Ubers Power Rankings
1. Resort City Rufflets - Fc, Takatk, Skimmythegod
The triple ubers main core on the rufflets, with arguably the best sv ubers player atm with fc's win in kickoff and general good records in current gen tours to really hold the scale up. Fc is also the player im expecting to start at this current point, but i wouldnt be suprised if the ''new'' insane step up player takatk would start in this slot. Takatk is a suprising storm who has shown his great understanding of the game and versatility in his usage of teams and play. With a little less tournament experience (to my knowledge), still having the results he has, makes me really rate this pairing super high. Not to forget skimmythegod who recently went a little more into old gens from what i have seen, but still has some decent results in this gen. This pairing is what im expecting to pop off some insane teams and all of them would be amazing to slot. Which is why i personally think they deserve number 1.
2. Flameslinger Skeledirges - Fogbound Lake, Corvere
Where do i start with this on how the actual fuck someone got this pairing for this pricing, is highly questionable to me. If i look at the pool i generally look at the most likely main starter for the tier and at the same time who could potentially help them out with the high amount of ubers mains in this draft pool i think is a giant advantage people will need to take advantage off. Fogbound Lake is one of the best SV players imo atm, i havent seen him play in a bit in this tier, but fundamentals wise he is really up there. With alot of really good records on his belt and he has shown to understand this game to a teeth, the only disadvantage he would really have is not being super familiar with the current metagame changes which got co(r)vered by corvere. Corvere is one of the few players who i have seen trying to learn and adapt to the metagame as it keeps changing in sets, moves or even tera (pls ban :3). Both in building styles seem to overlap aswell, which can make trying out new ideas, new sets much easier while at the same time their not scared of using (imo) wack shit which can give them a massive advantage in a pool at tough as this one.
3. Phantom Troupe - Inder, Mashing
Next up on the list are the crackhead builders. The player im expecting to start is gonna be inder, who idk where to start with. His play is just on a high level, i think generally speaking of inder in terms of SV he would be within top 5 of mains who keep playing this tier and adapting to whatever the fuck people come up with. He shows good understanding of the tier, but now that im out of words for inder i wanna talk a bit about mashing. Mashing is another ''new'' superstar player who has shown just great fundamentals all round playing a ton of different pl's pulling good records and just general good understanding of the game we spend so much time on playing. In scarlet violet adaptiveness is important and she has shown to being able to adapt and even improve the meta that we are currently playing in, with starting the first screens spam who everyone has used at bare minimum thrice and what could be used.
4. Primal Power Pangaros - Richardmilleplain, Drifting
Last years ssnl winner dropping to this price is just insane, richard is really good to cut it short. From building and playing i rate him really high up, knows when to play aggresive and when to really hold back if needed to. Another player who is familiar with this metagame is drafting, drifting is a great player who has shown being really adaptive of the tiers he plays. I havent seen too much from him, but the time we played for usm cup he has shown me that he really understands the game and knows what to do where. The thing with this pairing is my worries about how far they can take building to. The generation really holds this pair a little bit back compared to other pairings in this pool, i def can see them pop the fuck off going 6-1 (loss v dracovish

), but i think it will depend on how far they can adapt to the metagame and new things that people come up with.
5. Anister Articunos - Aberforth, Terracotta
Aber joined the pool as a first hand surprise to me, at that a really good surpise. Aberforth as a player is someone u can see how knowing how to approach the game and feeling comfortable with your playstyle can really bring u far. With great records in a ton of tours, being able to play anything or approach any tier and just go off is a really good skill to have. This tier aint it for him tho, from the things i have seen in terms of teams i personally really dislike the approach. Aber is not alone tho in terms of mains, he also has terra in the back who is the crackhead builder of ubers. Terra as a teammate is a blessing in disguise, his building approach can be a little wack at times but can help out a fuckload and for sure when u look at this tier. The main concern i have with tera is how active he will be, cause he can shown dips in activity when he super busy or anything else, which is a concern i share with aber, during uwl from what i heared he was pretty busy which makes prep a little tougher, which this tier is all about from my point of view.
6. Ice Path Iron Bundles - Lasen
Lasen the goat, lasen as a player can either do really fucking well. Though i havent seen much from him in this generation, with proper time investment he can do really well, but i dont know how focused he will be for this tour. As a teammate he is SS+ tier, but i cant rate u higher then the pairings we have up this list. If players like roxie/saba are able to help him out, im waiting for some amazing gaming.
7. Sunyshore Snorlaxes - Genuisfromhoenn
Hoenn is a player who i can see do great things but being on ur own from the general draft perspective really hurts, for sure considering 5/8 teams have mutiple ubers mains of some sort. He is a good player, great builder, but i cant rate u higher with the limited experience u have compared to lasen or the pairings higher on this list. I think ESM/Trace can def get hoenn to a higher level with the things i have seen from previous blt players really improving throughout the tour.
Take this list as a grain of salt. All of u guys are amazing players and i would love to team with yall. This pool is def top 3 toughest pools in this tour and i cant wait to either watch your games or play u guys (and hax ur ass off ainzcrad fashion).