Black & White Battle Subway Records

Nothing much compared to everyone else's doubles record. I tried doubles with a hail team and managed to eek out a 74 win record.

1. Abomasnow ( Snow Warning ) Leftovers
Nature: Adamant EV: 188 HP/ 252 Atk /70 Speed
Ice Shard/ Wood Hammer/ Leech Seed/ Protect

2. Rotom F ( Levitate ) Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest EV: 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Speed
Discharge/ Blizzard/ Volt Switch/ Trick

3. Mamoswine ( Thick Fat ) Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly EV: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Speed
Ice Shard/ Earthquake/ Icicle Spear/ Stone Edge

4. Starmie ( Natural Cure ) Life Orb
Nature: Timid EV: 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Speed
Surf/ Psychic/ Blizzard/ Rapid Spin ( didn't bother breeding a new Starmie just for doubles )

Chose Scarf Rotom F as it outspeeds those Aerodactyls that keep spamming rock slides, and OHKOs with Blizzard. As long as it's weak to ice, what Blizzard doesn't OHKO, Abomasnow's Ice shard handles. If I do discharge during the first turn, Abomasnow can either protect or switch to Mamoswine. Swine synergizes well with Rotom's Levitate for me to spam Earthquake and Discharges.
Eventually lost to a team with a Scarf Entei. lost rotom F on the first turn. Got Starmie to kill it but also lost my mamoswine to save Abomasnow. Things went downhill from there.
Edit" I'll take pics later when I get home for proof
So what exactly is the absolute best team for HGSS battle tower? (I have the catch any pokemon ar code)

It takes hours of breeding or RNG abuse to get good pokes to use in the Subway/Tower. Don't post streaks here if you're going to use AR, it's in the OP.

If you're looking for solid team strategies check the previous page of this thread; I posted a link to a useful post by NoCheese.
X / Y Information:
- Quick Claw makes a return. Spotted a Quick Claw Magneton with Thunder.
- Spotted a Speed Boost Venipede.

Just wanted to confirm that Maison Pokes can have Hidden Abilities, as I also ran into a Speed Boost Venipede (Battle Video code: DYCW-WWWW-WWWX-BMPL) and Scolipede, Moody Octillery, Soundproof Snover, and Hustle Rattata. I also spotted Quick Claw on a Baltoy.

You get 20 BP from defeating Chatelaine Nita (Singles "Battle Head").

Finally, Entrainment Durant still works. I passed Truant onto a Litleo and waited ~30 turns, and it never switched out. (U9BW-WWWW-WWWX-C8YQ)
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Even if the AI doesn't switch out, the presence of trainers with Mega Evos will likely make TrickScarfing be less effective than before. That would also nerf Entrainment Durant since an opposing lead could Mega Evolve after the first turn and get rid of Truant.
I'm working on a team testing the effectiveness of Aegislash, I feel like it could be a very effective SD set up sweeper with Memento etc. support.
Lost my SS Double streak in battle 268 because of a game freeze (266 wins actually) I'll post my proof later or after I got a higher winstreak, good luck everyone
Been a while hasn't it?

Been playing around a bit in the Battle Maison. Up to 50 wins in Super Doubles.

BP Structure so far is:

Battles 1-10: 2BP per opponent
Battles 11-20: 3BP per opponent
Battles 21-30: 4BP per opponent
Battles 31-40: 5BP per opponent
Battles 41-49: 6BP per opponent
Battle Chatelaine: 50BP

Some AI quirks I noticed:
-They aren't "as" hellbent on KOing a Pokemon when they are able to. I've had a few situations where the opponent would opt to Thunder Wave something instead of chasing down my L1 Aron.
-They actually will use Sucker Punch now. So players will have to be a bit more cautious around those Pokemon. They also don't always use Sucker Punch, however, so they don't become too predictable.
-They seem to be a lot more liberal with using spread moves, even if it will damage their ally. Though this may be due to having a L1 Aron on the field, screwing with the AI a bit.

Evelyn is quite adorable. And Entei now learns Sacred Fire.


Run ended on 75. Seems that all battles afterwards give 7 BP.
If anyone is wondering, yes I am logging down the different trainers again for the Battle Maison. The structure of trainer classes and Pokemon are pretty similar to the previous gens so I can probably expect there to once again be 100 trainers in the end game. There seems to only be 4 movesets for each Pokemon as well.

Trainers running Set 1 shows up from 1-20
Trainers runningSet 2 shows up from 11-30
Trainers runningSet 3 shows up from 21-40
Trainers runningSet 4 shows up from 31 onward
Trainers runningSet 5 (sets 1-4 + legendary trainers) shows up from 41 onward
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Time for a few thoughts on Pokemon X/Y and the Battle Maison...

For rounding up quick BP while trying to build a "real" team for the Super Battles in the Maison, it is very nice that a run through the 20 battles of the "regular" (e.g. easy) Battle Maison is now worth 10*1 + 9*2 + 20 = 48 BP. Made getting the power items, focus sash, life orb, and other basics much easier.

Starting to think about what teams I can make that will be usable in the time before Pokemon Bank allows transferring all my beautiful B/W Subway-ready pokes. TruAnt something or other would be the most obvious choice, but seems rather unexciting, so I won't be reprising Durant/Cloyster/Garchomp just yet.

With Fairy being immune to Dragon, my beloved Choice Band Garchomp has also taken a hit, particularly as a lead, but a switch-in Garchomp variant, rather like Peterko used for his Cloyster/Garchomp/Suicune team, still seems viable.

Even without Suicune, Cloyster definitely excites me. Shell Smash remains an amazing move, and breaking Sashes and Sturdy while hitting hard and fast is a great start for a team. Cloyster is next in line on my breeding list.

On the subject of breeding, it may seen silly to breed pokes that existed in earlier versions now when in a couple of months I can transfer RNGed ones over from my 5th gen cartridges, but the breeding mechanics have taken a huge step forward, making it relatively easy to breed penta-flawless pokes, and very possible to breed even hex flawless ones. The big change, as most of you probably know, is that Destiny Knot, when held by a parent, now results in 5 stats from the parents being passed to the egg, rather than the usual 3. Which stats and how many of the 5 come from each parent is completely random. I confirmed through working on breeding a high quality Charmander that this really does mean 5 separate stats, and that you can't get cheated out of passing down one of them because both parents try to pass their attack or the like. Accordingly, once your parents have a lot of perfect stats, your chance of getting a great child is much higher than previously. With two parents sharing 31s in 5 stats, for example, each egg has a 1/6 chance of inheriting all 5 of those, and so a 1/192 chance of being a hex flawless egg (1/6 * 1/32). Obviously, it's harder before you have good parents as a starting place, but even with horrible starting material, you can build up good parents pretty quickly, since the destiny knot makes it easy to "capture" a perfect IV from a poke added to your breeding chain, letting you progressively improve each parent from 1 perfect IV to 2, and so forth. I ended up breeding a 31/31/31/31/29/31 Charmander (and after putting in the time to EV it, I hatched the residual eggs and found that one of them was hex-flawless!), when my starting material was a bunch of random pokes with just one perfect IV each, and a ditto with no perfect IVs at all. As in B/W 2, Everstone still locks in nature 100% of the time, and the 200 BP "ability capsule" item allows changing a pokemon's ability to its other regular ability, so the non-stat factors that used to further reduce your odds of breeding what you wanted aren't issues any longer either.

I could go on and on about this, but this isn't really the place for full breakdown of breeding technique. The key is that finally, non-rng breeding is a truly reasonable way to get penta-flawless competitive ready pokemon, and that's a very good thing.

Lastly, Charizard-Y is just ridiculous in-game, and though a little slow and frail, has definite Maison potential. I'm already thinking of a fast-playing "no-switch" team of Timid Focus Sash/Destiny Bond Gengar, Timid Charizard Y, and Choice Scarf Adamant Darmanitan. Gengar benefits hugely from Steels no longer resisting Ghost, freeing up the Focus Blast slot for Sludge Bomb and its STAB faerie coverage, Charizard-Y brings the sun and kills most things that are slower than it, and Darmanitan cleans up with obscenely hard hits. Sheer Force boosted Flare Blitz in the Sun!? YOUCH! Sadly, this team will have to wait until I am able to import a Darmanitan, but I will definitely give it a try then.
You get a Lansat Berry if you have a streak of 100 from the little girl in the lobby. She also says that she will give you something when you get to 200, so that's probably still the Starf Berry.
Has anybody an idea how we get the moveset list this time? Do we just have to do it manually? That's gonna be a daunting task.
If we can't crack the game as in previous generations, the best way to discover them is using Imposter Ditto lol

yeah, that's what I thought. That's almost impossible, unless...
I don't know if more people have found this, but it seems a lot of the subway Pokemon are also in the mansion. For example, a few minutes ago i found this Tauros:

791 | Tauros | Careful | Sitrus Berry | Toxic | Protect | Double Team | Earthquake | HP/SpD

I am not sure about the EVs, Nature and Item, but it used all the moves at least once. I think I also saw all Bronzong which were in the subway last generation, so for reference:

310 | Bronzong | Impish | Sitrus Berry | Hypnosis | Rain Dance | Gyro Ball | Trick Room | HP/Def/SpD
485 | Bronzong | Quiet | Damp Rock | Rain Dance | Light Screen | Charge Beam | Grass Knot | HP/SpA
660 | Bronzong | Adamant | Quick Claw | Iron Head | Zen Headbutt | Earthquake | Explosion | HP/Atk
835 | Bronzong | Brave | Lum Berry | Safeguard | Rock Slide | Zen Headbutt | Trick Room | HP/Atk

This could make it a lot faster if we figure out which Pokemon kept the same movesets. Ofcourse all gen 6 Pokemon are new and there are are probably a lot of movesets changed, but this could make the process a bit faster. It will still a be a reall challenge.

on an unrelated note:
I found that the CPU doesn't spam status moves when a Substitute is up. They will try to break the substitute, or use set-up moves. Thought this was important because last gen this was easily explointed.
Just wanted to confirm that Maison Pokes can have Hidden Abilities, as I also ran into a Speed Boost Venipede (Battle Video code: DYCW-WWWW-WWWX-BMPL) and Scolipede, Moody Octillery, Soundproof Snover, and Hustle Rattata. I also spotted Quick Claw on a Baltoy.

You get 20 BP from defeating Chatelaine Nita (Singles "Battle Head").

Finally, Entrainment Durant still works. I passed Truant onto a Litleo and waited ~30 turns, and it never switched out. (U9BW-WWWW-WWWX-C8YQ)
Can you confirm Truant is available from the hordes of Durant on Route 19? I've been sitting on this route spamming Sweet Scent for a good 3 hours and have yet to see a single one loaf.
The team I'm using now is a lead, 4 attack Gengar, a SD Lucario (it's stuck with Dark Pulse of all things though meaning I have a pretty big Ghost weakness, but those seem uncommon), and CM Gardevoir.

I have spent some BP on EV power items and a Life Orb, but I'm not sure who to give the LO to (and for that matter the imminent 3rd) or if I should stick with what I have now, which is mega stones on all 3. A Mega Gengar lead just destroys lives though. Assuming BP earned is the way R Inanimate put it, here is the total BP you would gain from the Super Single line at certain points, for those interested.

10 battles: 20
20 battles: 50
30 battles: 90
40 battles: 140
50 battles, including Chatelaine: 244
---assuming each from here on is 7 BP as R Inanimate said---
60 battles: 314
70 battles: 384
80 battles: 454
90 battles: 524
100 battles: 594

So if you somehow made it to 100 you would, on average, earn almost 6BP a battle.

If you earn them differently then I have here, or have any idea for my team, then thank you in advance.

Edit: Why did I say Ghost weakness I have a Gengar...
Can you confirm Truant is available from the hordes of Durant on Route 19? I've been sitting on this route spamming Sweet Scent for a good 3 hours and have yet to see a single one loaf.

I got mine this way, you just have to be pretty lucky. Got one after 10 Sweet Scents with Durants or so. I am now at 120

above me: your calculations are correct.
about your team: It is kinda weak to dark and ghosts as you stated. You also can only mega Evolve one pokemon. I would give the Mega Stone to Gardevoir, Give the Life Orb to Lucario and give Gengar a Focus Sash if you have enough BP for it.
I think a big change this gen is the ability for both parents to pass egg moves on. Previously illegal combos open up new possibilities for certain mons. For example I'm thinking of trying Azumarill @ lefties Sub/Belly Drum/Aqua Jet/Play Rough with Sticky Web support from Shuckle. Which reminds me, Sticky Web screwing with speed tiers has the potential to be massive as well.
The Maison AI picks its move after the switch. I've tried numerous times and can show its prophetic ability.

Example A:

Turn 1: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

Politoed uses Belly Drum

Shuckle uses Power Trick

Example B: Enemy sends out Politoed, I send out Shuckle

I switch to Blaziken

Politoed uses Waterfall (9 times out of 10)

Whilst frustrating, its something that teams need to work around.
Got to 200 and you get indeed the Starf Berry as I predicted. This is the team I use (The streak is still ungoing):

Durant @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Jolly Nature
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Iron Head

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Ability: Rough Skin
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate (Mold Breaker)
Adamant Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance

Just an easy Durant team which I threw together. I chose (mega)Gyarados because her Waterfalls are unresisted with Mold Breaker which is a must for sweeper with only one attack. When Gyarados has been set-up, almost nothing can go wrong, and Garchomp will always be there when something does go wrong (it has never happened as of yet). When something goes wrong with the innitial set-up(Protect/Fake Out lead, U-Turn), I go to Garchomp to faint the other Pokemon. Most of the time I let Garchomp faint afterwards to have a new chance to get my Entrainment up.
Only had 2 hard battles, one with a Skarmory because apparently Whirlwind goes through Protect and ones against Magic Bounce Espeon who is pretty dangerous (altough Gyarados can set up on most Espeon easily, even without truant).

I am also keeping a list of every Pokemon I see who revealed some info (moveset or Item). I think EVs will almost be impossible to do for all the Pokemon (or you have to use Imposter Ditto a lot, and I mean a lot). I have now a bit more then 3 pages full of information about Pokemon and a lot of moveset + Items are indeed similar to the ones in the Subway. Here is what I collected so far:

Abomasnow: Wood Hammer @

Aerodactyl: Stone Edge @ Choice Band

Aerodactyl: Rock Slide @ Choice Scarf (lolwut)

Aggron: Protect, Roar, @

Alakazam: Psychic @

Alakazam: Protect, Encore, Psych Up, Psyshic @ Focus Sash

Ambipom: Fake Out, Fling, Thief, @ King’s Rock

Archeops: Rock Slide, Protect,

Aromatisse: Attract, Charm, Draining Kiss @

Aurorus: Stone Edge @

Avalugg: Avalanche, Protect @ Leftovers

Barbaracle: Stone Edge, Razor Shell, Cross Chop, @

Bastiodon: Curse, Rock Slide @

Bisharp: Sucker Punch, Taunt, Rock Smash, @ Focus Sash

Blastoise: Yawn, Rock Slide, Focus Punch, @

Braviary: Rock Slide, Tailwind @

Breloom: Focus Punch @ Focus Sash

Bronzong1: Grass Knot, Light Screen, Charge Beam, Rain Dance @

Bronzong2: Trick Room, Rain Dance, Gyro Ball, @

Bronzong3: Earthquake @

Carbink: Protect @

Chandelure: Will-o-Wisp, Heat Wave, Energy Ball @

Charizard: Dragon Dance, Rock Slide @

Chesnaught1: Energy Ball, Focus Blast, @ Life Orb

Chesnaught2: Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Wood Hammer @ White Herb

Cobalion: Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Flash Canon @

Cofagrigus: Will-o-Wisp, Energy Ball, @

Conkeldurr: Bulk Up, Force Palm @

Cradily: Confuse Ray, Stone Edge, Earthquake @ Quick Claw

Cradily: Earthquake, Protect @ Leftovers

Cradily: Stockpile, Giga Drain, Protect, Ingrain @ Big Root

Crobat: X-Scissor @

Cryogonal: Icy Wind @ Focus Sash

Delphox: Overheat, Psychic, Shadow Ball, @ White Herb

Dewgong: Stockpile, Rain Dance, Surf @ Salac Berry

Dragonite: Super Power @

Drapion: X-Scissor @

Drifblim: Hypnosis, Thunderbolt @

Dugtrio: Earthquake, @ Choice Band

Dusknoir: Trick Room, Destiny Bond, Pain Split @

Electivire: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, @

Electrode1: Thunderbolt @

Electrode2: Thunder, Rain Dance, Light Screen, @ Damp Rock

Emboar: Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, @ Quick Claw

Empoleon: Swords Dance, Metal Claw, @ Sitrus Berry

Entei: Flame Charge, Stone Edge, @ Focus Sash

Espeon: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam,

Excadrill: Metal Claw, @

Excadrill: Earthquake, Rock Slide, @

Exeggutor: Wood Hammer, @

Exploud: Fake Tears, @

Exploud: Icy Wind, Hyper Voice,

Feraligatr: Waterfall, Ice Punch @

Flareon: Fire Fang, Giga Impact, Super Power @ White Herb

Floetzel: Waterfall, Protect @ Life Orb

Flygon: Swagger, Rock Slide @ Haban Berry

Flygon: Earthquake, Stone Edge,

Froslass: Blizzard, Icy Wind @ Focus Sash

Gardevoir: Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Moonblast,

Gengar: Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, @

Gliscor: @ Focus Sash

Golem: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fling, Explosion @ Iron Ball

Gyarados1: Giga Impact, Waterfall @

Gyarados2: Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, @

Golem: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Explosion@

Gothitelle: Charge Beam, Safeguard, @

Gourgeist: Seed Bomb

Hariyama: Protect, Bullet Punch

Haxorus: Outrage, @ Choice Band

Heatran: Flash Canon, Lava Plume, Dark Pulse @ Focus Sash

Hippowdon: Earthquake, Crunch, Protect, Curse@ Sitrus Berry

Infernape: Close Combat @ Focus Sash

Jolteon: Fake Tears, Thunderbolt @

Kindra: Outrage @

Kingdra: Protect, Draco Meteor @ White Herb

Honchkrow: Protect, Sucker Punch, @

Houndoom: Will-o-Wisp, Flame Charge, Sucker Punch @

Klinklang: Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Gear Grind @ Shuca Berry

Krookodile: Earthquake, Smack Down, Embargo, @

Lanturn: Stockpile,

Landorus: Earth Power, Grass Knot @ Choice Scarf

Landorus: Earthquake, Explosion, @ White Herb

Latias: Calm Mind, @

Latios: Recover, Dragon Pulse, @

Lickilicky: Curse @

Luxray: Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang @ Air Balloon

Luxray: Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang @ White Herb

Machamp1; Close Combat, Protect, @ Flame Orb

Machamp2: Foresight, Dynamic Punch, @

Magmortar: Overheat, Protect, Psychic, @ White Herb

Manectric: Overheat, Thunderbolt, @ Air Balloon

Metagross1: Meteor Mash, Trick, Earthquake, @ Toxic Orb

Metagross2: Protect, @

Mienshao: Fake Out, Hi Jump Kick, Protect @

Miltank: Brick Break,

Muk: Shadow Sneak

Musharna: Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, @

Nidoking: Mega Horn, @

Nidoking: Flamethrower, Protect @

Nidoking: Protect, Earthquake, Poison Jab, @

Ninetales: @ Passho Berry

Poliwrath1: Waterfall @

Poliwrath2: Focus Punch, Earthquake @ Sitrus Berry

Poliwrath3: Belly Drum @

Politoed: Earthquake, Belly Drum, @

Porygon-Z: Psychic, Shadow Ball @

Probopass: Power Gem, Thunderbolt, @ Life Orb

Pyroar: Sunny Day @

Quagsire: Ice Punch @

Raikou: Protect @ Air Balloon

Raikou: Charge Beam, Magnet Rise, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball @ Leftovers

Rapidash: Charm, Low Kick @ Passho Berry

Regigigas: Confuse Ray, Double Team, Payback, Drain Punch@

Regigigas: Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Drain Punch,

Registeel: Rock Polish, Thunder Punch, @

Reuniclus: Trick Room, Explosion, @

Rhyperior: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect

Roserade: Leech Seed, Protect, Giga Drain, Toxic @ Black Sludge

Salamence: Earthquake, Scary Face @

Samurott: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Protect@ Salac Berry

Scizor: Aerial Ace @

Scrafty: Protect @

Seismitoad: Water Pulse, Sludge Wave @

Seismitoad: Payback, Poison Jab, Brick Break, @

Serperior: Leaf Storm, Substitute @

Serperior: Attract, @

Shiftry: Fake Out, Protect, Sucker Punch, Low Kick @ Focus Sash

Shuckle: Protect, Sandstrom, Wrap @

Skarmory: Spikes, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind @

Skarmory: Brave Bird, @ Choice Scarf

Slaking1: Giga Impact, Slaking @ Choice Band

Slaking2: Rock Slide, Encore, Earthquake @ Chople Berry

Slowbro: Trick Room, Surf, Psychic, Blizzard @ Leftovers

Slurpuff: Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam @

Staraptor: U-turn, @ Focus Sash

Steelix: Curse, Crunch, Screech, @ Sitrus Berry

Steelix: Swagger, Payback, Curse, @

Suicune: Ice Beam, Hydro Pump @ Sitrus Berry

Swampert: Earthquake, Waterfall, Curse,

Tentacruel: Protect, Surf @

Terrakion: Close Combat, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace, @

Thundurus: Thunderbolt, Toxic @

Tornadus: Double Team, Substitute, Hurricane @

Tornadus: Rain Dance, Taunt, Hurricane, Focus Blast @

Tornadus: Hurricane, Grass Knot @

Torterra: Sand Tomb, @

Toxicroak: Cross Chop, Taunt, Gunk Shot, @

Trevenant: Trick Room, Energy Ball @

Tyranitar: Rock Slide @ Focus Sash

Tyranitar: Rock Slide, Stealth Rock @

Umbreon: Swagger, Psych Up, Feint Attack, @ Sitrus Berry

Ursaring: Protect, Facade, @ Toxic Orb

Vaporeon: Shadow Ball, Surf, @

Venusaur: Protect, Sludge Bomb @ Black Sludge

Vileplume: Solar Beam, Teeter Dance, @

Volcarona: Flamethrower, Calm Mind, Protect, @

Walrein: Surf @ leftovers

Weezing: Will-o-wisp, Haze, Explosion, Pain Split @

Weavile: Fake Out @

Yanmega: Air Slash, Detect @

Zebstrika: Wild Charge @ Focus Sash

Zebstrika: Flame Charge, Wild Charge, @ Air Balloon

Zoroark: Night Slash, Taunt @ Focus Sash

Zoroark: Flamethrower, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot@

Zoroark: Dark Pulse, Protect, Focus Blast @

It could contain a few mistakes, but most of it is probably accurate.
a hundred wins to the surprise of no one.

You still get a Lansat Berry from reaching 100W by talking to the little girl in the prize shop area that talks about reaching 100 wins.
She says "Maybe you'll reach 200 next time" after that so I assume she'll give a Starf when I reach that mark.

EDIT:And confirmed by the post a few seconds before.
EDIT 2: Up to 200 Wins, so I can confirm the Starf for myself now.
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I've just reached 100 straight wins with these;

Talonflame @ Focus Sash
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Adamant / Gale Wings
- U-Turn
- Tailwind
- Acrobatics
- Flare Blitz

Mega Blastoise @ Blastoisnite
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Modest / Mega Launcher (Torrent)
- Protect
- Ice Beam
- Water Spout
- Aura Sphere

Goodra @ Toxic Plate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Modest / Gooey
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge Bomb
- Dragon Pulse

Garchomp @ ---
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
IVs: xx/31/xx/xx/xx/31
Jolly / Sand Veil
- Crunch
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw

Good old Blastoise traded it's Water Gem for Mega Evolution.
I should really replace the back-up two but oh well, this works so far.