Battle Institute

Hello everyone!

I don't see any thread about the Battle institute and it is a great challenge for me.
The thing is that here (as in previous generations) you get a rank depending on how many points you earn after the 5 combats. The ranks are this ones:

  1. Beginner Rank - 0-999
  2. Novice Rank - 1000-1999
  3. Normal Rank - 2000-2999
  4. Super Rank - 3000-3999
  5. Hyper Rank - 4000-4999
  6. Elite Rank - 5000-5999
  7. Master Rank - 6000+

I am not sure if it's easier to get a high rank in Doubles than in Singles, but I get near same puntuation in both the most time (more than 6000 but less than 6100).

The thing is that I want to achieve the 6500+ points to get the Global Link medal, but that seems to be impossible for me. Can you give me any tips for getting it?

My last battle was 6087 with well breeded Kangaskhan, Aegislash and Azumarill. I beat the 95% of the mons with Kangaskhan only, and none of my mons died. I cannot do better than that.

As I know you get points by:

  • Amount of Pokémon knocked out (+)
  • Amount of times your Pokémon were knocked out (-)
  • The success of your strategies and matchups (what does this mean?) (+).
  • Amount of times battles won (+)
  • Amount of Super Effective hits (+)
  • Amount of times your Pokémon were hit by not very effective moves (+)

Post your ranks and strategies and help people like me to achieve the 6500+ points!
I just finished a match in doubles and scored 6,386 points, a couple of my mons fainted, mainly at my own hand due to me using Surf. I'm guessing the "The success of your strategies and matchups" is like switching into a pokemon more suitable, ie if you have a Fire poke and the opponent has a Water. Probably needs more looking into.
I used a rain team composed of Politoad, Ludicolo, Gastrodon and Scizor
Well, finally achieved my challenge!

6525 points! One of my mons fainted so I think the clue is to get as most not effective hits as possible and give as most as very effective hits as possible. Also use movements like, DD, SD... and combos like Belly Drum and Aqua Jet.
I think I can do better than that, but now its time to get all the trophies on the mansion :)
It is much easier to get a higher score in doubles, because there are more pokemon to KO (+100 per KO if the ranking is same as BW) and you can do it in fewer turns.
I got Master Rank in Singles on my first second try! (I tried it with my ingame team as a test awhile back; got absolutely thrashed.)

So what was my score?

6,003. Nothing incredible, but still pretty good.
I was able to score 6,105 on my second singles attempt...Life Orb Greninja demolished nearly everything. I only U-turned him out once, and that was to hit a Registeel with a Flare Blitz from my Arcanine. I also brought a Froslass along, but she didn't get to see any action.
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I never thought the Battle Institute was worth my time. Yeah sure, battle rank is cool...? But you get no special rewards or anything, so it feels like a waste of ten/twenty minutes. At least the Battle Frontier/Maison grind gives you stuff.
I never thought the Battle Institute was worth my time. Yeah sure, battle rank is cool...? But you get no special rewards or anything, so it feels like a waste of ten/twenty minutes. At least the Battle Frontier/Maison grind gives you stuff.
You do get Battle Points, but mostly I agree. I'm glad it's something new, at any rate, even if it is kind of unnecessary.
I never thought the Battle Institute was worth my time. Yeah sure, battle rank is cool...? But you get no special rewards or anything, so it feels like a waste of ten/twenty minutes. At least the Battle Frontier/Maison grind gives you stuff.
It's for E-Peen points. During Wi-Fi Battles your score gets shown while waiting in between turns.

Yeah, okay, so it's not really worth it.
I find that running fast offensive teams with wide coverage and pivot moves can do a great job here, given how the point system works based on type effectiveness. Pokémon like Greninja, Landorus-T, Mega Manectric would work well, as well as slower pivots like AV Clawitzer.

VoltTurn is particularly potent here because you can bait obvious super-effective hits and bring in something that resists it for massive point-getting. Especially useful if the opponent is weak to Bug or Electric.
I used a sun team in doubles with Ninetales/Mega Charizard X (don't ask me why; I have X version)/Rotom-H/Vileplume and ended with 6088 Points. I got 15 BP (I think that's the maximum reward). The purpose is to spread damage to both opposing Pokemon such as Heat Wave.
Bumping for Kleenex--who will be jumping into the Institute soon--via posting my meh score of 5799, using Slaking3/Miltank4/Snorlax3/Nidoking4 from the Maison.
Hmm... I recall getting 6000+ score on doubles with casual Psychic team before. No Pokemon was fainted until the last battle, but in the last battle I just had to face Occult Maniac Bezolbe / FREAKING Anastasia, the infamous streak-stopper of current Battle House as many veterans over the Maison thread can attest.
Current records:


My single score is actually pretty good, but I'm aiming for even higher. A friend who challenged me has 6156 so yeah, this would be my goal.

As for doubles, it's very improvable. I'm was using Pokemons made for Single battles so this is far from being optimized. I made this on my second completion only by the way. My goal is 6684.

Like Smuckem said, I'll be playing this very soon. Here are the Pokemons I'm planning to use:



Kangourex (Kangaskhan-Mega) (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch



Elecsprint (Manectric-Mega) (M) @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower


Démétéros (Landorus-Therian) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Knock Off



Ectoplasma (Gengar-Mega) (M) @ Gengarite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Wave



Fermite (Durant) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252 HP / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Entrainment
- X-Scissor
- Iron Head
- Superpower


Rexillius (Tyrantrum) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Dragon Dance
- Head Smash
- Earthquake



Hippodocus (Hippowdon) (M) @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Slack Off
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide


Amonistar (Omastar) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Earth Power
- Icy Wind
- Surf

I couldn't come up with anything better...

Any help/feedback is welcome :)
I managed to get 9999 Points in the Battle Institute in Pokemon Black 2.

The run was tool-assisted (used savestates) but it's technically possible without savestate. There is minimal luck involved.

After weeks of planning and attempts, I finally managed to get the perfect score of 9999 Points in the Battle Institute, Double Battle format, in Pokemon Black 2.

Under normal circonstances, the maximum number of points is 7350 points, assuming receiving no damage, damaging each foes with super effective attacks, and doing so in the minimum number of turns.
The only way to obtain more points is by switching a Pokemon (+5 pts) and when the opponent uses a move that doesn't affect the player's Pokemon (+5 pts). Note that each turn that passes causes -10 pts.

Strategy in a nutshell:
Use 4 Flying pokemons. Fight a Pokemon that knowns Earthquake. Force it to use Earthquake and trick it a Choice Scarf. Swap both Pokemons every turn. This grants +10 pts every turn (+5 pts * 2 for Earthquake + 5 pts * 2 for swapping - 10 pts for turn passing).
In order for the Pokemon with Earthquake to not run out of PP, give it the ability Harvest (with Skill Swap) and Trick it a Leppa Berry. Leppa Berry heals 10 PP and the ability Harvest, under the sun, restores the berry.
Right before giving the opponent the Leppa Berry, use Encore to force it to continue using Earthquake.

How to force the opponent to use Earthquake:
Normally, the AI will never use Earthquake against both Flying Pokemons.

My first idea was to use Spite to reduce the PP to 0 to all attacks but Earthquake, but that doesn't work. There is a bug with Harvest which deletes the berry forever if it is tricked and consumed twice in the same round. This means under no circonstances, the opponent can reach 0 PP on two attacks.

The strategy I ended up using is Spite to reduce PP to 0 for an attack, using Disable on another attack, and using Imprison to disable the third attack, leaving only Earthquake.

For this strategy to work, I need a Pokemon that knows Imprison and share at least 1 attack with each Earthquake-using Pokemon opponents.

Opponent team:
I used RNG manipulation to force fighting these exact Pokemons in each battle, while making sure the other Pokemons could be beaten easily.

Battle 1: Boldore: Stone Edge,Earthquake,Headbutt,Sandstorm
Battle 2: Garchomp: Earthquake,Protect,Sandstorm,Sand Tomb
Battle 3: Golem: Rock Slide,Earthquake,Bulldoze,Autotomize
Battle 4: Garchomp: Earthquake,Protect,Sandstorm,Sand Tomb
Battle 5: Garchomp: Earthquake,Protect,Sandstorm,Sand Tomb
Initial Seed: 0x6d3fac1f75b70a5

I ran the Pokemon Black 2 Battle Subway RNG Tool for 24 hours to find that seed.

In theory, only one very long battle should be necessary. Once the setup is completed, each turn gives 10 points, and you repeat until 9999 points. However, there is another important bug (or limitation) with the game. After 255 swaps, the swap counter resets to 0, removing all granted points. The same applies for the number non-affecting opponent moves, which resets once it reaches 256. This means that a single battle can give about 2400 points at most. 5 battles are required to reach 9999 points.

My team:
Togekiss @ Choice Scarf. Encore, Trick, Charm, Air Slash
Drifblim @ Leppa Berry. Spite, Trick, Skill Swap, Disable
@ Leftovers. Imprison, Sandstorm, Protect, Rock Slide
Tropius @
Heat Rock. Ability: Harvest. Sunny Day, Protect, Energy Ball, Synthesis

In bold are elements that are mandatory for this strategy to work.