View attachment 471994(wip sprite)
Name: Flying Specter
Original Pokemon: Sableye
Type: Ghost / Flying
Ability: Cleansing Fire
Stats: 85 / 101 / 123 / 101 / 83 / 97 | 590
Paradox: Sky
New Moves: Acrobatics, Hurricane, Thunder, Hydro Pump, Air Slash, Air Cutter, Defog, U-Turn
Removed Moves: all Dark-type moves besides Knock Off, Taunt, and Nasty Plot; elemental punches, Calm Mind
Custom Move: Crystal Wave | Flying | Special | 85 BP | 100% Acc | 15 PP | Wind | Suppresses the target's ability if it has a status condition.
Competitive Description: ursaluna counter + nasty plot user + defogger.Sableye in the Sky?
There have been various reports around Johto of an unidentified flying object; they cluster around Bell Tower, where a few mention a Sableye riding a large, crimson gem, followed by sudden thunderstorms. The Book of Enigmas tells the tale that Flying Specter created storms to block the invaders who tried to steal Ho-oh 150 years ago.
sea paradox subs have been going hard so far, will just sub for sky
Name: Gilded Fleece
Original Pokemon: Mega Ampharos
Ability: Cleansing Fire
Stats: 109 HP / 135 Atk / 117 Def / 107 SpA / 79 SpD / 43 Spe / 590 BST
Paradox: Sky
New Moves: Body Press, Bulk Up, Dazzling Gleam, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Hammer Arm, Horn Drill, Horn Attack, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Moonblast, Play Rough, Spirit Break, Thunder Hammer
Removed Moves: After You, Confuse Ray, Dragon Pulse, Hold Back, Laser Focus, Odor Sleuth, ScreechType:![]()
Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15
Effect: Lowers the user's Speed by 1 stage.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Protect, Punch, Mirror
Description: Currently, our only bulky Electric is Zapdos and every Electric happens to be a special attacker (aside from the mid Electivire). The number of viable Fairies is low is well. So I wanted to diversify our options for both typings. Gilded Fleece serves as a physically offensive tank with a great overall typing. Its defensive profile and bulk allows it to check theats such as Gapdos, Goltres, Scizor and Heracross while boasting a strong offensive presence thanks to its STAB combo, access to Fighting and Fire coverage as well as a monstrous 135 Atk. Gilded Fleece is able to keep itself healthy with Drain Punch, provide support with Heal Bell and slow pivot with VSwitch. Lefties is likely the item of choice for longevity, tho AV lets it be an overall sponge while Band grants it more power. It also has set-up options in BU and Cotton Guard, the latter being able to greatly abuse BPress.
Gilded Fleece: An Ampharos Clad in Gold?!
- This mysterious being is named Gilded Fleece after a similarly described creature in the Book of Enigmas. It looks similar to Ampharos when they undergo a certain phenomenon elsewhere in the world, but it's unclear if there is any connection.
- Much of this creature’s body is wrapped in a mane of golden wool that glistens like sunshine. This wool is extremely tough and can absorb impacts with nary a tear. With shimmering wool as armor and giant horns as weapons, Gilded Fleece can batter any foe into submission.
Inspired by the golden fleece of Greek myth. Takes elements from Flaaffy (similar to how Roaring Moon takes elements from Shelgon), having pink skin and a curly mane of wool. On its head are pair of ram-like horns.
Name: Weeping Vine
Original Pokemon: Victreebel
Ability: Corrupting Storm
Stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 80 / 110 / 80 [570 BST]
Paradox: Sea
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Spicy Extract
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Spicy Extract is cool. You might be thinking, ‘isn’t it just worse Screech?’, but you’d be so wrong. You see, this is actually the best Foul Play enabling tool in existence. No special attacker will be safe in the face of your almighty Spicy Extract Foul Play Weeping Vine!!! Alternatively just run it as a wall lol, mon’s got utility out the wazoo.Very elusive; it is unknown if more than one exists. Resembles a cave described in ancient texts that would lure in the weary with images of great riches and food to then consume them.
Name: Raging Tempest
Original Pokemon: Gyarados-Mega
Type: Electric / Dark
Ability: Corrupting Storm
Stats: 92 / 84 / 80 / 120 / 118 / 96 [590 BST]
Paradox: Sea
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Hurricane, Air Slash
Removed Moves: all Water-type moves except Hydro Pump/Surf/Water Pulse, Ice Beam
The mysterious entity named "Raging Tempest" appears to resemble a similar entity in the Book of Enigmas. It looks similar to Gyarados when it undergoes a certain phenomenon elsewhere in the world, but it's unclear if there's any connection. It was rumored to have been created when a Gyarados was struck by lightning during a particularly ferocious storm, granting it extraordinary powers. That power, however, corrupted its mind with anger and hatred, turning it eternally vengeful. It is rumored that wherever a storm goes, Raging Tempest will follow, creating unprecedented amounts of destruction.
Competitive Description: Nasty Plot wallbreaker. Has decent bulk [particularly on the special side] so it can take a hit or two if needed, and 120 base special attack gives it very good attacking power before and after a boost, especially with your STABs and Hydro Pump for coverage against Ground-types like Ursaluna. However, your defensive typing and somewhat weak physical bulk leave you open against mons like Galarian Zapdos and Heracross. Furthermore, while a speed tier of 96 lets Raging Tempest get the first strike on a good portion of mons, it also leaves it outsped in the face of faster, more offensive threats.
[B]Original Pokemon[/B]:
[B]New Moves[/B]:
[B]Removed Moves[/B]:
Sly Fortune: A Crafty Trickster?!
Hungering Fog: A Starving Winter Shadow?!