Board Game Blind Date Diplomacy - GAME OVER (7-way draw)

Winter 1904 Builds
Austrian fleet! Poggers!

Build A Bud
Build F Tri

Build A Par
Build F Bre

Build A Kie

It is now Spring 1905. Generals should submit orders to me by Tuesday, November 26th, at 9PM PST (GMT-8).

GM's Notes:

Since the fall update would happen on Thanksgiving at this rate, I may end up delaying that until Friday. If the Diplomats are okay with it I could also move it forward to Wednesday, but it depends on what you guys think you need in terms of time.
How come france reaction to this when they are in a similar position right now is that they are in danger because of Austria.

And why does hydro think this is going to be a Austria-France draw given Sunny previous posts.
