That mechanic is exclusive to Diamond and Pearl (it doesn't happen even in our Gen 4 formats, which use the engine from Platinum onwards, where the glitch was removed)
Yep, that was actually one of the first things I wanted to test in Gen 6.out of curiosity: would a pokemon with intimidate mega evolving into a pokemon with intimidate (say, manectric skill swapped intimidate mega evolving) activate intimidate on mega evolving?
I realize it was a bug, but popular/interesting bugs have been known to be implemented as official features in later titles. There is no harm in testing it on the off chance Serebii was right.It doesn't happen anywhere or by any way. That was a Diamond and Pearl specific mechanic that wasn't even a mechanic, but a bug.
So i was watching some battle son twitch and i saw a user who had a leftovers on his arcanine, but it healed him 4 times instead of 1. I got a video linked, but my japanese is quite rusty, and it doesn;t really explain how the user does it, or how it is triggered, but if this is a thing, then i want to know how it works.
Link in question:
I hope anyone could clear this up (ninetails get a heal multiple times in the video)
Good lord! I knew you could get an item from Symbiosis even when inactive from being switched out by Eject Button, but I never thought it was this bugged.I asked about this on the #Showdown chat and got the turn by turn translated:
Note: nekodamashi is Fake Out
victini goes by the name Kota on ShowdownCode:15:22 victini 1. Florges used protect 15:22 victini 2. Meinfoo used nekodamashi 15:22 DHR which is what 15:23 DHR fake out? 15:23 victini idk, I don't know how Japanese move names map to English ones 15:23 victini search bulbapedia or something 15:23 DHR im looking 15:24 DHR Its the name of a Sumo clap, so I assume it's fakeout 15:24 victini 3. Vulpix's dasshutsu button made it return 15:25 victini 4. Florges' symbiosis activates 15:26 victini and gives leftovers to Vulpix 15:26 victini uh 15:26 victini I meant ninetales 15:26 victini because I'm stupid 15:27 victini 5. Sent out hitmontop and intimidates foes 15:28 victini Garchomp used Sleep talk 15:28 victini but failed 15:28 victini 7. Opponent withdrew hitmontop 15:29 victini and sent out ninetales 15:29 victini 8. Florges used protect 15:29 victini but failed 15:30 victini 9. Meinshao used nekodamashi again 15:30 victini and failed 15:30 victini 10. Garchomp used sleep talk and failed 15:31 victini 11. Ninetales healed with leftovers 15:31 victini 12. Ninetales healed with leftovers 15:31 victini 13. Ninetales healed with leftovers 15:32 DHR Why did leftovers proc three times then 15:32 victini 14. Ninetales healed with leftovers 15:32 DHR four even 15:32 victini idk 15:32 victini The title is "Pokemon's multiple items bug" 15:33 DHR This is interesting, thankyou for the translation
It is likely some sort of mechanics bug/interaction between Eject Button, Leftovers, Florges and Sybiosis. I'll talk to one of the big mechanics guys about it later.
Nope, once an item has been removed somehow (either by using it or getting Knocked Off, etc), the bug ends.If this becomes the new meta, i am really curious how the crowd and commentators would react if this was being used in the top tier VGC tournaments lol. The whole audience is like...Wait, wait, WHAAAT? xD
Also, a little curious, if a pokemon would have the harvest ability, will it get the berry usage twice or once with that glitch?
Nope, Black Sludge only ever heals twice, no matter the type of the Symbiosis Pokemon.will poison types with symbiosis make black sludge heal 4 times? I don't think black sludge damages four times, either.
(hit) damage | expected | actual
(1) 36, 36 | 1x | 1x
(2) 52, 48 | 1.44x | 1.444x, 1.333x
(3) 71, 65 | 1.96x | 1.97222x, 1.80555x
(4) 79, 92 | 2.56x | 2.19444x, 2.555x
(5) 117, 110 | 3.24x | 3.25x, 3.0555x
(6) 132, 144 | 4x | 3.666x, 4x
(7) 136, 124 | 4x | 3.777x, 3.444x
Should psycho shift bypass magic bounce? My absol mega'd on the same turn sigilyph used psycho shift and got burned but I don't know if this is a bug or not.
Peculiar. I'm curious to see what the cause of this was.Psycho Shift is not affected by magic coat, so it should not be affected by magic bounce.
e: other sources are confirming that it's not bounced by magic bounce either, but I can go test it now too
e2: Oh I forgot to update this. Tested it, psycho shift is not bounced.
Peculiar. I'm curious to see what the cause of this was.
I don't think it works based off of what I know, but I cannot test it myself right now to double check.If you send a ditto holding, for example, Charizardite X out on a regular Charizard, will you be able to Mega Evolve ditto the following turn?