Other Metagames [BH] Annihilation (2k)

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Which Team Fits You Best?
OMWC Game Analysis Post
Hello everyone! This RMT features the five teams I used in OM World Cup IV, where I got my first undefeated record of 6-0. I put a lot of effort into teambuilding for this World Cup and love all five of these teams, so I couldn't really pick just one to highlight. Also it's my 2000th post so I wanted to do something special.

If you're confused about this metagame, I recommend hopping into the replays hide tag and watching some of those. The best way to learn BH is to participate in it through playing or watching.

city — 11/07/2021
im just looking for reliable ways to create asymmetrical games
thats what i want in this meta

sevag — 11/07/2021
so that;s like the framework you'd like to work in?
cuz like i'd say my teams tend to be more on the symmetric side

city — 11/07/2021
for sure

sevag — 11/07/2021
which i'd say makes them more consistent

city — 11/07/2021
you should play like the english opening in chess
1. c4

sevag — 11/07/2021
whereas your side really puts you into a position
where you have to outplay
like i try to win at builder by building a team that puts me in the position that i want

city — 11/07/2021
i think by far the most successful ive been with asymmetry is lil kiss
i have 1 broken mon and 2 mons that make no sense

sevag — 11/07/2021
yea but imo
lil kiss isn't that consistent
like it makes asymmetric play
but sometiems things just don't work

city — 11/07/2021
well the only real problem is hazard removal

sevag — 11/07/2021
and the rapid spin on ogre
just isn't consistent

city — 11/07/2021
outside of that i dont think you have a case

sevag — 11/07/2021
regigigas too

city — 11/07/2021
i beat a ton of people with it

sevag — 11/07/2021
is super wack xD

city — 11/07/2021
it is
city — 11/08/2021
NUCLEAR FUSION (MEDIUM) - https://pokepast.es/0193cbaa606937cf - overly reliant on special attackers to break and can have difficulty with scales and especially hooh, but structurally solid and good at giving the breakers ample opportunities to come in. also no choiced mons so it's automatically good. spikes etern makes the psea matchup almost bearable and horse can also 2hko a bunch of psea users with lo astral.
UNTITLED ⑨00 - https://pokepast.es/d94f0ae686e97ca9 - there's 1 sweeper, also no fur coat so you can auto lose to bozos who spam physical attacks which is no fun. fortunately i haven't really had any issues breaking through stuff as pert does a great job and kyub can win against stuff like fc no spectral zamac and ph fini. tends to be alright vs hyper offense as they hate rocks and you just have several good mons.
DOUBLE TRIAGE BUFFOONERY - https://pokepast.es/f5e903bbfae5388b - imposter is incredibly helpful here with keeping stuff in check and i need to use it more. team aims to overload opponents by spamming special attackers. opposing hazards can become a problem if they can get thru diancie, also the triage users can be a bit weak so it can be slower than opponents at breaking.
221 SECOND TEAM / PH RAY PH ZAC BALANCE - https://pokepast.es/f10a7753511eabeb - team is generally pretty consistent, only issues are shed shell imposter being too frail to handle some stuff (especially considering regenvest don being not the bulkiest so some issues w xern), ray being generally silly, and zac randomly getting shut down by stuff especially opposing ph like regi.
MG RAY BOUNCE WAK - https://pokepast.es/dcd4a98ff28ab53c - again no fc no imposter so there will always be some issues with opposing offense. this team however is very consistent at breaking thru due to the aggressive hazard setters, so the dragons will usually get opportunities and opps can rarely consistently deny hazards.
NP REGEN RAIKOU - https://pokepast.es/7395a219479ca15d - regenvest etern can randomly decide to suck as a hazard remover (considering the lack of slow pivots) which is really the only grievance i have with this team. it's very fast, raikou/etern/steela all outspeed base 100s and raikou especially is near impossible to wall out. opposing offense is also a bit annoying and golis/gira are a bit awkward.
RAINBOW OFFENSE - https://pokepast.es/a18347c83218fd18 - a very interesting structure built around spamming hard to kill sweepers and hoping one of them breaks through. has issues with opposing hazards on paper but in practice hazard stack teams prefer open games, which this team excels in. i tried to make another version with doom desire steela work (https://pokepast.es/8648993472809b5a) but was ultimately not as successful as the original.





https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8balancedhackmons-1479106207 (double trap ends turn 130)

the team with the stupidest name!!! i started here with triage lugia, a mon i'd experimented with in gen 7, once
ChazmicSupernova — 06/15/2019
please tell me you at least kill ogre with psystrike

Donald Trump (White Version) — 06/15/2019
im not running that

ChazmicSupernova — 06/15/2019
fuck dude

Donald Trump (White Version) — 06/15/2019
it is giga tho

ChazmicSupernova — 06/15/2019
owing giga roost?
recovery rather

Donald Trump (White Version) — 06/15/2019
3 atks

ChazmicSupernova — 06/15/2019
this sounds cursed

Donald Trump (White Version) — 06/15/2019
qaefqa newmeta sent out Black March (Gengar-Mega)!

Turn 20

R. Kelly used Oblivion Wing!
(The opposing Black March lost 97% of its health!)
The opposing Black March had its energy drained!
R. Kelly lost some of its HP!

The opposing Black March used Moongeist Beam!
It's super effective!
(R. Kelly lost 90.1% of its health!)

R. Kelly fainted!

ChazmicSupernova — 06/15/2019

aCasualMemeLord — 06/15/2019
and wanted to try out again, inspired by the rise in popularity of triage steela. lugia was similarly incredibly weak, but had a different set of weaknesses, amazing bulk, and stab future sight at its disposal. to accompany it on its journey, i took psycho shift regi from ompl's lil kiss (pblades/facade over wicked blow/sacred fire because i wanted an actual set) and a very standard 3 fairy moves pixilate xern (also stolen from gen 7).

the building process here was pretty short and straightforward. i added a bunch of good mons that i had experience with and didn't really have much to change. i was going for a structure that was hard to mess up, just to have something i could build off in future games. i think the team was successful in this.

this team looks a lot more solid than it actually is. not to say that it's bad, but winning lines will typically not be very boring, and often you need to play precisely to get through. that said, if you play well you will generally get rewarded.


Ceremonial Blade (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Anchor Shot
- Spectral Thief
- Aromatherapy
- Roost

i think imposter is on all the most consistent teams. the ability to a) scout and b) 1v1 all the random stuff is just so nice to have around. imposter is overloaded on this team, meaning against more offensive teams it can get stretched thin and worn down extremely quickly, so you need to be a bit careful with it in these matchups. anchor spectral aroma is the standard to imposter-proof xern and lugia if necessary. imposter is also the only xern switchin on the team which is funny


Vermillion (Regigigas) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Facade
- Precipice Blades
- Psycho Shift

psycho shift regi is one of the main breakers of the team; the main idea behind the move is poisoning giratina and other walls like dusclops, null, etc while pblades facade hits everything else. obviously this doesn't work so well against fc zamac ph gira, so keep regi in the back against those. regigigas is also typically key in the offense matchup due to the insane power of +1 facade, so you should usually try to get more in exchange for it than breaking some sash and then dying to a no retreat attack or something. it's not too big a deal on this team due to the 2 priority users + imposter though.

dragon dance is used over shift gear cause it has more pp than sap and the edge cases where it's bad are typically not very relevant.


Blue Wings (Zamazenta-Crowned) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Flip Turn
- Thunderous Kick
- Recover

psea zamac does 2 things for this team: general zamac wall stuff (you beat vcreate coverage guys and np etern), and setting spikes, especially against bounce hooh. the reason this is important is because bounce hooh is typically paired with a pixilate xern, and the funny thing about this team is it has no pixilate xern switchin, so you need to make ground in other parts of the matchup. it's adamant because strong zamac is super cool, and it's boots because zamac is broken when it doesn't take spikes.


What We Became (Giratina) @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Haze
- Entrainment
- Spectral Thief
- Shore Up

mon you use if you want to lame stuff out. gira honestly isn't great here and is a big contributor to this team not being in (imo) my best. i later learned that prank glare-type structures are a lot more solid against aggression. gira can screw around and entrain pixilate xern to avoid boomburst but it won't save you against a lot of setup guys, so the team needs to cover that matchup with the priority users. anyway, what this mon does is counter zamac (important), lame out various ground move guys including pblades regi and cb arrows don, and exist with prank haze.


Rainbow after Rain (Lugia) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Triage
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Future Sight
- Oblivion Wing
- Lava Plume

triage lugia is the cool mon on the team. 90 special attack means you don't just break everything instantly, but lava plume can burn mons that really don't want to get burned (you beat scales non-topsy zamac for example), while future sight sets up for a combo with either lugia itself or one of the other mons on the team. the reason lugia is used here is because with triage typically you win eventually as long as they can't immediately kill you, and lugia is really good at not immediately dying.


Cybernetic Anima (Xerneas) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Boomburst
- Rapid Spin
- Strength Sap

3 fairy move pixilate xern is a set i've enjoyed less recently due to issues with sap blockers (hooh, darmz) limiting your entire hazard removal gameplan, but thanks to flip turn zama these problems are less glaring. extreme speed pixie plate is really awesome on xern, other stuff like coverage and metronome/boots can come into fashion but i don't really think you can beat the flexibility of plate espeed. this mon is more efficient at damage-dealing than pretty much every other offensive guy and cleans up games like nothing else.

going into the game against tttech the 1 thing i remembered was facing him on ladder once with glare + hex lunala being my primary progress maker, then getting walled out by regen heal bell and eventually losing. i wanted to not let that happen again.

city — 11/13/2021
i might try to make something with ye olde scrappy focus punch zamac
for tttech

sevag — 11/13/2021
will scrapy make enough progress against tttech?
you'll just get parting shotted

city — 11/13/2021
the set is focus punch tkick poison fang so yes i think it cna make progress

sevag — 11/13/2021
i'm not set on it tbh
cuz tttech
is also prone to run heal bell


as the above log might suggest, the subpunch zamac i brought against tttech wasn't a new set: i first used it in the previous omwc a year ago, where it helped me create asymmetry without being too unsound. i figured i could make a similar structure with toxic orb imposter work, even though the metagame had changed massively since then.

this, of course, brings me to fc nuzzle hex lunala and qd pixilate xern + soundproof, two things which i innovated at the start of ompl 9. these were mons i understood well and also worked well with the structure: lunala + zamac provided fighting + ghost attacking coverage, while xern and lunala both acted as wincons with speed control to make up for zamac getting owned by offensive mons. the end result was a team with strange functionality and a decidedly "off-meta" flavor, but not something unsound at all.


Loving Heart (Reshiram) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Core Enforcer
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock

loving heart is awesome. this mon turned out to be the mvp of my game vs tttech and i consider it one of the better sets in this rmt. the reason it's used over other soundproofers, especially groudon, is for the fire resist (covering for zamac), ice neutrality (not giving kyub opportunities), water neutrality (being fine vs rend xern), and fairy neutrality (never losing to espeed/spin xern). additionally, resh is great at just poking the opponent and slowly making progress with its stabs and rocks. a lot of mons including zamac (psea variants can get cored), all dragons, ph regi, and various steels are really annoyed by this mon, and if you poison an opposing hooh with zamac poison fang vs xern balance then you might as well type gg in the chat.

theres no formal imposter proofer for this mon but like, figure it out. either para mon will work, trick chansey will work. depends on the situation and what possible trick blockers they might have. (etern is the scariest but does lose to fling heal bell)


Xerneas @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Quiver Dance
- Boomburst
- Strength Sap

qd pixilate xern isn't a new set, but it is one of the less common variants. you exchange the immediate fast espeed for additional power with qd into boomburst. this mon is much easier to use than espeed xern: when they can't counter it, you just set up and then are never forced out. pretty straightforward. boots are pretty helpful here to help you spin against bozos who run stall: xern can get worn down over time in the matchup, but zamac should be doing most of the work anyway.


Snorlax @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Haze
- Wish
- Shore Up
- Nuzzle

this is basically for spectrier and etern cause it has enough spdef to eat boosted hits. some chansey + blissey combination can also be considered. wish is primarily for zamac against extremely passive play, but most of the team enjoys getting wished up so don't get too rigid in your ideas. this mon is extremely passive so try not to go into it too much lest you lose the game. nuzzle over glare is to hit dark types, dazzling, and priority blocking, snorlax should usually be able to eat the hit.


Lunala @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nuzzle
- Hex
- Core Enforcer
- Roost

fc lunala forms the second part of the anti-offense core with xern. together they cover most offensive types, have a ton of bulk, and beat everything besides simple setup 1v1. the 2 mons also function as demons lurking in the background vs balance/stall, basically if your opponent gets careless or has no counter then they can randomly see no counter and instantly win. typically though you'll play slower vs such teams with typical paraspam gameplans such as "paralyze them".


Chansey (F) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Slack Off
- Switcheroo
- Heal Bell
- Fling

toxic orb imposter is about as silly and awkward as it looks. make no mistake, this mon is incredibly unwieldy and the random poison damage can pose issues at the best of times. the main idea, however, is limiting opposing poison heal users, especially aggressive (cage, spikes) xerns and regigigas. these mons typically aren't hard imposter-proofed; the opponent will typically have some sort of counter to avoid being swept immediately, but toxic orb imposter forces them into extremely passive positions where zamac can usually come in.

the moves are basically to get rid of poison. heal bell can be used without regret as there are no poison heal users on the team. note that flinging your orb does poison the opponent. teleport can be used over switcheroo for a safer set that aims to avoid trapping from anchor steela, etc.


Zamazenta-Crowned @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Poison Fang
- Thunderous Kick

this set is so awesome. sub focus punch is strong enough to demand the opponent for an answer, and it has 32 pp so you should never run out vs stall. the majority of switchins despise poison fang and tkick. there are 3 counters: defensive etern, ph fini, and fc solg/dusk mane (especially helmet variants). if you run into any of these on a defensive structure, try to secure stealth rock by any means necessary while not giving them opportunities to do anything. also note that fini (and ph xern) are much softer counters then they may appear, and you can certainly wear them down over time.

against offense it's not great although if you can get a sub up you're in business. do it while they have their stupid lead out or something. focus punch on the setup move, you know theyre clicking it.

sevag — 11/15/2021
I'm worried
About just building a good team
I think maybe going to more reliable route might be betyer
Assymetry [sic] vs. funky offense can make things a toss up
Like my approach to Ivar would be to build a v symmetric team and go from there
It's how to beat losr imo
But I think also
Ivar tends to not have all that great back bones

city — 11/15/2021
yeah i wanna build something sturdy

sevag — 11/15/2021
So mons like triage stuff or things which slow offense down

city — 11/15/2021
something like

sevag — 11/15/2021
Are rlly good as well
I better not hear

city — 11/15/2021
doom desire steela/ph xern/desolate land entei
was what i was thinking

sevag — 11/15/2021
Deso tran
Feels rlly good ngl

this is the first team i came up with. as you can see, all the pokemon on this team do the same exact thing: stab, recover, hazard set or remove, maybe set up. sevag hated it, so i wanted to come up with something better.

city — 11/16/2021
yeah and palk cant exploit me
vs actual rain i have psea i think

sevag — 11/16/2021
No one uses rain it's adapt

city — 11/16/2021
no one uses rain?
ivar does

sevag — 11/16/2021
But ye p shot makes sense, helps a lot with switches
That was
2 years ago
He hasn't built rain since
Unless he's trying to c-team u

city — 11/16/2021
its still his smog avatar

1-0 city vs rest of team


from the earlier doom desire steela idea i arrived at doom desire triage gear. it absolutely needed pixie plate due to how weak a move draining kiss was, but despite all that it looked to be a promising set. aggressive regi/xern builds alongside it (3 atks xern + dragon tail regi) reduced the amount of time clowning around so gear could consistently win before turn 1000, while at the same time not adding exploitable pokemon like kyurem-b. this structure cemented my confidence in xern regi.


psea zamac + soundproof giratina + prank lugia were added to attempt to cover every offensive threat. this did not work. the pokemon were way too passive, managed to lose 50% of the time anyway, and didn't mesh with the xern regi idea at all, plus gear had no proper imposter-proofer besides hoping zamac was healthy enough to eat draining kiss.

quojova — 11/21/2021
having two thirds of the offensive core lose to desoland hooh is an issue

city — 11/21/2021
ya desolate land hooh is the big one
i woke up at about 4:30 am and my brain told me to run desolate land rocks tran + fc gira + entrain lugia
so you win this one sevag
i was also hyperventilating for some reason and had to calm myself down in order to get back to sleep so that was weird

sevag — 11/21/2021
Let's goooooo
Heatran pogg

1-1 city vs rest of team

something funny about this rmt was that the title came before the team. i wanted to name something after annihilation (it is a banger) but i'm very particular about my nicknames. putting a cool nickname on a bad mon or team is a disservice to the name and makes it harder to use it again.

after the improvements to this team, i was happy with it. the structure was weird, but it worked. this would be annihilation, and i would bring it knowing i'd given it all i had even if i lost. then it won in 16 turns lol.



Collapsing Sun (Heatran) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Lava Plume
- Spectral Thief
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled

desolate land heatran here is a similar offensive idea to reshiram on all i need. lava plume is annoyingly strong enough to help this mon set rocks against most stuff. heatran is primarily defensive on this team, though: it's one of the main lines of defense against extremely common mons such as xern, palk, and even some eterns and kyubs. basically the goal of this mon is to take some pressure off of lugia, who's both passive and liable to collapse if faced with too many threats at once. having a second steel is nice so you aren't throwing your main wincon in front of random attackers, too.

speaking of which, heatran does imposter-proof gear cause it 4x resists both attacks and has spectral thief. you should be fine in 99% of cases if heatran is above like 25.


Asphyxiation (Lugia) @ Shed Shell
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Milk Drink
- Entrainment
- Glare
- Haze

entrain glare is silly but does protect you from all non dark type threats. typically you want to trade this off for etern, keep it alive for triage kart, glare at stuff that can't kill you, and entrain ph mons that try to take advantage of you. DO NOT USE THIS AS THE PRIMARY POISON HEAL ANSWER. it's way too passive, dies to regigigas, dies to cage xern, lets up spikes, and generally loses if they have any slow pivoting strategy. heatran beats xern, giratina beats regigigas, don't complicate things unless the opponent complicates them for you.

shed shell is nice to have whenever you can fit it cause trapping is rly annoying and you want to avoid dealing with it whenever possible. yes, there is giratina, but that often gets severely weakened or traded off so it's good to have a secondary response.


Retrogenesis (Giratina) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Teleport
- Core Enforcer
- Defog
- Roost

this is the guy you have out early game just to see what they do primarily. it keeps ph regi and zamac in check but isn't really necessary for much else so you can play risky with it a lot of the time. by this i mean don't let it just die on the spot, but you can take status, get into hazard vs defog wars you lose long term, and get your boots knocked if necessary.

gira is kind of the first line of defense before xern regi gear start kicking into gear. xern regi gear is a giant mecha! but giant mechas take some times to charge up; this is what spamming teleport is for. hopefully by the time gira is 1) dead 2) chipped/statused 3) coming in just to click defog 4) on 70 (dont let it get lower) vs ph regi, the mecha will be fully constructed and self-sufficient, able to switch around by itself without needing teleports.


Super Star Shooter (Magearna-Original) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Triage
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Doom Desire
- Draining Kiss
- Strength Sap

one of the most fun mons in the game. there are 2 main ways of using it:
1) doom desire then going to regi to play various casino games (dragon tail) against the poor soul who brought any steel-weak mon against you
2) they can't wall me! i win! i get to click every button at random!

do not let gear get chipped early especially if sapping will be hard (look for bounce hooh or generally aggressive structures). more importantly, don't risk it straight up dying to something like specs etern, anchor scales zamac, or various vcreate users: not having it can suuuuuck later on. regi xern is good but you can't rely on it to win on its own. the nature of these pokemon is that they get chipped down over time against any remotely aggressive structure, so you will simply run out of hit points and die.

minimum speed quiet is cause it has no moves that hit at +0, so you just underspeed spectral. the exception is if your ability gets suppressed.

the third (obscure) way to use gear is doom desire then go to xern and 50/50 between attack and qd to boost doom desire. this is mostly silly though and you typically won't be using it.

what does gear do for the team? refer to the first sentence. also it's a wincon i guess.


Bed of Thorns (Regigigas) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Facade
- Precipice Blades
- Dragon Tail

regi provides the crucial ghost resist against spectrier and muscles through opposing xern. dragon tail complements doom desire and also serves to underspeed core enforcer and troll stuff like drum kart. pblades is the best steel coverage because it beats psea and doesn't lose to imposter*. use regi liberally in the offense matchup as a mid-game breaker to ensure gear wins later. vs anything slower it chills in the back and waits to win.

*pblades does do quite a bit to be fair, which is exacerbated by chip on regi and boosts imposter accumulates. luckily you can wall em out with lugia, and gear can spam sap unless imposter is above +1.


Four of a Kind (Xerneas) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Lava Plume
- Thunder Cage
- Moonblast

one common plan with xerneas is trading it off for the fairy resist so gear can win against defensive teams. see the second replay for an example of this. lava plume helps with this plan by burning anchor steels, especially zamac, so they have a rough time actually killing you without committing to entrain and thus losing to gear. the burn chip is also great for forcing recovers and negating leftovers, and when you add thunder cage into the mix it just gets ridiculous.

xern is cool vs offense cause it kills everything, then kills them again at +1. the exceptions are no retreat, xern, regi, and etern. try to have a prior boost before facing these if you do decide to go for them. also vs stall if the trade strat doesn't work, you can try to play slower with xern so it doesn't run out of pp.

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city — 12/07/2021
everyone else [on west] has either chazm or beauts passing ideas i just have sevag telling me to run focus energy etern
the only focus energy user i approve of is aaa zamac to randomly crit dauntless shield users

i left week 7 to yolk cause i felt like i had to outdo lil kiss somehow which i just wasn't able to do.
last time i played in a team tournament, this happened, and i was in a similar spot this time with the heat & success of annihilation (now 50% more fitted to zoomer attention spans). this was my first attempt team since then, intended more to just clear my palate and get something down on the screen than be something actually good. it was bad--of course it was. i then wanted to build around lele and came up with this, which was also bad. not horrible, but nowhere near good enough.

what imo got me back into things was arguing with sevag and quojova about my teams.

sevag — 12/13/2021
ah ic
this feels like tho
worse beyond [sic] the soil that holds magical power

city — 12/13/2021
i do think it isnt quite as "solid" as the 3 teams ive made so far for wc

city — 12/13/2021
but i dont think you can point to any specific issue
the functionality of the team works ok

sevag — 12/13/2021
we just said
it loses to offense no?
or is a bit weak to

city — 12/13/2021
i mean as in
specific mons on the team not doing their job
you know

sevag — 12/13/2021
oh ic

city — 12/13/2021
i think the style is interesting
i havent built that kind of structure before
basically the idea is to limit the opponent in ways other than ph regi pix xern
i think the zamac and lunala sets are really cool here to be honest

sevag — 12/13/2021
zama-C is just mbounce tho
lunala is cool tho ye

city — 12/13/2021
i mean the anchorless zama

sevag — 12/13/2021
city — 12/14/2021


sevag — 12/14/2021
i can do
desolate land rock

Chazm — 12/14/2021
can we just go back

sevag — 12/14/2021
water absorb

(i later demoted sevag to helper role because he posted pupitar hyper offense)

sevag — 12/14/2021
you're just afraid of the powers heterosexual people have

until finally...

sevag — 12/16/2021
@city https://pokepast.es/b56947871d6dc0fc

city — 12/16/2021
looks interesting
imo draco zekrom 10/10 times

sevag — 12/16/2021
clanging for
groudon improof

city — 12/16/2021
oh thats hilarious

city — 12/16/2021
i need to build something in the next 16 hours
but im very tired


city — 12/17/2021

city — 12/17/2021
ok i slept for 4 hours wonderful
bounce zamac + tower of power cress + some teleporter (hazard remover)

city — 12/17/2021
with naive zekrom to take vcreate better
maybe some defensive water last mon
soundproof pert?

so the main issue i was having here was just covering everything defensively so i could have fun with zekrom. i quickly realized that most conventional defensive measures would simply fall apart, so i unleashed the legendary TOWER OF POWER (prank haze dual screens cress) to soft cover things. basically i'd just get screens for any threatening mon.

it wasn't perfect, it never is, you can always get crit randomly or by nefarious sets such as focus energy etern, wicked blow, or surging strikes. but this cress set was at least some hope that this accursed structure would actually work. the problem was the last mon. soundproof pert, dauntless shield suicune, and soundproof golis were all considered. none of these pokemon are good in any context.


city — 12/17/2021
i think the golis is the most dubious mon

sevag — 12/17/2021
I'm scared of v switch xern

city — 12/17/2021
golis is less of the primary xern answer than light screen + ph pressure
and specs xern is obviously not a big threat

city — 12/17/2021
instead of golis i wanted to run regen boots scald teleport defog filler suicune/ogre/pex/tenta
which gives up the xern/don switchin but is an absolute vibe
and makes a lot of positions much easier to play
i could maybe try some regen hooh?
the problem with that is the water resist becomes zekrom
not that golis does well vs palk mind you
and theyre still insane if they bring rain against me
if i load into ho i think i just get up the screens and try to just chill out



FUCK UP YOUR FACE (Zekrom) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Volt Tackle
- Dragon Energy
- Soak
- Strength Sap

this pokemon literally tells your opponent what it's going to do, then it does it. i think magic guard is the best zekrom set, because it allows for the use of unrestricted lo + volt tackle + dragon energy without worrying about hazards, all 3 of which are extremely good. zekrom's main niche in bh is dragon + elec being near-unresisted and electric generally going under the radar. you will see a lot of hooh fini lugia, each of which get shredded or leave their defensive dragon teammate to get shredded by volt tackle into dragon energy. soak is for non-prank null, dusclops, cress (vs prank you should focus more on volt tackle paras, blocking parting shot with zamac, and getting hazards).

be wary of letting this mon take any chip when you don't have to, because needing to sap puts you in a really annoying spot, particularly vs bounce dragons that come in on weaker dragon energy. hooh teleporting out at 20 is unironically preferable to zekrom being at 80 in most situations.


Regigigas @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Facade
- Spikes
- Dragon Dance
- Precipice Blades

this was the first time i tried a double hazard regi + xern core, and i was pleasantly surprised by it. usually you can force spikes, even if they have bounce gira aerilate spin hooh you can pressure the hooh with cage xern. aside from that it's regi, it beats everything in the game if it's at 100%, unless they counter it by being passive. facade everything and win. i've just been spamming pblades regi at this point, it's a very simple set but showed no signs of losing effectiveness. this isn't a creative set, but it behaves differently depending on the mons it's with, so here it ends up being cool and creative anyway.

oh yeah by the way do you know why i have 2 hazard setters? it's cause sevag told me "zekrom forces a lot of switches". what a bozo. it doesn't work like that at all.


Xerneas @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Thunder Cage
- Spikes

another extremely standard set flavored by zekrom. fairy elec is amazing coverage, this sets hazards on any bouncer that walls regi. important to note is cage hitting steela, and regi pblades hitting zamac. you can use this mon in so many ways that i don't even want to explain it. in the wc game i came up with the funniest plan for my xern: sacrifice it to the opposing xern so cress would get an opportunity to recover and refresh light screen, allowing me to consolidate the position. this didn't happen cause damflame got full parad twice and died unfortunately. but yeah, xern and regi tend to be incredibly flexible depending on the position so get creative with em!!! play better!!!!!!! VAMOS


Zamazenta-Crowned @ Shed Shell
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Anchor Shot
- Spectral Thief
- Roost
- Worry Seed

the best zekrom imposter-proofer by far. zamac blocks sap, has trapping, resists dragon, and can outspeed (non-scarf) and recover. on top of that, it isn't even a silly mon. sure, the ph regi counterplay is a bit shaky when you get blown away by +1 vcreate, but dual screens beat everything in the game so that doesn't even matter. anyway, the big balancing act of this team is splitting defense evenly between zamac, cress, and hooh: each of them function in wildly different ways, so you have to combine them well to provide a solid answer to opposing offensive combinations. and this team can be solid! we started with an unhinged breaker, then stacked 2 more offensive mons on, and now we're solid! look at us!

this is a decent soft check to a lot of xerns and is the primary check for most ph xerns, who are mean to hooh. shed shell is for shed shell. never bring imprisonform against me, never bring normalize gira against me, you will die


Cresselia (F) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Haze
- Recover

from the original TOWER OF POWER (gen 7 arceus-normal):
how have i not posted about TOWER OF POWER yet???? this set is amazing, you can genuinely cteam a lot of hyper offenses with this. they just cannot stop you from getting a screen up and from there it's game over because you go to some other silly pokemon wiht like spectral thief or like pdon or something and you win on the spot. against neo-classical like sunforged steel you go to this once every 8 turns to renew protection against the 1 nonpassive pokemon on their team. what are they gonna do? defog?????
the ideas here are roughly the same (obviously with different mons). i'm sure you get the picture: set screens first vs hyper offense, live hits with cress's bulk, win with the rest of the team under screens. if youre facing specs etern + pivots then just go to cress once every 8 turns.

with this idea you can beat out offense without using bad passive pokemon that i hate, because you'll be using mons like regi, xern, and even zekrom as the "walls". it can be really hard for opponents to do something about mons that are walling them out and destroying their team at the same time. not to say that you don't still need to actually play well to get and maintain this setup. also, DO NOT LET CRESSELIA GET TRAPPED, IT WILL DIE. DO NOT STAY IN FRONT OF WICKED BLOW USERS. set screens at the correct time and you will be rewarded.


Ho-Oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Teleport
- Defog
- Sacred Fire
- Glare

this serves a very similar role to fc giratina on annihilation, except this time you get bailed out by regen. this is the primary etern check and beats no coverage ph xern. mostly, though, you want to lead vs their passive mons and teleport out to get things started. if you teleport on their slower teleport, you're still fine, just activate your toxic orb or go to cress or something. figure it out. the reason this is fast is because i love outspeeding and killing 20% hp defensive mons.

sacred fire is actually mandatory to not auto lose to shed shell imposter copying zamac. glare can be spammed but this is typically less efficient than just clicking teleport. always paralyze opposing etern. only defog when you can get something out of it, if you defog for convenience only youll give up momentum.

city — 12/17/2021
yet again i attribute all my good playing to backgrounds

sevag — 12/17/2021
Wtf lmao
My eyes

city — 12/20/2021
im a bit worried about [light ball imposter] pika
i think thats the scariest mon in ivar's arsenal
i kinda wanna bring normalize
the tricky part is the anti offense part
usually i love running triage stuff like the triage steela
but again very tricky against pikachu
unless im like drive [techno blast] steela which is a very shaky mon

i tried to build for 3 hours with magic guard hooh. it did not go well:

city — 12/22/2021
partial success
so i found the following setup
mg nuzzle hooh, transistor recover dd multi zekrom, pixilate qd spin xern, soundproof pblades pfang don, eviolite imposter, some prank
a very aggressive structure but its unsound
the problem is its very reliant on 2 slow wallbreaker guys (hooh and don) and as a result is very slow and not equipped to handle pressure
for instance it instantly dies to any non sound based special attacker
such as etern and horse
this is not fixed by tower of power 6th like last time
oh yeah it also loses to ph regi the answer is unironically sapping it with xern lol

city — 12/22/2021
this teams awful
i dont like it one bit
this requires incredibly careful play and the payoff is so mediocre
im getting into balance-y territory with mg hooh
and i really dont like it

sevag — 12/22/2021
I also saw
Dmaw specs etern
Are you ok?
Did someone kidnap you?

city — 12/22/2021
i just want an easy win

city — 12/23/2021
im working with
pixilate plate espeed xern + spikes pblades regi

sevag — 12/23/2021
Very creative city
Should work tho


city — 12/23/2021
what do you guys think
it definitely seems a bit passive
im hoping itll be "safe" vs ivar cause its very anti-offense
been beating everyone on ladder though no one good is on

sevag — 12/23/2021
The team is safe for sure
But not ur best work
Is it anti-offense ?
Is ivar bringing offense?
If he brings balance or stall
Were fucked cuz the team isn't freat

city — 12/23/2021
scared he might unironically bring pileoslam stall
i don’t doubt his ability to pilot it

Onyx — 12/23/2021
I highly doubt Ivarr would bring stall. I think you should be fine as long as you don’t make too many errors playing.

2-1 city vs rest of team

the date was december 23rd. i had essentially spent the last two days working on the finals team, three hours of which were spent on mg ho-oh, a mon that didn't fit my playstyle. my undefeated record was on the line, omwc finals were on the line. and the team was bad. i was predictable, more predictable than my opponent. how did that happen? 2017 city would never have let that happen.

city — 12/23/2021
im gonna run spikes xern rather than spin and build around that instead

i built this team in about 10-15 minutes and played iirc 1 test game against idea, who happened to be online at the time. i think it's the best team out of all of them.



Final Spark (Celesteela) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Anchor Shot
- Boomburst
- Rapid Spin
- Recover

spikes pixilate xern obviously needed a hazard remover, and double spikes defog makes no sense when you don't have zekrom around. i wanted something durable against chip damage. hooh kind of fits the bill here but can get poisoned and knock + rocks is bad news for it, so here we have celesteela. boots and shed shell are also potential options here, i went with helmet because the uturn/facade/spin punishing idea reminiscent of helmet triage steela was appealing to me. anyway, anchor traps imposter and no vcreate regigigas. it also has a lot of pp so you can try to anchor + trade off an opposing defog user, which i actually did in the game despite it being paralyzed and thus using less pp.

this always beats impostered regi unless they either have boosted facade or are at, like, +4. you take 70 power facade very comfortably and do enough back with boomburst + helmet to scare them out or kill them if they're unfortunate enough to get trapped. you also avoid the 2hko from impostered xern boomburst and can spin away all spikes. body slam over boomburst is an option on this but makes the matchup vs impostered regi worse, if they get paralyzed they have stronger facade


InfoWars (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Anchor Shot
- Spectral Thief
- King's Shield
- Wish

once again we have the traditional eviolite imposter. in addition to random setup stuff, this beats giratina and pixilate rend xern comfortably, meaning the team doesn't have to let anything get chipped or provide any opportunities against these mons. always a help. ks wish is to cheese a win vs impostered xern if steela and darmz aren't options or you need to heal this up, though you'll almost never use it.

this team does not really slow pivot, meaning you'll typically be revenge killing guys instead of bringing in imposter for free. in a sense it's kind of like the second layer of defense, not the first. imposter feels like a relatively unimportant mon, but i can't deny the scouting it provides is essential. you need to know the opposing sets, you need to play around them well with the rest of the team. if imposter randomly gets trapped on the switch, that's fine as long as you know what you're up against.


Lethe (Darmanitan-Zen) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Haze
- Roost
- Glare
- U-turn

ok i lied it does slow pivot a little bit. glare is for etern and kyub and pixilate xern, haze is for any setup beyond qd, uturn is to go into imposter. darmz is a pretty neat mon: it's a psychic that resists fairy and fire, it has very low attack to block strength sap, and its defenses are pretty good. unfortunately you have a bit of trouble vs palkia here but just glare at it if it comes in on you. youll be fine, you can play 5-6. this beats all drum + priority users except espeed regigigas and shadow sneak (?). palk and imposter make up the remainder of the drum counterplay.

on high fashion threat level i mentioned that if you spend too much time spamming glare with hooh it'll be less efficient than just pivoting with it. to an extent that's true here, but if you know what you're up against thanks to imposter, you can get away with some stuff. also this team doesn't have a breaker as explosive as zekrom.


Lilith (Xerneas) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Boomburst
- Extreme Speed
- Spikes
- Strength Sap

lilith!!! the best xern set. spikes pixilate with spikes regi is just awesome, you get spikes up then win because espeed shouldn't be allowed. spikes ash gren in gen 7 ou wishes it had this kind of flexibility, this mon beats 75% of things in the game and also sets spikes for itself and others. that's insane. +spa -spdef is the standard for living more anchors while imposter takes more on the switch from boomburst. darm blocks imposter sap, steela blocks imposter spikes, neither block both so go to the better one for the situation. or just click boomburst anyway, youre probably still winning, this mon carries so hard.

if you let it die in the middlegame you probably lose. dont do that.


As Above (Palkia) @ Shed Shell
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 248 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Core Enforcer
- Recover
- Stealth Rock

fc palkia + steela + xern is a good core. this beats an absolute ton of physical attackers, including zamac (who can never anchor you btw), while being annoying in the same way as resh from all i need (in fact, the moves are almost the exact same). 248 speed is so you can underspeed and core ph regi, run less speed if youre getting crept or whatever. i'd recommend keeping at least a little speed so you can outrun stupid low hp hoohs that stayed in on regi facade because they were piloted by a 15 year old playing between zoom classes. rocks are so awesome.

the team could've had 2 hazards like the last one, but instead it has 3, how cool is that? there are no crazy breakers but you can never ever get lamed out. you will always have enough durability to take the game to a point where youre able to break through.

not an original idea, i know, but i love this team.


Copy of a Copy (Regigigas) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Facade
- Precipice Blades
- Dragon Dance
- Spikes

speaking of unoriginal ideas, here's the exact same regi set again! ("copy of a copy" is somewhat critical theory posting, but i was definitely making fun of myself a bit here lol) anyway, regi serves a more aggressive role here, as opposed to the defensive, prevent-things-from-getting-out-of-control type stuff on previous teams. this team doesn't really have any impatient idea that goes faster than the "demon mons lurking in the back" of previous teams. this humble regi set is one of the main wallbreakers! it doesn't have a choice band, but it never dies, which is more than you can say for any choice banded mon worth its salt.

just be patient and recognize when your opponent is trying to bait you. and if they don't have counters, then evaluate your mons correctly and triumph in a brilliant open game! bh can be pretty awesome.

Shoutouts to XxSevagxX, quojova, Onyx Onix 7, Chazm, and lph for their help in the US West BH channel! (more detailed shoutouts will be in post-omwc thread, assuming i can hop in before it gets locked)

Thanks for reading! I hope you have as much fun with these teams as I did!

2000 posts on this website thats crazy