecutive events
RNG roll (for event) 2/4 = 22
The roulette is slowed down for the rest of the challenge(N is halved)


"Oh! Thanks, dude! Your Kitsunoh looks mighty fierce too!"
Liepard: Foul Play -> Night Slash -> Foul Play (All Kitsunoh)
If Kitsunoh is under the effects of a P/E move when you would attack, redirect to Fidgit
If Kitsunoh uses Imprison, change that action to Taunt (Kitsunoh). Only activate once.

Fletchinder: Flame Charge -> Fire Blast -> Flame Charge (All Kitsunoh)
If Kitsunoh is under the effects of a P/E move when you would attack, redirect to Fidgit
If Kitsunoh uses Metal Burst AND Fletchinder is at +1 Speed, change that action to Fly (Fidgit)

"I know Fletchling and Fletchinder are so different in their subtle ways."
"And thanks Carl, may be you will enjoy his this Face Off with him."

Taggie | Fidgit (F)
Stone Edge (Fletchinder) ~ Smackdown (Fletchinder) ~ Rock Slide (Both Opps)

IF your Stone Edge misses on action 1, THEN use Taunt (Liepard) on action 2 and Smackdown (Flechinder) on action 3 instead.

Face/Off | Kitsunoh (M)
Phantom Force (Fletchinder) ~ Phantom Force (Fletchinder) ~ Phantom Force (Fletchinder)
Pre-Round stats:

HP: 100
EN: 100
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 100
EN: 100
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: 100
EN: 100

HP: 100
EN: 100

Kit -> Liepard -> Fidgit -> Fletchinder
Action 1
Kit went poof (11 EN)
Literally fuck Kit

Foul Play -> Kit (6 EN)

Stone Edge -> Fletchinder (7 EN)
RNG roll (to hit) 9556 = miss

Flame Charge -> Kit (3 EN)
Miss but
+1 Speed

Phantom Force -> Fletchinder
RNG roll (to crit) 2750 = no crit
(9+3+(4-2)1.5) = 15 DMG

Action 2
Fire Blast -> Kit (7 EN)
RNG roll (to hit) 3359 = hit
RNG roll (to crit) 7959 = no crit
RNG roll (to burn) 9216 = no burn
(11+3+(1-3)1.5)(1.5) = 16.5 DMG

Kit went poof (15 EN)

Night Slash -> Kit (4 EN)

Taunt -> Liepard (10 EN)

Phantom Force -> Fletchinder
RNG roll (to crit) 9684 = no crit
(9+3+(4-2)1.5) = 15 DMG

Action 3
Flame Charge -> Kit (3 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 6488 = no crit
(5+3+(4-3)1.5)(1.5) = 14.25 DMG

Kit went poof (19 EN)

Foul Play -> Kit (6 EN)

Smack Down -> Fletchinder (4 EN)
RNG roll (to crit) 8994 = no crit
(5+(3-2)1.5)(2.25) = 14.625 DMG

Phantom Force -> Fletchinder
RNG roll (to crit) 2134 = no crit
(9+3+(4-2)1.5) = 15 DMG

Post-Round stats:

HP: 100
EN: 79
3/4/3/4/91/ -10% Eva

HP: 69
EN: 55
4/3/1/3/127/ +19% Acc

HP: 100
EN: 84
Taunt (4a)

HP: 40
EN: 87
+2 Speed
Smack Down (5a)


"This is going soooo well..."