Black & White Battle Subway Records

I'm in the process of testing out a new battle castle team and I'm happy to say that I manufactured it myself. I hated the fact that I copied Bozo, not exactly, but with slight modifications(Putting a Scarf on an Adamant Salamence rather than a Band on the Jolly natured beast). I prefer the speed advantage against faster pokes. (Almost feel like teams should be copyrighted by their users.) Changes to movesets, Spreads, etc. should be permitted, despite having the same three pokes. My intentions aren't to make rules here at all. I'm just just tossing out thoughts. Any opinions?

Here they are:

Strategy: Attack if possible, if not, switch and poison for the KO. If you can't poison, alternate between attacking and recovering for the kill. Follow up with Recover/ROOST to save CP

Heracross@Choice *Band ADAMANT
IVs: Flawless
EVs: 252att/252spd/(have to check on the other four)

Latias@Leftovers CALM
IVs: Flawless
EVs: 252hp, others are spread around for defense; have to check on that as well. I've just recently returned to playing in the castle
Moveset: Psychic/Surf/TOXIC/Recover

Articuno*MAKEMSWEAT@Leftovers BOLD
IVs: Flawless
EVs: 252hp/252def/4spd
Moveset:Water pulse/ICE BEAM/TOXIC/ROOST

Took me about three weeks to get this genderless wall ready during the Summer back in 2011.

I'm currently at 14 wins.

Will update.
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Hello everyone! Thx to yeg3 for your answer.
I want to present my team for the battle subway in Doubles. However it doesnt exist yet, since i dont get Anger Point-Camerupt, but i want to know what you guys think about it :)

Smeargle Focus sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: None
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Storm Throw
(-Destiny Bond?)

Bronzong @Occa Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, Def/SDef
Sassy Nature
-Psych Up

Camerupt Iron Ball
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Ang
Brave Nature
-Return/Double Edge/Explosion
-Eruption/Rock Slide/...

Gyarados @Wacan Berry??
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atc, Speed??
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance

The idea is a simple one: Smeargle attacks Camerupt with Storm Throw to activate Anger Point, giving him 6+Atc to sweep anything away. To make this happen there is Trickroom support, and with Iron Ball Camerupt is slower than anything in the Subway. So in the first turn there is Fake-Out for dangerous Pokemon or Protect and Trickroom. In the second i switch Zong out for Camerupt who gets Storm Throw from Smeargle and 6+Atc. Then maybe again Smeargles Protect to draw in attacks or switch any of the others in, likely Zong for Psych Up on Camerupt to get also 6+Atc (this idea isnt mine, i saw that on ones team in the record list ;)). All Pokemon run Protect, so if i got a Pokemon advantage, i probably often can carry the win away with Exploding.. My fourth Pokemon, Gyara, should do an excellent job, since it covers any weakness of the other Team members and even more, and its own weaknesses are covered also by the team. Furthermore there is Intimidate, which is so nice to have in Doubles and makes switching even easier. If i predict a Water Attack on the outswitching Zong i can first get Gyara in instead of Camerupt, and in the next turn bring in Camerupt since Gyara probably wont be attacked by Water. I thought of giving him Speed, to be able to act in the last Trickroom turns. One Dragon Dance, and Protect when needed to get out of Trickroom, and then sweep in normal Dimensions.
If Smeargle stays alive and non-outswitched, it can annoy with Spore or damage Sturdy/Focus Sashes with Storm Throw as necessary or using Protect to draw in attacks, since its defense is horrible.
(Another note: Getting freezed in the switch-in would be awful, since Camerupt doesnt learn an attack that defrosts.. Luckily it is immune to the two most common crippling statusses, para and fire.)
I guess Dragonite or Salamence can also do a good job instead of Gyara because the weaknesses are also covered.

What do you think of that team? As i mentioned before i couldnt test it, because i dont have it yet. Apart from this i could imagine that one could have a happy time with it, as long there are no evil things like two KOmove-users in the beginning, Hax, or special things i havent thought of.
Would be glad to hear your thougts :)

I did some calcs for camerupt with 6+Atc, and checked which Pokemon can survive an attack from him. 13 Pokemon, plant and bug-types can survive EQ because of their resistance (at least their most defensivest sets). Shuckle and Forretress as only Mons can survive a neutral EQ, but they have sturdy anyway. There are 11 other sturdy users to be aware of. There are 38 Focus Sash users, very many, but luckily you can face only one at a time. From the 25 Flying type Mons only 3 (Skarmory, Gliscor, Landorus) can take Rock Slide. These 3 also can have Focus Sash or Sturdy. Almost all 12 Pokemon with Levitate have very defensive sets, that can survive Rock Slide. The 10 Air Balloon Pokemon and their Electro attacks i dont fear.

And all the rest.. is simply wiped out by EQ ;)
Focus Sashes and Flying Types therefore are my biggest problems. I dont trust Rock Slide, altough it would be so powerful... And for the Sashes and sturdy, maybe a double target move on Smeargle would do well, but i dont know...

Edit/Inner Monologue:
Omg! What happens if in the first 2 turns where i mostly wont attack, a foe starts cursing??!
Ok, lets see. Camerupt is at 20 Speed with Iron Ball, which means all Pokemon up to 40 Speed should be taken under consideration. There is Steelix, which is slower than Camerupt after one Curse; fortunately his best attacking move against Camerupt is Payback. In fact, the most Curser in the corresponding Speed Range really arent dangerous to Camerupt, since they often have only Gyroball and other very weak moves. The only exception is a Gigalithset, who has 40 Speed, which means there is a tie after 2 Curses. If I face one (or other similar Pokemon), i think its the best to Fake Out, so there is one potential Boost turn less, and it damages Sturdy, which is very likely on these Pokemon.
My conclusion is, that on Cursing foes one should be able to handle them with relative ease.
By the way, this team got some inspiration from the Bellydrum-Trickroom-Psych-Up-Team created by some_guy. Thank you, your idea is really cool!
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I'm positive that Peterko started the thread for Subway records, then again, I believe NoCheese is the new moderator. Once you have your streak, just post to the 5th generation record thread. You can also add other users with posts.

Actually, officially Peterko is still the recordkeeper, it's just that, since no one has bothered to post a legal streak here in forever, there has been no need to find a new mod to be updating it. If you manage to set an eligible streak, by all means post it with proof--I would be curious to see what the admins would do regarding this thread were that to happen.

Hello everyone! Thx to yeg3 for your answer.
I want to present my team for the battle subway in Doubles. However it doesnt exist yet, since i dont get Anger Point-Camerupt, but i want to know what you guys think about it :)

Smeargle Focus sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: None
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Storm Throw
(-Destiny Bond?)

Bronzong @Occa Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, Def/SDef
Sassy Nature
-Psych Up

Camerupt Iron Ball
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Ang
Brave Nature
-Return/Double Edge/Explosion

Gyarados @Wacan Berry??
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atc, Speed??
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance

The idea is a simple one: Smeargle attacks Camerupt with Storm Throw to activate Anger Point, giving him 6+Atc to sweep anything away. To make this happen there is Trickroom support, and with Iron Ball Camerupt is slower than anything in the Subway. So in the first turn there is Fake-Out for dangerous Pokemon or Protect and Trickroom. In the second i switch Zong out for Camerupt who gets Storm Throw from Smeargle and 6+Atc. Then maybe again Smeargles Protect to draw in attacks or switch any of the others in, likely Zong for Psych Up on Camerupt to get also 6+Atc (this idea isnt mine, i saw that on ones team in the record list ;)). All Pokemon run Protect, so if i got a Pokemon advantage, i probably often can carry the win away with Exploding.. My fourth Pokemon, Gyara, should do an excellent job, since it covers any weakness of the other Team members and even more, and its own weaknesses are covered also by the team. Furthermore there is Intimidate, which is so nice to have in Doubles and makes switching even easier. If i predict a Water Attack on the outswitching Zong i can first get Gyara in instead of Camerupt, and in the next turn bring in Camerupt since Gyara probably wont be attacked by Water. I thought of giving him Speed, to be able to act in the last Trickroom turns. One Dragon Dance, and Protect when needed to get out of Trickroom, and then sweep in normal Dimensions.
If Smeargle stays alive and non-outswitched, it can annoy with Spore or damage Sturdy/Focus Sashes with Storm Throw as necessary or using Protect to draw in attacks, since its defense is horrible.
I guess Dragonite or Salamence can also do a good job instead of Gyara because the weaknesses are also covered.

What do you think of that team? As i mentioned before i couldnt test it, because i dont have it yet. Apart from this i could imagine that one could have a happy time with it, as long there are no evil things like two KOmove-users in the beginning, Hax, or special things i havent thought of.
Would be glad to here your thougts :)

I would definitely recommend changing up Gyro Ball on Bronzong--because of how many bulkymons there exist in general, and due to how many Normal resists are also able to tank Gyro Ball comfortably, I would seek something with more PP in case you can't immediately blow up. Iron Head is the most consistent option.

If you are determined to speed up the process to bring Camerupt out, you could alternatively place some extra support (Sunny Day/Safeguard/Gravity/etc.) in that slot and just stick with Explosion.
Actually, officially Peterko is still the recordkeeper, it's just that, since no one has bothered to post a legal streak here in forever, there has been no need to find a new mod to be updating it. If you manage to set an eligible streak, by all means post it with proof--I would be curious to see what the admins would do regarding this thread were that to happen.

I would definitely recommend changing up Gyro Ball on Bronzong--because of how many bulkymons there exist in general, and due to how many Normal resists are also able to tank Gyro Ball comfortably, I would seek something with more PP in case you can't immediately blow up. Iron Head is the most consistent option.

If you are determined to speed up the process to bring Camerupt out, you could alternatively place some extra support (Sunny Day/Safeguard/Gravity/etc.) in that slot and just stick with Explosion.

This team looks like it has the potential to do some serious damage in Doubles. I would switch up Gyarados's EV spread a little bit, maybe spread a few effort values around for defense, rather than maxing out att+spd
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Actually, officially Peterko

I would definitely recommend changing up Gyro Ball on Bronzong--because of how many bulkymons there exist in general, and due to how many Normal resists are also able to tank Gyro Ball comfortably, I would seek something with more PP in case you can't immediately blow up. Iron Head is the most consistent option.
Thanks for your answer. Yes, Iron Head sounds like a good alternative to a weak gyroball against slow and bulky mons.

If you are determined to speed up the process to bring Camerupt out, you could alternatively place some extra support (Sunny Day/Safeguard/Gravity/etc.) in that slot and just stick with Explosion.
I guess i wont push my luck too far by going with even more support moves. I think i am glad enough when trickroom and storm throw work :D

Another question:
Is there a possibility to get Anger Point Camerupt in BW? My little research said that the only way was the Dream World :/
I guess i wont push my luck too far by going with even more support moves. I think i am glad enough when trickroom and storm throw work :D

Another question:
Is there a possibility to get Anger Point Camerupt in BW? My little research said that the only way was the Dream World :/

Numel is available in the Dream World on Rugged Mountain, but I think you're going to need 5000 dream points if I remember correctly. There are additional minigames you have to play before you actually encounter one. Good luck with this, I'm looking forward to reading your future posts
Ive read a bit more, and Dream World is not avaiable any more. Also there is no other possibility for me to get an Anger Point Camerupt, besides trading, which also isnt avaiable anymore through the internet, which means i need to find a person in RL with Anger Point Camerupt on BW2. This seems to be impossible :/ On ORAS it should be possible without much effort, so perhaps that team could be tried out there. However i dont have ORAS. If anyone still knows a way for me to get Anger Point Camerupt in BW2, please let me know. Other than that feel free to test this team on any edition you want, but then please tell me how it works ;)
Ive read a bit more, and Dream World is not avaiable any more. Also there is no other possibility for me to get an Anger Point Camerupt, besides trading, which also isnt avaiable anymore through the internet, which means i need to find a person in RL with Anger Point Camerupt on BW2. This seems to be impossible :/ On ORAS it should be possible without much effort, so perhaps that team could be tried out there. However i dont have ORAS. If anyone still knows a way for me to get Anger Point Camerupt in BW2, please let me know. Other than that feel free to test this team on any edition you want, but then please tell me how it works ;)

Wow! I had no idea that the Dream World was no longer available. What a shame. I guess ORAS is your only chance to find one, because as you said, it would be close to impossible to link up with someone that possesses an Anger Point Camerupt. I'll do some more checking on this, it's pretty disappointing. Good luck
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Hello everyone! Thx to yeg3 for your answer.
I want to present my team for the battle subway in Doubles. However it doesnt exist yet, since i dont get Anger Point-Camerupt, but i want to know what you guys think about it :)

Smeargle Focus sash
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: None
Sassy Nature
-Fake Out
-Storm Throw
(-Destiny Bond?)

Bronzong @Occa Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, Def/SDef
Sassy Nature
-Psych Up

Camerupt Iron Ball
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Ang
Brave Nature
-Return/Double Edge/Explosion

Gyarados @Wacan Berry??
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atc, Speed??
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Dance

The idea is a simple one: Smeargle attacks Camerupt with Storm Throw to activate Anger Point, giving him 6+Atc to sweep anything away. To make this happen there is Trickroom support, and with Iron Ball Camerupt is slower than anything in the Subway. So in the first turn there is Fake-Out for dangerous Pokemon or Protect and Trickroom. In the second i switch Zong out for Camerupt who gets Storm Throw from Smeargle and 6+Atc. Then maybe again Smeargles Protect to draw in attacks or switch any of the others in, likely Zong for Psych Up on Camerupt to get also 6+Atc (this idea isnt mine, i saw that on ones team in the record list ;)). All Pokemon run Protect, so if i got a Pokemon advantage, i probably often can carry the win away with Exploding.. My fourth Pokemon, Gyara, should do an excellent job, since it covers any weakness of the other Team members and even more, and its own weaknesses are covered also by the team. Furthermore there is Intimidate, which is so nice to have in Doubles and makes switching even easier. If i predict a Water Attack on the outswitching Zong i can first get Gyara in instead of Camerupt, and in the next turn bring in Camerupt since Gyara probably wont be attacked by Water. I thought of giving him Speed, to be able to act in the last Trickroom turns. One Dragon Dance, and Protect when needed to get out of Trickroom, and then sweep in normal Dimensions.
If Smeargle stays alive and non-outswitched, it can annoy with Spore or damage Sturdy/Focus Sashes with Storm Throw as necessary or using Protect to draw in attacks, since its defense is horrible.
I guess Dragonite or Salamence can also do a good job instead of Gyara because the weaknesses are also covered.

What do you think of that team? As i mentioned before i couldnt test it, because i dont have it yet. Apart from this i could imagine that one could have a happy time with it, as long there are no evil things like two KOmove-users in the beginning, Hax, or special things i havent thought of.
Would be glad to here your thougts :)
that's a pretty cool team! i see only one problem with it and that is the possibility of smeargle's storm throw missing camerupt (10% chance). to fix this i recommend running gravity on one of your leads, not only does it prevent storm throw from missing but it also allows camerupt to take out flying types with earthquake. hope this helped and good luck with your team :)
Luckily Storm Throw has 100% accuracy - unlike Frost Breath, with has 90%. So there is no such problem ;)
(Now i posted this team also in the battle maison in ORAS, since there is the opportunity of getting an Anger Point Camerupt. Hope this is okay)
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I think it's pretty great that this topic got some activity after being revived. Not just a single bump but a whole page of discussion :) Back in April I picked up my SoulSilver file again to play the Pokeathlon (I didn't find a Smogon thread for that). After grinding high scores for a month, I moved on to the Battle Frontier to continue some unfinished business (I only had 2 gold symbols before, now I have 4). There is one semi-interesting thing that I can post which I don't think has been done before.

Battle Hall Singles - 181 with Raikou (proof pic) (I probably could have extended this to ~186 if I took Ground last, but it was my first time passing 170 so I wasn't really thinking too hard about the type order at the end)


Raikou @ Choice Specs
Rash: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Aura Sphere
Hidden Power Ice
Shadow Ball

This is the very same Gamestop Raikou that made me learn how to RNG in 2011 just so I could get a perfect one. Something about his unique coverage with Aura Sphere coupled with his cool shiny design made him one of my favorite gen 4 Pokemon since he was released, and he's been one of my go-to ingame Pokemon for years. I used to use him as a Life Orb attacker with Calm Mind over Shadow Ball, but I replaced it for this Hall streak mainly because of Shedinja (of course having an extra SE hit on some Pokemon is also nice). So about the set, there's nothing much to explain since it's Specs. Raikou is kind of frail but he's also decently strong to OHKO weaker Pokemon and fast enough to outspeed most things (this event lacks a +Speed nature, but since this is the Hall most things are lower leveled). Actually, I have something to ask about. I played this at level 50 because that's what all of my other Frontier Pokemon are at (since level doesn't matter elsewhere), but is it better to play at level 100 or the lowest possible level? I know that stats and damage calcs shift slightly, but I don't know at which end they're more advantageous.

I was going to keep track of my order that I chose the types, but I got so caught up in the moment that I didn't do that. I can explain some of the general strategy that I remember:
Ground first (I saved rank 10 for the first Argenta fight so I could skip it)
Rock, Steel to get rid of a lot of dual-type Grounds
Water early because there are a lot of Water/Ground types
Psychic, Ghost because Alakazam/Gengar can potentially outspeed if they're high enough leveled
Normal mainly because I was afraid of Blissey and other bulky SpDef Pokemon
Fire early-ish because I was afraid of Camerupt specifically (I didn't fight it in this streak)
Generally just went through trying to pick off any other types that potentially had threatening Earthquake/Earth Power Pokemon (Poison, etc)
My last 2 were Flying and Bug. I was going to to Bug->Flying, but after getting through 5 or 6 Bugs, I looked at the list of Pokemon remaining and I was so afraid of what was left that I did Flying next and saved the last few Bugs for the end so I could skip one on 170. If I were to redo this I'd do Bug earlier.

I lost to Hippowdon, which appears to be an auto-lose unless it somehow doesn't use Earthquake or I crit Hidden Power. Oh well. I am happy with this record because it was my first time actually reaching 170 and I managed to do it with a personal favorite of mine.

One thing that I want to try in the future is Hall Doubles using this Raikou, but there are 2 issues. First is that I don't actually have a second one yet. I may still have a Wonder Card sitting in Platinum (I still haven't checked), but if not, then I'll have to RNG my roamer, which won't have Aura Sphere. The other thing is that Earthquake Pokemon will become more threatening if I can't OHKO them. I'd have to double up to KO one, but the second one could double-KO both of my Raikou with one attack. It's still something on my mind that I want to try later.
One thing that I want to try in the future is Hall Doubles using this Raikou, but there are 2 issues. First is that I don't actually have a second one yet. I may still have a Wonder Card sitting in Platinum (I still haven't checked), but if not, then I'll have to RNG my roamer, which won't have Aura Sphere. The other thing is that Earthquake Pokemon will become more threatening if I can't OHKO them. I'd have to double up to KO one, but the second one could double-KO both of my Raikou with one attack. It's still something on my mind that I want to try later.

Probably you thought of this already, but you could give the Raikous Focus-Sash or Shuca Berry instead of Specs. If they still can OHKO a foe without it, that should work since u can attack with both Raikous the left foe in round 2. Probably Shuca Berry is better, if its enough to stop Earthquakes, and leaves you enough HP to deal with one round of sandstorm.
Air balloon of course would also be an option.
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The links for BattleSubwayData6.txt and BattleSubwayTrainers.txt are no longer available due to Shaw's service being shut down. Could someone with the files repost them on another platform?
Oh, I have a few teams. I use each team for 3 runs before switching.

Team #1 (Codename: Terracott)

Focus Sash, Timid Nature, Prankster
4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Tailwind, Taunt, Beat Up, Giga Drain

Wide Lens, Jolly Nature, Justified
252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Rock Slide, Double Kick, Close Combat, Protect

Steel Gem, Jolly Nature, Clear Body
20 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 4 SpD, 228 Spe
Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Earthquake, Ice Punch

Choice Specs, Timid Nature, Levitate
4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Dragon Pulse, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot

Team #2 (Codename: Sand)


Chople Berry, Brave Nature, Sand Stream
252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
Rock Slide, Crunch, Ice Punch, Protect


Life Orb, Timid Nature, Intimidate
8 HP, 244 SpA, 252 Spe
Dragon Pulse, HP Flying, Flamethrower, Protect


Focus Sash, Adamant Nature, Sand Rush
76 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 4 SpD, 172 Spe
Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Protect


Sitrus Berry, Calm Nature, Levitate
248 HP, 20 SpA, 20 SpD, 220 Spe
Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, HP Ice, Protect

Team #3 (Codename: LudiRain)


Wacan Berry, Sassy Nature, Drizzle
252 HP, 132 Def, 124 SpD
Scald, Icy Wind, Surf, Perish Song


Absorb Bulb, Timid Nature, Swift Swim
76 HP, 4 Def, 188 SpA, 4 SpD, 236 Spe
Fake Out, Scald, Giga Drain, Ice Beam


Life Orb, Naïve Nature, Regenerator
4 Atk, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Hurricane, Superpower, U-Turn, Protect


Leftovers, Brave Nature, Iron Barb
252 HP, 204 Atk, 52 Def
Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Leech Seed, Protect

Team #4 (Codename: DisQuake)


Life Orb, Jolly Nature, Pressure
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Fake Out, Ice Punch, Night Slash, Low Kick


Charti Berry, Modest Nature, Pressure
144 HP, 180 SpA, 36 SpD, 148 Spe
Discharge, Thunderbolt, HP Ice, Tailwind


Focus Sash, Jolly Nature, Rough Skin
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect


Leftovers, Modest Nature, Flash Fire
204 HP, 20 Def, 92 SpA, 4 SpD, 188 Spe
Flamethrower, Earth Power, Substitute, Protect

Team #5 (Codename: HydraWind)


Life Orb, Modest, Levitate
92 HP, 68 Def, 252 SpA, 4 SpD, 92 Spe
Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Tailwind


Water Gem, Modest, Torrent
4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Fake Out, Scald, Ice Beam, Follow Me


Sitrus Berry, Adamant, Intimidate
100 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 20 SpD, 132 Spe
Flare Blitz, Extreme Speed, Wild Charge, Close Combat


Focus Sash, Jolly Nature, Technician
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Mach Punch, Bullet Seed, Spore, Protect

Team #6 (Codename: GravityWind)


Sitrus Berry, Bold, Prankster
252 HP, 68 Def, 188 SpD
Fake Out, Gravity, Foul Play, Wiĺĺ o Wisp


Wacan Berry, Modest Nature, Pressure
52 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA, 4 SpD, 196 Spe
Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Snarl, Tailwind


Fire Gem, Modest Nature, Flash Fire
4 HP, 4 Def, 248 SpA, 252 Spe
Heat Wave, Shadow Ball, HP Ground, Protect


Life Orb, Jolly Nature, Justified
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Close Combat, Leaf Blade, Stone Edge, Protect

Teams #1, #3, and #6 are my personal favorite.
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An expert Doubles player, I see...well, now I have a bunch of ideas to steal from.

While I have stuff going on in Maison & Tree, and I have plans for Castle, once all those are out of the way I will definitely be trying all of these out. The objective, of course, will be to beat that 155 mark. I've gone farther, but this should serve as motivation for me to keep pushing afterwards and finally get my Subway Starf Berry.

I'll race ya...
Beware that the fast Pokemon are designed to hit a certain speed benchmark (ex. Outspeeding Scarf Manetric at x2 Spe). You can ask me if some EV is weird to you.
Okay, I've tried to dabble in Battle Subway, and I've made up a few teams.

Team #1

Focus Sash, Jolly, Skill Link
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, Surf, Ice Shard


Choice Scarf, Timid, Sturdy
4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Hidden Power Ice, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Flash Cannon


Lum Berry, Jolly, Moxie
252 Atk, 4 SpA, 252 Spe
Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Flamethrower

Team #2


Leftovers, Adamant, Technician
252 HP, 212 Atk, 44 SpD
Substitute, Sword Dance, Bug Bite, Bullet Punch


Lum Berry, Modest, Levitae
228 HP, 56 SpA, 4 SpD, 220 Spe
Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Hidden Power Grass


Choice Scarf, Adamant, Intimidate
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Earthquake, Explosion, Rock Slide, U-Turn

It is so hard to prepare against unfavorable matchups and hax in Subway Singles. There are so few options available.
I've never gotten past 40 wins.