At this point in time, there exist several competing opinions as to how to proceed with Balanced Hackmon's ban list, specifically in regards to Parental Bond. To that end, I'm opening up the issue to group discussion, with a final decision to be made Monday December 9th.
For those unaware, most of the controversy surrounding Parental Bond can be traced to its use in tandem with Super Fang an Night Shade, 2hkoing a supermajority of mons regardless of user. On a lesser but also important note, Parental Bond also happens to be the best straight damage boosting ability in the tier, leading some to suggest it could be overcenteralized in its own right.
The most options brought up during the last discussion on the issue include,
Ban Parental Bond All Together
Ban Super Fang, Night Shade, and Seismic Toss
Do Nothing (this wasn't brought up, but I found it only fair to leave the status quo in as an option)
However other options may be considered if enough explanation and support is provided.
For those unaware, most of the controversy surrounding Parental Bond can be traced to its use in tandem with Super Fang an Night Shade, 2hkoing a supermajority of mons regardless of user. On a lesser but also important note, Parental Bond also happens to be the best straight damage boosting ability in the tier, leading some to suggest it could be overcenteralized in its own right.
The most options brought up during the last discussion on the issue include,
Ban Parental Bond All Together
Ban Super Fang, Night Shade, and Seismic Toss
Do Nothing (this wasn't brought up, but I found it only fair to leave the status quo in as an option)
However other options may be considered if enough explanation and support is provided.