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Tournament Blitz Multigen Random Battles Tournament

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Organizado por Betathunder y nemoauditur | Aprobado por A Cake Wearing A Hat

View attachment 673330
Logotipo de mí - dibujo de filipino
Bienvenido a la Tour Blitz Multigen Random Battles¡! ¡Tú y tu oponente se enfrentarán en el mejor de los 5 blitz match con Pokemon de Kanto a Paldea! Deje que su adrenalina e intuición naveguen por su vasto conocimiento de Pokémon mientras el reloj funciona rápidamente.

Reglas del Torneo:
  1. Los opositores cambiarán para determinar quién elige la primera generación. Para todas las batallas restantes, el el perdedor elegirá la próxima generación para jugar.​
  2. Una vez que se ha jugado un gen, no se puede jugar de nuevo - ¡no se permiten repeticiones!
  3. Formato de desafío: /desafío [jugador], genXrandombattle @@@ blitz, con X siendo el gen de elección​
  4. Las batallas serán Lo mejor de cinco y tienen activado blitz mod (ver código anterior).​
  5. Temporizador: El temporizador será el temporizador blitz, lo que significa que tienes 30 segundos para su primer movimiento y 15 segundos para todos los movimientos restantes.​
  6. Al participar en este torneo, usted reconoce que jugará con un tiempo reducido y perderá el derecho de disputar cualquier pérdida de tiempo de espera (incluyendo, pero no limitado a: mala conexión a Internet)​
  7. Reemplazos: debes publicar repeticiones de tus batallas. Puede ocultarlo o desentonarlo, pero debe publicarlos en el hilo.​

El ganador de esta gira recibirá el rango de Ganador del Premio de la Habitación durante un mes en la sala Random Battles en Pokémon Showdown.

¡Las suscripciones ya están abiertas! Solo publica 'in' para registrarte. Regístrese de cerca el domingo 6 de octubre a las 11:59 AM UTC. No dude en ponerse en contacto con los anfitriones del tour si tiene más preguntas. Al registrarse, acepta el Reglas del Torneo de Smogon y Directrices Generales.

¡Buena suerte y diviértete!
Hosted by Betathunder and nemoauditur | Approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat

View attachment 673330
Logo by me - drawing by philippe
Welcome to the Blitz Multigen Random Battles Tour! You and your opponent will face off in a best of 5 blitz match featuring Pokemon from Kanto to Paldea! Let your adrenaline and intuition navigate your vast knowledge of Pokémon while the clock is ticking fast.

Tournament Rules:
  1. Opponents will flip to determine who chooses the first generation. For all remaining battles, the loser will pick the next generation to play.​
  2. Once a gen has been played, it cannot be played again - no repeats allowed!
  3. Challenge format: /challenge [player], genXrandombattle @@@ blitz, with X being the gen of choice​
  4. Battles will be Best of Five and have blitz mod activated (see above code).​
  5. Timer: Timer will be the blitz timer, meaning you have 30 seconds for your first move and 15 seconds for all remaining moves.​
  6. By entering this tournament, you acknowledge that you will be playing under reduced time and forfeit the right to contest any timeout losses (including but not limited to: poor internet connection)​
  7. Replays: you must post replays of your battles. You can hide it or unlist it, but you have to post them in the thread.​

The winner of this tour shall receive the Room Prize Winner rank for one month in the Random Battles room on Pokémon Showdown.

Signups are now open! Just post 'in' to sign up. Sign up close on Sunday 6 October at 11:59 AM UTC. Feel free to contact the tour hosts should you have any further questions. By signing up you agree to the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines.

Good luck and have fun!
Hosted by Betathunder and nemoauditur | Approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat

View attachment 673330
Logo by me - drawing by philippe
Welcome to the Blitz Multigen Random Battles Tour! You and your opponent will face off in a best of 5 blitz match featuring Pokemon from Kanto to Paldea! Let your adrenaline and intuition navigate your vast knowledge of Pokémon while the clock is ticking fast.

Tournament Rules:
  1. Opponents will flip to determine who chooses the first generation. For all remaining battles, the loser will pick the next generation to play.​
  2. Once a gen has been played, it cannot be played again - no repeats allowed!
  3. Challenge format: /challenge [player], genXrandombattle @@@ blitz, with X being the gen of choice​
  4. Battles will be Best of Five and have blitz mod activated (see above code).​
  5. Timer: Timer will be the blitz timer, meaning you have 30 seconds for your first move and 15 seconds for all remaining moves.​
  6. By entering this tournament, you acknowledge that you will be playing under reduced time and forfeit the right to contest any timeout losses (including but not limited to: poor internet connection)​
  7. Replays: you must post replays of your battles. You can hide it or unlist it, but you have to post them in the thread.​

The winner of this tour shall receive the Room Prize Winner rank for one month in the Random Battles room on Pokémon Showdown.

Signups are now open! Just post 'in' to sign up. Sign up close on Sunday 6 October at 11:59 PM UTC. Feel free to contact the tour hosts should you have any further questions. By signing up you agree to the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines.

Good luck and have fun!
Hosted by Betathunder and nemoauditur | Approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat

View attachment 673330
Logo by me - drawing by philippe
Welcome to the Blitz Multigen Random Battles Tour! You and your opponent will face off in a best of 5 blitz match featuring Pokemon from Kanto to Paldea! Let your adrenaline and intuition navigate your vast knowledge of Pokémon while the clock is ticking fast.

Tournament Rules:
  1. Opponents will flip to determine who chooses the first generation. For all remaining battles, the loser will pick the next generation to play.​
  2. Once a gen has been played, it cannot be played again - no repeats allowed!
  3. Challenge format: /challenge [player], genXrandombattle @@@ blitz, with X being the gen of choice​
  4. Battles will be Best of Five and have blitz mod activated (see above code).​
  5. Timer: Timer will be the blitz timer, meaning you have 30 seconds for your first move and 15 seconds for all remaining moves.​
  6. By entering this tournament, you acknowledge that you will be playing under reduced time and forfeit the right to contest any timeout losses (including but not limited to: poor internet connection)​
  7. Replays: you must post replays of your battles. You can hide it or unlist it, but you have to post them in the thread.​

The winner of this tour shall receive the Room Prize Winner rank for one month in the Random Battles room on Pokémon Showdown.

Signups are now open! Just post 'in' to sign up. Sign up close on Sunday 6 October at 11:59 PM UTC. Feel free to contact the tour hosts should you have any further questions. By signing up you agree to the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines.

Good luck and have fun!
Hosted by Betathunder and nemoauditur | Approved by A Cake Wearing A Hat

View attachment 673330
Logo by me - drawing by philippe
Welcome to the Blitz Multigen Random Battles Tour! You and your opponent will face off in a best of 5 blitz match featuring Pokemon from Kanto to Paldea! Let your adrenaline and intuition navigate your vast knowledge of Pokémon while the clock is ticking fast.

Tournament Rules:
  1. Opponents will flip to determine who chooses the first generation. For all remaining battles, the loser will pick the next generation to play.​
  2. Once a gen has been played, it cannot be played again - no repeats allowed!
  3. Challenge format: /challenge [player], genXrandombattle @@@ blitz, with X being the gen of choice​
  4. Battles will be Best of Five and have blitz mod activated (see above code).​
  5. Timer: Timer will be the blitz timer, meaning you have 30 seconds for your first move and 15 seconds for all remaining moves.​
  6. By entering this tournament, you acknowledge that you will be playing under reduced time and forfeit the right to contest any timeout losses (including but not limited to: poor internet connection)​
  7. Replays: you must post replays of your battles. You can hide it or unlist it, but you have to post them in the thread.​

The winner of this tour shall receive the Room Prize Winner rank for one month in the Random Battles room on Pokémon Showdown.

Signups are now open! Just post 'in' to sign up. Sign up close on Sunday 6 October at 11:59 PM UTC. Feel free to contact the tour hosts should you have any further questions. By signing up you agree to the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines.

Good luck and have fun!
in >:)
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