BDSP BDSP OU Winter Seasonal - Round 2

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Welcome to the BDSP OU Winter Seasonal!

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations.
  • 2022 BDSP Circuit information.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the BDSP OU ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown and can be found on Smogon's strategy dex.
  • Best of three, double elimination.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
Round 2


RainbowXplosion  vs  LzNt
silver grace  vs  Redgoop115
AtraX Madara  vs  Dflo
search  vs  Brobbee
Jhonx~  vs  Realmas
Monz  vs  avg
Choice Specs  vs  Permission Slip
Le Don  vs  fatBatman
MrRogers840  vs  adem
Clone  vs  Zen
apologies  vs  crying
Tempo di anguria  vs  melancholy0
-Leon-  vs  yonitet
Savouras  vs  Arhan1311
dex  vs  Elfuseon
p4bloL  vs  Mike Legend
crater26  vs  madvorak
Daruma  vs  dunoks
Fille  vs  Darth Solus
Danny Legend  vs  RTM
Lizardu''  vs  Alphaxtor
QY_CS  vs  gorex
DragonDance  vs  mcpallday
Venator_IV  vs  PurpleDolphin
TDNT  vs  Prof.DRE
Band Cresselia  vs  RudyRudy.
Hiro'  vs  Agentkeval
Hockey1  vs  cy
lolebruh  vs  Buu
Sputnik  vs  Grantlbart10
MathBandit  vs  weakermaker
HTCL  vs  Brumirage
THATSAplusONE  vs  Mr.Bossaru
6Roggenrolas  vs  FailureGirl
Zerotti  vs  MJmackin93
Lialiabeast  vs  Nowh
velvet  vs  Drud
Freezerman  vs  mj
TyCarter  vs  Hollow Soul
Adam3560  vs  bhkg
LittleSpookz  vs  Blaazen
SpectralThief  vs  Gagundeez
StitChuu  vs  BattleBeedrill
Wait2Seconds  vs  GHJIII
Blox  vs  CharlieM2000
TheKingKarp  vs  Mimikyu Stardust
Beraldinho  vs  Unowndragon
Huargensy  vs  nate5011


Beka  vs  JP192
origene  vs  PresentLP
giove97  vs  i heart survivor
Bffpoff AGency  vs  Kyosuru Jets
Best Nami  vs  ale el dark link
HugeNoobLmao  vs  yovan33321
Danny  vs  lava oops
Julzb1300  vs  plxz
evir  vs  exlipsebeast
m_griff07  vs  doc1203
Bag of Trixx  vs  The Real Randy
Hax Believer  vs  Abyssal Ruins
Bongi  vs  GoonTheGamer
Togenium Z  vs  Spudmay
Surfy  vs  dave
Psycko21  vs  Queen95
Sky of Doom  vs  Ghostyghostboi
Rika Old Deus  vs  Jay is decent
Sedom  vs  Mushfiq
Churielix  vs  Nick.see
MachPunchGaming  vs  Sensibility
airtonpoersch  vs  SNAK30PRA
Ara ara  vs  darkblazeblade
K14Fire  vs  sunlight boy
Rojessi  vs  MaD_Professional
YoruNoxx  vs  DarkMew2
Quint_  vs  martinvtran
The412Gang  vs  Revenge Killer
GideonK203  vs  Zeinad
TheGreenRoman  vs  Kashcharninja
PandaDoux  vs  tier
bricknermon  vs  5Dots
SeñorBean  vs  Perish Song
Mercupty  vs  CalistoYew21
happygood333  vs  StarFalcon555
Big Laddaz  vs  Sebypops
bobby bunk  vs  Armada
Tuthur  vs  Keen001
nyasupa  vs  AkTheNoob
ChiefBee  vs  Burritoman93
jrbrown46  vs  oraacle
Bella_Anderson  vs  For an Endless Night
Tsuku!  vs  SOMALIA
Wubben  vs  kaloom69
MikeyWilliamson74  vs  TheBrightRising
Astra  vs  Viper142
KaenSoul  vs  Tadas-Werebeast
LoveStallLiveLife  vs  yomamathiccc

Deadline is Sunday, January 23rd at 11:59 EST (GMT -5).
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I was given a loss for round 1 despite contacting my opponent, posting about it in the round 1 post, then getting ghosted by them. Whats up with that?
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