[Beginner] Back to the Basics Mafia - The Many win!

[Beginnner] Back to the Basics Mafia - Day 1

After a long night, filled with screams of the victims of the Terrible and the howls of the Monsters, you look to your partners to decide who is mafia, who you think should hang from a tree. A better target than you is pretty much anyone else, or some GK - I don't know why, though. But first, you see that a few users are shaken up a bit. You don't see them that way for long, though.

Also, it appears that coolking49 has been kidnapped. While he is kidnapped, unless specified by the host, no one is allowed to contact him about the game. Also, he cannot be targeted by anything.

Next time, please, get your orders in sooner. All nights from here on out will be 48 hours, after all. Oh, and, for some reason, someone decided to perform: Rob putting Green.

Alright guys, here's my role PM:

Dear Spiffy,

You are Lord Auditor Captain Lord Miles Naismith Vorkosigan of Barrayar.
You are the lord of the Vorkosigan District and the Eighth Imperial Auditor. You gained you position after years of work in ImpSec. Your most notable talent is negotiation.
At night, you may send Aura Guardian a PM with title "Night x - persuading USER1 to vote for USER2". USER1 may be the same as USER2. USER1 will be required to vote for USER2. Failure to do will result in their death. If USER1 or USER2 is kidnapped, then your ability will be nullified.

You are aligned with The Many. You win if The Many eliminate all hostile threats.

Unfortunately, I can't prove myself today, as I was hooked. Inspector: Please contact me as soon as possible with your results on coolking.

The faster I get all of the claims, the faster this day goes. Everyone: (Even those who already claimed to me) please forward your role PM as well as your Night 0 result PMs. If you don't claim to me, you will be immediately cast under suspicion.
Ugh, sorry for the triple post, but I have something important to say. Due to a faulty Role PM, and the fact that he claimed a role that someone had already given me a clean role PM as well as proof of that role, we will be lynching Acklow. For more information on why we're lynching him, PM me on IRC.
Due to some help I got from a friend, I (contrary to what others have said, fuck I could vote myself if everyone is going to try to lynch me), think that hailflameblast should be lynched. He is mafia and I have claims to prove that. If you really want to find out how I know, pm me and I might tell you.