they're forming in a straight line
they're going through a tight wind
the kids are losing their minds
GPkrieg Ein
anglicised the names
also watch out for some basic spelling mistakes
more emphasis should be placed on the dangers of steels and ghosts, particularly in [team options] and [counters]
they're going through a tight wind
the kids are losing their minds
GPkrieg Ein
<p>Bouffalant is, without a doubt, a very unique Pokemon. Bouffalant It boasts a great 110 base Attack, a high amount of bulk, and an astounding afro. Bouffalant even gets his its own signature move, Afro Break, allowing him to do high amounts of damage with his its tremendous tresses, which is further powered up by his its ability: Reckless. With an immense physical movepool, Bouffalant is a very dangerous threat. However, such a glorious afro hinders Bouffalant's Speed; 55 Speed is nothing to celebrate at all, but with the proper team support, this well-groomed bull can wreck wreak havoc.</p>
name: Choice Band
move 1: Afro Break / Return
move 2: Wild Bolt
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Payback / Megahorn
item: Choice Band
ability: Reckless / Sap Sipper
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
[Set Comments]
<p>With its ample movepool, single weakness, great 95/95/95 defenses, and immunity (or immunities if you're using Sap Sipper Herbivore) to a common type, Bouffalant is simply screaming to wear a Choice Band over those lustrous locks. Afro Break is the STAB move of choice, OHKOing almost all switch-ins to Bouffalant who dare to switch in, but Return instead can be used to preserve Bouffalant's bulk. Wild Bolt is used in the second slot to nail bulky Water-types as well as all these new bulky Flying-types, and Wild Bolt is even more powerful with the help of Reckless. Earthquake in the third last slot is your you're best bet against Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types, especially if you're using Sap Sipper Herbivore. Earthquake will also nail Shandera Chandelure on the switch. Payback and Megahorn are both good attacks to use in the last slot. Payback hits Ghost-type Pokemon the hardest, while Megahorn is mainly for bulky Grass-types. Payback is advised to use best used with Reckless, as the Reckless boost almost guarentees that Afro Break will OHKO max HP Shaymin and Celebi after Stealth Rock. If you decide to use Herbivore Sap Sipper, Megahorn is the superior option to OHKO almost every Grass-type that Bouffalant switches in on.</p>
[Additional Comments]
<p>Life Orb can be used for the freedom to change attacks, but the recoil takes away detracts from the value of Bouffalant's bulk, and the power from Choice Band is too good to pass up. A Careful nature can be used to help Bouffalant take special hits better. Megahorn can be used over Payback if you have Pursuit support. Trick Room is a great option to remedy Bouffalant's underwhelming Speed this guy's speed. Thrash got a huge boost this generation, now having 120 Base Power. it can be used in the first slot, but it's generally not a good idea to be locked into a Normal-type move without the ability to switch.</p>
[Team Options]
<p>Spirtomb can trap and kill Ghost-types with Pursuit; Spritiomb is also resists immune to Bouffalant's Fighting weakness and doesn't have any weaknesses itself, so it can fit easily into on most teams. Warubiaru Krookodile can kill Steel-types as well as Ghost-types with its STAB attacks, but it shares a Fighting weakness with Bouffalant, and in today's metagame, most Steel-types and most Steel-types common to the metagame, such as Skarmory and Ferrothorn, aren't weak to Ground, like Skarmory and Nattorei. Stealth Rock helps Bouffalant get gets some significant KOs, like on such as Shaymin and Celebi; Swampert is a great candidate to set it up, especially since it lures so many in Grass-type attacks that which Bouffalant can abuse to raise its Attack with Sap Sipper. Bouffalant definatley definitely appreciates screen support to help it take hits; Starmie has great synergy with Bouffalant and can set up screens, as well as draw in more Grass-type attacks. Garchomp is a great sweeping partner for Bouffalant as it can easily take out Steel-types, and Bouffalant can take out many of it's its counters, allowing Garchomp to tear tare through the rest of your you're opponent's team.</p>
[Optional Changes]
<p>Leftovers can be used for more survivability survivibility, which works well with Bouffalant's bulky nature. Stone Edge is an option to hit the likes of Salamence and Thundurus Borutorusu harder than Wild Bolt. Bouffalant also has access to Swords Dance, but its poor excuse for a Speed stat means that most of its counters can just outspeed it and kill it before it gets a chance to set up.</p>
<p>Bouffalant isn't very easy to counter due to the gargantuan power of Afro Break. Skarmory and Jellicent Burungeru can come in on anything with the exception of except Wild Bolt and set up on Bouffalant it or whittle it down with STAB Brave Bird/Boiling Water. Even with the power of such a massive mane, Bouffalant has trouble taking down Steel-types. Magnezone can come in on most Steel-types and set up on them before killing them, although the two share a nasty Fighting weakness. {Magnezone should be in Team Options not Counters} Ghost-types in general can switch into Afro Break and force Bouffalant out. Mach Punch from Conkeldurr Roobushin isn't fun to take, but after a Herbivore Sap Sipper boost, Bouffalant will always kill max HP Roobushin Conkeldurr with Afro Break, and Mach Punch will only do 52.2% max (with Iron Fist and max Attack). Bouffalant isn't very easy to counter due to the gargantuan power of Afro Break.</p>
[Dream World]
<p>Bouffalant recieves Soundproof as a Dream World ability. It's not really doing anything pretty much irrelevant for Bouffalant unless you decide to run a Swords Dance set which won't be able to be Roared away, but even then Soundproof is far too situational and its other two abilities are far superior.</p>
<p>Bouffalant is, without a doubt, a very unique Pokemon. Bouffalant It boasts a great 110 base Attack, a high amount of bulk, and an astounding afro. Bouffalant even gets his its own signature move, Afro Break, allowing him to do high amounts of damage with his its tremendous tresses, which is further powered up by his its ability: Reckless. With an immense physical movepool, Bouffalant is a very dangerous threat. However, such a glorious afro hinders Bouffalant's Speed; 55 Speed is nothing to celebrate at all, but with the proper team support, this well-groomed bull can wreck wreak havoc.</p>
name: Choice Band
move 1: Afro Break / Return
move 2: Wild Bolt
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Payback / Megahorn
item: Choice Band
ability: Reckless / Sap Sipper
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
[Set Comments]
<p>With its ample movepool, single weakness, great 95/95/95 defenses, and immunity (or immunities if you're using Sap Sipper Herbivore) to a common type, Bouffalant is simply screaming to wear a Choice Band over those lustrous locks. Afro Break is the STAB move of choice, OHKOing almost all switch-ins to Bouffalant who dare to switch in, but Return instead can be used to preserve Bouffalant's bulk. Wild Bolt is used in the second slot to nail bulky Water-types as well as all these new bulky Flying-types, and Wild Bolt is even more powerful with the help of Reckless. Earthquake in the third last slot is your you're best bet against Electric-, Steel-, and Rock-types, especially if you're using Sap Sipper Herbivore. Earthquake will also nail Shandera Chandelure on the switch. Payback and Megahorn are both good attacks to use in the last slot. Payback hits Ghost-type Pokemon the hardest, while Megahorn is mainly for bulky Grass-types. Payback is advised to use best used with Reckless, as the Reckless boost almost guarentees that Afro Break will OHKO max HP Shaymin and Celebi after Stealth Rock. If you decide to use Herbivore Sap Sipper, Megahorn is the superior option to OHKO almost every Grass-type that Bouffalant switches in on.</p>
[Additional Comments]
<p>Life Orb can be used for the freedom to change attacks, but the recoil takes away detracts from the value of Bouffalant's bulk, and the power from Choice Band is too good to pass up. A Careful nature can be used to help Bouffalant take special hits better. Megahorn can be used over Payback if you have Pursuit support. Trick Room is a great option to remedy Bouffalant's underwhelming Speed this guy's speed. Thrash got a huge boost this generation, now having 120 Base Power. it can be used in the first slot, but it's generally not a good idea to be locked into a Normal-type move without the ability to switch.</p>
[Team Options]
<p>Spirtomb can trap and kill Ghost-types with Pursuit; Spritiomb is also resists immune to Bouffalant's Fighting weakness and doesn't have any weaknesses itself, so it can fit easily into on most teams. Warubiaru Krookodile can kill Steel-types as well as Ghost-types with its STAB attacks, but it shares a Fighting weakness with Bouffalant, and in today's metagame, most Steel-types and most Steel-types common to the metagame, such as Skarmory and Ferrothorn, aren't weak to Ground, like Skarmory and Nattorei. Stealth Rock helps Bouffalant get gets some significant KOs, like on such as Shaymin and Celebi; Swampert is a great candidate to set it up, especially since it lures so many in Grass-type attacks that which Bouffalant can abuse to raise its Attack with Sap Sipper. Bouffalant definatley definitely appreciates screen support to help it take hits; Starmie has great synergy with Bouffalant and can set up screens, as well as draw in more Grass-type attacks. Garchomp is a great sweeping partner for Bouffalant as it can easily take out Steel-types, and Bouffalant can take out many of it's its counters, allowing Garchomp to tear tare through the rest of your you're opponent's team.</p>
[Optional Changes]
<p>Leftovers can be used for more survivability survivibility, which works well with Bouffalant's bulky nature. Stone Edge is an option to hit the likes of Salamence and Thundurus Borutorusu harder than Wild Bolt. Bouffalant also has access to Swords Dance, but its poor excuse for a Speed stat means that most of its counters can just outspeed it and kill it before it gets a chance to set up.</p>
<p>Bouffalant isn't very easy to counter due to the gargantuan power of Afro Break. Skarmory and Jellicent Burungeru can come in on anything with the exception of except Wild Bolt and set up on Bouffalant it or whittle it down with STAB Brave Bird/Boiling Water. Even with the power of such a massive mane, Bouffalant has trouble taking down Steel-types. Magnezone can come in on most Steel-types and set up on them before killing them, although the two share a nasty Fighting weakness. {Magnezone should be in Team Options not Counters} Ghost-types in general can switch into Afro Break and force Bouffalant out. Mach Punch from Conkeldurr Roobushin isn't fun to take, but after a Herbivore Sap Sipper boost, Bouffalant will always kill max HP Roobushin Conkeldurr with Afro Break, and Mach Punch will only do 52.2% max (with Iron Fist and max Attack). Bouffalant isn't very easy to counter due to the gargantuan power of Afro Break.</p>
[Dream World]
<p>Bouffalant recieves Soundproof as a Dream World ability. It's not really doing anything pretty much irrelevant for Bouffalant unless you decide to run a Swords Dance set which won't be able to be Roared away, but even then Soundproof is far too situational and its other two abilities are far superior.</p>
anglicised the names
also watch out for some basic spelling mistakes
more emphasis should be placed on the dangers of steels and ghosts, particularly in [team options] and [counters]