Battle of Legends

my score was 24-6 pretty good i think because i never play ubers single or double , and 4 of my lost was against trick room teams , so hard to counter them :(
Finished with a score of 21 to 9. Meh, wanted to finish higher. Here's what I used:


The team's...okay. Problem is that the relative lack of bulk (and water resists) means that I was not allowed any mistakes in prediction or move choice if I wanted to keep momentum, or I lose it and possibly my chances of winning. That's basically how I lost all 9 matches.

Head Smash on Hydreigon was clutch in one of my wins, by the way; I had that and special attackers left against a Blissey, and they were able to wear it down eventually for the winning kill. I mostly put it there for Ho-oh and Yveltal, but it didn't have a chance to use it on them. It WAS useful whenever I chose to use it elsewise. It didn't even miss once!
Finished with 18-12. Bleugh.....Got around to the decent 1600s for some time then took a huge downfall. My fault for not using more water resists and status blocking methods. Plus, a bad IV Ho-oh that I thought would be powerful with Groundon.



P.S: Not in replays, but I have bad luck against people who use Blizzard outside of Hail (Hit two Pokes at once with 50% chance? How did they have luck to do that?). Also, Sacred Fire not burning and Rock slide missing at crucial times. :(
my score was 24-6 pretty good i think because i never play ubers single or double , and 4 of my lost was against trick room teams , so hard to counter them :(
Hi! Darkmaster77 I think i faced you two times, the first one you won, and the second one i won (9B7W-WWWW-WWW8-ZSD8). My score was 24-6 too :)
My team was:
This is the first tour I use all my pokemon in several battles, no one was used less or more.

Finished 20-10 I think? Low 1600s. Not bad considering I did almost all of my battles on day 3 because of real life stuff, and by that point most of the awful players have stopped playing.

Dialga and trick room screw me up hard. ESPECIALLY CHOPLE BERRY DIALGAS YES FUCK YOU I ALMOST WON THAT MATCH. I also had a hard time breaking other ludicolos.

Sure, zekrom dealt with kyogres pretty well, but so did a twave/thunder, and otherwise he just really didn't hit hard enough. Should've used tailwind more often though, that would've won me a couple matches.

If I could change this team, I would've given terrakion the sash and replaced zekrom with a dialga

Finished pretty whatever, I believe 17, 10 or 17,11. A good amount of the matches I also lost out of pure dumb selections on my part (Ex: Knowing a double Sucker Punch was coming and I didn't hit Protect). I suppose that also contributes to I never having tested this team out ever on Showdown and I thought it out instantly back when this tourney was announced and only then known as the All-Star Tentative. Anyway, the tournament was fun, plus it was nice to finally get to put my Reshiram I RNG'd back in 2011 on my Black version to good use.

Some tournament battle vids of my team in action:

forgot to finish all matches, went 16-6 or something like that


didn't really get any more noteworthy battles beyond the one I posted before, although I did outplay the coinflip once and Leech Seed won me a battle this other time


Lando-T was surprisingly mediocre at times and Cress was kind of a sack of shit. Ferrothorn, Palkia, and Arceus were awesome and Absol was surprisingly useful at times (even though Dark Void still hits Mega Absol's partner...).
Hi! Darkmaster77 I think i faced you two times, the first one you won, and the second one i won (9B7W-WWWW-WWW8-ZSD8). My score was 24-6 too :)
My team was:
This is the first tour I use all my pokemon in several battles, no one was used less or more.

ahh you are the one with boss nn??? dat Darkrai put me in a hard position :(
Sadly been in a far away place were internet don't exist so had to skip this one, love to read about your guys results now as I am back for a short while before returning to the dark age :P
What was the most common legendaries you met?
What was the most common legendaries you met?

Hands down mewtwo was the legend I saw most of. Most were mmy, 2 were mmx, and there were a few regulars with physical movesets (ha ha guess they didn't want to mega evolve with xern on the field).

I saw a good number of kyogre (for obvious reasons), plus a handful of darkrai, but not as many as I expected (might have just been where I was on the tier). 2 darkrai users paired it with a support talonflame (quick guard, tailwind, brave bird, assumed 4th move will-o-wisp/flare blitz), which sadly, I didn't prepare for (those popped my team).

I saw more ho-oh (but no lugia) and other zekrom than I expected, plus a handful of the event legends (2 genesect, 1 deoxys-d, keldeo, victini, jirachi--a scarf set that *almost* tripped me up, except for Zeke lol). I think I saw 2 kyurem-w, but no other kyurem forms.

Saw a handful of other xerneas, and all that I encountered ran geomancy sets similar to mine. Only ever encountered 1 dialga, and maaybe 1 palkia? No giratina. A handful of Arceus (mostly normal EKillers, 2 ghosts, 1 fairy, and 1 derpy steel with poison jab and fly).

EDIT: At least, those are what I remember, lol. :)
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Sadly been in a far away place were internet don't exist so had to skip this one, love to read about your guys results now as I am back for a short while before returning to the dark age :P
What was the most common legendaries you met?

A load of kyogres, several arceuses (1 fairy, 2 ghost, 1 ground, a few normal, IIRC), plenty of dialgas, a couple darkrai, some xerns (and almost all of them decided to set up a geomancy in front of either my kyogre or my m-mawile), 2-3 palkias, like 3 or 4 groudon, some mewtwos (all but one were MMY)
I did alright I think, finished 20-10. Meant to change up Hitmontop's moveset beforehand but forgot about it and ended up locking the battle box.
I did indeed end up with a 1600 rating, so winning that last match must've mattered. My country rank is nothing to write home about (in the top...150 in the US -.-). I still have plenty of room to grow. :)