[Beginner] Heroic Characters Mafia: GAME OVER! Playable Characters win

ok I really don't get this. atheno claimed to be faith from buffy but changes his mind to be faith from mirror edge?

In my role pm, it clearly states where my role name comes from. I know atheno is a good mafia player, so i really doubt he didn't read through his role pm.....

also hes been refusing to post his role pm (because he doesnt have a fake made yet or he could when im done with this) and tried to lynch someone for no reason and tried to cover it up with "im trying to get info".

i think we got ourselves a bad guy imo
First off, I'm not a good mafia player. I just learning. And my PM says Buffy. It is just that that is where my terrible name comes from: it was a communication problem. This sort of explains it:

<Afkenodoros> She is not a Playable Character, and she is evil to boot
<loudkirbyking> Not quite. Wrong Faith
<loudkirbyking> Ever heard of Mirror's Edge?
<Afkenodoros> Nope
<loudkirbyking> Look it up. I think he meant THAT Faith
<Afkenodoros> That messed things up a bit
<loudkirbyking> I did my own research on Faith and found it. So... yeah.
<loudkirbyking> I shoulda looked it up earlier
<loudkirbyking> MY bad.

My bold.

EDIT: Just looked at the other stuff, might as well talk about them since the thread isn't going anywhere. Anyway, as I said before, I'm not posting because without the inspector it is not of any use to try to lead, because I'd get moled and we'd lose. Thus, there is no point trying to give the mafia an extra role PM because it won't help the village at all. As for lynching, check the recent NOC thread. I'm not the only one saying that we will have to resort to that kind of scum-hunting now that others and I don't trust anyone enough to lead. It is the only way we can get through Day One without wasting a lynch and some valuable time. And I explained this to you on IRC. I kind of thought that this exchange meant you understood:

<Afkenodoros> I'm really looking for him to defend himself rather than actually lynch him
<macle> o
<macle> well you could have told me that
I also think that kryal is definitely acting kind of odd. For starters, I'd like to know who exactly checked kryal last night. Once we get that confirmed, it makes the rest much easier.

Holding off on voting for now, but I'm leaning toward kryal.

Voting off someone who's been cleaned, and has a good role for leading? That's a bit dumb. Additionally, I'd rather not give the name of the alliance checker to the mafia, because for some reason the giving the mafia a power role seems pretty dumb, and I hope you agree with that.

Atheno changing his story is also really fishy. I was talking to macle before Atheno changed his mind, and he did tell me where his character was from. So basically right now I'm thinking that Atheno fucked up.
Maybe it's just me, but I find alliance checker results generally untrustworthy as in the games I've been in, the village has always had a full role PM inspector and not an alliance checker with I think only one exception, and any alliance checker results have been faked by mafia inspectors. But maybe that's not the case in this game, maybe the village in this game does have an alliance checker. I'd just be more convinced that red_kryal is clean if the result that cleaned him was a full role PM inspector's result.
Can I just get this clear one more time? I'm not changing my story. My story has always been and will always be that I am from Buffy. My PM tells me I am a Slayer. The reason, however, that such a character, which was obviously not a playable character, was included on the list, was a communication error because the intended Faith was not very well known. I mean, lynch me because you think I'm lying about it, but I haven't changed my story.

And where the hell is the inspector? Why has not even one of the leaders stepped up to say that they were inspected?
I would like the point out that athen is not the only one who changed there role pm story. Jalmont also did.
Also Athen are you still lynching me after I explained stuff to you or shall I defend myself some more so that this thread as more discussion?
Personally I don't believe that jalmont is mafia and I think that he just made a mistake. Weather he is the best person to lead the village I don't know.
Athen, I believe if he was village he would make a good leader. If he's mafia then we kill him.
Red kayle, Seems the mafia to me. But that is just my personal opinion. Twin is interesting to claim as in the most games if the twin is lynched by the village they go wolf.

Also I was indeed not claiming seriously. If have explained my reasons to boh Athen and Jalmont.

I support KD24 for president.
Ok guys - I'm taking charge. I will be revealing my role and revealing how I came to some conclusions I'm about to post. This means I'm going to need your trust if we hope to win as village - there have been too many loose claims going about.

First, my role:

Dear kd24,
You are Nate Drake.

Though your full name is Nathan, everyone calls you Nate. Able to wield almost every gun out there, you’ve been in more trouble than a soldier. With your friend Sully, and working together with whoever you can, seems like everyone’s out to get you while you search for some sort of treasure. But, who can resist a little historic journey for gold?

At night, you may send a PM to both loudkirbyking and Darkpenguin67, titled “Night X - Listen in on <User>”. You will, with a gun in hand of course, listen in on what <User> does to get some information on where the treasure is. You’ll be able to tell who goes after them during the night by this.

You are allied with the Playable Characters. You win if you defeat all resistance.


So my first instinct with this role on n0 was to track red_kryal - his claim seemed the most legitimate by far at the time, but was also one of the most questioned (Luigi isn't much of a hero?). My original thought was that the bodyguard would go protect him at night on the sole basis that his claim was the most legitimate (Didn't want him getting silenced, kidnapped, or killed n0 (as it turns out, I forgot about no night0 deaths but it ended up working well)). And things looked somewhat bad as I saw one user did go visit red at night...I had no way of knowing if it was mafia or village alligned.

But then red posted a godsend by his own accord, claiming he got inspected / Alliance checked and that the inspector (/ alliance checker) had contacted him. I approached red, asking him to confirm who it was to me without me telling him who it was directly - and he did so, even despite his cautiousness at first. When he told me the name that I already knew, I then realized that I was close to cleaning people up.

So next, I contacted the alliance checker / inspector (don't really care what you call it, I only post both names so people don't go crazy or some shit) and he confirmed that yes, he went to red at night. Now, it would be insane for him to false claim inspector to me because there is still too much of a risk that I would be mafia - so I am fairly certain he is also who he says he is.

I am 90%+ sure that red_kryal and the inspector are who they say they are. I am now asking for two things this upcoming night:

1.) Mario Twin PM me RIGHT AWAY. This is key so that we can clear you.
2.) Bodyguard, PM and Protect me this night - I will be leading the village from here on out. I am going to repeat, I NEED A PM FROM YOU TODAY BEFORE THE NIGHT.

After such an initial sloppy start, we can definitely do things right now (assuming I'm not being completely screwed over) - even if I am, I am keeping sole possession of names that are cleared until we have 100% confirmation on everything.

Hope this covers everything.
kd24 really seems like our safest best for a leader right now. Now all we need is a lynch target. There isn't really anyone that exactly stands out as suspicious, so finding a solid lynch target is going to be quite difficult. I don't think its the best idea to lynch Jalmont, as he is silenced and doesn't really have a chance to defend himself(although we can just ask him on IRC). While Athenodoros does seem pretty suspicious, I doubt that if he was mafia he would claim himself as someone that isn't even a playable character. While he did "change" his character's origin so that he can be portrayed as a playable character, I believe him that it was just a misinterpretation between him and his role PM.

If anyone has any ideas on who to lynch today, feel free to speak up.
i would like to discuss this on irc so please dont bandwagon with my or anything (we could potentially lynch a guilty party or something instead?) - i am merely voting now in the rare case that i oversleep and miss the day deadline

No Lynch

this is just a precaution...please dont vote with me yet, i could easily change this later

You guys stink. Thus, deadline's been extended 24 hours. You have until then to get a definite vote, since 5 votes isn't really much. If majority is reached, same grace period, same everything...

Plus I was requested to do this. So, there ya go.
And I'd appreciate if the hosts could make an exception and count this as bold.
Deadline! Again!

Everyone looks around as kd24 suddenly breaks out into a No lynch mood. shuckles decides to show off his prediction skills of saying it before anyone else, while macle decided that he just hated his own guts. Athenodoros was unable to make up his mind, but in the end, showed the best voting skills yet... except it didn't matter, since Nobody was lynched!

"...If you do not require my power today, I shall use it tomorrow." lkk stated, looking at the group.

It's now Night 1. You can kill people now. Night 1 ends in 48 hours from this post.

EDIT: Before I forget, Terrador ran in from wherever the heck he'd been. He's baaaack.