Black & White Battle Subway Records

Using this team to get some prints in SoulSilver's frontier (hopefully) lemme know what you guys think.

Scizor @ Choice Band


Adamant - 252HP 252Atk 4Spe

  • Bug Bite
  • Bullet Punch
  • Superpower
  • Pursuit
Not much to say here, just a strong bulky lead with lots of coverage.

Swampert @ Leftovers


Adamant - 252HP 252Atk 4Spe

  • Waterfall
  • Earthquake
  • Ice Punch
  • Toxic
Built similarly to Scizor, but serves a different purpose. Kinda bulky stally with Toxic, but has good coverage. Water will be boosted by rain by my third Pokemon.

Kingdra @ Draco Plate

Swift Swim

Modest 252SpAtk 252Spe 4HP

  • Surf
  • Dragon Pulse
  • HP Electric
  • Rain Dance
Sets up the rain for swift swim to be a good special sweeper. Rain also helps Swampert and could even help Scizor take a hit from fire if ever need be. Kinda wanted to try Sniper Kingdra, but I'm not fond of how luck-reliant it sounds.

Anyway, this is my potential team for SoulSilver Battle Frontier. Any help is appreciated.
Going to try and beat the Super Doubles line with a weather team, please let me know what you think :)

Ninetales Charcoal
Heat Wave
6 HP, 252 SA/Sp. (Timid)

Garchomp @ Life Orb
*Sand Veil*
Fire Fang
Aerial Ace
6 HP, 252 At/Sp. (Adamant)

Zoroark @ Expert Belt
Dark Pulse
Energy Ball
Focus Blast
6 HP, 252 SpA/Sp (Timid)

Blaziken @ Wide Lens
*Speed Boost*
Blaze Kick
Hi Jump Kick
Hone Claws
6 HP, 252 At/Sp (Adamant)

So this team works pretty simply. Ninetales and Garchomp can sweep amazingly together; Will-O-Wisp is rarely used but generally it's in a last-ditch attempt to cripple things like Gyarados that aren't 1HKO'd. Zoroark was sort of thrown into the mix but pretending to be Blaziken works pretty well for it and it's not died as often as I thought it would. And Blaziken is an obvious choice, give it a couple of turns and it's set up to sweep almost anything. I'm not convinced about Hone Claws if I'm using Wide Lens but I'm a little paranoid about HJK missing. I'll probably swap out Fire Fang on Garchomp as I don't need 4 fire moves. And I'll probably replace Blaze Kick with something stronger but for now it's not done too badly. So yeah, any comments?
Just got to 58 wins in the Battle Arcade using this team:

6 HP, 252 SA/Sp (Modest)
Tri Attack
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Dragonite (Adamant)
40 HP, 252 At, 216 Sp
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Brick Break

Infernape (Naive)
6 HP, 252 At/Sp
Flare Blitz
Close Combat
Mach Punch
Stone Edge

Nothing much to say about this team really, Togekiss is amazing and 9 times out of 10 swept the entire opponent's team by itself. Had some amazing luck with the roulette. I lost when I swapped with the opponent who had a pretty good offensive trio of Lucario, Salamence and Skarmory, but unfortunately I was swept by my own Infernape when Togekiss froze Salamence with Tri Attack.

As a final note, for the seventh round where I faced Dahlia for the Gold Print I swapped out Dragonite for this Garchomp:

Garchomp (Adamant)
6 HP, 252 At/Sp
Aerial Ace
Swords Dance

This was done so that Dahlia's Zapdos wouldn't utterly slaughter my team. Surprisingly, it turned out to be slower than Garchomp and was OHKO'd by a +2 Outrage, as was her Togekiss. Very happy with how this team worked out!
Would you post the moves too, perhaps? I know you're using a "standard" team, but most people will be more inclined to help if they don't have to look up information on their own to solve your problem. The stats and moves of the Golem would help too.
Oh, figured someone had answered that already. I'd EQ twice with Garchomp. You absolutely have to take out the Golem, and using SD first gives you like a 40% chance of not doing any damage to it (thanks to critical hits and QC activations). If the 2nd Pokemon is something Drapion can set up against, just let Garchomp faint by using SD repeatedly.
Guys... Look, I just need help. I don't need some boss murdering team that gets 1000 no problem. I just want a good one, singles OR doubles, but I'm in a pretty bad situation. Black version is my only game I can use for this, no action replay. I currently have a pretty good Dragonite, a good Emboar, a Wigglytuff that knows flash and thunder wave, a Tornadus, a Claydol, and a Seviper. I am in desperate need of some better Pokemon to make a good team. Any tips? (Oh yeah, and in case you didn't get it, most legendaries, Garchomp, and ANYTHING not available in gen 5 is totally out of the question!)
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Ok, update. I went and got myself a Rotom and taught it trick and basically used the singles strategy outlined in some website (that choice scarf took forever and a half to get!)using him, my Dragonite, who I would power up with dragon dance and then Emboar for killing those evil Ice and Rock type Pokemon who hate my Dragonite. Sadly, on the second to last round on the normal singles I accidentally locked the enemy into stone edge, and they had just enough pp to destroy me. Any way to get around this?
Hey guys,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster. I've been playing Pokemon White 2 lately and wanted to give the Singles Subway a shot. Please let me know what you think of my team (all critiques are welcome; I'm looking for wins and avoiding hax).


Magnezone // Air Balloon
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Modest
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- HP Fire
- Volt Switch

Analysis: I can cover almost everything except ground and fire. Even against ground, Flash Cannon x2 could do the trick since they can't hit me with an EQ right away due to Air Balloon. If I do run into either of those, I switch to Darmanitan or Cresselia. I've considered removing Volt Switch for Explosion just to hit some fire and ground pokemon harder.


Darmanitan // Focus Sash
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Earthquake

Analysis: This guy is mainly for fire pokemon, and EQ does the job. If he runs into a water, ground, or rock opponent afterwards, I'll U-Turn to Cresselia. I've thought about replacing Darmanitan with Flareon or other Flash Fire pokes, and then I could remove Volt Switch from Magnezone without worries and get a boost when I do a normal switch to Flareon.


Cresselia // Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Moonlight
- Ice Beam

Analysis: She comes in great against fighting, poison and ground and can hold her own against some strong attacks from others, too. If she gets a chance to set up easily, I pump Calm Mind. If not, Ice Beam works well against some typical sweepers.

Strategy: I lead with Magnezone, annihilating flying, water, grass, bug, ice, steel and rock Pokemons through Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon and HP Fire. If I encounter a fire type, I Volt Switch to Darmanitan and his Earthquake should do the trick. If the battle trainer leads with a a ground Poke, I'll switch out to Cresselia. She comes in and Calm Mind / Moonlights until fullish, and then releases an Ice Beam on the groundmon and uses Psychic thereafter.

Let me know your thoughts, team!
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Hey guys,

Long-time lurker, firs-time poster. I've been playing Pokemon White 2 lately and wanted to give the Singles Subway a shot. Please let me know what you think of my team (all critiques are welcome; I'm looking for wins and avoiding hax).

View attachment 51424
Magnezone // Air Balloon
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Modest
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- HP Fire
- Volt Switch

Analysis: I can cover almost everything except ground and fire. Even against ground, Flash Cannon x2 could do the trick since they can't hit me with an EQ right away due to Air Balloon. If I do run into either of those, I switch to Darmanitan or Cresselia. I've considered removing Volt Switch for Explosion just to hit some fire and ground pokemon harder.

View attachment 51422
Darmanitan // Focus Sash
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
- Flare Blitz
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Earthquake

Analysis: This guy is mainly for fire pokemon, and EQ does the job. If he runs into a water, ground, or rock opponent afterwards, I'll U-Turn to Cresselia. I've thought about replacing Darmanitan with Flareon or other Flash Fire pokes, and then I could remove Volt Switch from Magnezone without worries and get a boost when I do a normal switch to Flareon.

View attachment 51423
Cresselia // Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Moonlight
- Ice Beam

Analysis: She comes in great against fighting, poison and ground and can hold her own against some strong attacks from others, too. If she gets a chance to set up easily, I pump Calm Mind. If not, Ice Beam works well against some typical sweepers.

Strategy: I lead with Magnezone, annihilating flying, water, grass, bug, ice, steel and rock Pokemons through Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon and HP Fire. If I encounter a fire type, I Volt Switch to Darmanitan and his Earthquake should do the trick. If the battle trainer leads with a a ground Poke, I'll switch out to Cresselia. She comes in and Calm Mind / Moonlights until fullish, and then releases an Ice Beam on the groundmon and uses Psychic thereafter.

Let me know your thoughts, team!

Been a while since we've had discussion regarding the Subway. Good show.

You seem fairly well balanced on type coverage, and Magnezone's Sturdy gives you something of a check to OHKO Pokemon, which can and will bite you if you don't have a means to handle them. With Magnezone leading, however, it may be dead when something like Donphan or Walrein comes in, so be careful. Magnezone is also really slow and can't set up, so even with its good power and reasonable coverage, it will get worn down just by exchanging neutral attacks, and matchups with a foe's second and third Pokemon that seem fine in theory with a healthy Magnezone may be a lot less safe in practice.

I've played Darmanitan some, and it works well, but in general, I think you'll get more mileage with an Adamant + Choice Scarf combination instead. Just outrunning things and spamming Flare Blitz gets a lot of KOs, while Focus Sash leaves you outrun by a lot more, and vulnerable to status, flinches, and Sash breaking things like weather. Darmanitan may also work better as a lead, as Sheer Force Flare Blitz is very capable of sweeping teams, and you can freely switch either of your other two Pokemon safely into predicted Earthquakes. Switching Magnezone into non-Ground, non-Poison attacks will break Sturdy though, which is a shame.

Cresselia seems reasonable as a bulky Pokemon that can handle Ground-type threats, though it may have trouble against opposing Special-boosters like Volcarona and Suicune, and opposing weather really limits Moonlight.

I haven't done any calcs here and its been a bit since I last played the Subway, so take this all with a grain of salt. But I hope it helps, and best of luck on the streak!
Hey NoCheese,

Thanks for the response. I didn't consider it until your post, but I think Choice Scarf + Adamant Darmanitan is probably a better option as a lead. If I run into an opposing quaker lead, I'll U-Turn to Cresselia; if it's a water lead, do you think I ought to hit it once with an EQ or just U-Turn to Magnezone?

Any thoughts on Magnezone having Explosion over Volt Switch? Thanks again for the critique.
Hey guys, was doing a bit of research for Battle Maison and realized the stark similarities with the Battle Subway data. And so just here to finally fill in the hole on how IV's work.

Normal Trains (I personally Pain-Split tested these):

Trainers #1 - 50 have 3 IV's

Trainers #51 - 90 have 7 IV's

Trainers #91 - 110 have 11 IV's

Subway Boss #1 either has 15 or 31- wasn't able to check. (The Battle Chatelaine #1 had 15.)

Super Trains (deduced from Battle Maison)

Trainers #111-160 have 19 IV's

Trainers #161-180 have 23 IV's

Trainers #181-200 have 27 IV's

Trainers #201-300 and Subway Boss have 31 IV's (as reported on this thread).


I made a full-length reference on the Battle Subway Traines along with the Battle Maison in case there are old-timers who still play Generation 5. Hopefully it is much easier to use than the currently existing guide.
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Planning on using a TrickScarf team in Platinum's Battle Tower and one of my setup mons is going to be Steelix. Which set is better:

Set A: Steelix|Passho Berry|Sassy|Curse|Substitute|Gyro Ball|Earthquake|HP/SpD
Set B: Steelix|Leftovers|Careful|Rock Polish|Curse|Iron Head|Earthquake|HP/SpD
The goal of Set 1 is to get up some Curses, beat the Scarf lead, then bait out the opponent's counters with Substitute and OHKO back; Set 2 strives to get +6 Attack, Defense, and Speed, then sweep everything. Still not 100% sure on the item either.
For reference, my other two Pokémon are Froslass (TrickScarf) and Gyarados (DD + Sub + Lum Berry).
Thanks in advance!
I'd personally take lefties with curse/gyro ball/rest/substitute
Two attacks is quite unnecessary, as gyro ball at +6 will one hit most pokemon that threaten steelix, and those that it doesn't are largely steel types that do not threaten steelix. IMO rest and substitute are required on any pokemon that you hope to reach 100+ battles with due to critical hits being a thing and rest is required for attacks that are a special 4hko move. For example, the second build without sub loses to quick claw critical hits which while they might seem uncommon, you will be surprised given the sheer amount of battles most people go through. I agree with gyarados as a counter to water locked scarfers as steelix will struggle a lot with them. If you are set on steelix then I think thats the best you can do, however with this setup I definitely think that memento is required for special attackers so I would suggest running an uxie set which you can find in the records of this. Otherwise, glad to see someone else still playing platinum, and good luck !
Ok, update. I went and got myself a Rotom and taught it trick and basically used the singles strategy outlined in some website (that choice scarf took forever and a half to get!)using him, my Dragonite, who I would power up with dragon dance and then Emboar for killing those evil Ice and Rock type Pokemon who hate my Dragonite. Sadly, on the second to last round on the normal singles I accidentally locked the enemy into stone edge, and they had just enough pp to destroy me. Any way to get around this?
Hi, instead of Emboar you might want to try using a Steel type; they resist Ice, Rock, and Dragon, all of which Dragonite is weak to.
Yo my first post on Smogon O:

I really loved doing the Lvl-1-Endeavor-Teams in Platinum Battle Tower, but now they're dead for Gen V. I liked them not because they were so easy with Endeavor, but because it was a 100% safe strategy to bring out Trick Room in the 1. Round.

Sadly now I don't see any safe strategy. Now I may use another Poke with Fake-Out, but I don't like it as it is far less consistent than those *Bronzong-Togekiss-Teams* I used for Platinum. Scrafty is so weak IMO when its not boosted by Moxie and Hariyama dies pretty fast after he used 2x Close Combat, sadly he does not learn Hammer Arm (and on the other hand Conkeldurr does not learn Fake-Out).

So my Question is:

What is the SAFEST and BEST way to bring out Trick Room ?
That means I only want a suggestion for the 1st 2 Starters - oh yeah I mean Double-Battles of course.

I prefer taking Bronzong or Cofagrigus now for bringing out Trick Room as they usually take 1 of any attack, but the protection by a partner with Fake-Out is still very weak in my opinion.

Is there any Chance of using Rage Powder or Follow Me ? Or any other good method ? I already tried the same endeavor-Pokemons like Swinub or Pichi (for Fake-Out) with 0 IV / EV but the enemy keeps also attacking also my Trick Room-setter.
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Ok, my Singles streak in the Platinum Battle Tower just ended at 41, which wasn't that surprising because this is the first time I've tried it out. Still, though, I was pretty disappointed when I lost.
The Team
I named the team "This is Discrimination" after the Black Belt in Amity Square who says the same thing, and also has two of the team members.
Just letting everyone know that I have no idea how to RNG (believe me, I've tried) so I'll just be listing the EV spreads and stats of my team.
Frostbite (Froslass) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
Stats: 136/84/81/138/75/159
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Destiny Bond
TrickScarf user. Weak to Fire, Dark, Ghost, Steel, and Rock, all of which are covered by other team members. I designed it to be able to come in later if it survives and clean up with Destiny Bond or its attacks. Typically I start a battle by attacking only if I think I can OHKO the lead.
Pearl (Steelix) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
Stats: 179/106/205/54/125/44
-Gyro Ball
Absorbs most physical moves thrown at Froslass (most physical moves in general, really). I used Earthquake over Rest because I was worried about Heatran and because I didn't want to waste 64 BP by forgetting it. RIP Earthquake
Serpentide (Gyarados) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: some in HP, Attack, Sp. Def and Speed (I lost count and just decided to grind on Route 202, switching between Power items)
Jolly Nature
Stats: 185/140/89/60/128/130
-Dragon Dance
More reliable user of TrickScarf benefits; takes Fire moved and Will O' Wisp. Once I used Rest and got Burned by the very next Fire Punch, I was mad. Also works as a special wall.
How I lost: vs. Mr. Mime, Slowbro, Ambipom
I don't think I can KO Mr. Mime turn 1 so I use Trick and grab its Choice Specs as it brings Froslass down to barely any HP with Psychic. I don't know what to switch to turn 2 so I decide on Steelix; Psychic does about 1/5 of my health so I eventually get to +2 Curses with a Sub up before I Gyro Ball Mime for the KO. In comes Slowbro and I don't know what to do so I EQ for 50% as it kills Steelix. I easily revenge kill it with Shadow Ball as the AI sends in Ambipom. I decide that the best option is to switch in Gyarados as not only does it have the chance to use Fire Punch, Froslass can't do anything anyway and I need two Intimidates up to do anything. So I switch in Gyarados...
...and Ambipom hits me on the switch with Thunder Punch. What??? What kind of luck is that? It's faster than Froslass and Fire Punches it, and I lose.
I would have won had I switched Steelix out, but what would I have switched to? Gyarados? Maybe...
Anyway I was expecting my team to do better but I did play carelessly, and the team isn't quite perfect. I guess I should just learn to RNG.
Hi Silver_Lucario, nice to see more people playing platinum, if you want to have more reliable success against the unfathomable RNG that is the battle tower, I suggest using this and once you get past most of the easy trainers. It is tedious but in my opinion it is best to fully understand every turn in the event of an unfavourable matchup or situation. These resources allowed me to reach 100, however remember to be thorough if you want to get the most out of them. With that being said I'm sure you can reach your goal without them, just keep trying and most of all, have fun with it! If you have any questions I'd be glad to help out.
Hi !

I was building a Set for Smeargle in Doubles.

Main idea:

Not sporing, but doing dark void all day with the aid of Tailwind.

So my starters look like this so far:

Tornadus / Adamant / 252 atk, 252 Init / Prankster Flying gem (physical moveset yoo ...)

- Acrobatics
- Superpower (coverage move, prefered over Hammer Arm so far)
- Tailwind
- Protect

Adamant over Jolly, as I'm on Tailwind anyways ...

And here comes Smeargle:

Smeargle / Jolly / 252 HP, 252 init / Own Tempo Focus sash (dont know, if I shall make a frail Smeargle with 0 HP/0 defensive IVs)

- Dark Void
- Fake Out
- Protect
- Destiny Bond

- So basically ... if I see that both opponents are slow:

Just leave out Tailwind for the beginning and start attacking.

- If I see that I can 1-Hit one of the opponents with Acrobatics:

Attack him with Tornadus and Fake out the other one.

- If I see I cannot 1-Hit it with Tornadus:

Deceide whether
tailwind + protect (hope that they are targeting Smeargle -> thats why I ask, if I shall remove all Deff+HP IVs / HP EVs)
or do
tailwind + fake out (and hope opponent is still targeting Smeargle, making it remove 1 Opponent with Destiny Bond, after that turn)

> So what do you think ? Can I do another partner for Smeargle ?

> do you have a better idea for Smeargles Moveset ?

> Is there a better partner than Tornadus ?

The other 2 Pokemon are just filler so far ...

Been doing with Heracross / Haxorus CB / Metagross / Volcarona / Hydreigon / ... Mixture.

I hope this is the right Forum, as the Battle Tower/Subway Records are also here.
I'll merge this with our existing Battle Subway thread... if I can find it.

EDIT: It wasn't that far back. It also has got less than a page of replies in three years. I guess there's a chance of feedback, but...
Er, unusual favor to ask, but can we keep this open to feedback until I get through liking all of the Doubles entries? Looking for some retro inspiration for Battle Tree, who knows if something here might work there.

01/11/17 EDIT: So, I'm in the middle of gathering replays of lead Gengar1, from all applicable facilities. As a part of this, I went into Super Doubles for the second time in a few years. I used Little Green Yoda's TR team for this, finding it very interesting and utilizing Hariyama, whom I've always liked. The team was created using Gen V PokeGen and so would not be leaderboard-eligible (the only change made was maxing out Reuniclus' SAtk IVs), although as you'll see it ended up not mattering in this case...

Some notes:
- As has been the case in my Maison forays, this TR team had to slog through slow early battles, as the opposing early sets like to pile on Double Team/status effects/Taunt, plus one instance of Encore courtesy of Walrein2. There was one instance where Meganium2 caused a twenty-five turn extension on what should have been a straightforward battle.
- Drifblim was everywhere in this run, as I face all four sets throughout.
- Dusclops may have been the most offensive presence, bizarrely. It actually scored the second-most KOs overall, behind Escavalier.
- As was discussed in the Battle Tree Discord recently, PorygonZ-2 is a scary mofo, as Reuniclus was OHKO'ed by it.

The team itself is solid and fun to play, should have gotten me pretty far, at least I figured as much. And then...

Battle #23, vs. Battle Girl Queenie (Rapidash/Scizor/Aggron/Blaziken) (Set 4)
- Dusclops/Hariyama lead vs. Rapidash4/Scizor4: Hariyama Fakes Out Scizor4, Rapidash Flare Blitz on Dusclops, CH, Scizor4 flinch, Dusclops sets Trick Room
- Scizor4 Bullet Punch, CH, Dusclops KO, Hariyama Close Combat, Scizro4 KO, Rapidash Flare Blitz, Hariyama KO
- Reuniclus/Escavalier out, Aggron4 out: Reuniclus Physic, Rapidash4 KO, Escavalier Megahorn, Aggron4 Stone Edge, CH, Reuniclus KO
- Blaziken4 out: Escavalier Protect, Aggron4 Stone Edge & Blaziken4 Flare Blitz blocked
- Escavalier Megahron on Blaziken4, miss, Blaziken4 Flare Blitz, CH, Escavalier KO

So yeah, a pile of crits combined to say, "you're not waltzing back into this format THAT easily". On the plus side, I now have a new Subway record. Besides, I didn't get any Gengar1 replays, so for the time being, it would have been pointless to continue. Heading back to Maison and Tree to continue collecting...
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Don't really like double posting, but I'm in a pretty good mood since last night, and the guy running this show is nowhere to be found, so I'll take any reprimand that may come...

The above-mentioned team was given another go at Super Doubles and has succesfully netted me the Super Doubles trophy, currently at 56 wins. Many thx to Little Green Yoda for the team, it's quite solid and one of the more switch-tolerant teams I've ever used. As this is the furthest I've ever gotten in Subway, there have been many highlights and firsts for me here...and quite a fun ride. A personal highlight was my first encounter with Janitor Oscar; I'm a fan of any non-Singles formats and find the idea of Doulbes specialists as opponents fascinating. The battle itself was annoying though; Cresselia3/Vaporeon1/Nidoqueen1/some fourth mons collaborated to make me kind of miserable. In this post-Misty Surge world, dealing with Swagger/Flatter users is more annoying than ever, as that ability trivializes these opponents and kinda spoils one in dealing with them, so without it there's a lot of 'necessary' switching involved.

The funniest thing? I found a lead Gengar1 replay in the middle of this run, exactly what I was hunting for...and it's the only battle to this point where I was unable to get TR up at all. The opposing team was also seemingly designed to be anti-TR, or as anti-TR as Biker Petro could manage: Gengar1/Mismagius1 as leads to stop Dusclops from setting, Spiritomb1/Tyranitar1 in the rear to turn the tables on me if it goes up. Unfortunately for them, Escavalier just hit too damn hard for them to handle.

For those wondering, the Igno battle was cake: it was literally "double and crumple one foe at a time" every turn. Haxorus4 led and just spammed EQ the whole time, so it was a simple matter to leave it alone and pick off its allies until it was isolated.

This is one of a few different runs I'm currently nestling, so I'll be working on it sporadically, but even if I never touch it again, I'm really happy to have finally made some headway in the Subway, after several years of sucking at it. After this run ends, I hope to continue with a bastardized version of the team to continue my endless "Facility vs. Facility" research; which Subway sets could you slot into the team and still have any success with? Which team member could be swapped out to make this happen, if any? Would LGY be pissed that I would bastardize his team concept as such? Things to eventually ponder...

01/16/17 EDIT: The run got stopped at 56 wins, as I faced Parasol Lady Vanna and was utterly devastated by Ampharos4, plus I made the awful mistake of keeping in Escavalier on Weezing3 when Reuniclus was RIGHT THERE to handle it. Oh well...

02/15/17 EDIT: I'm trying Doubles again with the above-mentioned team and have improved to 70 wins, am collecting replays from this source when possible as well. Still not leaderboard-eligible, but at this point it's mainly for personal edification...and recording any battles with the Set 1 Backpackers.

02/17/17 EDIT: Kept going with this team, scored a new personal best of 92 wins, before getting dropped by Zapdos2/Latias?/Regirock1/Cobalion2, when I allowed Regirock to Curse up, freely able to smash my team after TR was down (and even when it was up, to a lesser extent): boosting Rest and ChestoRest have to be dealt with promptly by this team, it seems. The following attempt was stopped in the mid-30s (don't remember when exactly) becuase I forgot that Darmanitan4 is different here than it is in Maison, let the more threatening Escavalier4 Swagger Dusclops, and shit went downhill from there. As always, Escavalier is a curse upon TR's house (but a strength when used as part of it)....

02/26/17 EDIT: Went at it yet again, and managed to score a new best of 142 wins. I'm becoming increasingly comfortable with this team, to the point of getting too comfortable: I lost against one of the Set 2 Waitresses (Glaceon/Honchkrow/Snorlax/Lickilicky) by playing sloppy as shit and committing several mistakes. Even with that, the opposition was so shitty that I only lost in the last Turn due to not counting opposing PP carefully and getting beaten by +6 Struggle, of all things, in a 1v1 situation that resulted in a double KO. I did manage to snag six Set 1 Backpacker battles in the process, though. I also finally got my hands on a Gen V Lansat Berry too, quite the trophy for someone who, only a few months ago, was thinking he would never amount to much Subway-wise.


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Was trying to avoid triple posting here...but I have a small exciting update to post, and I still don't see the guy running this show around the corner or anything. So:

IMG_0447.JPG IMG_0448.JPG

An awesome run, highlighted by:
- several 1v1 situations where the final team member would be up against some stallmon with some status on them, mostly Reuniclus or Escavalier, and where the sheer power of those backups would eek out wins
- Running into Cradily3, Claydol2, Mismagius4, and Metagross4 all the fucking time. I appreciated their gumption though, and as such have bred for three of the four in OR (Claydol2 sucks way too much to bother with that effort on its behalf)
- I went on this run with the express intent of logging battles against Set 1 Backpackers, Set 2 Waiters/Waitresses, & Fisherman Humfrey; I'm fascinated by the idea of early Sets appearing post-facility-leader at all, and these Trainers fit the bill to a tee. While I have since lost most of these logs, I did get to run into these many times, and some of these are still noted on the Battle Tree Discord channel. I see these as excellent barometers to see how fine-tuned a Doubles team in any facility is towards achieving long streaks, and I was happy to have these provide me with data to that end
- On a related note, I also ran into Janitors Oscar/Eric a bunch, and the configurations they threw at me always provided a challenge. I love this Trainer class too, and they lived up to their gimmick this time around
- Despite this being TR, paralysis was as frustrating as ever to deal with.

The loss was caused by unexpected AI behavior (Jolteon3 going straight for Thunder on Duslcops, when normally it goes for Shadow Ball or Rain Dance), paralysis hax (Dusclops was paralyzed for three of the five turns it was alive) and a untimely crit (going for Counter with Escavalier when Protect would have been the right play, and eating Brave Bird for my bravado) combined to put me in a deep hole. By the time TR went up, I was at 2v4 and unable to mount a comeback fast enough. Set 3 teams were becoming easy affairs for this team, so I feel like I just got blitzed by this one (which is kinda the point of Set 3 in general).

Still, I'm happy with the progress I've made with this team, and I feel it appropriate that I was, at best, only able to tie with LGY's team and not passed him--beating him at his own game with a PokeGen version of his team would have made me feel both proud and ashamed, and I guess I didn't want that. It also gives me motivation to give this team a break and try other stuff for a while. For the time being, though, back to the Tree I go...

Since the original team was never placed on the Subway leaderboard, I highly encourage others to give the team a spin sometime (made legitimately, of course) and see if you can crack the mythical 199 mark that neither the creator nor I have been able to crack.

Again, for reference: Little Green Yoda's TR Doubles team
Sorry for stepping in here, i dont know where else i can ask since im new here, but is this the right place to post a team for the battle subway? i dont have any record with it yet, but i would appreciate if someone rates it. Thanks so far.
Hello Brucolac. I'm also new here as well.
It's funny because I've been reading Smogon articles for years, but never bothered to make an account until just recently. I'm positive that Peterko started the thread for Subway records, then again, I believe NoCheese is the new moderator. Once you have your streak, just post to the 5th generation record thread. You can also add other users with
posts. Those are the two ways I know of, unless someone wants to educate me lol

Btw, interested as to see what team you're using, as the Subway has been quite unforgiving to me
I'm about 8 years late and none of this info is particularly new, but in case anybody finds it useful assembled like this -

I'm going through the battle hall with the following set:

Garchomp @Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Fire Fang

This set is easy to obtain ingame; even if you can't RNG, you can still easily get the two IVs that matter (atk / spe) with a combo of power items, everstone, and luck. Outrage can be tutored on if you don't want to chain breed and substitute is dumb in HGSS but you can cheat voltorb flip with a calculator, which may legitimately be faster than trading from dppt because the trading animation is so slow. you need a base gible in hgss from dppt if you're going to do it there, so remember to put a substitute tm (functionally buyable in dppt) on it if you do that.

mons to watch:

autoloses to the sash / ice shard weavile. has a solid 70% chance to lose to blizzard / ice shard glaceon that lives your outrage. clear dark + ice first to avoid both early on and pray you never see them.

quick claw:

dusclops (it lives outrage and qc ice punches you, actually infuriating)
bastiodon (it can freeze you with blizzard, but the probability of this all happening hovers at 1.4%)

lax incense / brightpowder + ice move:


pokemon that live an attack or are faster and have a chance to hax you:

sharpedo (do not mash when doing water, or you will outrage and rough skin + ice fang will KO you due to its sash, can also freeze w/ ice fang)
hippowdon (via outrage self confuse from continued slack off)
yanmega (will live outrage and can flinch you to death with air slash if it endures the second outrage and has speed boost; only needs one speed boost at level 50 to outspeed you. needs to be outraged to guarantee KO at high levels)
abomasnow (level 50 fire fang has ~65% chance to KO factoring miss, even fire blast does not fix this without heavy investment)
literally every other ice type
scyther (is faster than you with sash and needs one crit for you to lose)
gengar (faster at level 50 and can hypnosis you or razor fang flinch, but will die if it misses either roll)

speedy or bulky evasion:

starmie (double team + brightpowder, will straight up 2HKO you at level 50 if it hits hydro pump then psychics or hydro pumps again)
crobat (double team, will flat out 2HKO you with at level 50 with BB if you're not lucky and BB recoil + outrage isn't enough damage)
espeon (brightpowder, but slower so you need to miss twice)
swampert (brightpowder + rest)
wailord (brightpowder + rest)

pokemon to play carefully against:

blastoise (use substitute to avoid losing to yawn, losing to hyper beam clones due to sleep turns stings)
uxie (use sub to avoid losing to yawn)
hypno (use sub to avoid losing to hypnosis)
scizor (use substitute and pray it does not use x-scissor you to the point of bp KO range; be careful of countersash + bp... alternatively, use flamethrower for bug, do not use flamethrower for steel because you need to actually KO levitate bronzong)
umbreon (use sub so it doesn't make you slowly KO yourself with confusion)
regigigas (safest way to beat this is substitute + praying for dizzy punch not to crit. earthquake a couple times til it dies)
raticate (be careful not to lose to focus band + endeavor + quick attack, aka the stupidest version of FEAR)
ursaring (be careful and use earthquake to not lose to focus band + rest + outrage confusion self hit)

best order is probably something like ice > dark > ghost > water > ground > normal > psychic > steel > bug > fight > flying > grass > rock > poison > (electric / dragon / fire).

a list of battle hall pokemon can be found in this post.