Non-official BH7 Suspect #4: Primal Groudon - Voting

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E4 Flint

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BH7 Suspect #4 - Primal Groudon (Voting)

(motherlove wanted weird art back)
This is the official thread containing all the votes for the BH Gen 7 Suspect on Primal Groudon, as seen from here.

Voting Specifics: should be simple and just like before -
  • Procedure:
    1. Go here, and click on "Post new thread" on the right hand side
    2. Title your thread "BH7 Suspect 4 Don" or anything similar
    3. In the body of your post, put your vote. You may vote BAN, ABSTAIN or DO NOT BAN
      Here is a sample post*:
      PrimalGroudon - ABSTAIN
    4. If you wish to participate in the Voter Alt Competition, also add your suspect alt name to the post
    5. Hit "Create thread". The deadline to vote is Oct 1, 11:59PM (EST). No votes posted after will be counted
  • A decision will be made when there is a majority of 60%. We have 46 voters, so that should be 28 votes either way.
The list of registered voters are as follows: If you do not see yourself and believe it's an error from me let me know. Note that if you did not provide proof of ownership of your alt, you won't be counted, which I made pretty clear in the original thread a few times.

I realized I didn't post a specific time for the ending plus I had to sleep so I allowed the two people who posted reqs within 7 hours of the deadline.

Thanks for participating.
(*note that this sample has no ties with my own personal vote)
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my username was "free primal kyogre". this is because i firmly believed that ogre did nothing wrong in gen 6, my man was framed by mega ray

anyway i'd write another meme post but i'm sick of carrying 2 checks on every team so BAN BDON THANK YOU ALL

sorry to the dnb people i accidentally snaked who took my post seriously. but if you wanted my vote you should've written essays am i right
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